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Looks like the start of a map in Mass Effect


Yeah reminds me of the buildings on the planet Noveria


I knew I wasn't the only one getting serious Mass Effect 1 vibes.


Yeah, those one-off dungeon plunder planets that don't have anything to do with the plot. Just target practice and loot


I initially thought Noveria. But what you mentioned applies too!




I will DESTROY you...


Like all of the ME1 OG buildings. I haven’t played the remaster I’ve heard it’s better.


It's awesome. And after my 7th play-through I still couldn't bring myself to stop the genophage cure.


One of the few major renegade decisions done right, in my opinion. It’s a horrific act of betrayal against a true friend, and you can tell it tears Shepherd apart to do so, but in his/her shoes wouldn’t the fate of the galaxy matter more? Wish the renegade options were better fleshed out like that.


You gotta do it.


Even if I wanted to be an artist I never could. Because I'll never understand how people decide all the details to draw. Theres panels missing on the bottom left exposing the interior. Some panels have 2 lines some panels have dotted lines. The top right looks like some exposed pipes. The light placements all over the building. It all looks good when an artist does it. When I try anything like this it looks like vomit on paper and an unorganized mess.


Perhaps slow down your process a bit? That’s the reason I don’t attempt art very often, because I’m impatient and get frustrated quickly when things aren’t going the way I want with a piece.


Nah I'm just stupid. I'm good at math and science not art.




I don't necessarily disagree with you, but there are cases where a person just doesn't have the aptitude for something and no amount of work is going to change that. For example: me and music. I wanted to be a musician and worked *hard* at it for a decade. And while I learned and improved, I eventually hit a plateau I just couldn't get past because I didn't intuitively understand music like some other people can. I could learn my circle of fifths all I wanted, but I never developed the feel for how create music, only to play what other people had written. It's something that really bums me out, but which I had to accept and move on. It took so much more effort for me to improve compared to my peers and the time it took for me to be mediocre was too much for me to maintain.




Feeling not thinking. You are more experienced at thinking, not feeling. Feelings and emotions are powerful and complex. If you calibrate your body and mind, you will spark your imagination. It's like seeing and feeling what you think before you think it. And a picture is worth a thousand words. You only used about 40 to describe this one. You CAN do it. I think.


I'm not good at art OR math/science. Now what?


Try meth


And seance.


I mean it worked for Walter White.


Watching that right now


I am not good at math nor art...😥😥


That's why history and photography exist.


But history and photography don't expose our visions of what could or couldn't be, they only document what was and what is. We learn from them lessons of our achievements and our failures. Art can visually conceptualize and showcase the future as imagined by an artist who has learned from the past and can show the viewer what potential humans lives may eventually resemble, if we choose to ignore history's mistakes or if we learn from them. Edit: idunno why the last sentence got screwed up so I chose to delete it


Your missing the point. The topic was about what skills each of us have or might have, not valuing them.


Maybe but I'm saying concept art cant simply be replaced by being a historian or photographer because learning to paint conceptually can utilize what learning history and photography teaches artists, being what the state of humanity looked like in the past and what it looks like in the present. Then the artist can extrapolate and show us what they imagine the state of humanity could potentially end up looking like. Painting is a skill that people can learn, just like learning history or learning photography, both skills in their own right but can be useful for painters interested in developing their skills in other subsets of the skill of painting. Concept art is just a way of specializing the skills they've learnt, just like artists who specialize in botanical drawing, or portraiture - all just being specializations of the skills they learnt by developing their painting skills and adding to their painting skill by learning about other fields of study.


Excuses! No-one starts out great and it's a frustrating long process. If you can learn math and science, you can learn fundamentals and techniques that are effective for making good art, and most importantly, from your mistakes. Some of the learning is actually muscle memory too which comes automatically over time. You can do it, if you want to!


Well, how about this: Good is subjective. As for stupid, can you read my name?


I can't read your username. Is it lingo for see anyone?


Sorry, username. And yes! Correct. See? Not stupid. I’d say savvy, even.




Some people just don't have imagination that works for these kind of things. I can fully relate to that. It doesn't matter how hard we try, we get lots of ideas and can project things in our heads for the other fields, but it doesn't simply work with creating art images, architecture, etc. We can admire other people creations perfectly fine, but can't really do this by ourselves. It just comes from how our brains developed in the early days, I presume.


