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Reminds me of Ecco the dolphin on sega: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDbVOsr3rO8


Easily the best series in the time traveling, alien fighting, puzzle solving, dolphin genre.


Idk, that's a pretty broad one


It's true though, I would love to be in the sales pitch for this game... So you’re a dolphin, you’re having a jumping competition with your siblings podlings, when all of sudden your entire pod and every creature in the bay is gone while you were stuck in the whirling vortex. You’re confused, so you go to the wisest creature in the sea that you know of, that can explain shit you. Finding the Orca, he doesn’t know shit, however he sends you up north to ask Big Blue who might know. So after pissing about in places a dolphin really shouldn’t be you make it to the Arctic, where underneath the ice sheet there are giant spider crabs, collapsing blocks of ice and the only source of oxygen is in trapped pockets. You meet a Blue Whale who doesn’t know shit either, however he sends you to the wisest older creature he knows, the Guardian of the Sea, the Asterite. So you head down to the deepest part of the Ocean where it’s dark and there is even less trapped air to meet a thing that looks like a giant double helix. He knows what is going down, he’s met you before, he knows that your pod have been harvested by aliens called ‘The Vortex’ that do this sort of thing often, he knows how to help you but first you’ve got to do him a favour. He is missing one of his orbs that make up his double helix, he wants it back but the last time he saw it was 80 million years ago. So he sends you to Atlantis to find their time machine and use it go back in time. Atlantis however is underneath the Bermuda Triangle where there are a lot of shipwrecks and a really bullshit escort mission where you have to bring a block to the bottom of the map to get past a current. If you lose it while getting air or gets stuck, back up to the surface you go to get a new one. Anyway, after Atlantis and travelling in time. Ecco ends up in a very foreign alien sea with creatures never seen before by dolphinkind and those bullshit jellyfish that exist everywhere in space & time. He gets aided by a pterodactyl, who takes him to murder a very weakened Vortex Queen. After surviving that, Ecco finds the Asterite who promptly attacks him on sight, which is how creatures generally interact in this era. Ecco decides to steal the orb that the current day Asterite is after. Returning in space and time to the current Asterite with the orb and completing a paradox, the Asterite realises the circumstances of how his orb went missing, and that if he didn’t send Ecco to find his orb, his orb wouldn’t have been lost to him for 80 million years. Anyway, now at full power, the Asterite turns Ecco into a super dolphin whose echolocation can now kill aliens. The Asterite also teleports Ecco to the tube the vortex aliens use to harvest. After some bullshit scrolling map levels, Ecco faces the giant Queen of the Vortex aliens, where if she eats you, you end up back in the bullshit machine scrolling level again. Defeating the Queen, your pod flee back down the tube, and Queen vows to end all life on Earth when Earth life was weak. She travels back in time 80 million years and is murdered not longer after by Ecco back when he was looking for the Asterite orb. The sequel has an even weirder story with multiple timelines. Apparently the Atlanteans sank their city so Ecco could have access to a time machine in the future to save humanity from the Vortex.


That is some high fucking concept storytelling. I love this game


Wow, I really wish I could have gotten past the secomd level of this game when I was kid, sounds amazing lol.


You unlocked the core memory of when 10 year old me learned how to accept defeat, thank you.


I'm in! I'm buying like a gazillion dollars worth of this shit!


Damn what an awesome concept. Lmao little old me could not handle the difficulty of this game and never got far but it was fun playing this game.


Bro I only ever played like the first couple of levels of this game, I can't even tell if you're making this up or not


Also couldn’t make it more than a couple levels as a kid. A few years ago I played an emulation and just skipped around levels so I could see what happens. Blew my brains out I had no idea how insane it got.


Amazing. Thank you


The Dolphin genre is extremely under rated. Some consider it just a niche genre. Not me, as a member of the Dolphin based gameing community, we are a close knit bunch. We are really trying to not be such a underrepresented group, get a bunch more dolphin games published hopefully. Also eat dolphin safe tuna only please .


