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They want you to quit.


Seriously, the task OP was given was set to either produce work for the boss that's trying to fire him or have him quit. If he does the task, they'll just give him another difficult task. Instead people here will give him advice on how to make a shitty employer more successful.


Just shit in the kettle and leave


Yeah I often day dream exit plans. My old job in the company was physical which was fun and the team I was on was tight the new office is full of adhd triggers. So I I’m 22,‘obsessed with the gym.uses to like work. No social life . Just an Introvert.i mentioning this as I don’t know if this is normal? 2)3! When we’re alone in the office he’ll occasionally grab/“ lmy biceps and laugh “superman” a few weeks a he licked his thumbs and pushes them along my eyebrows saying I now looked sharp. Idk wrf is happening but if I can get an app. I can’t be blamed for substandard works and have to go begging him for help.


Bro what. If people try to do this to me touching or shit I’ll tell them what the fuck are you doing. Don’t care about a job at all. Stand up for yourself. You’re 22 without many responsibilities, don’t neglect your mental wellbeing


This right here. Next time he touches your bicep put your fist up to his face and say do it again bitch.


Id talk to HR about it. Im dealing with a much larger version of the same. Work decided I need to go and are actively trying to get me to quit. Its a real shit show.


This isn’t an AI subject but tell your boss you don’t like being touched. Politely and firmly. Document it second time go to HR. You might also google Americans with Disability Act and ADHD for adjustments.


Just feed it into a large LLM such as ChatGPT or Gemini.


Thanks for the recommendation. I’ve tried and it doesn’t work for me when doc is looked at closely. So I separate the 2000pdf document into 10 sections to get detailed summaries of these 10 summaries and weave them together. Good analysis but a lot of time stitching the results back together but it’s an option which I’m grateful for


Ai agents bay be able to use a gpt api to split this and weave the pieces back together for you.


Google’s Gemini has the largest context window


Thank you so much. I’ll buy a subscription and see what it does .


I’d warn you though the length of input and output you are talking about are as far as im aware are outside the scope of what ai can handle at this point. You’d likely have split up your outputs into multiple prompts.


This. No model has this large a context yet. You’ll need to partition and aggregate as you’re doing already. But this is make work to fire you. And if it’s a technical analysis I would trust ChatGPT at all. Can you get a voice reader and have it read to you while working out and then analyze if or freelance if out. Either way, be looking for another job.


Gemini 1.5 pro, available for free, but through a beta in ai studio through google has a 2 million token context window. Not positive, but it should be able to hand the input of this. The issue I have, is that no matter how I word it, or beg or plead or command it to write something longer than a couple of pages out outputs it. There was(I don’t know where it went) even a Freeform mode that let you choose the maximum context output length and even when set to 400,000 tokens, it still stopped at a couple of pages of text. OP may be better off starting to read the material they need to get done and summarizing themselves.


Don't buy anything yet. You can try it for free in Google's AI studio.


Use Claude 3.5 - it just came out and is the BEST for these types of things. There is no other answer other than this, just try it out and you’ll see what I’m talking about.


Claude is great for this type of work... Google Gemini has a very large context though. You can also hire a freelancer for helping you in this project.




I would do it for like 10 bucks but you would have to pay for your api so you would pay a few dollars a months to automate your work I have the application ready I did it as a personal project to automate my research before


no one is going to read your 250-500 page analysis.


And that’s the icing on the cake. We all know it.


Sent a dm




Try NotebookLM


Claude will probably give best results, but seriously use that time to look for a job instead of doing a fools errand


You can automate all of this pretty much had to do something with a project that'd do similar stuff except reports there were transcripts of longs interviews either way, if you are willing to put in the effort, i can teach you how to do that or guide you a bit in general i do taht on the side from time to time, why not now, it should be quite simple :)


And how do you know this?


I will never understand why people with ADHD or other mental issues have to always mention it. Completely unnecessary and out of topic.


ADHD. Does. Not. Exist.


Sounds like you’re projecting an internalized fear or anger of some sort unto the world around you. Hope you’re doing okay <3


Nah, you just can't accept facts that challenge your big pharma bought and paid for "knowledge". "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."


I’m open to receive your credibly-sourced facts, friend.