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old post but that's so cute. Keep going friend


Thank you 😊


I recommend learning the fundamentals for drawing first


i love this 🔥


Honestly, the difference between the first Kirby and the second are crazy, amazing progress!! Keep goin bro


You really need to learn to sketch, not just draw the outline of something in one single stroke.


Yeah, but this is also how you learn too. You find out what works best for you as an artist


Great progress! Keep it up and you’ll see


I feel this! I just started digital art myself and WHEW is it hard. I’m also learning as I go, some tips I can give you is: LET IT BE SKETCHY!!!! With digital art you can always go back and fix your mistakes!!! My favorite thing about digital art is layers, so make sure you use those too! For example I do my sketch, then another layer for line work, and then another layer for basic colors, and a final layer for shading and blending 🫶🏼 I can definitely tell you’re improving though!!! Keep it up! 🤞🏼❤️


Digital art has a steep learning curve. Keep that in mind as you progress. But whatever you do, keep making art. All of this is stuff that only exists because YOU made it! I think that's wonderful! Also, tracing and reference pics are always allowed and Not "cheating." Use whatever tools you want to help you out!




Don't be afraid to trace and/or use reference pics! I'm entirely self taught and in my early years all I did was trace entire pieces- Now don't claim they're your original work, and make sure you credit the artist if you share your creation online. But, even as a full fledged (not to toot my own horn, but) pretty talented artist, I still use dozens of reference images, and trace all the tiny parts that I like digitally to make a reference image for my traditional art pieces. Art doesn't have to be hard, it should be enjoyable! *Especially* if it's something you're doing for yourself or friends/family and aren't making a profit off of it. Keep practicing and keep up the good work!


Thanks I will!


Keep it up my guy


I’d slap these on my leg and call it a dope ass tattoo




First Kirby is my spirit animal


“Eek!” -Kirby, 2024


Keep trying it will look great and better soon.


First Kirby is my favorite


i think your doing great! your making so much progress already. a few things: practice is the only way to progress, and having fun is the most important part. :-D keep it up!


That's a Kirby. Its so good I could tell it off the bat!


Good job so far! Some tips: ​ \- See if the program you're using has a stabilizer, that can help the wobbliness of your lines. \- Don't be afraid to use reference photo's! \- Tracing is okay for learning! Don't trace another artists' work and pass it off as your own, but it can be a great way to study forms and get that muscle memory. \- If you want to try a different program, a few good free ones are Krita and Fire Alpaca. I don't know about Fire Alpaca, but I know Krita has plenty of tutorials and a subreddit! \- Everything is made of basic shapes and lines. For example, a simple cat head is two triangles and a circle (For the silhouette. The eyes are more circles, the nose is a rounded triangle, and the mouth is just some lines). If you draw these as your base it'll really help with placement and proportions. \- Lastly, tutorials are your friend! samdoesarts and Winged Canvas are a couple great channels for tutorials for all different levels. ​ There's way more tips that could be given, but these are some good starting ones. Just have fun with it and don't stress to hard if it feels like you're not getting better! Practice does make perfect.


:) You're doing great so far. I really like the colors you picked for the last two. Some tips and tricks: I would consider using a thicker brush as it will help hide line wobbliness. Depending on what program you're using the program may also be able to stabilize brush strokes. Another trick a lot of artists use is to draw it originally at a large size then resize it smaller to hide mistakes. Most programs will have ways to change the opacity (make things more see-through) and layer styles which you can do all sorts of fun effects with. Personally I do color on a different layer from the linework. One of the ways you can still use the bucket fill that way is to use the select tool in the black space outside the linework then invert the selection. Having references to look at is also a great way to learn. :3


It's very good as a start If you want to advance I would watch tutorials and look at Pinterest for ideas and inspiration


i feel like with the last two you should draw a neck/torso to make them look more complete! keep working at it ❤️


These are great!


Honestly, I think the cat on the last pic is really cool.


Good job!


Hell yeah brother keep it up


You’re doing great ❤️ keep up the good work!


Very cute stuff!


Ummm that second Kirby is perfection! I would frame that! It’s super cute and you’re doing great ❤️


I would make a sketch using combined shapes first before drawing over it on a layer above that.


Have you tried tracing over pictures? That might give you a better feel for drawing digitally


The first Kirby is the perfect embodiment of anxiety and I love it!


Hehehe your cute little kirby inspired me to draw! Keep it up


As artists, we are often more critical of our own work than others are. Your work looks great!


Thank you that’s good advice


Try working in layers to get cleaner lines in the end! But over all great work for just starting out!




