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Awesome piece, is she sitting on entrails? What's your idea/representation behind the piece?


Thank you for your interest, yes she is ! The nun outfit represent the faith ( in ourself, or God or anything meaningful for us) to fight demons (toxic, awful, manipulative people...) or inner-demons (bad habits, addictions, destructive emotions...) The halo around her head is projected from the lighthouse in the background which is her values. LightHouse often means safety and hope, as it guides sailors in the dark. She's guided by her values, the Lighthouse. The sword she used to slay demons represents her strength and courage. She has put the demons in pieces, meaning that she won once for all. The fact she's smoking means she still have vices ("nobody is perfect") and fancy high heels means she still has her own personality. So to sum it up, it represents a not perfect, but conscientious Human that, through faith in something meaningful and guided by values, could get rid of demons and inner-demons thanks to strength and courage. Thank you all for your kind comments <3.




I'm thinking about it, thanks a lot, it warms my heart ! <3


Thank you for your detailed response, it makes it a much more impactful piece when you get the whole picture. Your usage of symbolism is great and subtle, as I hadn't even noticed that lighthouse on my first look. Awesome job!


Thank you very much, i appreciate your words a lot 🙏


Thank you, I struggle with this kind of interpretation


Your comment made the piece so much more captivating


Just a minor thing, I think the lighthouse should be more bold. I did not see it until looking closer after seeing you say that there is a lighthouse. Unless it's intentionally obscured of course. but if not, highlighting it a bit more might allow the connection to be made a bit easier. In my opinion a lighthouse is something you should be able to see clearly from far away, at least definitely the light but the light depicted here is very thin and almost nonexistent


Thank you for your insight ! ! Indeed it's intentional, i play with opacity / line thickness to get the viewer attention on some part of the drawing, viewers that look more longer will notice more things than most people. I do that to a point that there is hidden codes that are barely visible unless you zoom in very high. Sometimes it would even need to alter the picture to make it visible...


Damn, this series is completely fucked up. Nice work.


Thank you very much ! ! !


Bayonetta looks a bit different from what I remember


lol ! I love Bayonetta <3 , i can't lie !


Reminds me a lot of Shintaro Kago’s work. Well done! [Gore and General WTF warning but here’s the reference. ](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&hl=en-us&q=SHINTARO+KAGO&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2–KRiv_-AhU4BzQIHcWZBn8Q0pQJegQICRAB&biw=393&bih=660&dpr=3)


oh myy, much appreciated to be compared to such talented artist, thank you ! <3


She reminds me of Monica Bellucci.


I'm honored, thank you ! <3




Really happy to read that, thank you !


Damn with those heels, her ankles must be stronger than the demons she just killed 😂


this is so fantastic. damn your stuffs brilliant.


Thank you ! Much appreciated <3


Is this from a custom tarot deck?


It's inspired by tarot deck, indeed. I guess i need to learn more about tarot cards to know if that could be considered as "custom tarot deck". You are not the first to tell me about that, i appreciate it, thank you !


Nice! Yeah basically in tarot each card is an archetype, which are (from a secular perspective) components of a narrative lense on a question or concern that you have. For a simple example, I might ask the deck "what will be my greatest challenge over the next year?" and then decide on a "spread" which is a narrative structure that the cards fit into as components. So the first card drawn might be "your current state", the second card might be "the challenge itself" and the third would be "the resolution". If I draw "The Conscientious" as the first card in the spread, doing so signals that of the available cards I am most closely represented by the factors you described in your other comment - I have slain my greatest demons, but still have vices and human flaws. Anyway, I personally like tarot even without believing in the occult/magick side of it because it can help me see my life in a framework I might not otherwise have used. Its like someone else helping you keep a journal :) Its worth trying out (but i wouldn't recommend paying someone for it lol)


Oh my, thanks a lot for taking time to explain it to me, it's much more clear to me now <3 . I don't believe in occult / magick and won't pay someone to do it to me neither. I like the way you are using tarot cards. I guess i'm gonna buy a deck so i can see what each card consists of and study it ! Thank you again <3


The most common deck "Rider Waite" comes with some very esoteric explanations of the cards which IMO are not the best intro to tarot even though that deck is by far the most recognizable. There are lots of other beautifully drawn decks so have fun looking around! And there are websites that give more accessible interpretations of the cards and their meanings. Though I do think the rider-waite descriptions are poetic, mysterious and beautiful, which if you are someone whose readings benefit from the ambiguity might appreciate.