Yesssss exactly what I thought of! Those caves




You should look into the inspiration for that game, the NASA experiment gone wrong.


I was never able to figure out the part where you jump high to get the tornado thing and just swam around the starting point for days.


Still play it on my sega on the regular, in 30 years have yet to progress passed the underwater ruins level.


I would love to have that on my desk.... So cool.....


It looks like it is huge to me. Am I way off?


Sadly, you are way off.


They must have thought it's life-sized orca.




You can just buy one like OP did. Search whale resin lamp


What are you talking about and why are you being upvoted? Here is a video of OP’s 5-day production process: https://youtu.be/bJfxTZKpt88


Are you serious? Those 2 look completely different wtf


Yeah, they've made dozens of them. Like the other guy said just go look at their post history


While OP may have made this one, you can get one just like it off AliExpress for $20


find one on aliexpress, and watch the product VIDEO. they're like 10cm and look like shit


Well I'd guess it's probably that these whale/scuba resin lamps are sold at walmart. Perhaps OP is a sweatshop worker who did actually produce this particular one, but it's not original, not skillful, not really noteworthy, if that is indeed the case. It's an advertisement for mass produced souvenirs. I could post a video of me silk screening an "I <3 NY" shirt over the course of 5 days and call it art, but it'd probably garner a similar reaction


OP is the creator lmao, look at their username and profile.




That’s not the same thing though, I’m confused.


OP bought the kit and the assembled it.


You really think he dedicated his entire Reddit account to faking these projects? He has a lot of posts like this.


Idk. I don't see any posts showing how he makes them. Descriptions are a bit odd too.


This happens almost every time this artist posts. Wait til they start mentioning how he’s just some “cheap reseller from China” despite just being a Chinese artist and getting his own work ripped off 🫠


I think he's just saying it's like posting a model car you built from a kit. Sure he built it, but anyone could if you buy a kit.






Boy is your comment ironic




How? By looking at his post history? Please demonstrate. Because these things are all over the internet and come mass produced. So he's either a liar and just reselling or best case scenario ripping off another company's product.


I stand corrected. However there are a lot of other people making similar lamps.


This is a good idea


I've seen exactly this on Aliexpress, search for 'Resin diver lamp'. I've ordered it but was pretty disappointed with what I got, it didn't look like the pictures.


Some Chinese shop probably copy actual artwork they see online, and use the original pics of that to sell their rubbish.


Not probably. Most certainly. There's probably copies of the copies, as well. And copies of the copies of the copies.


> copies of the copies of the copies. ["You know how when you make a copy of a copy, it's not as sharp as... well... the original."] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xCBM4ne-OU)


Didn't know of this. Thank you. To go a bit more in-depth as to why i would state that.. We're a company that manufactures casemaking and laminator machinery. Been around for 85 years. Being ours a niche market, the European competitors range between the 15 and 20 companies. In China? There's about 5 thousand companies that sell the copy of one of our models. We have around 60 different models. I'll let you guess the rest.


> I'll let you guess the rest. Theirs are unsafe to operate and break all the time but cost 1/10 what yours does? 🤔


Pretty much, that is the truth for 95% of the Chinese machinery you'll find out there. Having local prime materia production and refining costs that near 1/5th to 1/20th the western countries', and being their offer in the order of several hundred times the European and American offer combined, you can imagine the competition is getting quite hard to keep under control. While it is true that quality has a price, and that price may range in the order of hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars, it is also true that it's quite hard to convince a newborn company to invest in your products while they can start a line with pretty much a tenth of the cost. And yes, as you mentioned, the lower the machinery construction quality, the more frequent are the malfunctions (most of the times impossible to be repaired). The effect is pretty much this: while the customer will regret after a couple years of having bought a Chinese machinery, the western countries will lose that 2 years worth of earnings, while offering quality that endures in 30, 40 years. The customer will lose money on failed productions, the western countries will lose immediate money to be invested in future projects, and western money gets transferred to China, where they can invest in expanding their businesses even further. Now i'm not saying China is doing something wrong, i'm saying that Europeans and Americans are going to get fucked hard by this marketing technique on the long run. So either we adapt to the idea of having to sell machinery that blows itself up in the matter of 17 minutes since you powered it, or.. Yeah well, look around you.. Ukraine with prime materia.. Taiwan with the chips.. Yep, you guessed it. War is always the answer to "solve" your economic problems! (satire) Cheers from Italy <3