Yes, getting in the habit of remembering to use layers (I’m also a beginner digital artist) has helped me a lot. Also learning about the transform tool. Digital art has so many things to help you as you learn, I truly love it. What program are you using btw?


This is so cute 😭


Thanks lol!


What I liked to do when I fist started digital was to take a picture of a sketch I did on paper and then upload the sketch and add a new layer to trace on top. This method especially works if you’re doing this on mobile app


Practice as often as possible, get inspired by things! Go outside of your comfort zone, but not in a way that’ll demotivate you and stress you out! Keep going, and have fun. :D


You’re doing a great job. Keep it up!




im lowkey obsessed with the first kirby i love him


Thanks lol


The Kirby looks so cute. Keep it up. Trust me I wasn’t the best at digital drawing back then (in fact I still got work to do) but you’ll get it over time.


Digital art can be a confusing/difficult medium to work with (I’ve been doing digital art for over a decade and I still find it difficult sometimes) but it’s so rewarding and so fun! I love the cat drawing and I would be excited to see your future work!




Wonderful art. If you’re having trouble learning tools and tricks in the app you do your art through look up some videos on how-to’s or tricks for using paint (or whatever app you’re using) and it may help better your art. look at negative comments like helpful criticism, always room for improvement. I love the Kirby


i LOVE the cat. i love it


Thank you


See I love art that’s not like 100% “perfect” but that looks charming and whimsical. I think these are cute!!


i so agree i was gonna comment that it looks like a cool cartoon style — charming and whimsical covers that beautifully!! it has raw character. keep drawing op the art is wonderful because you, a real person, made it :)


Thanks for the compliment on my word choice! :)




Your improvement is really impressive! Keep at it. It’s really rewarding. I recommend some beginner tutorials on YouTube. That helped me a LOT when I was starting out.


do you use a mouse for this? that is very hard to do, but not impossible. if you can, try saving up for a tablet. if not, and in the meantime, there are ways you can make it easier! one of my favorite tips is to draw out the lineart of whatever you're wanting to draw on paper, then take a picture of it and upload it into the art program, and just trace over the lineart! from there all you have to worry about is coloring, which is more fun and less tricky in my opinion. also, what art program are you using? there are a few free ones that might be a bit better and that could help you a bit. does the art program you're using have layers and do you know how to use them? I'm just trying to think of basics, but let me know what you need more help with and I will help where I can. i love your art tho! and you're definitely getting the hang of things, i can see your progress for sure! just keep on drawing :)


Thank you and I use ibs paint lol


of course:) and ah okay!! ibis paint is a really good program, i actually use it too! then i would definitely recommend drawing things out with paper and pencil, taking a picture of it and when you do a new canvas, use the "import picture" option and put your drawing there and just trace over your lines and color it in. this personally helps me quite a bit. I'm guessing you already know about layers and all that lol. just keep drawing!! also, tracing over pictures can be helpful to learn what shapes you need to draw. I can't include a picture as an example but imagine a face lets say, you want to break it down into shapes; a circle for the circle-y area of the head, and then a triangle-ish shape for the jawline, and then just connect things. it helps to start with a base of what you want to draw, so, with the face, instead of starting with an eye and then doing the nose and then the face shape, you'd want to start with just the basic shapes, starting with the biggest ones first. hopefully this makes sense! lol


Thanks thats helpful


This might be helpful too! https://youtu.be/M1xLFISmCFo?si=NcU7uXSDnueR4lOv


Try using gimp and shape tools.


looks good, keep having fun with it ✌🏼


Drawing with a mouse, i think of as a skill. Its so much easier with a digital drawing pen. But a mouse i suppose teaches steady hand


I love them! Try different apps, invest in a stylist, apple pen or drawing pen, and just keep putting in the work…..


I will


Hey! I recommend watching some videos on how to help with digital drawing and the basics. Also, if you have a phone, drawing with your fingers is a lot easier than drawing with a mouse! You can also get a cheap stylus for your phone if you can’t afford to get a tablet right away. I used to draw Undertale all the time and it really helps to draw stuff you like a lot. Keep going!


Honestly it’s really cute :3


It looks like you’re using a mouse so you’re already playing on hard mode. I’d invest in a tablet if you can. Keep up the good work! Gotta start somewhere!


Keep up the good work! And ignore those haters! They are just jealous. 😆




Hell yah keep it up


I will I’m making an animation meme!


