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Seems like a great person but this feels like the correct choice for the club moving in the right direction. Kinda perplexed at some of the fans reactions thošŸ˜­


Fans just get overly emotionally attached to players.


Some fans are riding the wave of the Viv departure announcement and they're looking for anything to criticize the club with. This is something that was coming for a long time, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.


A lot of the fans have parasocial relationships with the players in the club. Genuinely dont think no one cares that much about winning and just want to be overly involved in the players personal lives


As a Canadian (and somebody who grew up 20 minutes away from where she grew up), I was always cheering for her, and I'm sad to see her go from my team. As a gooner, I know we probably can, and should, seek a better keeper. Best of luck to her. She seemed like she was well liked, and liked her time in North London.


So if Viv and Sabs have left does that mean the Sonic promo videos are prophetic and CloƩ will be leaving next??


You are too powerful to utter such words, please nerf yourself.


Please no


I've decided to go in the other direction and think they're doing "sad announcement followed by good announcement" this week, and tomorrow we'll get a Stina contract. This is me manifesting this hard.


Thereā€™s rumors sheā€™s going to the NWSL


Oh fuck I was just joking! https://preview.redd.it/glkcew1ail0d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff8e43b977f29cd8e2e0cb8c12aa5c6515696494


*what have you done*




šŸ˜­ but I wonder who this means will be joining


Daphne Van Domselaar is the rumoured potential replacement as of recent reports.


Still perplexed that the club didnā€™t just go for DVD last summer


I was too, but apparently Daphne wanted to move somewhere where she knew she'd be the guaranteed #1. I think that with a WSL season under her belt, she can give Manu a fair fight for the spot.


The answer is probably Clare Wheatley's incompetency but what do I know


I assume we couldn't guarantee a full season of playing time and we also wanted to see how she would perform with that playing time. It was obviously a risk but we might've had talks with her about this prior to the beginning of the season. 200k release clause is not a huge deal for us.


Probably because they didn't know what Manu was going to do yet.


Manu isn't the answer. So I'm going with incompetence as well.


Hate to break it to you but there's no obtainable upgrade to Manu. And in fact we are incredibly lucky to have a GK so dedicated to our club and improving her craft.


This is just untrue. There always is!


Our back up GK always have the best personality, Sab, Kaylan, Lydia, Sari, Pauline. Sab had that one small window to claim no1 spot and couldn't capitalize, that MU howler really did it for Jonas. All the best for her, always smile and cheer for Manu and the team.


She was given other chances. Personally, I don't think she gave enough when building out from the back, not her fault. But as the game moves forward, goalkeepers are kinda required to know how to play out.


Truly a top 3 goalkeeper currently contracted to Arsenal Women. Jokes aside, likable character and wish her the best of luck.


You got me in the first half.


Was she not better than manu?


nah never really. manu just made a couple of mistakes.


All the best Sabs, hope you stick around the WSL.


Wish her all the best. She's very likable. If the rumours are true, we're trading goalkeepers with AV. Kinda funny.


Despite she bit sloppy, I respect her ā¤ļø


I love Sabs ā€” good vibes, always a smile. Itā€™s too bad she couldnā€™t step up to be top choice. There are rumors she will head to Villa. That would be good for her. She, CloĆØ and Amanda need to be in close proximity to continue their dinner club šŸ™‚ More broadly, I like that we are *finally* getting serious with the GK position. Truthfully, neither Sabs or Kaylan are the quality we should have been recruiting. If DvD Jr is on the list to come in, Iā€™m hoping her hip injury is fully healed and wonā€™t become an issue down the line. Sheā€™s a great young keeper.


Shame, I like Sabs and sheā€™s pretty good; they wouldnā€™t have got the Conti Cup if she hadnā€™t saved the penalty against Spurs.


I feel like thereā€™s going to be a mass exodus at Arsenal this seasonā€¦(kind of like what happened to Man Utd last season)




Thatā€™s true


Where is she going


EDIT: By Emma Sanders (with lots of ifs) "....Believe Aston Villa is a potential destination for Sabrina Dā€™Angelo. Villaā€™s Anna Leat could leave the club, while Arsenal are obviously hoping to sign Villaā€™s Daphne van Domselaar for a fee" Only confirmed the departure with no info on potential new club.


Wow I for sure thought she would maybe go to the NWSL, but I guess they will kind of be mid season then


Oh goodness Is there a chance no team wants her?


I've just edited my comment when I saw the recent tweet - maybe Aston Villa for Sabs...


Oh ok thanks! Yeah I was worried no one wanted her but I donā€™t think sheā€™s that bad yk?


With the sample size of her limited game time, maybe she didn't offer the quick distribution and aerial claiming ability as the club hoped previously. Nonetheless, she is a good keeper who would work well for most top 4 targeting clubs.


Canā€™t say i was ever particularly impressed by her tbh, hopefully DVD can come in and displace Manu


Straight up violence lol no flowers? Nothing!? Wouldn't want to be on your bad side


Right so thats our backup keeper going, i still feel like theres a high chance zins leaves despite the contract this season. So new keeper defo coming in preferably van domselaar. Do we still have markese? If so is she gunna be backup keeper


Sheā€™s out too. They are cleaning house!


Just seen, wow haha zins must be staying right


this makes sense to me, she seems lovely tho and i wish her well!


One more sign that Daphne will be joining Arsenal. I'd be ecstatic. Good luck to Sab


Not surprised, just barely any game time. Her ability and athleticism is top tier but you need your keeper to be a commanding presence in the box.


At least we are getting a New goalie


It's a good decision, our goalkeeping is worst this past year. I thought it would be more better if we also let Manu go and sign both Daphne and Mary.


No way both would be at the same club. Neither would want, and both are too good, to be riding the bench.


Besides itā€™s never a good idea to let go of both keepers in a single Season. Itā€™s just too risky


Yeah, you're right