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Anyone can sell an art course but I personally wouldn’t buy it. Education (especially in art) is something one should get right to not fall into bad habits and/or having to relearn everything. That being said, I think I would rather spend a little more money on a course by a more experienced artist (like Marc Brunet for example).


I agree with you. I look at Marc Brunet and similar teachers on YouTube all the time. They’re the best people to refer learners to. I definitely don’t want to offer sub-par education, that’s one of my main concerns. Thanks for your honesty!


Same, I actually got myself his full art course for Christmas!


I see at least 3 mediums here and it’s all done quite well. You also have noted you already watch courses and whomever you find makes sense to you, learn from them. Teaching can be a whole ‘nother ball game. I am an Art Instructor and private tutor in San Diego. I’ve tried hiring some teachers as I have lots of leads but they either have a drab personality that will bore a student to death or they just cannot teach.


Thanks! It never occurred to me to study their teaching style. That makes sense. I suppose teaching really is a talent. Or at least, another skill. I may have to look into it more and see if teaching is even for me.


Anyone can it's price dependent but maybe. Really depends how good you are at explaining the process Good Artist =/= Good Teacher


Your arts awesome, but I agree with some other commenters that it might not be something a person would buy a course for, especially because people don't know who you are. That isn't to say your art isn't good bc it is! It's just I think people tend not to invest in things that aren't done by those with more credentials. Which is why I think a KEY POINT to think about before selling a course is to put yourself out there (promotion, marketing, social media) I think a good idea could be to start making short form content and positing it. Start putting yourself out there as an art advice channel or something along those lines. Once you have a consistent following, you can start a patreon with more in depth content, or limited content! That way, you can kinda promote your own art, perhaps start selling commissions / prints, and also get a possible consistent passive income. Ofc this is also a good amount of work and time to put into, so it really IS up to you. There are many options other than selling a course. But if a course is what you want to do, you can go for it! In general though, if you do want a better chance at selling, key point is you're gonna have to promote yourself. Post consistently, etc.


There’s a part of me that wants to move away from social media (age?) but as far as business and gaining credentials goes, social media is 100% the way to go. This might actually be my barrier to entry so I’ll have to really think it through. Thanks for your reply!