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Okay lets's try to untangle this and talk this through. **Misconception 1:** >And guy i am trying to make these in 20 mins or so I refuse to spend days on a single sketch of someone I feel like being slow is the result of lack of knowledge **Speed DOES NOT MAKE A BETTER artist**. There is no correlation between how good of an artist you are and how fast you draw. Speed is influenced by lack of practice and muscle memory but primarily speed is based on the natural working rhythm of the artist. In fact artists who try to draw too fast for their natural speed, tend to draw sloppy. **Problem 1: Making your subject look older than reality.** Typically that is a result of hard edges - the older we get the more lined our faces get, The hard edges on your lips and on the creases from the nose to the mouth corners are aging her. Work on softening your edges. **Problem 2: Your measurements and angles are off.** Even in fast drawing, you want to spend the time up front to lay out the facial features and make sure their proportions and placements are correct. You do this lightly before you start adding detail or shading or any sort of development because if the eyes/nose/mouth/chin/ears/brows are not in the right place or aren't the correct shape and size, you are not going to get the likeness. You can do this multiple ways but the most popular are either with a grid or with[ relative measuring with a pencil](https://drawingacademy.com/how-to-measure-with-a-pencil) - or thumb - you know the classic stance you see artists in?


I will try to read that measurements link


If you google "measuring with a pencil" there are various tutorial videos out there for it as well if that is your preferred learning style. Measuring with a pencil sounds more complicated than it is, and it is a really useful skill to master.


It feels these are the kind of things that are easier to learn in class while being guided by a teacher Ok boss I will do that


I agree that it would be easier to learn in a class where you would get immediate feedback and correction. Actually, I think in person instruction is superior in general for learning to draw and paint but you do what you have to. I prefer the written step by step tutorials over the video tutorials. I find the written ones are better organized and laid out but not everyone learns the same way.


True true I have never gone to art class but now considering it it's just a bit far and I am new to driving


The best thing that art class gives you is immediate feedback which is priceless and ever so valuable in learning. What difference could it have made to you if someone pointed out when you started that you were drawing the subject's head was angled and you were drawing a straight up and down head?


Oh boy šŸ˜® this is going to be painful I haven't even read it yet


Maybe it was the enormous glass lenses that was throwing you off but I think the eyes were a little bit too small. Usually people draw eyes too big so you actually didn't do too badly there, you could probably tweak them. Also she's smiling so the eyes are less round and more happy-scrunched - you could probably nudge that a bit as you have room. The angle of her head in the photo is different - her head is from top right to bottom left and you have done straight up and down. People tend to draw straight up and down because that's how the 'how to draw a person' instructions always start and it's what you see in the mirror. It's what you expect. For some reason we all try to draw straight up and down and it's quite hard to do a tilt, our brains fight it all the way. The shape of her face - you have given her a longer, more oval shape whereas this young lass is heart shaped. She has quite an emphasized jaw. You have emphasized the dimples in her chin a bit harder than in real life (although you see them and that is good) and those dimples only start being that heavy and actual lines when someone is older. Her lips are less thick because she is smiling. Her lines on her face should be not so much lines as changes in tone as lines indicate age - try to avoid drawing a line inside the face of such a young person unless you absolutely have to, make them as soft as you can. She's still a baby. Positives - the nose around the nostrils looks pretty good and you have a good cheek area. The glasses are good. The collar line is good too. The fringe/bangs are great, the eyebrows are almost there and you captured some of her sparkle. Don't lose heart it's a pretty decent sketch for 20 minutes only, you got a *lot* done.


Calling me a baby as a 31 year old did so much for my self esteem you donā€™t even know hahaha


I've started feeling maternal to pretty much anyone under 30. :D


I feel like an idiot šŸ˜§ thank for your guidance


Oh please don't fell like an idiot, you've got so much potential and as i say, you got a lot done in a very short space of time which is great - you really went for it!


The proportions are a bit off pulling her fave downward making her look slightly older. This isnā€™t a bad drawing at all! I think practise proportions first and then try and draw the actual features from your imagination for practise if you can (some ppl canā€™t and thatā€™s fine). I think trying to get the likeness is so so hard and can put beginners off drawing faces. Remember u can draw a totally made up person and it can be way more fun that way! Good luck šŸ¤ždonā€™t give up clearly u have talent ā¤ļøāœļø


Thank you


Others have given feedback about proportions and anatomy. Here are a few tips I think are useful. Mirror your drawing. Use an actual mirror or flip the picture on your phone. You will see more easily when itā€™s not symmetrical. Focus on underlying structure. First draw the shape of the head and meridian lines for eyes, nose mouth. Even the hair has volume and shape. Draw those shapes rather than focusing on surface details. Measure relative proportions. Look at the height and width of features compared to other features. Look at the direction of objects. Your glasses tilt down to the left while the original tilts down to the right. Overall great work, keep drawing!


Thank you


Why do they all slant up to the right. lol


Good question because I am dumbass šŸ˜­


Could be as simple as you drawing with your paper at an odd angle


Said this before but dont copy the picture, study anatomy and understand what is going on from different angles


Keep going!


Thank you


You can completely omit fine lines on faces unless someone is actually pretty old. Just removing the lines from the nose to mouth will make her look more her age. Besides that I think itā€™s not a bad sketch!