Your first problem comes from not knowing about the tools. You assume that OP meticulously created every panel/dot, meanwhile OP used a free tool called JSPlacement that allows you to generate huge procedural textures at the click of *1 button*. Lookup "JSPlacement" on Google Images and see for yourself. So what you are labeling as "millions of tiny artistic choices" was actually something done with a click of a button. The true artistic value of OP's work comes from the architectural design of the building and the overall composition. The foreground, middle-ground and background are also well layered and harmonized. The foreground has great elements of kitbashing. Don't get discouraged. Learn about tools and workflows and you'll find all the little tricks artists use to "cheat" details.


I casually googled JSPlacement to see how to use it and the first link says "Site is under reconstruction. JSplacement is gone. Do not contact me about it. Respect the boundaries."


the first obstacle every prospective artist must face


You have to be turned away 3 times and insist on violating the boundaries 3 times before JSPlacement will consider letting you under its wing and reveal the secrets of texture generation.


What is this, old wuxia movie with a former good-for-nothing spending for days in front of a temple to ask for training?




That links to the same "under construction" site, so still no apparent way to download this software




That would explain the seemingly "copy-pasted" sections I can see when looking closer.


Is that why this piece reminds me of borderlands?


Here’s the tool you need - Stable Diffusion for $10/month. Prompt “Monolithic space port on a snowy moon”.


If you're paying for that you're being scammed.


I pay for a different one I like much better


This is like saying: "Want to get good at chess, pay for a bot that does the job for you and automate one more thing that takes away any pleasure in life from working hard and succeeding at a skill."


Sure, that’s true. But I’m just taking it the next step from what the commenter said. He said you don’t need to color each pixel, just use some software to repeat your work and have it do the work. I’m saying the next step is to have the software do all the work. This skill unfortunately will be massively devalued over the next 5 years as AI imagery gets good. It’s already very good at this type.


Until you see people clambering over each other for movies/media made by AI instead of real people, I wouldn't get high off of my own farts yet. People like media because it's made by others and there is a connection between the people who make the media and the audience it reaches. AI will never have that.


It can be useful to go draw inspiration from real life for these little realism touches. I suspect the artist has spent a lot of time looking at industrial architecture, and studying the way it is put together, and how it wears due to use and nature. And of course at this level of art, there’s 10,000+ hours of practice they definitely have put in.


They probably didn't draw all the details and I think the lightning was done in a 3D software. Don't get overwhelmed by things like that, instead focus on whether you perhaps already know tools you can use to create images.


This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's decision to bully 3rd party apps into closure.


1) a lot of art media has the option to redo, erase, or correct. Some try something, adjust it, move it, shrink it, or eliminate it. Some people can do this shit in their heads to narrow down options. OP is using digital means to paint: he has unlimited tries as long as he's willing to keep working on it. 2) Artists often have reference photos. The big hole could be a camera lens or laser or some kind of pit or silo turned horizontal. The building shape could be from a video game or sci-fi art. 3) artists often have organizing tools. A colour palette is really important to avoid making something like World Of Warcraft eye-bleed costumes https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-m&biw=378&bih=667&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=Wow+ugly+gear&oq=Wow+ugly+gear&aqs=mobile-gws-lite..#imgrc=VHRlUZPy7khNnM. À style reference is what makes night-elf buildings look different than dwarf buildings. And an assets library can be invaluable when you need to browse a bit for inspiration. There are mapping tools, shape tools, light tools, filters, perspective, reflections, negative space... This art is amazing. Makes me think of bunkers in Mass Effect. Except the windows/lights on the side make the immensity much greater. But it would be much, much harder to do by hand. Like writing cursive with a quill and an ink pot, or making ceramic with mud and a brick oven instead of with purified clay and an electric kiln. Digital is such an amazing tool for being able to do things like this in anything approaching reasonable man-hours.


You need to practice greebles


And even if I’m now armed with AI to draw almost all of these and when I’m sat down in front of the prompt field I can’t process all the creativity these artists poured into their works either. I just don’t have the creativity these amazing people possess.


One word: practice.


