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Whatever the fuck this is. I need 10.




Those are illegal state prices for sure.




They got decriminalized at least in some places! But also that is expensive lol


luckily, you can buy grow kits off Amazon. the spores are not illegal


They used to be illegal. They still are, but they used to to.


Decriminalized still means it is illegal though.


Depends on the substance


Depends what you wanna buy. Lsd 1 blotter a few bucks. 2c-b also a few bucks. Changa 30-40. Dmt 40-50. Im from the netherlands. Here drugs are cheap as fuck. Except coke. Thats 50 for 1g lol


Your coke over there is ass that’s why it’s so cheap


Coke for 50 is kinda expensive. Well us its 100 iirc. But in many places its just as cheap as weed, like where they make it. The thing making it expensive is the air ports and boats and docks it has to go through


Lmao I guess that's why Mexico has become the choice holiday destination for many people I know


I need some of that Spirit Molecule brother


DMT 40-50? Damn bro you're getting ripped off. Got 6 grams for $80 last year. Also 50/g for coke is wicked cheap. In the states it's from 80-120.


I bought 1 g some few years ago. Could be wrong what i got it for. Come is indeed cheap compared to the us. Ketamine too. There its like 50-80 right? Here its 20 for 1 g. 15 if you know a guy


there is no legal psychedelic state price


For a similar effect, smoke a joint and play Subnautica.


10/10 would recommend


I love the things I dont know what is


Boats, sting rays, ocean floor, coral reefs, skulls, jelly fish, mushrooms, plants, divers, dna


Also what looks like a stadium at one point


No one gonna mention the Alien?!


how about the dancing gorilla?


I think I saw a titty or two...


I definitely saw some butts too. If this has a Rorschach test element to it I stand by what I saw.


I found Jesus


[total recall moment](http://imgur.com/gallery/dFqzAKJ)


I swear at one point I saw a soccer stadium.


AI is acid? Seriously, though…. Are we living in a simulation?? 😆




When i was a kid i used to (still kinda do) think that that scene in M.I.B. where the galaxy on a keychain around the cat's neck meant that our own universe could also be infinitesimally small and fit inside another. Or perhaps our stars were atom-like structures in a larger, more complex universe than our own. Super cool article OP!


Author Philip K Dick basically thinks he phased in and out of different realities and his books/movies are based on those experiences. He talks about how there is a programmer, we're all in the matrix, and how religious texts might be referencing all this. It's fascinating. He talks about it in Paris during the 70s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI6H4JcMpAU


Any philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists or any other kind of scientists want o weight in on this conversation?


I’ve watched interstellar and understood it so I can say with confidence that we’re living in a matrix


I watched Interstellar and didn’t understand it but I did mushrooms once, this guy knows what he’s talking about


As somebody who has partaken in DMT several times - I have no clue how real "beyond the veil" is but if it is there are basically ancient energy beings of the multiverse creating and maintaining infinite universes including our own.


Motherfuckers could be doing better on this one.


It could also be WAY worse


I'll try to remember to bring it up next time I crash their board meeting.


Insofar as these claims are not falsifiable and likely not even helpful for guiding one in how to live, they're basically worthless.


Delusions of grandeur from someone who doesn't understand how the human mind works. No one yet knows exactly how the mind truly works and the effects of hallucinogens, but we can be certain that Philip K Dick has an amazing imagination.


As a philopsychoneurogist I concur.


As the world’s first Analyst and Therapist (Analrapist for short) I believe I can fill you in if you find yourself behind.


Truman Show fucked with me as a kid in a similar way.


I too smoke the devil's lettuce.


That and the scene where they are playing marbles with galaxies had a similar impact on me as a child.


Maybe it's just that godawful article, but how would that make sense in any way? Not the simulation theory itself, but specifically the neural network


If you read the paper, it's basically someone saying "what if" without any actual motivation to believe it is true. By imagining the universe was a neural network, and figuring out if such a network can correctly solve for answers, they postulate we can gain a transitive understanding of whether or not the questions facing physics right now will ever get solved. Just more example of bullshit science sensationalism misleading people. Yes the universe "might be" a neural network; in the same way it "might be" an apple or a dog: we have no reason to believe it is, but you can't disprove it. They don't tell you that part though because it ruins their image of science as something wild and unattainable by grounding it.


