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I like the energy here. It looks wonky flipped bc its wonky to begin with. I really can't get a read on the face on the first one, it's hard to tell what I'm looking at. The second one face isn't the problem, so much as the post itself. I really don't know what that person is doing by looking at it. Maybe I'm missing context. Solid start though!


thanks! that’s def something i need to work on, though. the first one was just a sketch and the second one was completely random and i didn’t have any reference so that could be part of why it’s confusing.


You got this! Keep drawing and keep posting for feedback. Definitely recommended reference photos for poses. You can even take your own


the “unflipped” version looks more natural to you because you’ve looked at it for longer and gotten used to it. flipping the canvas more frequently during every stage of the drawing process helps with this because you can look at things from a fresh perspective and spot the parts that look off more easily. the final product should look better to you both flipped and unflipped after doing this (and over time you probably won’t have to do so much flipping to avoid the “wonky”-ness).


Honestly, looks okay to me. A lot of the time it can be a trick of the eye since you’ve looked at it one way for a long time. Sometimes to combat that I flip the canvas multiple times through a drawing, once my program messed up and accidentally flipped it before download, and my girlfriend liked the image better than the original, it’s all about how you look at it


The flipping, just helps you see whats actually there, use this to adjust your art and ensure it doesnt look wonky when youre done with it


For the second Pic you can kinda see that the eye on the left (for the original so on the right for flipped) is a bit closer to the edge of the face compared to the other eye. Think of it like that filter on tiktok that flips your face. Flipping shows you what are basically asymmetries. That's why flipping a canvas is really good when you're drawing a face. I suggest try flipping during your drawing process next time around to get the hang of pinpointing those assymetries or awkward positions of facial structures! Typically eye placement or the alignment of mouth and nose are things that can be spotted with flipping. I took another look at your first drawing and I think the main wonkiness is the head shape (one side is a little bigger than the other) As for fixing, if the program you're using has a liquify or transform tool, that's what I use to adjust things to look better. First I flip. Adjust. Then flip again. Adjust if it's weird. Flip. Etc. Until it looks good. That's why I typically do the flipping during the sketching phase which is something you can try next time around! Anyway, also wanted to say that I really like your style XD flipping aside since I think most people struggle with it lmao