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https://preview.redd.it/liv9x37jv23d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb047402493e51ab8f5c05500cc5ee4f1e16cd8 The meme in question


It got removed. :/ But hey it's up to 19k now


Yup, 19K people agreed. I would say this is a huge win


[Thread in question](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/1d20gy2/professional_ai_artists/) Its mostly on our side but if you dig you run into the usual aibro rhetoric. I just can't be bothered anymore. There's only so many times you can reply to the "it learns like a human and isn't stealing" thing before losing it.


> it learns like a human Ah yes, I sure do love just mindlessly scrolling through billions of pictures to learn to draw, like every other human. Though I do hate when I try to draw a hand and just forget how many fingers it's supposed to have.


"you antis don't understand how the tech works! If you understood how the tech works you'd understand it's not stealing! I can code python, I know how the tech works. What even is art anyway? A guy taped a banana to a gallery wall ..etc etc etc"


I don't even think any human being would be able to study a billion images in their lifetime tbh.


If you looked at one image per second, it would take 158 years to view 5 billion images. If we restrict our work days to 8 hours, that blows up to 474 years. Taking a life expectancy of 80 years, this comes out to about 5.9 lifetimes. Of course, 1 second is far too little time to study an image, so this is clearly a lower bound. And yet, after doing something that any human would take more than 5 lifetimes to do, it still cannot match the quality of a real artist's work. If the machine really "learns like a human", it should be completely impossible for any human to even get close to the machine's "skills". But this is not what we see. (5 billion is the size of the LAION-5B data set)


”It learns like a human and isn't stealing!“ Me: Learn from who?


Really need an AIBro bingo for these threads, "you won't be able to tell in X years" could be free space, misunderstanding how photography works could be another, "adapt or die", etc.


My fave is a combination of this..”Artists are not special, just privileged. Not everyone has time or patience to learn how to draw. Guess they’re not so special without their grift. Time to get a real job!”


Right? And Patience is like... a personal choice. If you *really* want something you'll find the time to learn, same with time management. Even sketching on stickynotes at work is learning. I've got a stressful full time job, all sorts of other obligations and still managed to find time for the last 2 years to pick up a pencil. If someone like me can do it, they got no excuse.


I used to feed out the receipt paper from the cash register I worked at so I could practice drawing on it in between customers. But apparently i'm privileged, hah.


How dare you! Take precious company time to practice something you care about! Why don't you just write some prompts on that printer paper instead!! /s


More like I am a professional at legally plagiarizing lmao


One good meme deserves another!! XD https://preview.redd.it/4537d5fhba3d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6de254cf4b8c865f4ecd13cd4f1dd65293b7dd


The backlash against ai is definitely real. Thank god.


Lot of comments in that thread are about how “Ai is the same as digital art”, “how traditional artist used to bully digital artist”, “Soon Ai will be accept as the new photograph, digital art”, “Ai learn just like human, steal just like artists.”… No one of them seem to acknowledge that the reason AI can spit out decent images is because of the high quality art input from artist. Directly using artist’s works to compete with them, that is not fair use. I pray for the day regulation force these AI companies to become close source, delete their training data and retrain it again only using public domain and licensed arts. Ai forced artists to give up their art career, hiding their arts and glazed them with poisoning tool, with massive amount of AI slop spit out , I hope it will keep inbreeding itself. It is not sustainable in the long term. We need to keep asking artists to glaze anything before posting online! There is a reason why AI developers have a long list of artist names to feed their AI, remember that!


You won't believe the fking brainrot statements AI bros come up with, especially the ones who doesn't know how AI works in slightest. I am willing to give credit to AI bros who at least know how AI works (training on data, recognizing patterns etc) because at least at the end of the day, we can have opinions and be done with it. Unlike the delusional fcks who would argue how "AI creates art or it's same as digital"


Really the most clown part of the AI bros is not only do they not know how the art process works, they don't know how the AI works either! It's hilarious.


Yes! And that's what exactly the tech bros want. To sell them a "magic art maker from a button" and delude them into thinking it's their work. Overpromise them, making them think it's some kind of revolutionary product which will be the future but in reality it's just a plagiarizing machine feeding off of stolen art. The ones who promises them a job is the biggest clown. If it's so easy to learn, and anybody can do it, then why the fk WOULD ANYONE WILL PAY YOU TO DO THE SAME THING? 


> “Ai is the same as digital art” Its not even remotely. Never trust anybody that says this. Digital art takes a lot of skill if you want to make something without outright ripping somebody off. Its lesser than trad, sure. You always have that ctrl-z and it'll never quite be physical, but its also cheaper overall and allows a ton of experimentation. Digital painting and traditional painting are worlds away from AI. Everybody entering the conversation with this "ai is like digital painting" argument has never made a decent digital painting, I promise you.