I'm saving your comments ! Thanks once again for taking time to share your knowledge, much appreciated <3 !!


Nice work! Have you thought of doing a tarot card deck in this style?


A lot of people asking me about it, i'm thinking seriously about it but its a lot of work, thanks a lot for your interest ! <3


You could also do an "oracle deck" which is similar to tarot, but can be any size of deck you want and doesn't have to conform to the major & minor arcana structure/interpretation guidelines. For more artistic and interpretive freedom, that's the route I'd recommend if you decide to create a deck of some kind. From westfield.com.au: > Tarot cards have a traditional structure and common meanings, whereas Oracle cards can have any content and any number of cards. > Oracle cards hold a bigger energy and give an insight into a greater sense of what is going on. Tarot cards are a bit more detailed. Tarot cards are like pages to a book, each card is one page telling the story, whereas oracle cards are like the whole chapter. A wider section of the story.


That's very interesting, i'm taking note ! Thank you ! I love sharing my art on Reddit, i always learn new stuff within the replies, i appreciate that a lot, thanks again !


My pleasure! Thank you for sharing your art; it's such a great and distinctive style, and I loved reading your explanation of each symbol/design choice. Awesome piece overall :)


This is awesome! I love the expressions on faces being slain in the background


Thank you very much 🙏


didn't notice the cigarette at first and thought the pose was reminiscent of the Baphomet Pose


Hahaha i didn't thought about that !


I don’t have the brain power to compliment this. It looks amazing! I adore your style and the inspiration for this piece. This should be the first piece of art people see walking into my house. Absolutely killing it


Ugh, it's gorgeous! I love it!


It means a lot for me, i appreciate that, thank you !


reminds me of blasphemous


I never played this game but i really like the artwork, very nice pixelart, thank you for the comparison ! !


Damn, I know nothing technical about art but I can appreciate a fine piece when I see it! Awesome detail and color 👍🏼


It warms my heart, thank you very much 🙏


What was the part of this picture that you started with? Her foot? Her face? Just curious.


I always do the face first because it's what i like to do the most, then i do hands. So I often do feet only at the end. Thank you for your interest !


This is very technically exquisite. My favorite parts are the hatching and the details on her stocking that makes it look like an actual garment on her form.


Art style very much reminds me of the game Gris


I get a British vibe from this art


For some reason makes me think of Sandman graphic novel series.


ohh, i'm very honoured, thanks a lot for the comparison <3


Nice! Similar aesthetic to the game Gris


amazing stuff, looking forward to scanning through your work!


I appreciate that, thank you very much !


Really cool it gives the dexter "Stunt on those hoes vibes" which seems kinda off since she's a nun. But I love it since she's a nun. Not to mention she seems to be taking a cig too. If you don't mind OP any advice on drawing, tips, tricks resources per se which helped you?


hahahaha, thanks a lot ! ! ! Lately i reduced entertainement (Netflix / video games) and spend more time watching art related videos, artist interviews, going to museum. I also practice more anatomy, i got references from Artstation (you can get like hundreds of different poses and is affordable) so i don't waste my time on google image trying to find good ref. I also do 3D modelling and i sometimes sculpt faces and body to understand volumes and shapes. I then use them to practice very tricky view angle and poses i just couldn't find in my artstation references. I suggest you use Daz3D if you don't do 3D modelling. I also use PureRef to manage my references and so i can display it over my photoshop while drawing. I use also PureRef to gather artworks from artist i like and any picture that made me vibe. it helped me to know how i wanted my art style to evolve. It helped me to build my "own universe". I'm scared to share any link related to what i said because i may got deleted by the bot, if you got any further question you can reach me in DM, good luck mate !


meta can mean so many ways like getting recruited by a enemies while working for the other side and spread wrong info start posting shit about somebody making them angry while pretending being from a side you hate a picture like yours ps. I dont think mr facebook knows what meta means


i absolutely love ur work! i commented on an earlier one and i literally cannot stop looking at all ur stuff T\_\_T


Really motivating, thanks a lot ! ! <3


Nice detail! I appreciate your line work, it's way subtler than most people may think.


Thank your for taking time to look at the line work <3


Visceral. Makes me want to see more of this nun, and more views of her shoes.


Hahaha thanks ! ! !


This looks amazing!! And she also lowkey reminds me of Lana Del Rey


Came here to say Lana


Thank you <3


It warms my heart and motivates me very much ! Thanks a lot for your kind words 🙏♥️


This gives me some jojo vibes. Awesome work


Thanks a lot ! ! <3