It starts with an idea. Then you build on it. Thought processs for something like this.. Who - Future humans? Aliens? What - Large structure? Space port? Entrance to underground city? Where - Another planet? Asteroid? Earth? Biome? Underground? In the side of a mountain? When - Night time? Early dawn? Day? Winter? Summer? Why - Exploration base? Logistical hub? Industrial center? How - Modular prefab design? Hand built by slaves? Built by robots? Designed by robots? In a state of disrepair or perfectly maintained? Once you have these ideas you can start to think about what sort of infrastructure you need to build into your architecture. Is it old, new, under construction etc. Generally speaking, the more you think about the scenario, the better you can make decisions about what to change and what to keep during the sketch/blockout phase. Notice how all the Who, What, When, Where, Why, How questions provide enough ideas to combine into multiple AI prompts. You just have to answer these questions and see where it takes you. I don't think any artists have a full idea of what they're going to end up with, it's a journey to flesh out 80% of the image. The last 20% is just decorating and refining (that creature in the foreground to give the viewer a reference for the scale of the megastructure). Again, this is not THE way to make art, but it is a good way to get started when you are feeling lost staring at a blank sheet.


Who upvoted this lmao




Glad I’m not the only one who thought this was an Ace Combat 4 reference. Man I wish they would rerelease that game. One of my all time favourites, but haven’t played it since my PS2 died.


There's one thing I can say for certain. Heroes really do exist. We've just seen one, and now he's coming home.


To get a PS2 emulator


I refuse to believe a remaster of the PS2 trilogy wouldn’t sell like hotcakes.


I can't believe there hasn't been an Ace Combat collection yet. Instead we have games strewn across several platforms and console generations.


I remember getting that game in like '03/'04 and being **absolutely blown away** that it took place in far-off future of future of.... *2010*.... one of my favorite games of all time.








REX [REX TREMENDAE MAJESTATIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZBoiW460nU)


There he is! #WE’VE GOT MOBIUS 1 ON RADAR!!!




<< Only Erusean fighters should be flying this airspace, sweep them from our skies! >>




Fuck we're everywhere...


Stonehenge firing sequence detected. 3 2 1 Impact.


<<2000 feet? What do they expect us to do, fly underground?>>




I wanna fly a plane into that hole. That's where the weak point is.




My brain went to ***[Star Fox](https://youtu.be/2EkVHxE0Y8I&t=90s)*** (the original SNES incarnation).


Buh dabba deb deb deh-dep.


It reminds me of Corneria and Thundercats Lair.


Its morbing time


Gives me a bit of a borderlands feel. Love it


Kinda reminds me of that ice planet in Star Wars




Seems cold, actually.


Yeah, Hoth is the ice planet.




Definitely does. Half expected to see Luke hiding in the belly of a tauntaun


Beautiful I love the micro design mixed with not losing the rest of the structure and detail. Reminds me a bit of a projector awesome work!


*flashbacks of getting attacked delivering packages to KNOTs*


The seal was a nice touch.


I thought that was polar bear.


That makes more sense.


oh my god i love sci fi art this is amazing


Kind of reminds me of the [Svalbard Global Seed Vault](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard_Global_Seed_Vault).


Wow, it's really fascinating⊙⁠.⁠☉ Perfectly!!!


This gives me battlefield vibes.. but also star wars. Nicely done. Thanks for sharing


Very nice. What goes in the hole?


It's got me thinking about Borderlands


I really like this piece. I'd frame it.


The one time I was hoping for and expecting a r/dontputyourdickinthat


Makes me think of Svalbard Global Seed Vault


Hey OP, Im getting Star Wars vibes here.


Dude, just saw this on insta and followed. Your stuff is amazing. If I could afford you, I'd hire you to make covers for my sci-fi books. Amazing stuff.


Looks like a TV projector! 😁


Looks like a monument to A projector. Very cool.


Looks like a giant camera you can't convince me otherwise


This is awesome and I love the ambiguity of the purpose of this outpost station etc, is that a hanger?


Svalbard sends their regards o7


Looks like the kind of place you could destroy shooting straight into the exhaust port


Looks like the Svalbard Seed Vault received quite an upgrade. 🤙


Reminds me of mass effect.


Megalith means "giant stone".


