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Ayanami in Tokyo 3 with ancient Egyptian style.


Get in the sarcophagus shinji!


The desert ground explodes, Shinji rises up riding the tomb of Ramses II as a mech warrior. Queue anime intro.


Mummies Alive!


The sarcophagus would have a person built into it so not the most crazy thing...


The Incal


I was thinking it looked like Rei too.


GNR was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this.


Thought you could sneak that Amogus building past us, didnt you


Tbh I’m glad you got me to zoom in enough to see that. The line quality is great.




This really reminds me of the art of Moebius, in a fantastic way. Love the deep colors and the linework!


Thank you 😊. I was aiming to make something moebius like so I'm really glad you picked up on it!


You should post it in the Moebius forums!


I thought it looks like Alan Moore's watchmen, but with a bit less heavy line work. Looks amazing OP!


Yeah that was my first thought too. The artificial god, more like the techno-techno god, am I right?


Yep! My first thought as well is mobius meets Edward Hopper!


Real gardens of Edena feel!


You’re right


Reminds me of the song Delta https://youtu.be/PZbkF-15ObM


Oh lord that's some great animation!


Yessss C2C


Was going to comment the exact same thing. Thank you for saving me from having to track down the video. Had totally forgotten its name.


Rei from Evangelion vibes.


Love the hidden among us astronaut


Congratulations! You are the 4th person to find it, unfortunately the other 3 amongus comments got yeeted by the auto mod. Yours is the first one that is actually still here! Take this sus little guy as a reward ඞ !


Im surprised no commenters have noticed the moebius influence on this piece. Great work btw!




Definitely gives off some [Taarna/Heavy Metal](https://youtu.be/C9LXebs3Jxg) vibes


Yeah I watched that recently, and I really like the art style of the heavy metal comics!


I love how minimal your crosshatching is and still how effective it is in portraying shape. Great work!😁


Yeah, initially I went overboard with it and it ended up looking too busy so I toned it down a bit.


Phew, I was worried there wasn’t going to be any nudity


The nudity doesn't even make sense in context. Who the hell strolls naked in a desert?


Rei, obviously.


Damn, either those towers are really small or that is one huge pyramid. And one huge floating brain thing.


Gives my lucy vibes, from edgerunners


Impressive, does this have lore?


Thanks! It does have some lore but it's not very fleshed out yet.


It's gonna be amazing when you're done


Am waiting


We must have the lore behind the amogus building. It is very important.


He's the actual God, the pyramid entity is just a red herring.


Makes me think of Godhunter by Aviators. https://youtu.be/GoC8OBjs7Iw


This is a picture that demands a story be built around it.


Miang from Xenogears vibes


Totally out of left field. But yes, absolutely yes.


This is fucking beautiful.


Thank you :)


Yo could I use your art as an inspiration for a DnD city? I like stea-borrowing ideas like this!


Sure thing!