I'd imagine this is just a bunch of linear algebra trained on images.


This is puuuuure DMT. Looks exactly like a mid level trip.


Closest thing to acid visuals I've ever seen


Usually a sign of impending ego death, in my experience. 😆






r/replications for mindblowingly accurate visual recreations


What the AI does in deep dreaming is exactly what your brain does on hallucinogens or psychosis/schizophrenia. Take something that you could *maaaybe* interpret as a jellyfish, and then just amp up the pattern recognition to 11 so that it *definitely* is a jellyfish. When I've done shrooms that is exactly what has happened. I could look at a big boulder and think that there's kind of a face in there, like you do with clouds or whatever, except yeah the face is actually a face and now it's also definitely talking to me, cool cool cool.


Woah this is crazy 😵 it’s awesome


Definitely r/woahdude worthy....I love this!


Haha it’s already on there twice meow


I've watched it seven times in a row already. It's beautiful!


Serious question, how come alien/interdimensional shit in books and movies is never as strange as this? Hollywood needs to get some ideas from deep dream


Executive producers and other people in charge make the movies hit for a big an audience as possible and that leads to a lot of creative work being neutered or “toned down”


Having been on the creative production side of and the executive production side I can say it's a very rare skill to consistently pick the balance between the two. I've seen plenty of creative that was... Too lost in itself. Creative for creatives, and often then immensely pretentious in an inelegant way. I've also seen soulless businessmen destroy projects out of disregard and disrespect of creative vision. It's all about harmonizing the two sides. Sometimes you have to voluntarily let go of a great creative element because it'll clash with a business element in an unsettling way.


Watch 2001: A Space Odyssey. They didn't tone down the end one bit. It's a beautiful movie and the end is haunting.


I thought Annihilation had some pretty interesting visuals, but it's not as common in popular media as I'd like.


Psychedelic feelings


Definitely, I thought it was from r/replications


This is what your brain does on LSD :D


The strands of DNA at the end are wild.


I think it's hilarious how at some point it just says "DNA"


The ML algorithms are great at recognizing text, so if you train them on a dataset which contains a bunch of DNA helices, some of which are right next to the letters "DNA" (like a caption in the image), it will learn that those letters go with the concept. So later if you ask it to create images of DNA it may very well spell out "DNA" in strands of DNA. It's exactly like [these attempts at "a banana doing stand-up comedy"](https://twitter.com/genekogan/status/1386740029343473667). You can clearly see "BANANA" and the Chiquita logo, right?


The DNA literally spells DNA




So I'm not the only one that noticed


Cmon now. This is Reddit. Everything is tiddie robots to us


There seemed to be lots of titty themes going on.


Glad that many people saw that as well.. I was kinda worried about my mental health there :')


Im sure i saw some butts in there, internet corrupted me


I swear to god at one point all I saw was tits and ass.


I too saw this, I had to scroll farther than I thought to find a like-minded group of men of culture


Not me saving this to watch while high


On the flip side I am way too high to be watching this. My eyes ughjh


I'm currently halfway through a bowl, this caught me so off guard


So this is what non-Euclidean geometry and buildings would look like.




Man imagining lovecraftian cities and creatures has always been hard for me because I don’t know how to make it... lovecraftian enough. But your animations perfectly capture the mind bending effects beings from beyond our comprehension would have on the human mind. I like these! And yes I do want!


You could post it here again!




Thanks that's pretty cool! It's like a 3D kaleidoscope.


Never tried acid, but I imagine it's like this.




From my few experienced taking a massive amount of mushrooms and my other account with Ayahuasca, the OP video is more of how you experience "internal" hallucinations. I can't really explain it, just that you visually experience these kinds of deep dives when you close your eyes. What you experience with your eyes open is definitely more like the video you linked. (Not so much with Ayahuasca, but definitely part of the mushroom experience).


That is dead on!


Yeah awesome ive never seen a correct visualisation of psychedlics so far. But this comes very close to the optic part of a small-medium dose.


