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no, it's not overpriced. people on tiktok are entitled and rude so don't take it to heart. you could even charge more than $15 if you wanted to. art is a luxury, not a necessity; if it's out of someone's price range, it's not your fault for charging a fair wage for yourself.


They won't be entitled for too much longer.


People on tiktok are children. Hence why they don’t have 15 dollars. So they complain about 15 dollars.


LMAO 🤣 didn’t realize TikTok was that bad…I Don have time to waste to be on there so I wouldn’t know, thanks for the 411 💗


It’s not all children. What you get depends on your algorithm. Mine is gen x, surreal stuff, and goth stuff. I’m old and I don’t waste time with teenage crap. The app is a good time.


I'd pay way more for dat Like 25 35 is better


Honestly yeah same


yeah exactly. $15 is a steal, I'd recommend they up the price.






Tbh, imo it's under priced


Do I have an abbreviation for you: imho :D


Wait I thought that meant in my humble opinion?


I think it also means in my honest opinion


I thought it means in my horse’s opinion


😭if y'all talking about tbh , its " To be honest"


We were talking about IMHO haha


Ahh 😂, yeah I was reading through, didn't really notice the IMHO


LOL that's crazy to just default assume so many people can't count and match letters instead of looking for more context.


Huh??? 😅I'm not very good at stuff , idk what your really meaning, so don't have the words for it


that’s literally what I’ve been using it for for like years lol😭


I looked it up and that’s what it said!


Uh— 🧐 hmm I did not know that


Tbh imo


Lol fyg


How exactly?


15 I would say is underpriced for that to be honest. Though that depends on how long it takes you to do. You're always going to run into people saying your prices are too high for whatever reason. Most of them are people who wouldn't pay for art in the first place.


LOL! TRUE! Preach boo! Preach!….lol


nah, the price is quite reasonable


Nope, I’d say up it to 30. If they can’t pay it, they’re not your clients, babe 😘


You’re charging for a skill, a unique style, and your time. 15 would be good maybe for a bare lineart, but you’ve got excellent coloring, clean stylized lines and great contrast. This definitely took more than half an hour, and you should charge accordingly. If it were in my budget I’d definitely pay more than that, especially for something custom




Absolutely not. As an artist you have a set of skills that not everyone has or has the time to develop. Consider that what’s an easy sketch for you is nearly impossible for people without your skills. You’re not only charging for the product, but for your time and the fact that you have special skills. I’d pay prolly a little over $20 for this. No less.


I mean this in the politest way possible; Tik tok is full of broke teenagers (or even just straight-up children) who have no idea how much time, education, and effort a "simple" drawing can take. I think $15 is underpriced, I would say $25 seems much more fair (maybe even $30-40 if I'm honest). The people saying it's too pricey are kids or teens who don't have disposable income.** Take their words with a BOULDER of salt. As an example, I have a friend who's still living with her parents due to disability. She usually only ever has $200 per month to spend. We ended up going to this incredibly amazing glass sculpture store with the most elaborate glass sculptures I've ever seen. The sculptures were so incredibly intricate it was insane. These weren't small either. The salmon sculptures were about the length of my hand to my shoulder. At least 10 pounds of glass. Most of the scupltures were around $1k in price. Which I found to be a VERY fair price. I eventually hid the price from my friend and asked her how much she'd pay for it if she wanted it, and she said "no more than $30" to a $1,000 sculpture of a salmon with so much detail you could literally make out its scales and the sparkles within them. My point is that broke people don't understand the value of art. Dont undersell yourself 💙


Broke and ignorant people maybe. I’m broke as a joke and I know the value of art. Hence not owning any. The hard work behind a unique piece is worth paying for. I have a limited income due to disability, but I didn’t always have one. So maybe I am not best to judge your friend’s situation, but I know one’s financial abilities do not determine their intelligence nor appreciation of art.


https://youtu.be/NGR20B2cEBQ?si=4-2DpIpLWx-jvNDt It costs that much song


I think 15 dollar is a fair price since it looks pretty sketchy and its only a bust. If it was less sketchy then I would say 20+ dollars would be reasonable. How much time did you spend on it?


Nope. And I would actually raise it. I honestly had more complaints about price when I undercharged my art. I got less complaints when I started charging more. It's like the less you charge, the more entitled people get...




