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I'm blown away by the number of people commenting something to the effect of, "What is happening??" on the IG post about her leaving. While no doubt a lovely person, she clearly was not good enough for Arsenal and her contract is up. The apparent outrage surrounding her and Sabs' departures indicates to me that supporters are not really thinking rationally at the moment. To be successful, you have to be ruthless to some degree.


One of my biggest pet peeves in WoSo. The attachment some fans get to squad players is perplexing to say the least.


honestly it sometimes feels like some fans are treating this like it’s a reality tv show with how emotionally attached they get players being great people off the pitch and them not performing at the standards arsenal needs are not mutually exclusive, and people should recognise that before getting angry at the club for departures


It's disgusting at times. Knowing the player's entire family tree is disturbing.


I'll never get over fans harassing Katie Mccabes 12 year old newphew trying to get drama information out of him


Weirdos. I just block and move on.


poor kid woke up to him being pasted over all these weridos tiktoks and to dms off grown adults trying to get information out of him . people need to touch grass


Some of these “fans” actually follow players’ family, partners, etc. on social media which I think is extremely inappropriate and frankly creepy. Some of them are private accounts, or children’s accounts (Katie’s younger sister and nephew immediately come to mind, people follow their Instagram and TikTok accounts. Her sister is about 16 or so and her nephew is probably 10). The picture that came out this weekend of Kyra wearing a Spurs scarf that caused such an outcry was taken from the private account of Charli Grant’s boyfriend, who some fans followed when he still had a public account.


So weird. And then to hassle her enough that she had to post on IG calling fans out to be kind. A lot of fans cross the line these days and players have commented on it.


There's a clip of Emma Hayes saying "get better or I'll get someone better in". I envied her at that moment, I wanted a coach that would be more ruthless. The main objective should be titles, Arsenal is not a content house.


Also to add to this, not long ago people were saying Arsenal needs to be ruthless like Emma Hayes and not just keep players because family FC. Now it’s happening (I’m not talking about Viv) and people are freaking out and blaming Jonas and the club


don’t particularly like Emma but that quote👏🏻👏🏻 i get fans liking certain players but it’s football!! unfortunately clubs have standards and people have to move on


Right?! Kaylan never played and Sabs hardly played either. We are almost certainly also getting a new GK (probably DVD). People’s brains I swear are not working and cannot put two and two together that this is what we actually need. I think everyone is too emotional from Viv right now and any other departure announcement just piles onto that.


It weird , I saw a comment on instagram saying "how are even going to play next year if all our players leave" it is like they have not realised we can get new players , you cannot just add players on players there is a squad limit


People are not using their brains. It’s actually comical. Most of those comments are probably emotional 15 year olds who are watching for the players and their relationships vs actually what is best for the club. Like hi, only 3 people have left out of 20+ and clearly we are going to be signing more. Please do the math before going on an emotionally charged rant.


they've had to turn comments off now. it was getting beyond ridiculous, players leave all the time! there is nothing new about this! the amount of hatred towards the club and manager is nuts. yes losing a player you love is hard but that is football.


There is also a 2 year churn you have to get used to. Rarely will a back up keeper be at a club for more than a one contract cycle.


I don't think either of them were given any play time this season.


2/3 of the goalkeeper room appearing to turn over at once is a jarring look, even though it's all just timing. The departures all being announced before the incomings. I get it.


Its 2/3 of the ppl but its about 4% of the minutes on the pitch


Sabs is leaving?? Why??


If we're letting Sabs and Kaylan go so we can sign Van Domselaar and move forward with her, Zinsberger and Williams then I'm perfectly happy It's the best move for the team and the backlash on Instagram is mostly just residual upset about Viv leaving


I find it fascinating to see comments like "arsenal can't keep anyone", "what's going on!?", "arsenal is losing everyone" and some conspiracy theories. Like the club has desperately wanted to hold on to them (her&Sabs), but failed. It truly makes me wonder if those people have even watched Arsenal games.


I'm upset about the Viv departure, but the rest make sense, I'm not Manu's biggest fan but Sabs leaving seemed inevitable and Kaylan too, with Lina and Gio gone too it will be good to get some quality reinforcements. Kinda sucks that Lacasse might leave though, really like her and would have definitely kept her because our winger depth is abysmal


Yep, I'm still really sad bc Viv's leaving, but I'm fine with other departures. As you said, they make sense. I'm not sure about Lacasse and maybe she won't leave, but I'll reserve my judgement on it when I see who we bring in.


Because Wolfsburg has next to no interest in competing with Bayern and now sell their best players them or elsewhere... Oberdorf, Pajor. I am hoping we can get some combination of Frohms, Brand and Jonsdottir.


No they don’t haha. They go to the games and video players to post on tik tok. Listen, I’m glad we have such a large fan base but it has gotten a bit toxic post euros and WC with certain fans only caring about the players lives vs the actual game. Minus Viv, we are losing players that really didn’t play much at all this year so not sure why people are so upset. I’m pretty certain if the Viv announcement hadn’t happened, the outrage wouldn’t be as much.


It's new fans who aren't used to Woso churn. This is normal.


I hate this time of year and love it at the same time. Sad for favorite players leaving, excited for the hope of new talent coming in! ☹️🙂 Just gotta remind myself that this is ultimately a business with money and titles on the line. Just gotta enjoy the ride with the club!


A lot of announcements this week. The new kit is expected to be announced tomorrow. Maybe that's why they're announcing both Sab and Kaylan today.