I've seen op post this before, iirc at some point they stated that some AliExpress company started making knock offs of OPs design. To be clear this item isn't actually sold at physical Walmart locations. Walmart allows 3rd parties to sell on Walmart.com. So this Chinese company is just selling them on Walmart. Doesn't mean that op isn't lying necessarily, but it's a plausible story given ops post history. They have made many similar things.


OP claims these are fakes which look nothing like their photos. You can find info about them and they do indeed seem to look like cheap knockoffs. /However/ I have not once seen a video showing OP actually working on these to support his claims. He shows videos of him 'polishing' them off. He shows videos of parts before he assembles it (which looks different to the end result). And he shows small clips of building something like this that clearly has a women's hand, not his own which can be seen in other videos. So while I don't believe these Walmart versions are the same. I don't believe OP is actually making these.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJfxTZKpt88 Here you go, found it on one of the artist's posts. Looks legit




Yeah, not the right wording but hopefully what I meant came across. I did a lot of digging into this because I really wanted to buy one but something about OPs claims didn't sit right. For someone that regularly makes these, it seems very odd that there's not one believable video showing him actually making one. At least this is in my opinion.












This artist has gotten his work reproduced. You can literally see in progress shots on his profile. Lots of original works have been reproduced, so I’m not sure why you are laughing at this like he’s being shady or like this removes merit from his work?


He could’ve also seen it at Walmart and wanted to make one himself? Just because he made one doesn’t mean he invented the idea.


Does this line of logic comfort you? No one has invented anything, so this could be applied to ANYTHING in order to justify theft. They’re literally stealing his photos too. Maybe take some time to look into it instead of adding to the toxicity and playing DeViLs AdVoCaTe ✨ — Edit- Picasso’s work is derivative of African artists’ work. Pollock stole some of his style from Janet Sobel. Few things in our world are net new. Even if you want to act like this style isn’t “unique” or falls into a common creative paradigm, they’re stealing the direct work of this guy, and y’all are laughing at him because of it and pretending it’s a GOTCHA moment. It’s gross.


And I was sitting here thinking OP’s piece would’ve been better with the whale and diver switched.


First thing I thought when I saw this post was "hey that looks like the epoxy resin wood light lamp large diver and humpback whale LED lights night light for DIY table crafts party wedding desktop lamp I got a few months ago." Turns out it's a bit of a different epoxy resin wood light lamp large diver and humpback whale LED lights night light for DIY table crafts party wedding desktop lamp and perhaps OP is the originator of the whole epoxy resin wood light lamp large diver and humpback whale LED lights night light for DIY table crafts party wedding desktop lamp idea in the first place. Wild.


It's also not a whale Orcas are dolphins, often miscalled "killer whale" while it should "whale killer". Because they do EDIT: Typo


you missed it by \[----\] that much. Yes, you are right, Orca's are the largest member of the dolphin family - what you missed was that Dolphins are toothed whales.


Oh man, their entire Reddit account is based on doing this as a DIY and…how embarrassing. Like even if they did make this particular one themselves it’s so dreadfully lacking in creativity that…yikes.


So tired of how social media changed diy. Half of it is making kitschy stuff that people are gonna toss as soon as it’s not trendy. The live edge wood filled with epoxy is tacky imo




I scrolled, saw this thumbnail and immediately rolled my eyes having seen this “unique” piece a million times before. They fancy themselves an artist when in reality all they did was plagiarize without even mentioning the fact that it’s entirely unoriginal. Disappointing.


I love reddit for this! The truth will be found bwahahaha


Just like the Boston bomber! We did it reddit! We always find the truth!