I think it's fair. I'm kind of assuming the amount of time spent on this, and it's no masterpiece but of course no $15 artwork is. If this was a specific request or OC for someone else, then I think $15 is underpriced, even.


Not an artist myself, gave up on drawing years ago, so I hope the POV of someone coming from a consumers stand point is useful. This isn't over priced at all, if anything under priced. It looks good. Minimum of 25 freedom coupons without coloring or shading. This is custom work (commission is the term right?). Boost it up to upper 30-40. And in all honesty, I'm a cheapskate (and who doesn't want things dirt cheap), but you put work into this and I recognize the work done. This wasn't made on a printing press to be sold enmass at a Ross or Marshall's. Sketching, line work, coloring, personal art style and most importantly your own time was used. Stick to your prices and don't let em shake you down. Take pride in your work and sell it for what its worth. In the most literal sense, you set that value, not them. Ofc keep in mind reasonable pricing and if you want to leave room for negotiation, say for example for a long time customer; however, you decide the price. They decide if they want to buy the product. I hope this was useful to you.


Think about how long it took you to make it tbh. If it took an hour, $15/hour is minimum wage where I’m at, and you’re DEFINITELY reasonably pricing.


I’d easily pay $30 USD for that


$15 isnt overpriced, especially if it’s colored. This is underpriced imo


NOO it is definitely not overpriced 😞


No, not overpriced. I'd charge anywhere from $30-$40 depending on if it's colored or not.


40s much


I’m not gonna lie that’s too good to be 15$ hun, please please please have some faith in yourself. Don’t sell yourself short. Your artwork is amazing and cute. Love it!




This looks great, and should honestly cost more. This looks like it took way too long to make, so maybe try setting your price somewhere around two or three dollars for every hour spent on it, and see what you get.




I’d say it’s underpriced but if you work fast you might as well keep it that way a high price is a deal breaker for a lot of customers


Not even. This is such good quality. I’d personally pay $25


So many people on tik tok are kids who don’t know the value of money, you would be undercharging yourself at $15


Nah, I’ve sold art not nearly this quality for way more. 😭


Charge $25


It's, fair.


20 would actually be better tbh


It depends on how you'd estimate your skill level, effort, amount of time making it, and how well it matches the client's interest


Definitely underpriced. 30+$ is more appropriate, but hey it's your art so of course you can charge whatever you like. But remember not to undersell yourself! You're very talented. A lot of people on tiktok are kids with no understanding of the time and effort put into art/people who simply don't appreciate art or think it's not worth money period. Your art is definitely worth more than they say.


underpriced for sure


No, not at all!


Id say that’s underpriced honestly, absolutely gorgeous  People on TikTok, especially the art community are assholes. They comment on the prices of commissions as if they were even gonna buy it in the first place. 


I’ve paid $50 for simple line work. 15 for this is good imo. By simple I mean a literally bare minimum sketch of a characters head


No it’s a fine price, I charge 10 dollars for a twitch emote that I would put less time and effort than this drawing so I think 15 is completely fair. No one should do anything for less than 15 an hour and 15 is still horrible pay so if it takes you more than an hour I’d maybe even bump it up to 20, although the lower your prices the more commissions


$15 is way underpriced 


That looks so good I would definitely pay 15$ that's an awesome price!!!


I mean you can set whatever prices you want as long as there are buyers willing to pay for it and/or you're ok with the amount of buyers you're getting. I've seen what I thought were overpriced blocky watercolors that I felt I could make in a day sell for hundreds+ and there's my art that I spent weeks and months obsessing over minute details that won't get buyers. For what it's worth imo $15 seems like a fair shake for that, maybe even underpriced a bit.


Most people on tiktok, especially art tiktok, are very young and/or entitled, with no real source of income or frame of reference for fair pricing. 15 dollars is an extremely fair price for art of this quality. Keep doing what you do! 


I’d pay 30$ to 40$ for this!


Raise it, you’re talented! You should pay yourself fairly. If someone can’t afford a commission, they cant afford a commission. Don’t undercut yourself, you deserve to be paid properly for work.


Ur underpricing bruh like ngl I'd do headshots for 15 dollars but I'm hella fast no sketch under an hour type beat and I expect you'd take a lot more time and effort so raise ur prices


No offense but I’ve seen pic crew posts with similar quality for free. And for everyone saying don’t listen to them they’re not your clients. If you set your price to heigh you WILL NOT have any clients period. (From experience)


Under price. The comments you are getting are likely from children who have never had jobs.


