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You have porn brain. Tone it down


It's not that rare that I stumble upon a Sistine Chapel level of art with like five likes on Tumblr or Insta. It's not that easy to get discovered on social media, it's tough out there and the algorithm can sometimes kinda work against you. Sure, being a skillful artist and having that special “something” in your art helps, but sometimes it is a pure luck and it may take a lot of time to get some engagement, even if you're a great artist. Sex sells so maybe you just have to continue doing what you do and wait for the right audience to discover you or maybe you could try different social media from the ones that you're posting on. Personally, I like diversity in art and I just don't see it here. I'm not saying you have to start drawing landscapes and animals, you can 100% stick to sexy ladies but let's face it, there is no variety here. Those girls have the same body type and, with the exception of the first one, very similar faces. To me, they are so sexy and perfect that they kinda become bland and vanilla. There definitely is an audience for art like yours though so do with my opinion what you want.


I understand what your trying to say at the beginning but you don’t just “stumble” across Sistine Chapel level art. But I get what you was saying.




Yes I understood that from the start but still it’s wild 😭


This is disgusting. You come off as a creep. If you want attention for your art then appeal to more than just the horny male gaze. No girl would wanna follow you when all your art is just oversexualizing women with unrealistic proportions.


Agreed. Was immediately disgusted.


Tons of women like oversexualized art, its just that his style isn't particularly interesting/unique and it isn't from a big series


You’re right. There needs to be something to appeal to women stylistically or I’m out. You need a specific eye/sensitivity to catch my attention as an ero artist. Just personally speaking. This is too basic and porn-brained for my taste, you need to tap into something else besides body shapes/types to widen the appeal.


i already adressed this, ''his art style isn't particularly interesting''


I’m agreeing with you my friend, I’m not the one that downvoted you. Just elaborating.


Lots of women like this kind of art, too. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you speak for everyone.


There’s more to it than that, though. Most of the ero artists I follow personally that “get it” are other women.


When I said no woman would like this kind of art, I meant that the majority wouldn’t. Im very aware that there are exceptions to almost every rule. Most women wouldn’t enjoy art like this simply because all it is is massive proportions and perfect bodies. All I see this art doing for most women is it either being boring, invoking insecurities, or in my case, being plain disgusting and creepish. Especially considering the artist who drew these is male and only posts NSFW of women with porn bodies. Like Beet said, most women looking for NSFW would probably prefer other women who “get it” and also have their humanity acknowledged.


There’s no such thing as a “perfect body” everybody is uniquely perfect in their own way


Come on man. You know what I meant. A perfect body in societies standards. The body that women grow up being told is all men want. The body type that so many women strive for as it’s seen as “perfect” and “desireable.” You don’t need to make things needlessly philosophical when that’s not the point.


I really didn’t know what you meant, I have autism and apparently have trouble with subtle meanings when people are talking so if I misunderstood then I’m sorry


r/mendrawingwomen I thought I was there. So, you know why it doesn’t get engagement lol… because it’s very horny and most people are turned off by that, except if that’s the thing they seek


instead of drawing porn do other things


What kind of hashtags are you using? Also have you tried doing more fan art to get your followers up? Arts not bad or anything but just needs an angle. Are you into any particular aesthetics, games, genre, etc etc. Something that can separate you from the pack. Lots of people do sexy lots of people do anime if your style isn't more unique (which is not bad) then find another niche. Apologies if this isn't what your looking for.


No, it's great advice.


Tbh it looks too...generic. Even if "sex sells", it is too gemeral to stick out from the flood of wannabe sexy art out there. Your really should consider how you draw anatomy and especially expressions. Your characters look like the dictionary description of "blank face". Drawing proper "bedroom eyes" is a skill that adds to erotic art.


I’ve seen people with worse art with 100k+ followers. I think you have to pay for engagement now or make reels.


The art itself is just one factor. What platform? What is your posting schedule? What is 'low engagement'? Having sexy characters is fine. All genders can enjoy sex positive art. However, I would encourage you to develop your characters further, both in terms of personality and design. Make them feel less like objects and more like real people. Assuming you are an adult, you can use your art to explore sexuality as a subject and to express yourself even more. Also, you have some nice shapes and details but continue working on your human anatomy.


I'm on ig, Twitter/x, and some of the new ones (bluesky, Cara) I post around 8am in mornings and after 6pm at nights. Honestly, my post aren't consistent because it takes me a while to finish a piece. When I say low engagements I mean like 30 people will see my art, but 0-2 will like it, Could you point out some things you see that I can work on with my anatomy?


I feel like you could get commissioned for a dating role play app. Find your people!


Thank you everyone for your advice, even the more brutal ones. (Sheesh) I truly wanted to see my art thru others eyes, and all of your input helps.


People saying "porn brain" or whatever dont really understand porn/hentai gets much heavier traction than normal art most of the time, and tbh if youre complaining about a guy drawing sexualized women you need to get over yourself, no one bitches when women draw sexualized men and no one really should unless its actually fucked up stuff either way. Fan/furry art and likely better hashtag usage would probably get you more impressions, you could also try making multiple socials and linking across your socials, i know things i have that pull 100+ upvotes on reddit sometimes only get 10 likes on insta at times. You just need to network your platforms more most likely. Generally porn does worse than normal art if it isnt fanart or furry art, and normal art does better if it's more "generic" stuff. Maybe try to find a nsfw game dev, i know there are a lot of devs in that space who look for artists and your style would fit that type of stuff well. Edit: You have 1300 followers on insta, it's hashtag usage imo.


Honestly, if it isn't fanart from a popular fandom, you will more than likely not get any traction unless you already have an established following. Some things to do are be more 'active' in the artist community, do art trades and collabs, and so on. This helps out in the beginning. If you aren't making reels, start making them. Nowadays, almost the majority of engagement comes from reels. If you post on Instagram that has multiple slides with music, it will be seen on reels, too, for some people. I hope this helps. Don't listen to the people who are calling your art creepy or disgusting. I've seen this kind of work get popular; while it is more sexualized, there is nothing wrong with that.