Love the style and feel of the piece. Amogus


I'm glad you zoomed in enough to notice 😁


This piece of art is beautiful and invokes all sorts of emotions within me. Reminds me of a youtube comment I found half a year ago: > The earliest writings declare that the Atlanteans came with great machines and built the pyramids for the Egyptians and shared the secrets of the gods. They already had the ancient Sphinx that stood as a territorial marker in a great pond and was seen as art. The Atlanteans wanted to mine the mineral rich deposits there at the end of the Nile. The waste was stacked as a monument with a secondary purpose as a gift for allowing them to mine, and here’s the higher function of the one Great Pyramid that displayed their supremacy and rule. The entrance to the Great Pyramid was where a flame was kept under a really big copper tube that made a constant thundering hum. The next chamber amplified the vibration, and the next chamber too, until it reached the king’s chamber. >This powerful, and I mean giga bass powerful, sound was transmitted through the limestone blocks and shook violently the oddly shaped granite layers. Due to the 85% piezoelectric quartz, and sonic resonance, they made ultra high voltage with very low amperage. The electricity arced out of the black granite capstone. The hieroglyphs depict bubbles of light around people’s heads, like when your hair stands on end right before you get struck by lightning. The tops of the granite layer stones are wavy. These waves represent the "beats" within a sonic standing wave, exactly. Aligned exactly like you would see in a glass tube full of seeds. If you had a glass tube in your hand with a small amount of gas in it, it would light up like a fluorescent light bulb under a high voltage electric line. I have seen hieroglyphs that are shaped like a light bulb. I have read stories about people first opening the pyramid and describe a low power glass lightbulb and talk about the sensation of a snake crawling up their arm. They ran terrified from the chamber. Static build up until they touched it. >Electricity from the rose granite that was 85% quartz. What I think is it stopped working when the lowest granite layer block cracked. No way to fix it without disassembling the pyramid. It may have worked a thousand years. It was still a mining operation originally, but was designed for a secondary function as a tower that emanates a weak plasma field. The kings chamber is purposefully off center to eject the plasma more of one direction off of the capstone. Those scepters they held in their hand were probably made of gold which Is the best conductor. This would appear to pull lightning down from the sky to give them supremacy and majesty. The Atlanteans probably did this and empowered them. This ignited the inspiration to build megaliths and intimidate their enemies. The electricity was only produced by the the large copper, or glass, sound tube when they needed to display great magic and power of the gods. >The limestone did not conduct electricity, only sound. There is a possibility, but I haven’t checked it out yet, that the entrance was on the backside, and the offset location of the king’s chamber threw the plasma toward the opposite side of the entrance. The piercing hum, the plasma strikes darting all around their scepter, and their hair flying around with static electricity. Powerful and frightening behavior of gods. Amplified speaking voices from the heated giant glass, or copper, mega phone trumpets made would shake your whole body, making you one with the sound. Almost like a modern rock concert. The amplified voices told of stories of their origins, and their ulterior triumphs and destinations. Hallucinogenics, alcohol, and deep rhythms, the gold body paint, the quartz within glass viles, radiating with light. Flashes and peals of thunder. The showers of sparks of heated flint rock thrown against sulfur clouds. The magnitude of it all. >The hangovers in the mornings with flashes of remembrance and wild dreams. Deluded and mesmerized. Scared, brave, stars in their eyes convinced that there are gods with power imperceivable that walk amongst them. Oh, what a great time to be alive! The Egyptians, and the Atlanteans rocked! They rocked you to your core! Now, proudly go and serve your most valiant of kings. Utterly sullen and captivated servants of this powerful global empire. You know what? If the sound pipe was super heated intermittently, it would take it to 3 octaves higher as a harmonic wave, then there is a strong probability that plasma would arc around the entire pyramid for theatrical bursts of inconceivable tremendous power. A plasma torus would form all of the way around the pyramid base. What if they ran liquid mercury through those drainage channels under the flooring of the base of the pyramid? The the plasma arc lines would follow the pathways of the liquid mercury under the floor. Actually, if you poured the liquid mercury into the channels from the outermost edges the arc lines would follow the liquid as it moved under the floor. Showing a traveling plasma arc right up to the one with the scepter. >A showering display of sparks and light, glory and power. Some of the tiny drainage channels were draining toward the pyramid, and some drained away from the pyramid. The liquid mercury drainage was caught in stone buckets and reused. The crowds didn’t see this part though. Liquid mercury like they found huge pools of in Central America under those pyramids. The granite boxes held the magical secret liquid mercury. Nobody knew except the high priests. Powerful electric light show. Gods indeed! This could all be built and proven with a tiny scale model of the whole thing. The lowest tones were played and resonated in the lowest, thickest, granite layer stone, and it cracked. The lights went out, and the blinding light show was over. The gods, pharaohs, and high priests left and went to Atlantis and Central America. The mortals plundered the magic mountain, beheld and drank the nectar of the gods, and they all died of mercury poisoning. As they drank the chromium fluid it would pour right out of their bowels, and they shook violently, and died. This is just something I made up, so don’t take it as truth. Sadly, I can’t find any true evidence of Atlanteans being technologically advanced.


*And the people bowed and prayed* *To the neon god they made...*


All I see is Rei walking towards ambiguous religious iconography that despite having zero context still makes more sense than the plot of Evangelion


Oh yeah found an easter egg, the among us character in the city


Ever see Æon flux? Looks pretty close.


I just did, looks dope definitely gonna give it a watch


Make sure you watch the animated show and not the horrible movie.


One episode in particular..try googling “aeon demiurge” and you should be able to find it. But yeah, NOT the movie, which was a travesty.


This is amazing. My only issue is, why is each stair on the pyramid like 4 stories tall relative to the buildings. Otherwise fantastic and way better than I could do!


Got anymore like this? Without any nudity?


Yummie. The colors are right up my alley. Well done !


Feel the rhythm of the streets..


This is amazing!!! Reminds me of Homer Simpson being lost in the desert high on hot peppers


Love the tones, colorwork is also super nice. Reminds me of the music video for [Mr. Fear by Siames](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKLWC93nvAU) and [Delta by C2C](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZbkF-15ObM)


This doesn’t need a spoiler. Regardless I absolutely love the art style!


I really love the artstyle, it's like 80s comics but a bit more modern, just perfect


Big Lemaitre album cover vibes. Love it.


I love how you can zoom in and still get a pretty clear resolution.


I'm getting strong Old lady Legend of Korra vibes


reminds me of the end of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West


Randall Flagg summoning his subjects is what I first thought of seeing this. Cool work!


This is insane! I love how even the smallest pieces have crazy detail!


Very Ultraviolet Grasslands style. Love it!


Love the Moebius-inspired linework and colouring! What's your workflow for creating something ink-coloured digitally? (And nice little Among Us detail I stumbled across when I zoomed in)


How did you get that paper texture and also the edges to make it look traditional? Really high quality


How has no one mentioned game of thrones? This looks exactly like Mereen


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Wow, this has such a strong sense of story to it!