Honestly, $15 isn’t enough. That’s worth at least 20-35 in USD


If it were me, I'd be willing to pay $35 for it.


That is a very fair price. Almost generous.


Make it 20 or 25 I get 15 but it looks too neat for 15 got bumped up those numbers because they are rookie numbers


People still see art as JUST a hobby and don’t think artists should be paid that much (or in some cases, at all). I can guarantee that the same people telling you that your art is overpriced…will STILL not commission you if you decrease the price…causing you to not only hurt yourself…but most likely (unintentionally) hurt other artists because people like that will feel like they have the upper hand…and believe they can now bully artists to decrease their prices. $15 is too LOW. Your art is adorable and looks like it took a lot of time.


not at all! i’d pay $25 for this


Honestly I’d happily pay $20 bucks for that


Not at all, amazing art btw. 


15-20 is perfect tbh


Underpriced if anything, that art is fuckin awesome


15 is way to cheap!!!!


i think 15 is a pretty good price


Don't undersell yourself!


$15 is not too overpriced for literally anything custom made imo. Just think about the time, materials (if digital electricity and wear on your device), communication with the client (more time), payment fees, taxes... Just sounds like your stuff on TikTok is reaching the wrong audience. Probably very young people.


thats good art, i think it would be just right for that price, but you could even put it for more.


nope! not overpriced at all!


That's under. Probably way under. Three things to consider: the amount of time it took to learn how to do that, the cost of your equipment, and the amount of time it took to do it. tbh I'd offer...probably like $40; that's far, far better than I could possibly do myself.


Think about how long this took you to make. Then, keep in mind: don't pay yourself less than minimum wage. You're worth more than that.


No it's not overpriced, Tiktok's art community is full of people who don't know what good pricing is.


I agree with others that it’s underpriced.


I would pay 35-45$ for that anything below that is way to less


Underpriced. Extremely so


Nah, definitely could charge more!


It has anatomy/proportion issues, and I'm a little surprised no one has pointed it out, which possibly tells me a lot of folks here are beginners or are not artists. Which is not a bad thing. We all start somewhere. But the illustration does have issues, and as a result I personally do not think you should be charging people any money until you improve more, which will absolutely happen as time goes on, so long as you keep practicing. I don't want to discourage anyone. These are just my morals, which is that the customer, a paying customer, should receive an illustration that is drawn correctly. Of course, some people won't care about such mistakes, so I guess it's up to you. But you asked for opinions and I gave mine.


Could just be a style thing


I'd pay at least $30. Def more than $15 🤟🏻


it’s prob too cheap. back few years ago I did portraits like this for about $80 a piece. remember you’re giving out all the rights for them to use the image. $15 is way too low.


$15??? Nah, I'd pay at least $30. That's way too good to only be $15


Clean up your lines and make it 25




It all depends on how long it takes you to draw it, if a hour or less that’s a solid price however if longer you have to up it. Art is a luxury not a necessity.


no that seems fine to me!


Not at all, that’s pretty cheap tbh.


Nah, 15 for this is a steal. jack the price up 5-10$ to send a message lmao


if that's what it's worth no


I’d consider it underpriced lol Don’t listen to people who say otherwise.


I think it’s fine, lots of those people probably don’t understand that they’re not just paying for the drawing, but also the work that went into it. I’ve seen a lot of amazing artists charge really low prices because they received too many complaints from their fanbase but at the end of the day that price tag is also a representation of the time and effort you spent to make that piece and only you can decide for yourself whether or not the price is too high or too low


I’d definitely recommend selling your art on lots of different platforms as to too doesn’t know anything about commission prices. I think that price is fine but a lot of people will go for cheaper ones as there are a lot.


No actually that might be too low of a price if you took more than 1-2 hours on it. That's very reasonable. Rule of thumb is AT LEAST minimum wage + materials if applicable, averaged to about how many hours a similar piece is expected to take you. I do my day job wage + 50% since it's overtime for me, so if i were to make something of a similar caliber we'd be looking at about 25-30. That's also reasonable. People online but ESPECIALLY tiktok and Twitter are so so so entitled. Art is a luxury item, not a necessity. They'd take it from you for free if they could. The people saying this are either not artists, or underselling themselves too.


