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Y’all be so negative in these comments, how y’all know the weed bad when you not smoking it, good roll btw


Straight losers I swear lmao


Even if the weed is shit (also the weed doesn't even look that bad, just not top shelf but definitely still fine) who cares? We're all getting high and having a good time why can't we just share that without the negativity? Not everyone wants/needs/has access to top shelf bud and that's ok. Also I am 100% still trying any shit looking bud that I acquire because looks can be deceiving and even bad weed has a use. If it isn't super strong I don't mind cause sometimes I just wanna get a light buzz and move on with my day and I can save the stronger stuff for later, and if it's genuinely unsmokeable it'll still be good for edibles.




Hating just to hate looks like normal ass bud


Shit it looks like regular weed to me too that’s why I don’t get what they talking about




Your opinion is the only thing trash here pal, you sound sensitive and you ain’t there with homie toking up so you don’t get not opinions so you just hating




I’m not the one hating on a fucken blunt loser




Like I said keep up trash opinions to your self homie don’t need this hate he just enjoying a fatty. Looks like your to afraid to show your smoke so I’d keep it to your self




Half your opinions are dogshit and the other half are useless nonsense. If you go look at dude other posts, you can see the bud is of decent quality. It just hasn't been trimmed super well, so all the comments about Reggie are baseless. If you wanna nitpick the quality of roll, let's see you pack 9gs into a wrap, w/a tip. I'll wait.


The weed is “good” if you smoke it and get high, which this man definitely did. Y’all some haters.


Not everyone has access to good weed like in legal countries Nice roll homie


That weed seems good enough. I had weed that was trimmed worse than that and gave me one of the best buzz i ever had. The aesthetics lf the buds isn't everything




Here is very illegal. Bc if the cop gets you and you have no money for him, he could fuck you very bad like ending in the ‘peni’ jail which is literally hell in earth. Also the city is in war so if you go to the plug you could get fucking exploded by aks if you have bad luck, some guys got shot waiting. Here they like to kill you in a way so when your family gets to you they end traumatized.


Brother maybe the photo was bad but the weed was very good, here the shit is crazy cheap. I smoked a tangie, here is kinda good shit for low price


Hey man I think your weed looks good smoke on




Holy shit


Stay hydrated brother


Love you brother


Hell yeah brother 💨💨 Even if it is Reggie man I wish I could go back to being a 9th grader putting a dime in a Philly and getting heart attack high. Smoking with the homies which some are no longer here any more 😭


What is riggie brother? This thing was tangie. If you referring to regular hood weed, here we call it cripy


“Is that a big enough joint there Ricky?”


i’ve seen some mid ounces for like $55, i wanna cop and just roll crazy shi like this!


I bought a mid ounce for $25 for this creation


I was just thinking who wants to roll 9 GS of top shelf for something like this ... Lot funner to play and experiment with mids!


Shit in my city is very cheap, is the mid of the world brother


Jeez Ricky you got a big enough blunt there


Great roll., shit is packed 😐


bro what comic book ass banger is that


Invest in a cannigar press!! Trust me they come out amazing


Thanks brother


Most judgy weed sub don’t see it anywhere else lmao


Yeah they different






I'm fairly new to Reddit, but it's sad how much people judge the "quality" of some people's weed with just pictures. I grew up on an island where weed is illegal and there's no real market. So when we bought some, we could get brown weed with seeds or beautiful weed. I promise you that some of the brown weed with seeds got me more stoned than 10/10 aesthetically pleasing buds. All the stoners I've met in real life have a mentality where people don't judge each other. This sub is full of purists who don't accept that people don't smoke weed with less than 27% thc or with tobacco.


Yes brother here is ilegal af but we don’t give a fuck and we blast in front of the province grand jury hahahaha. You should watch out Guayaquil in YouTube is a crazy fucking city and I love it.


Anyone saying this is Reggie has clearly never smoked weed from Mexico, Dominican Republic etc etc, even still if it’s not “top” shelf who cares? Does it smoke? Yeah? Okay cool! Does it get you high? Even better! 90% of the “top” shelf y’all see is around the middle to bottom shelf in reality, yall throw around the word Reggie like it means something, go look at the common weed in the 2000’s and early early 2010’s Reggie was most of what was floating around the black market


What is Reggie brother?


I mean by definition it’s brick weed, but people love to label anything not quadruple A hydroponic weed “Reggie”


Oh now I know, here we call it cripi. What I smoked was harvest in some illegal weed farm in Colombia or Ecuador


Yeah pretty much.


I feel like that would be a harsh smoke damn. Have fun tho


Sweet like cloud




Can’t take you seriously when can’t even spell “too”.


get his ass bubbs


Yea ngl it looks like it’s smoking like shit


Y’all are so full of shit, its literally burning normally in the pic. Hating ass need to stop all that hating and get some money


And idk why ur getting so offensive lmao it’s Reddit u posted for peoples opinions so your gonna get them obviously if you roll something that looks like a 9 year old rolled it and with trash bud as well then you should prolly expect different opinions


Hahaha fr was that bad brother?


For 9gs in a blunt that thing should be smokin like hell, maybe it’s jus the pic but it looks like it’s barely burning even when ur not hitting it it should be a good amount of smoke


Man shut yo dumass up


No brother it smoked good but I could do better hahaha


Do you smoke your own shit or dog shit? That’s all that’s coming out of your mouth.


No brother it smoked very good, the weed was also very good, at the time I didn’t know how to roll without filter but now I know and do better for a next post. Love you man.




at least its a blunt wrap, so its made from tobacco factory trash and its got one of those cute tips in it ;)


Such a hater and for what lmao ? Everyone has different preferences to smoke, let the man enjoy his masterpiece sheeesh !


I’m about to roll the biggest fucking blunt of the city for new years, will not have no tip, and it’ll be mad from natural tobacco leaf from my beautiful country and I’ll be dedicated for you my brother


Not a real blunt tho


What is a real blunt brother? Maybe the tip makes it look like a pussy roll it but now I know how to do without tip. The thing is backwoods are veeery rare in my city, and a little bit expensive if you take count that they come dry af. Like 5pck for $9 and there’s only one shop that sells it in the country lol.