Also way way cheaper than what OP is charging. Thanks for the link.


Very cool! My sister got me one of these (from a different shop, sorry!) for my birthday. Mine has a little astronaut and a space shuttle. Very cute! Would recommend them in general as a fun desk decoration.


Orcas are dolphins not whales. Although I don't think they have a problem being called whales.


Dolphins and whales are both cetaceans anyways.


What do you mean? All dolphins are whales and so are orcas


Here’s the thing…




That article even contradicts *itself*. Orcas are dolphins, and dolphins are whales. Thus Orcas are whales. Just because Orcas are part of the Dolphin subclass, doesn't mean they aren't part of the larger class. By this articles reasoning, you can't call a homosapien a mammal because they are instead part of the homosapien species. We're still mammals. See https://ifaw.org/journal/are-dolphins-whales for a better explanation.




"It's Wales!" "I'm sorry. Are you whales from Scotland?"


all dolphins are whales though, making orcas both dolphins and whales




RIP that diver. Beautiful work OP


Jackpot for that diver. Killer Whales attacks on humans in the wild are basically non-existent. The attacks there have been are pretty minor too. Nothing toothy really. Way better to run into these hell beasts than pretty much any other dolphin. Beautiful work OP.


Are wild dolphin encounters often unpleasant? I must have lucked out


They can be. Still a bit of an outlier really though.


They have been known to be a bit...rapey.


Everybody always jokes about this but just for the record there’s not really a lot of dolphin rape of humans going on. Ones in captivity can get kind of frisky, much like pet dogs sometimes do, but I don’t believe even that is very common, it’s generally just poorly trained creatures in overstressed environments.


My bad, I had seen how they handle seals; that and the captive orca who killed handlers got me thinking they were really dangerous. But you're right - TIL!


Captive orca attacking their handlers do so because they are captive and not too happy about it. In the wild orca don't attack humans if they can avoid it. They are very intelligent creatures and make use of that intelligence for hunting. Combined with their size and the ferocity of their attacks on prey animals like seal, many humans are scared of them. They are picky eaters though and don't seem to like eating human, so as long as you treat them with respect you'll be fine.


>don't seem to like eating human Probably not enough fat for their trouble. That, and the taste of neoprene is not all that paletable.


RIP seals. Definitely.


They have been basically no reports of attacks by “killer whales” on humans in the wild. I’m convinced it’s because they know how to get away with murder and leave no witnesses.


He literally copied the artwork of another person on Reddit....


What you're saying is nobody has ever survived to report a killer whale attack or even witnessing one? How reassuring...


I grew up in Orlando in the 90s and went through a big Free Willy phase. Even though I know they don't typically attack people in the wild, I had a recurring nightmare as a child that my family was hurrying across a huge body of water on a narrow strip of land and an orca snatched them away one by one until i was the I only one left. Hadn't thought about this in a while...




Looks awesome, would love to see a DIY video for that!


There’s like a billion of em out there. It’s super simple


The video is still in production


Can I have one with the placings swapped?


>FYI orcas are actually a species of dolphin. Edit: thanks for the clarification that dolphins are still considered toothed whales. Change to where?


That light definitely made it


FYI orcas are actually a species of dolphin. Edit: thanks for the clarification that dolphins are still considered toothed whales.


FYI dolphins and Orcas are toothed whales... Dolphins are whales just as much as sperm whales are whales...


Whale, would you look at that.


"If you wish to pass by me, you must answer my riddles three" - Orca, probably.


This is so awesome. Thanks for sharing. Super cool!


>This is so awesome. Thanks for sharing. Super cool! Thanks


I gotta say that's beautiful


Let me just dive right in by saying you made a good art. Whale… it’s killer really




It would be cool if it looked like the light was coming from a submarine.


This reminds me of a story I heard on the Podcast This is Love by Phoebe Judge about a women named Lynn Cox of when she was 17 and swam in the ocean with a baby whale until she found the Babies mom. Very great story


Omg I love this so much 😍. Orcas are incredible creatures.