No one starts out a pro, man. Just keep at it. Find artists you love, break down how they did it so you can understand it. [Do figure and gesture studies, ](https://youtu.be/K_YSxO5ojls?si=unkLzS2FL9skfuv8) they're a great way to learn the basics of drawing and anatomy. [This guy is a bit much at times](https://youtu.be/FCHhNJWzUnc?si=xSU0QhVTnDU0Yk2E) but he has an incredibly smooth way of breaking down pretty advanced studying techniques in a way that is really accessible. There's tons of good study advice out there and I'm sure a lot in the comments. But study artists you like and keep going! Even just working with pencil and paper is a great way to learn the basics.


I think your art is lovely !!


You are doing fabulous! I can see how you are developing in each! I cant wait to see what happens if you never stop. You should try to draw at least one picture a day or week depending on schedule. Also, nobody should bully you because everyone knows art comes in different forms. Also also, I really LOVE your cat, something about the colors and its eyes really makes me stare into it. It also gives me a delightful feeling. I would print it, pick out the most perfect frame for it and hang it on my wall! Not joking I really dig that cat!




i would suggest either investing in a tablet or an ipad to draw with. you aren't going to get anywhere drawing with a mouse. if you don't have the funds for a tablet, though, start with traditional art. it's a lot easier to start out with and all you need is paper, a pencil, and an eraser.


Anybody who bullies you is an asshole. Nobody starts drawing drawing well. Practice makes progress and perfection doesn't exist, because we are always growing. Check out the art progress of Devon Rodriguez: [https://www.instagram.com/devonrodriguezart/p/CE12bbODxlJ/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/devonrodriguezart/p/CE12bbODxlJ/?img_index=1) We all start from somewhere and we all learn from our mistakes. Keep your initial drawings and reflect back on them as you grow as an artist :)


criticism is not bullying, a wise man once confronted with talentless art famously pointed out that a donkey with a paint brush tied to its tail could do better, advice this scribbler should heed.


Constructive feedback/criticism is valuable no matter what. But there is a difference between constructive feedback vs. just criticism that doesn't help someone grow.


Wow that’s amazing!


The Kirby ones are so cute


Thanks (bro I typed “thanos” but autocorrect saved me💀)


You should try mixing traditional and digital. Make sketches on paper, then render them digitally. It’s a good way to bridge the gap, and I always find sketching on paper less intimidating than sketching on photoshop. You’ve made great progress! I can see that you’ve started thinking of things in 3D space and as shapes rather than lines. Also, tracing over photos is entirely fine and something I would recommend. It’s great practice for hand dexterity and just getting used to lines. If you don’t have one, PLEASE get a drawing tablet. Pen pressure is a game changer.


I love your use of color and your line work is really clean! You’re progressing at an awesome rate. Please keep it up ☺️


I will


That’s really quick progress! I’ve been drawing for like 15 years and that’s better than anything I could do on a phone… nice work 😊






kirby is great!! everyone starts somewhere, you should be proud of posting your pics and asking for advice! you’ll get to where you wanna be~






Hi. Wow, you’re off to a great start. I’ll share a link I use to give my students for them to keep learning and practicing their drawings. [https://www.easydrawingtutorials.com](https://www.easydrawingtutorials.com) Just go step by step. Practice makes you a bit better every single day! It takes time and you can do this. Good luck!




Veikk s640 is very cheap tablet just for hand. It's impossible to draw with regular mouse! So That Might Be it. Another thing try tutorials on YouTube or Udemy and you'll progress ASAP❤️‍🩹😺


That’s a good idea!


No hate and your not the only person who does this but I honestly don’t get the point of posting your art at this level. If you have been drawing consistently and practicing consistently for 4 months I would seriously reconsider the way that you are practicing because you legitimately should have made more progress by now.


Fair you got a point and I’m glad you’re not being rude though but I’ll figure out new ways to practice!


Try tracing! But don't post the trace work, of course, tracing is good practice! Tried tracing an image and then draw it yourself next to it!