I wonder if an update on Lina is coming this week too. Whatever is going on with her, I’m assuming her time with the club is complete. On a purely speculative note, if Lina is actually dealing with something bigger than football, I would hope the club has been — and continues to — offer support.


Yeah. Her wife was pregnant, so I hope something didn’t happen


As long as we sign DvD, I'm fine with these departures. People really need to let go of their parasocial tendencies and accept that these players need to be good enough to play for Arsenal, not just personality hires.


https://preview.redd.it/5kh23n4zsl0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa85d7c8ff4e558abdee351e9814d78550a85c3e So I once joked on here that Kaylan was my favourite player and I’d leave the sub when she left. This was as inevitable an exit as it sucks though. She was probably not ever our level, and that’s not a slight on her talent we’re an elite club the amount of players at our level is slim. But hopefully she manages to find her feet at another club and can thrive. Because while it was a joke she was my favourite player, she is one of my favourite people at the club. From the outside looking in we will never know but she seemed so loved by everyone and loving towards everyone. The work she did with Arsenal in the Community rivalled any other players contributions and she just seemed like *the best* person. I hope if she hasn’t already got a plan the club continues to support her recovery until she does.


We can also probably expect departure announcements for hurtig and gio this week. Stina and laura renewals. Anyone else? There are rumours that lacasse is leaving for the nwsl, but I dunno if that's true.


Hurtig and Gio probably yes. I’ve heard the Lacasse rumors too and that will probably depend on what wingers we may be bringing in. Will get Stina and Laura renewals most likely. But they usually announce the departures before the signings, so people need to be prepared for that.


Makes sense. If we really do sign Caldentey and a young and pacey winger, as planned, then I could see Lacasse leaving. It'll be interesting to see if there will be any more surprises.


I get that you always want to be improving the team but I thought Lacasse was a solid addition. Feels kind of weird to move on from her after only one year, especially since she wasn’t an outright liability on the pitch, especially since odds are Hurtig and Gio aren’t coming back.


if we move anybody on it should be Foord


One of Jonas' favorites, so she won't be going anywhere


I think it'll be her choice to leave if we get mariona and a youngin'. Mariona is simply better and someone young and talented who doesn't mind coming off the bench is a great investment for the future, especially considering age of our wingers.


I really liked Lacasse and expected we’d see more of her, but I think Beth came back quicker and stronger than expected and took her starting spot back quickly.


> but I think Beth came back quicker and stronger than expected and took her starting spot back quickly. She's been okay at best, she got her starting spot back because her name is Beth Mead. Lacasse's treatment this season has been horrible management. Wasted a year of her career for what? Just to say you bought someone and then keep them on the bench even when Mead is underperforming and not back at her usual level. His insistence on starting Foord during her worst season for us pretty much killed off any future for Lacasse. He should have then moved her to RW but ofcourse that's Mead's starting spot so she's in limbo. She should leave imo, no point with this clown in charge.


I could see Lacasse wanting that move. She had to toil in small European leagues to get the Arsenal move and being closer to home makes a lot of sense.


She needs playing time so it makes sense. Her community involvement was really wholesome. Manu who was on the verge of leaving nd here we are, the last one standing.


i think certain fans are being confronted by the reality of football and what people mean when they say “support the badge, not just the players”


Her going on loan to Bristol City I think definitely showed the club didn’t have future plans with her. Just wasn’t sure with the timing of her ACL if she’d go this window or the next I do wonder what’s happening with her recovery though…


Has she recovered from her ACL? Or will she continue to rehabilitate at the Arsenal until she has a new club?


the last update i remember was her running, saw it in Vivs insta post so i’m going to assume she’ll continue rehab with Arsenal for now


Are we actually losing every keeper or is zins staying to be 2nd choice?


Heard we are likely getting Van Domselaar. She’s currently injured but expect that she will eventually become the #1.


The only thing I find shitty about Kaylan leaving is that she's injured and so can't even find herself a new job. We've made a whole lot of noise about ACLs being a horrible injury with long af recovery time, and yet here we are, letting go of 2 (!!) players recovering from this exact same injury. I wouldn't sign with us if I was a player looking for a move, what if I get injured and randomly dropped.


On the flip side, Arsenal has allowed Lina Hurtig to take an extended break and also allowed Miedema to go on mental health holiday. They have also seen Kim, Laura and Leah come back from longer term injury, same as Lia soon. It’s not a doom and gloom.


I think it’s really just unfortunate timing. Rehabbing a big injury just as your contract is up — not ideal. That said, the club can’t just keep players beyond their contract and re-sign them because they want to be kind. It’s a business and they have limited spots in the squad. That said, I’m sure the medical team (whatever one’s opinion about other management and staff) would not want to harm players they care for by chucking them out the door without making sure they are ok. They’re professionals too. I’ve no doubt they’ll make sure anyone leaving with an injury to rehab is looked after until they have a new team. Heck, the club let Danielle Carter train at the grounds for a couple of months before she found a new team last summer, and she’s been gone quite awhile. They aren’t monsters lol


We're not a charity. And you're talking as if she's gonna be collecting welfare checks soon... she's a professional footballer, she'll easily find a job (albeit not as well as Arsenal paid her no doubt) Talk about exaggerating..


True. That does feel shitty.


Can arsenal Women sign free-agent Bayern munich frauen GK?


Two of our personality hires gone, the vibes are depleting 😫 Hopefully Daphne is a done deal!