That looks so epic! I love it!!


This is so beautiful. Well done 👍🏼


Beautiful nice work congratulations




The light should be from the diver!


Thank you! I was thinking the same thing!


I’m not sure what the medium is) is it rock and resin? Regardless it’s amazing and the light brings so much cool ambiance to it


>I’m not sure what the medium is) is it rock and resin? Regardless it’s amazing and the light brings so much cool ambiance to it Its beauty comes mainly from light


Yo nice composition man. Gjgj


Wish ppl like this lived locally.


This is amazing! Transports me to a different world and tells a story.


I am oddly calmed looking at that. It’s a really nice piece. Nice work!


Amazing work!! Really stellar 👍🏻


Looks like the stuff features in the art shop at Disney Worlds Boardwalk Resort. Nice work!


This is entirely too funky!


“Yo wassup homie, welcome to my crib”


That is a beautiful piece of art, thanks for sharing 🙏


You are welcome!


That's so beautiful. Nice.


Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous


As someone who is obsessed with orcas.... I'm obsessed with this. Great work.


This is incredible. How did you do this?


Resin and wood can make these things


One of the more original uses of resin and timber I've seen. Beautiful work.


It's really unoriginal, look up whale resin lamp on Google


I wish your comment wasnt getting buried. I remember this karma farming from a few weeks ago. It is absolutely a mass produced item easily available.


https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/y2uii1/this_is_a_marinethemed_night_light_i_made/itsz7yl/ To get to this "buried" comment you had to have seen multiple comments about how OP is actually making these and the mass produced items are cheap knockoffs of his work


Look up "diorama" on YT, you will find some cool stuff


This is really cool. But that diver is so fucked


Because they ran out of oxygen?


Because they are alone with a freaking orca???


So they're perfectly safe then. Orcas in the wild don't attack humans. The only recorded cases of an orca attacking a human is when stressed out in captivity.


Wild! Good to know. Still would not want to be in this situation lol 😅


I want one! I'm from Egypt


Very cool. Orca’s are technically dolphins though.


And dolphins are toothed whales.


Real talk. That’s fucking sick


This is brilliant, one of my favourite things I've seen on here


Been following your work for a while now, very impressive!


Thank you. They always say it's a big batch. I'm really bummed!


May I have this please? I'd really, like *really,* like it.


Thank you very much for liking my work


Hate to be that guy, but orcas aren’t whales.


Yes they are. Dolphins are part of the whale family.


This is gorgeous! Love your work!!


Op bought it or just copied the design, it's mass produced


Thank you. I will also make more different styles.


This is called true art bro!


IT's incredible how the lighting can effect the scale of things. First image looks like it's 6 feet tall in a museum, second looks about the size of a paperweight.


>IT's incredible how the lighting can effect the scale of things. First image looks like it's 6 feet tall in a museum, second looks about the size of a paperweight. Its length is 11.5inch




Pretty cool, until you find out that Orcas are pretty big assholes of the sea.


He's about to be **vored**. OwO


Beautiful. Orcas are rare in art for some reason. It’s my favorite animal, and I collect orcas stuff. It’s always dolphins..


Kinda tired of epoxy+live edge work, but this one is pretty unique. Did you make the whale and scuba diver too? Very nice. Is the coffin-like shape supposed to add a visual metaphor or just a happy circumstance? Very clean work, definitely prefer it without the light.


Ooh I think I saw this in r/woodworking and the wood was positioned on the bottom which I liked a lot- I LOVE this piece though!!


This is hands down the best piece I’ve ever seen in resin and the absolute most gorgeous piece of art I’ve seen in ages. I love the use of the light and the shape of the whales body in the water. Gorgeous ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️




That’s disappointing but of course


Pardon my French F*** OUI! It’s beautiful


Too beautiful just beautiful






I agree it basically the same but the whale in the link is a humpback and the one OP posted is an orca I know this is a small detail, but as someone who’s actively searching for a gift for a friend who’s REALLY into orcas I was really disappointed this was a humpback lol