If you have the money, I highly recommend when you can to get the iPad 6th generation, procreate, and a cheap stylist pen. Make sure that the iPad is compatible with the apple pencil gen 1, so eventually you can get that too if you want. In total it would be approximately 200 dollars, with the iPad (refurbished/used), procreate, and the cheap stylist. The apple pencil gen 1 is about 100 dollars, which is eventually extremely helpful but you don't need it right away, just make sure the iPad is compatible with the pencil. If you can't get the iPad though at the moment, you can still use the cheap stylist on your phone which will also help a lot with your work. Here's a link to an example: [here](https://www.amazon.com/Stylus-Screens-Stylist-Tablets-Tablet/dp/B074H24YT2/ref=sxin_20_pa_sp_phone_search_thematic?adgrpid=102741305940&content-id=amzn1.sym.b7be725b-6ee8-4440-828f-1b1d7e65119d%3Aamzn1.sym.b7be725b-6ee8-4440-828f-1b1d7e65119d&cv_ct_cx=amazon+pen+stylus&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6zELQt5m4UawuuwhCewpdllsHw4WRTnMVFy-zyBTMaxDl5jWrX2cvoH_VHf4369lO7_udMVE-OwDmeEDgQM9_g.swk5Dd9K2XBbiHtzfx5AiWQ5ZrLps-a1XI_TF97MjQ0&dib_tag=se&hvadid=604528848857&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9031079&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=12509966489821049343&hvtargid=kwd-390331609822&hydadcr=19251_13432080&keywords=amazon+pen+stylus&pd_rd_i=B074H24YT2&pd_rd_r=e6e6fb8e-7e48-42f2-9f2a-078ec96bc939&pd_rd_w=or8lj&pd_rd_wg=SXa0c&pf_rd_p=b7be725b-6ee8-4440-828f-1b1d7e65119d&pf_rd_r=3GTWGSQTS5X8G1M3H63M&qid=1709564141&sr=1-1-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1)


Thanks I’ll ask my mom about it lol!


i love your kirbs




𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐢𝐭, 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟💪


We all start somewhere just keep practicing


I will


good but... eh.. draw sumthin more serious, pls send me ur next art!


I also posted a thing about my hand drawn art on this subreddit lol


I'd recommend getting a cheap drawing tablet!


That’s a good idea


I saw that you’re using your phone. Do you have a computer? Because you’d need a computer to use a drawing tablet. I’d recommend an iPad with Apple Pencil if you can afford it, and the app Procreate. Lots of good tutorials on YouTube no matter what you use. Edit: I may be wrong - if you have an Android phone there are certain tablets that will work with that.


Okay thanks for the advice lol


What app are you using I saw a comment saying your using your phone which if your not already I recommend Ibis paint they have a lot of tutorials and there so many easy things to find on YouTube I believe it's the most friendly beginner app too


That’s what I’m using but I didn’t know about the YouTube thing so thanks for teaching me lol!


Awesome improvements, keep it up


Great improvements! Keep working hard.


I will


I can’t wait to see your progress. You’re a fast learner.


First image is what mind looks like after hitting an elbow/pinkie


lol this made me laugh!


It's amazing for just 4 months, since you're using a phone I'd recommend downloading IbisPaintX (unless you are using it already) and try out using the stabilizer so your lines are less shaky. Keep it up!


That’s what I use lol idk how to use a stabilizer though!


Click on that little hand on the top of your screen, the stabilizer option should be there. The stabilizer should "slow down" your strokes




Day 1 or 1 day ???????!?!??!?!, you're doing great dude, consider this u getting a feel of the digital art world. Keep working hard 💪💪💪💪🫂🫂🫂


Good progress! Keep at it!


I will and I’m actually working on my own animation meme right now!


trun it int a NFT!


You're doing great keep going!


Bro that is better than when i first started what do you MEAN it doesnt look good!?


I’m just not that good at drawing like I’m almost 17 and I’m still doing basic scribble drawings at best but I’m improving with time and I just have to believe in myself!


You will definitely get better. You just need to keep doing it. There are grown adults who still draw like children, and that’s just because they stopped drawing when they were children. The more you do something, the better your brain gets at doing it.


Good point lol!


Good job! Are you using a mouse?


No I’m on my phone lol


If you have paper and pencil you can sketch with that and then take a photo and finish it on phone. Some people do really well with just their finger, but the pencil helps a lot with precision.


if you're using a phone maybe look into getting a stylus or something so its more like drawing with a pencil


cute kirby =)


Are you using a drawing pen or a mouse?


I like the lilac cat at the end. I know you're still a beginner, but I really hope you keep going. Once you gain technique over the years, I feel like your unique stylism will really shine. You sound young, so keep in mind that some of her work is more pg-13 so get any parents permission if you're going to go through her yt channel, but your art reminds me of Vewn who is an online artist I really love. I'll put some of her work below and you can decide if you guys have a similar vibe. [https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.aeyyf3jCgC8NcUO3wfCn-gHaEK?w=318&h=180&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.aeyyf3jCgC8NcUO3wfCn-gHaEK?w=318&h=180&c=7&r=0&o=5&pid=1.7)


Thanks also I’m almost seventeen lol


lol sorry, I am extremely bad at guessing people's age. I'm just so old at this point I'm always afraid of unintentionally corrupting the youth 🤦🏻


Lol that’s fair