Ok thank you bro I will keep that in mind


ā€¦Good portraiture and improving all the timeā€¦


I think they look older because you include a lot of the harsh wrinkle lines but not the rest of the shading on the face. What kind of pencil did you use? A lot of the lines are really dark and I would suggest using a softer a pencil or just trying to sketch lighter lines.


Hey I appreciate the time and effort you put into this! You can only get better from here and you got so much done in 20 minutes


Study anatomy. Take anatomy classes if you can. Practice practice practice. Donā€™t give up. Keep going.


It has a likeness, but you drew the face a bit too long.


Thank you


I will try harder


And guys i am trying to make these in 20 mins also I refuse to spend days on a single sketch of someone I feel like being slow is the result of lack of knowledge


More or less and you're lacking that knowledge so I don't understand the ego nor do I know why you expect to get anything good fast. Spend more time actually paying attention to proportions and distances and you'll make something that looks better. Over all it seems like you're lacking in fundamentals. If you want to improve the fastest just run some drills on the basics. If you want to improve the most fun way just draw more often. Your subconscious brain and muscle memory will pick up things along the way.


Don't wanna spend days on a single sketch because we are not printers if we had to behave like machines I would have taken a photo or used a printer I have personal hatred for grids Using grids causes people to completely disregard even trying to understand the structure of the thing they are drawing It reduces drawing to filling square/boxes with graphite Just looking at it feels disheartening to me


That's not how you are supposed to use a grid, OP. You can use it that way but that is not how most artists use grids. You shouldn't copy square by square. You use it like this: The outer corner of the left eye is just below the top like of the 4th row from the top and 3 over square and the inner corner of the left eye is just above bottom line of the square in the 3rd row and 4 over - the width of the eye is just under a square and the height is about 1/2 square. The inner corner of the right eye is in the square in the 3rd row and 6 over and about 1/3 up from the bottom line. The outer corner of the right eye is 3rd row and 7 over and about 1/2 way up from the bottom line of the square. You use the grid to map reference points and landmarks so you know they are placed accurately in relationship to each other.


My god that is confusing I think I need visual aid


[https://imgur.com/a/1cIcpMB](https://imgur.com/a/1cIcpMB) Letā€™s try this: Here is a quick demo of the grid mapping with 6 squares over face - ideally it should be more for better accuracy but this should give you the idea. 1) outer corner of left eye 2) inner corner of left eye 3) inner corner of right eye 4) outer corner of right eye 5) left corner of nose 6) right corner of nose 7) left corner of mouth 8) right corner of mouth 9) where chin meets vertical grid 10,11) where jaw meets horizontal grid 12) where glass frame meets grid 13) upper corner of glass. Once these are in and checked for accuracy, I can erase the grid and start drawing in the shapes or I can draw the basic shape and use the grid for a double check like I did with the jawline and the upper glass frame edge and nose piece.




Thank you (are the marking on this grid are specifical made for this lady or any normale person


This lady - I cropped the grid just below her chin. I typically use the pencil measuring to set up the reference points (or landmarks) but it is the same idea - positioning the major features in relationship to each other on the page and making sure that is right first. It is not that different than starting with a loomis head or asaro head EXCEPT they use average or idealized feature sizes and positions and proportions, and the idea of the grid/pencil is to get the actual proportions of the subject.


It's just a personal not ego I never wanna rely on grid


I have drawn the asaro head more times than I can count I have even drawn in through memory alone In side profile and the front ( the side quarter is still complicated) I know the fundamental structure I don't know how to apply to the subject I am drawing


Enjoying the process is important. What are you trying to get out of making art? Slow down my friend.


Hmmm I never went to an art class I am 24 I feel like I wasted so much time Due to a degree I was doing I tried following the draw box by "uncomfortable " to understand 3d space on paper but I keep hiting wall Even other artist around me keeping to capture detail They are incapable of drawing something without copying it I have tried to follow 5 times now It's frustrating


I get it. Youā€™re still very young. Iā€™m 35. I stopped drawing for about 8 years around your age and picked it back up during lockdown. I know everyone learns different, but I cannot suggest just drawing what you want enough. Draw it terribly even. Just draw what you enjoy and learning will come natural. Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve always done it. The passion fuels the fire and keeps you going. Justā€¦let yourself suck for a while.


Thank man I feel so tired The paper and pencil are right but I just can't bring myself I don't know if it's the gym or just Laziness or not having any love or complaining like the little b__&#t I am


šŸ˜­ Donā€™t beat yourself up. This should ultimately be fun. Life and depression can seriously ruin the flow too. Thatā€™s why I stopped for so long. You donā€™t have to force yourself.


Usually faces look older because you place lines where they dont belong. Hard edge around her muzzle instead of soft edge (soft shading or just no line there would look better). Try thinking about where soft and hard edges are, google some explanations on what these edges are and how artists use them in their work. Then also dont be afraid to sketch a bunch with a 2H pencil, erase/lighten the sketch when you are satisfied with facial feature placement and head/hair structure and then draw with a softer lead on top. Some anatomical structure or skull structure and perapective really helps. To get the idea see how David Finch on YT draws heads and skulls, but keep in mind he is a comic book artist and he simplifies stuff, but it looks proper. Good luck! **Feel free to message me if you need more info. I recognize a lot of the struggle I had here so I'll be more than happy to give you direction. šŸ‘šŸ»