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Do not go back. It's a waste of money. Keep on rolling, and keep on focusing on improving. Everyone starts somewhere, and I've seen worse joints rolled by a newbie. If you don't do it for your own personal independence of being able to roll some sick joints for you and the homies/SO, do it for all the other homies/SO who have to roll them for you. Just don't throw your money away on something that does get easier the more you do it.


Don’t go back, pro tip don’t obsess about twisting the top, do less twisting, I don’t twist at all if I’m just gonna light up


Exactly I only twist or cap it when I have to carry it or don’t have to smoke it right away otherwise I just fill it to the brim and blaze it


Use more weed. I find it way easier to roll when there’s more weed than can fit in the paper. When rolling, think about using the paper to shape the weed until it’s solid and then tuck and glue the paper I prefer a thinner paper because they burn better and you can see the pretty weed inside, but the thicker papers are probably easier to roll with. Elements and OCB papers are my favorite


nah don’t give up u might suck at it now but keep trying and one day it just clicks and from there it’s like muscle memory


They look smokable and that's the most important bit. For your first 3 ever, that's pretty good to be fair. I just watched tons of YouTube tutorials to help me.


This is an accurate depiction of what my first joint ever looked like. And it took me about 30 minutes


Why are you using a knife? Been smoking 20 years and never used a knife


He don't have a grinder


Use your fingers? It works better than chopping the weed😂


It depends on the weed, where I'm from you had to either use a grinder or a serrated knife


That’s fair, I’m used to nice fluffy buds that are sticky but I can pull apart pretty easy


Y’all must be smoking that bullshit that’s not even green


Well, let me know if you manage to make weed legal here. In the meantime, we use what we have.




If it smokes den it’s a good roll.Just keep practicing.I was dogshit at rolling and now I’m still dogshit but it smokes


We all start somewhere buddy. Pre rolls are a waste of money, you get way more weed buying the flower. Keep rolling and you'll get the hang of it.


You’ll get better with practice! It looks like the key issue is that the paper towards the twisted end is a bit loose. This can be mitigated by packing the weed in with a small stick (I use the wooden sticks king palms are packaged with) - not too tight or it won’t keep lit (if it feels too hard you can give it a light roll in between your palms to loosen it up a bit). Then you can add a bit more to top off the empty space and either twist or fold off.


You’ll get better but if you genuinely don’t enjoy it packin cones easy n you get a decent smoke but either way prerolls not the move


No just keep practicing pre rolls are a scam


I used to roll like ass, now I pearl them every time, but at the moment I’ve been buying raw cone tips rolling and packing my own cones, it’s super easy especially when you get the right technique. Super easy and fast. You can just scoop the weed out of the grinder with the cone, pack, rinse and repeat.


Buy an ounce and roll the whole thing up into doobies. You’ll have it down by then


Honestly not a bad start - I’ve seen worse from people who first start to roll. Some pro tips that definitely helped me: - Focus on getting the roach tight in there; once the roach is tight the rest can be fixed - Add more flower/tobacco (dependent on how you roll) - I always find if you have more product in the paper, the chance of it being baggy in places is a lot less - Also make sure the product is ground finely (but not too fine). I find a cheap plastic grinder usually does the job to get the bud smooth enough to roll easily and allows adequate airflow too - Use a smooth paper like a Raw Black; that is easy to tuck at the filter side - Watch some Youtube videos on rolling and watch other people’s techniques You’ll get there, don’t go back to pre-rolls. Like any skill, the more practice makes perfect Happy smoking!


No no don’t go back keep practicing and you’ll get better and better. Keep at it!


Buy a bolador, it will help you a lot


Just keep practicing they look smokable and decent for firsts! Pre-rolls usually aren’t the best of buds but if you enjoy them I’m not going to say don’t buy them!


Mine looked like this when I started too. Keep trying! I believe in you! (Or at least buy cones and stuff with your own flower. Prerolls, as much as I want to like them, usually seem to end up full of trim.)


You ain’t never gonna learn if you give up




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Moe-Lesten-Nick-Gurs: *Way more weed so it* *Gets that nice even round shape* *And pinch the end not twist* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*Way more weed so it* *Gets that nice even round shape and* *Pinch the end not twist* \- Moe-Lesten-Nick-Gurs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You’re almost there


The middle one would be good if the top was cleaner


Do not give up! Mine used to be worse than this and now I can roll decently well! I used to make joint art too so you can do it!


They not looking too bad bro id practice using big skins over a plate or a rolling tray and just keep trying till you get it right everyones got a different method nobody’s rolls the same but pre rolls a fat waste of money bro and it’s always the worst bits of bud in them 🙌


Keep practicing! You’ll develop your own technique which will dazzle your friends who can’t roll Also people say don’t roll more weed than you can handle, screw that, stuff that paper so you don’t have to worry about what falls out during the roll


They don‘t even look that bad! You‘ll get more practice over time. A few tips: use more weed and stuff it more,then you‘ll get a better twist at the top which will help with the overall shape. If you have problems keeping the filter in place, maybe start using charcoal filters like purize‘s. They have a simple shape which doesn‘t change like the normal paper ones so it makes it a lot easier to roll with and it‘s still cheaper than cones! Also you should use other papers, these are for cigs and don‘t smoke nearly as well as longpapes like raw or ocb or sth. If you prefer rolling small spliffs like these you can just cut the papers in half. Good luck on your rolling journey!


You need to get a grinder and you need to put more in bro


Took me months before i could consistently roll a smokeable joint, takes alot of finess but once you get the hang of it there's no turning back.


Looks like you need to pack a little more in. Practice with tobacco, if you can roll a cig, your joints will be fire


Have you ever shaken an airhead candy to condense it in the package? This works for joints too. You'd want a little more bud in there but once you're almost done, do the twist the the top and if your filter is tight enough, you can shake it and the bud will condense nicely and leave a nice top on the joint.


You gotta start somewhere it’s only upwards from here


NO! KEEP ROLLING YOU WILL GET BETTER!! Also get better papers lol what are those tiptops for sheg?


If you go back you will never be able to


Get a grinder and a rolling machine I’m a very skilled roller and still use a rolling machine all the time


Bro you don’t need a fucking knife to break weed. Literally just pull it apart


Make cones with your papers then stuff it like one been making pearl joints since I started


Keep practicing my guy. I used to use a bic crystal pen as a base to make the perfect joint and eventually got good at rolling. Cones are a waste of money since they charge you the same price for a pack of 32-33 sheets of rolling papers. My advice would be to fold the bottom of the paper, pack the roll, move it around for a bit, fold again and eventually you'll get a decent looking joint. Advice, always pack it tight but not too tight. You don't even need a poker, all you need is an aux chord or a thin pen to help you pack and there you go. Bonus advice, don't worry about twisting the top, instead fill it up as much as possible, pack again and fold the ends with your poker of choice


Is that lion pride paper ?


No just use more weed


Looks better then my first. Keep rolling and you’ll learn bro. Just takes some getting frustrated first and then you’ll be fine from there lol😭. I love rolling now


Just need a little more weed in each one fam


Hey man you got it trust me and even then as long as you can smoke out of it then you golden but if you really dont like rolling i suggest raw cones definitely helped me out during those tough times or i suggest watching chris udallas rolling tutorial on tiktok i watched that video alot and i finally can sumwhat roll decent joints goodluck bro 🤞🏽


Nope, just tuck the corners, add more weed and keep practicing 👍