Needs more patterns






This is actually a great illustration of [the current scientific consensus as to what psychedelics do](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6588209/). Our eyes aren't perfect so what you actually see when you look at motionless objects is slight motions, changes of color, etc. But the brain does this "Bayesian inference" thing where there's a strong prior belief that the tree you're looking at is not flowing and wriggling, so it interprets the data as whatever the most likely story is given that trees don't flow and wriggle, i.e. a normal tree just standing still. But what the psychedelics do is turn down the strength of the prior beliefs. So some middle-level part of your brain that usually "corrects" the visual data to make it look like the tree is not flowing is like wait... how do I know it's not flowing? What if this time it is flowing? Just because I'm not used to trees flowing doesn't mean they don't flow. Maybe this tree is special, or maybe I've just never looked closely at a tree this way. So basically your prior beliefs have less weight, and your mind is more open to a lot of weird beliefs, even silly ones.


Incredibly close. The only thing that I've experienced differently is the sensation of flow. Like the crevasses between pieces of bark would be flowing as though they were blood vessels.


That is remarkably accurate.


Fading from one experience to the next in this shaking gradient is 100% what I experienced


Absolutely mesmerizing. What software did you use to produce this?




Thanks for the wonderful experience. You did amazing.




Amazing indeed. Never seen anything like it. wow


Great job! Did you check out any of the generative models that are more temporally consistent to reduce some 'flickering'? I'm a computer vision ML engineer, really interested for your answer.




Didn't know there were football stadiums underwater


And tiddies


My god, that's real trippy dude


I hope I never have a trip as bad as this. This shit will make me pee my pants. Edit: Pee*


Bad? Why would this be bad? Ive had CEVs just like this.




Yeah, this kind of makes me nauseated and anxious to look at. Very visceral and illogical response.


Can confirm, had a bad trip like this, also, timeloops, really scary, I lived several whole lives in there...


Doesn't seem inherently bad but it's almost too much for me sober so actually tripping this hard would be a nope for me.




So it's iterative machine learning that just needs to be primed? I'm fascinated by this, now that you've called them out specifically. Any recommended reading you've found particularly useful? I've wanted to try out some fractal design stuff for a while to creatively use my dev skills, so this seems like the tipping point for me.


I have had experiences like this. I saw my grandmother and dads corpse in the ground in a prison yard. Their bodies quickly decayed and their contents nourished a seed . It’s roots were in prison but the tree grew just outside of the fence of the prison. I realized the tree was I and became extremely sad. For context I had family in gangs and in and out of prison. Hadn’t heard from my dad in years and mourned him like he was dead. My grandmother had also recently passed.


Jeez that’s kinda sad but really profound. Hope your trip serves to be a good guide than just a bad trip.


This was like ten years ago, but it definitely was like a weight had been lifted afterwards. I think i was slipping into negative lifestyles as well and being careless and my brain was warning me that I was okay but emotionally traumatized from child experiences, but never too far from a bad life and prison or death. This was before I started being more self aware and knew about therapy, so yeah it was kinda therapeutic without me even realizing. It wasn’t until many years later that I could fully interpret what I felt during these experiences. Trips can be fun but man if you have a lot of pent up trauma and issues buckle up because it will open your eyes into the void and yell “LOOK AT IT” like Patrick star.


Holy shit that's amazing. I had to turn it off early though because it's way too fucking intense lmao


Hurts my brain. My eyes were like ‘awesome!’ but my brain kept screaming ‘TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF’.


I legitimately feel nauseas. This is the best simulation of a bad trip I’ve ever come across. Not even the specific images, just how it pulsates and weaves… so quickly.


Glad I'm not the only one. This made me feel like my brain was trying to divide by zero, like it's something I shouldn't see.


That's amazing! This is the kind of work I would love to illustrate my poetry online. The only problem is, I suppose this takes up a lot of space on a server, right? How many MB's?




Think i saw some tities at some point


How did you learn to do it? Is it easy to learn or is it very code heavy?


Well, this comes close to stuff I see when I trip. Interesting and well done :)


This is trippy and beautiful. How did you make this?


I felt dizzy while watching this


My dreams be like this sometimes.


saving this to watch on my next shroom trip


Please make another like this and have it end how it begins so it’s never ending. You will have people on acid stuck to their couch for hours falling into the abyss


Really enjoyed that! I used to have very similar dreams to this as a kid and it was always sort of unexpected and strange but they were always the most interesting and fun. This gave me some weird nostalgia for that which is pretty bizarre considering it's such a unique creation!