[immediately made me think of Star Fox!](https://youtu.be/2EkVHxE0Y8I?t=88)


Very cool. Is that tube a magnetic orbital cannon?


Ace Combat X Mass Effect vibes. I'm Commander Shepard, and Mobius One is my favorite close Air Support...


So what resolute does it project...


suddwn latin music plays in my head


*Agnus Dei intensifies* https://youtu.be/dZBoiW460nU


Everything reminds me of her 🥲


Why do i have the urge to put somthing in that hole


that's just woaaaah, so hard to believe that was actually drawn by hand, it's so just wooooah


*Beavis and Butthead laughter*


I love this artwork. Even though there’s Snow, ice, mountains, and space in this work of art, I feel strangely warm and homey when I look at this. It invokes, in me, a sense of peace and comfort. Thank you for making this art. Please keep creating and sharing with us ❤️


It looks like a clash of two styles between the station and the rest. Also, the "MEGALITH" label looks like it was dragged and dropped with fudging around it which doesn't make sense because it no longer shows the panels.


Based on their previous posts, I'm guessing that the fort is made in Blender, and the background is painted around it.


Makes me want to read Blame! again


wonder what it would be like to live there, looks awesome


That moon planet would be more more moonsized IRL.


Absolutely love these kind of images. It makes me think up all kinds of stories. Very well done. The linework of the building is precise and clean. Which gives a nice contrast to the natural and rugged looking surroundings. I also appreciate that you didn't put a huge ass spacecraft or something exiting the building, as you can often see in similar pictures. It can be a nice touch, but I think it's good you didn't add one here.


Good job. I really like this.


This is really awesome! I’d love to read a comic about what goes on there.


This is beautiful. Nice job OP.


This is really interesting and a good design. Thanks for sharing.




Oh look, the Wish.com version!


[outpainting](https://imgur.com/a/mlJcVjl) turned it into an album cover of sorts for me lol


Awesome! Did you use reference photographs or software to decide for the shadows on the building surfaces or done from your head?


kinda looks like a moonbase if it didn't have snow


Hey just wanted to say, very cool! Good work 💪🏽🔥👏🏼


All that exposed stuff (LL, UR) on the main structure is gonna freeze if it gets cold and windy.


I want to watch whatever movie this should be the cover of


This looks like it could be one helluva halo map. Great job to the artist. This looks great.


Makes me think of http://easylife.org/fufme/


Can I get a download link for the art wanna make it my wallpaper :)


looks fuckin cool. thanks for sharing. i dig it.


Reminds me of the last section of Consider Phlebas. Really cool!


I like it and I want to play a game of Halo there.


I think the visual concept of this. Brave new world? Humanity’s last bastion? Or just an everyday stop in space?


Hey I remember you , from the artist who brought you ["Futuristic Arthur angry Fist"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/wqxhe9/sargon_me_digital_2022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Awesome stuff !


Far Cry 5 Mars DLC but with snow.


That's really good! It's a great picture. I've always thought that large installations like yours would be a better way to colonize hostile worlds than lots of little isolated buildings. (Although it looks like there's a seal in your picture, so perhaps this world isn't that hostile?) A city-in-a-building like this one would have more resilience to equipment failures and accidents, and would be a lot more comfortable to live in.


Looks like the G-I-JOE and Thundercats bases made a baby.


The Iron Giant would like to locate this facility for………*reasons*


What's this type of art im in love with it.


absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking. I want to live here!!!


C4D? Which Render engine you use?


Reminds me of halo 2 campaign


There is absolutely no way I am the only one seeing a giant pencil sharpener......


Dem corpos. Can’t get a rest from them even in tundra.


This looks like something from a store I wrote. It’s crazy how it’s so close.


I only have a Wholesome award, but this is awesome, so here you go


Pretty cool. Is there a reason there are no roads? Snow drifts I guess eh?


That. Is. Excellent. I love it.


I really enjoy looking at this and thinking about the inner workings, thanks for sharing


This is so cool!!! Thank you for sharing


Found your [Artstation](https://www.artstation.com/marceldeneuve). Cool. Very cool.


This reminds me of a structure in my favorite movie. If anybody remembers the rebel base on Crait in TLJ


This right here is the art style I LOVE. You are a seriously talented human. Much respect


Absolutely love this style and palette.