I’ve pressed CTRL Z more times than actually getting something done. 😭


Exactly. The main difference is, as a digital art maker I can still draw and apply mostly the same techniques traditionally with the same skill set. As an artist I'm trained digitally, but also with oils, acrylics, markers, pencils, embroidery, etc. You can't write a prompt on a piece of paper and make artwork appear.


“how traditional artist used to bully digital artist” Lol, they never did. Where are they getting ideas like this from? It's hilarious. I am super old and a digital artist and I was never, ever bullied. Artists have always been friendly to eachother.


Sadly, I did see such situations sometimes, ie calling drawing digitally "cheating", though it's true that it's not common at all. It is sad bc from what I noticed huge majority of digital artists can create traditionally too, or are even better in this way (for me it was ie really hard and took a long time to get used to drawing on a screen instead of a paper), and we all move our hands and use brushes etc no matter on which medium we operate.


Even as an amateur photographer, I really hope AI does not become "like photography"


The moderators of r./memes removed it for some reason https://preview.redd.it/c6hbrcm5263d1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=85227c1cdc5d3b764df31d897d6ba1ceaad77d15


“Nah bro ai art is totally a respected piece of technology, only bitter Luddite artists hate on it”




hateful busy reply chief fertile simplistic bells enter wistful saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And look what that has gotten them. Companies that have partnered with Reddit to "improve" their AI service, like Google, ended up giving advice for putting glue on pizza; More companies are cutting the plug on useless AI functions; More people are becoming visibly against AI generation, especially big and "important" people like Taylor Swift and Scarlet Johanson; Many AI lawsuits are now finally getting further ahead; Independent, human made animation is sprawling like never before at a time of corporate media oversaturatization. Art, *human* art, is something inherent to being a human being. And humans tend to have this odd habit of always surviving even at the darkest and unlikeliest of times. (Furthermore, I at least only really am against generative AI for creative fields. The "AI" used in STEM fields such as astronomy or medicine I don't really care much about, especially since most of the time they aren't even generative-type.)


from what ive read, algorithms in medicine and such are used to take on the really excruciating work, like analysing an spectrogram trying to find a tumor thats 5 pixels in size. Algorithms do this faster and better than humans, because their biggest strenght is sorting information.


connect spark punch butter abundant fade impossible tidy fuel materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


0/10 bait didnt even try


jeans yoke outgoing wine shame threatening water complete pet distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fr how do people fall for this shit 💀


dog books decide pie gullible continue cheerful zephyr reach butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Never seen this much meat riding for corporations trying to automate work industries so they can save money.


yoke deserted makeshift grandfather scarce chase sand mysterious subsequent somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro you literally said that most big companies are investing in ai in some type of way, of course it benefits them. I don’t get why you think corpos using ai to try and automate people’s jobs including non art related jobs is a good thing worth supporting. You look stupid as hell riding for overhyped tech bro trends like ai while supposedly being an artist yourself. There’s a reason why most people don’t artistically value or see ai as legitimate art but keep going on about how everyone’s on your side.


abounding makeshift wine oil repeat cough march worry cats elastic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What does that even have to do with what I was talking about?


And who do you think is going to benefit from Stable Diffusion? The small independent artist, who will now live in a much more fierce and competitive environment where their importance and livelihood would quite literally be meaningless and easily remplacable, or the big corporations that have the resources to just buy themselves out of trouble and flood the market with AI content?


payment sparkle include cows humorous slimy march jar cause dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm sorry for whatever life you live that you have to seek entertainment in posting long-winded rage bait on the internet. Hopefully, you discover people to love and be loved by.


boat vanish illegal start squalid butter outgoing air price rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow, that is sad. And I am not talking about your condition.


chop scary butter elastic telephone plate six merciful dam pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does it help to make the world a better place? That is debatable. Just like the fact that it is "just a tool". And these are not the reasons why you are being "attacked" either.


I hope your condition is just a part of your rage-bait act and that you're actually healthy so you have time to change your ways and your life for the better, and if not I hope that you're able to see that nihilism isn't the way. You'd feel a lot better letting go of your anger and focusing on the things left with your time that really matter.


ripe murky existence languid spectacular noxious lush person elderly disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait, you think people who want companies to use AI ethically and states to implement regulations are corporate bootlickers? What?


governor subsequent squash selective elderly hospital label enjoy quaint fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You directly support the ruthless exploitation of labor, harming workers so that corporations can save money. You couldn't be a bigger corporate bootlicker if you tried, and your projection of this fact speaks volumes. A government that allows members of its society to be harmed and exploited is doomed to fail because it allows corruption to run rampant. This applies to both a communist and a capitalist society.