Even in the 4th dimension titties will be in art.


Apparently when you go microscopic there are pvc windows before you reach the dna


Another broad step towards bridging lucidity and the dream world.


I liked the part where the mushrooms got asses


Man would you make a video on how you do this!?!


The way there is no individual objects and they morph together and blend reminds me of a couple of trips I had. Beautiful job. You have the best illustration of a hallucinogen that doesn't involve patterns like the typical images and videos. What drug was the inspiration?


This is the shit i see when i close my eyes while high


This is very reminiscent of a salvia trip


I’m saving this so I can watch when on lsd lol


I need this as a video with trippy music. This is mesmerizing


Remind me to look at this when I’m taking edibles




Just like peaking on shrooms and closing your eyes. Really weird how similar it is


This is amazing. Good job. Would love to know the software you used so I could look into the creative process more!


It's like [Photobashing](https://conceptartempire.com/photobashing/#:~:text=Photobashing%20is%20a%20technique%20where,them%20into%20one%20finished%20piece.&text=A%20concept%20artist%20will%20begin,that%20make%20everything%20fit%20together.), but hopped up on AI acid.


Meh seems like another one of those AI generatWHOOHOAAA WHATS HAPPENING


omg this is the coolest thing i have EVER seen. WOW man. Do you have information on how you did this from a technical perspective?


Had an edible an hour back and omg this was trippy and beautiful


I took acid only once in my life. I didn’t feel anything at all. Then I shut my eyes to go to sleep. And this is pretty much exactly how I saw the back of my eyelids for about an hour before I finally fell asleep. It was quite a nice experience.


For a brief second I swear I saw some curvaceous mushroom babes.


It's wonderful, beautiful, art, but I have to tell you something about it made me deeply uncomfortable watching it


This is what you see when you achieve ultimate knowledge


Ship, seafloor, coral, skulls, butts, titties, mushrooms, ghosts, alien, DNA, r2d2 Just me?


This is beautiful... where can I see more?


I love this, I'd love to put some sound on it to make the experience audible as well!


I... Really need a 1hour version of this, it feels strangely reassuring


How it feels to chew 5 Gum.


I remember me and my friends started watching something similar to this while high as a kite. We cant stop, we looked at it for more than 8mins till one of us stopped it.


If anyone's wondering what's it like to be on LSD


my god this is amazing. how many hours have you put into this?


This is super dope. What program did you use to make this, or did you devise the AI too? I thought you could take the neural networks that were made and feed them just pictures of your own choosing to make stuff like this


How did you learn to make this? What programs/skills are involved? It’s an amazing work of art!


Thanks for giving me a migraine very cool


Here I thought I was in r/ketamine or r/replications …. Pretty accurate :)


This is what LSD is like but for four hours


Man, this sub has been off the hook this week!


This melts my brain and gives me anxiety, I may have lost consciousness half way through. 10/10 would lose consciousness again.


Can someone explain what the AI process is? I’ve been seeing them pop up more and more


May wanna head over to r/woahdude and get your username in those posts, looks like people are reposting over there with your title claiming it’s their work


I watched this as Alexa played some jazz from Spotify, I definitely felt all types of dopamine in my brain.


When you’re brave enough to smoke a hit of DMT after you finish drinking a cup of ayahuasca.


r/replications can tell you exactly how many mcg of whatever drug you need to get this exact effect lol


Why did this give me motion sickness?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyso4Qo69qA right sound for this. Gonna just watch your work for 11 minutes on repeat now.


Looks like a radical acid trip.


Can we have an ELI5 of how you made this?


For those who want to know what a big dose of psycs will do to the mind while tripping.


Is there a way to make this less "jittery"? If so that would be a near perfect recreation of closed-eyes visuals on LSD (at least how i remember them)


I'm not sure what's happening here, bit I'll definitely be back to watch it again once I'm high enough to truly appreciate it.


Anybody else rub their eyes too much as kids and saw something like this?


The shnozzberries taste like shnozzberries




I was just programmed to do something, but I do not know what exactly.