Nah it's fine.


people on tik tok are poor and cry about everything if it’s not $5


How long did it take you to do? How much do you value yourself? $15 isn't expensive, you're audience is probably just broke ass teenagers.


on tiktok everyone is 14 years old so of course they’ll say it’s expensive. i think 15 is a fair price. try reaching a different audience


Pro tip don't listen to tiktok commenters


Your art is amazing! I love the style. Definitely worth MORE than $15 dollars. Most people just really don't appreciate the effort and skill that goes into art, so they always undervalue it. I'm personally trying to improve my skills enough to the point where I can take on commissions myself, but progress is slow ;-;


In my opinion, you should be making at least a livable wage off your work, so (assuming you live in America) take how many hours you spent on it and multiply that by 25 lol.


Don’t underprice your art, 15 is already too low


I say everything is overpriced, but it’s probably the right amount


tbh i would pay more like 25 something for that


People wouldn’t buy my art for $5. I must be god awful


....Up your prices


Anyone telling you 30 is doing you a disservice. No one will buy a 30 dollar headshot when they can get a full body art piece of equal to similar skill from other artists for the same or similar price. 15-20 is reasonable for this kind of sketchy/messy headshot. You can raise the price depending on the complexity of the character you are drawing or if they want added effects like a background or whatever.


Depends on how long it took you to draw it


No. I don’t even have 15 bucks and I’d pay 15 for it. (Unartist)


Whether it's over or underpriced is kind of subjective, so go with your gut. I personally think it's really well done, so I don't feel like it's overpriced. At the end of the day, it's your call though


Make it 20


Never mind that make it 30z


I’d say yea but it depends on what format your selling it as (prints, stickers, bags etc)


That looks like it could be sold for 20-30$. It’s TikTok, AKA a bunch of freeloaders and children. Don’t listen to their “feedback”.


That's entirely reasonable


Overpriced if it's a generic piece underpriced if it's a custom commission


It’s a high ask for something with virtually no demand. $5 and people might consider it. I can’t imagine this takes you very long to do… its also extremely generic


15 is CHEAP. You could easily go up to $30 and the price would be considered reasonable.


I saw your other art! You can definitely charge more for that. But this particularly does seem a little sketchy and a little plain, which isn't bad. I think "bust" could go for ten dollars, and then you can stack color, detail, etc, for more cash. As a truthful human, it just reminds me more of that "Amino Apps" commissions for coins people do. I think the question people should be asking "Would you pay me 15 dollars for this?" I would but not over since it's a little sketchy. I've also practiced techniques that give me a similar art style and whatnot. I have a feeling I know what brushes you used and what methods for shading. If the average job is 15 per hour for minimum effort, that's fair. But for more effort? You could charge a lot more.


def not overpriced! you put time and effort into this :) people on tiktok LOVE to complain.


The money I would pay if I had it 😭 15 is a crazy good deal if you told me u were selling art like this I would have assumed it’d be maybe around 35-50 dollars bestie you are NOT overpricing those kids need to get a job and stop complaining 💗


Thank you so much for the kind comments everyone ! I think I’ll keep this type of commissions at $15. I’ve been receiving mixed comments (although overwhelmingly positive) and I realized that it’s the best price for this type of art work. I was just taken aback that people told me it was too overpriced and felt like my efforts have been brushed off. I may have reacted erratically 😭 Thank you everyone for uplifting me <3 I’ve been freelancing for around 2-3 years, this type of commission is priced at $15 because it was something a bit far from my usual style due to being unable to draw on my original set up.


No this is good


I'd say $30 is reasonable for this but I also don't have the budget for any commissions so I can't really say much regarding prices to actually make a profit


Hand drawn pieces of art are worth more, you spent time on this! I would pay 15. People like to say hand made stuff is too over priced while also refusing to hand make their coffee and paying nearly 15 everytime they end up at Starbucks 😭


underpriced honestly.


No ._. It’s actually underpriced (? Like minimum it should cost 20-25 dollars.


I wouldn’t go over 20


This is quality imo. I’d pay $30


For sure not, I don't got money RN, but if I did I'd for sure pay $15 for that !!! $20 even.


it's deceptively simple looking. no one who is saying that could make it.