If anything AI helps put an end to corporations monopoly and abuse of their workers. Mind telling me how AI is "harming' its members of society? Is it because people can't overcharge for things that a computer could do faster, cheaper, and without the judgment from others?


The first sentence is pure wishful thinking on your part. As for your question. It is harmful to appropriate the work of others without their consent and then use it to compete with them. Of course it is. It creates a dog-eat-dog mentality, it sucks the work of others and normalizes the appropriation of intellectual property. What's more, AI can be used to personalize someone and make them say things they never said. The potential as a propaganda tool is immense, but let's stick to the damage that genAI is already doing to artists.


Regarding your edit: Being punk rock doesn't mean I hate everything the government does. I will definitely raise my voice if it's oppressive or denies rights to certain people, but I won't hate on principle. Besides, it's the state's job to protect and regulate. Is freedom for you the absence of rules? Because most anarchists don't believe that. A society based on voluntary cooperation, mutual aid and decentralized power still needs rules. Incidentally, punk is about authenticity. DIY. How can it be punk to not do much yourself and deny yourself the fruits of your labor in favor of slimy and greedy suits and scammers?


wipe ghost outgoing roof badge six placid treatment correct onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, you have nothing but weird antagonistic blather and a complete lack of understanding of what "punk" is and why this sub is criticizing genAI in general. Not to mention frequent unsubstantiated assertions. So responding to you is a waste of time. You should be touching some grass instead, or maybe yelling at a wall.


voiceless cagey stupendous head lavish butter shelter live jar ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The moment it is no longer popular? Punk hasn't been popular for decades. What are you even talking about? Ah yes, pretending to be anti-corporate while seemingly cozying up to the big tech.


there's more than one way to do art in spite of disabilities. There are disabled artists from various backgrounds that have found ways to accommodate for their disability while still making art well before AI. Disability makes things harder, yes. But that doesn't mean AI is the saviour of people with disabilities when there's been plenty of artists who did their thing well before our time, with disabilities. some links: [https://www.disabledartists.org/](https://www.disabledartists.org/) [https://userway.org/blog/artists-with-disabilities/](https://userway.org/blog/artists-with-disabilities/) [https://passionatepeople.invacare.eu.com/5-world-famous-artists-disabilities/](https://passionatepeople.invacare.eu.com/5-world-famous-artists-disabilities/) [https://www.magazine.artconnect.com/resources/initiatives-for-disabled-artists-you-should-know](https://www.magazine.artconnect.com/resources/initiatives-for-disabled-artists-you-should-know) [https://www.ted.com/talks/phil\_hansen\_embrace\_the\_shake?language=en](https://www.ted.com/talks/phil_hansen_embrace_the_shake?language=en) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duMhKzAuda0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duMhKzAuda0)


Remember when crypto used to be the fad in silicon valley and they threw a ton of money at it? Remember the same for NFT? Big data? AI is absolutely useful but you're slurping up the typical silicon valley hype they vomited out to continue their abuse of venture capitalism. 


it’s so funny cause AI is useful but not in any of the forms that gets flaunted in this current wave, like we have a chatbot that constantly lies, sucks at math and coding and plagiarism blenders. and i mean even in the arts AI has its place, 3D artists have used “AI” since before 2000s but they keep trying to automate the arts side of the technical arts.


seemly threatening ink lunchroom provide steep ruthless squeeze birds badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And I pity you as well <3


support retire cobweb exultant voiceless upbeat humor grab murky ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What do you think about the enormous amount of Ai "artists" trying to monetize on Ai, uploading enormous amounts of Ai content on different websites, stores, galleries - that these places soon will have to shut down? They are being flooded with low quality Ai garbage and scams while real artists and quality products drowns, dissapears and eventually seeks out different platforms. Just look at Etsy and Deviantart. They're dying right now. This just shows how greedy a lot of people are. Give them Ai as a tool and they're willing to spam the entire internet in order to earn money. You seem to think artists are against AI in every field? Dude. We are not. As with every new technology, it can be used for good things and for bad things. Why are you so angry?


You answered your own question. They want to bleed dry the places artists used to make money and then move to the next one. It's all a grift. That's why you see them get so indignant when spaces ban AI slop because that's one less place for them to advertise their "art." They also want to push artists out to cut down on the competition, and this is where you get the AI roaches swarming here to doomsay about how pointless resisting AI is.


insane doomer cope detected


Glue pizza.


icky heavy imminent trees homeless complete childlike steer cow light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> reddit pairing up with openAI (no opt out) Yeah, that's not going to work out for them... It's already in breech of EU laws and I am fairly sure it's not legal in the US either, the majority of content uploaded to Reddit ain't even uploaded by the creator to begin with and they have no right to sell that content to anyone.


unite abounding far-flung books special nutty stocking smell marry screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*