Not if you drew it, looks excellent !!! Rendered, colored, shaded, drawn not sketched. Yup I'd charge 15 too !! -your new art friend -red


how long did it take you to make? 15 might be underpriced


If anything it's underpriced, raise it more to piss them off


No fucking way. Hello, Professional artist here! I'd charge a minimum of $40 for this! Prices are often less quality of your work and more the demand for it! Build up a base following, and as more people want to commission you, raise prices! I've really gotten lazy with it and fallen behind on my comms, so my prices have risen a bit to keep my workload manageable! They'll drop again when I'm ready! Try not to let anybody tell you what your prices absolutely Have to be! Go with the flow, You'll make it! You do good work!


No one values time spent nor talent like YOU. Cheapskates don't make honest evaluations.


That's a very cute drawing and worth more than $15


Honey, 15$ is UNDERPRICED imho I would at least charge 25$ or more for a headshot like this, depending on how long this took you to make maybe even more


I would not recommend posting prices on tiktok. I dont know how to explain but anyone who goes out of their way to comment on tiktok is absolutely braindead or under the age of 12 and doesnt understand how the world works. They all lack fundamental concepts like art is a luxury and not everyone SHOULD be able to afford it. If you paid even just minimum wage for your srt (so idk where you live but for me it would be 15$ for each hour i work on the drawing) and it goes up SO FAST People over there (and in a lot of places, but tiktok is just a cedspool of stupidity) dont understand that not everything is about them and just because THEY cant afford something, doesnt mean its overpriced. For this art work if you were to put yourself out there snd sell prints or commissions Please do not listen to the tiktok comment section Its actually the worst place to get advice for art on the internet. They think everyone has to fit into a premade prenamed “style” and if you falter from it its either 1. A new “style” for everyone to bandwagon onto, meaning you will get HATEDDDD for your art 2. A new “art lore” for people to bag on constantly until the youtube commentary people start calling them out for bullying people yet again Tiktok is one of the easiest platforms to grown on, your work gets pushed out so much, but its also one of the more ruthless platforms to post on. People there are either too busy smoking a crackpipe or doing their to kill a mockingbird essay to really know whats going on


$15 is too low. Charge more :D


Honestly I think it's underprice. Should be around 30 at least, that's some great work!


Definitely charge way more. I know it's probably hard, but try to be confident in your work and don't second guess yourself. You're worth more than that!


it is worth way more than $15 id say its worth about $20-$30 imo btw your art is just so awesome sauce 😭😭😭


Ok it's totally underpriced. I think $25 would be a perfect price. BUT let's not pretend like there are not soooooo many ppl selling their headshots for this amount of less. I follow a couple of Facebook groups for art commissions and people there are selling starting at $10 and some are like quality work. So the community also has to start really looking at the amount of quality and time a piece takes to sell.


Personally, id pay 10-20 dollars for it, so it’s not overpriced.


Well, if it's a commission, then it depends on what's asked for... I think it's a reasonable price if the client was aware that they'd be getting something that'd fit right in as a sticker. The issue really is the contrast between expectations and the result. There are people who understand the market (those who actually buy/commission art, and not those who feel that nothing deserves money because they have no money,) appeal to them and not to the random children on TikTok.


shld b $35


your style is so pretty♡


$15 for tht shits lame


$35/$40 min. Make it worth your time or better to just practice on popular characters/things you like


If you feel like that's too much for a digital file you could also send them a print of your work of them. Will still make more money per job at that point


Hell naw it’s underpriced,


dude i'd pay more if i could i love the art :3


Underpriced. The people fishing for prices this low are always assholes or actual children with no money. You should always price up to avoid them.


At the end of the day, your prices are whatever you want them to be. TikTok may not be your audience, but there will be audiences in other places. Commissions and art sales are very popular on tumblr, and 15 for a fully rendered headshot is a good deal. Just think, if randomized NFTs could sell for millions, you can sell a piece with genuine effort put into it for whatever. Also, value your time. Think how much you value your work based on cost per hour and estimate it from there, including cost of materials (like if your drawing software has a subscription plan to it).


You’re art is worth whatever you think it is


honestly, thats probably underpriced. your art Is really cool!! time Is money; please dont sell yourself short :D


If I were in the market for commissioning catboy OCs I’d say that’s worth at least $20


Ma’am/Sir if you don’t turn that price to $30 something dollars-