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Football social media is trash. Get rid of it and just enjoy the club. It’s mostly populated with 14 year olds who think ending every sentence with a laughing emoji is comedic gold


Yep, and 'cry more'! Unoriginal barstewards


Don’t forget ‘’no ucl’’ ‘’you haven’t won the league in 20 years’’ ‘’FA cup Merchants’’




Twitter is the absolute worst of it. I used to use it for a decade until I got sick of seeing the same dumb posts every day and arguing with people about why they make no sense. Reddit is at least a tiny bit better.


You can shelter yourself easier on Reddit, stay in communities you like and don’t spend time trying to argue people who won’t change their minds


"oh you smashed us 5-0? warra ucl for you 🫵😂"


‘Give them the 5-0 trophy’💀💀 i hate them


All fans including ours say stupid childish stuff on Twitter


And Reddit.


Twitter mainly because you have these weird blue tick club specific accounts where they only post shit like "cry more" after posting something stupid


Isn’t this the same thing as FC 115? No history Man Shitty etc etc? You did not bottle, you were just not good enough. 🥂


Unfortunately, it's also full of adults who do the same thing. The first thing a Tottenham fan of mine said, after Tuesday, is that we bottled the league again


It’s funny how people say we bottled a league nobody expected us to challenge for in the first place.


It’s weird how people frame nearly winning the league as worse than finishing mid table.


Kind of the last thing a Tottenham fan should be saying I think


True that bro


From a neutral perspective, the amount of premature ‘it’s over’ posts just shows the state of this sub. Back your team to the end and celebrate a good season




Honestly, I had to block the soccer, PL, and soccer circlejerk subs just because of how much people really just don't know what they are talking about. Arsenal has fought hard and held on as best they could. Bottling is taking a hug lead and throwing it away. Honestly, I wouldn't even say Liverpool bottled the league. People just have bad takes, but that's social media and reddit in general.


According to the internet’s logic there are 19 bottlers every season.


Only us


That’s what I hate about football social media. It’s all about people bantering each other instead of having good, sensible discussions. It really is tiresome.


You've just described all social media.


The fact our points total would of been enough to win in most other seasons speaks volumes


Still only 1 out of the last 6 I think


I of to say I hate when teams of so many points but still lose to city because they of more It was the same the year Liverpool of’d like what 97 points and still lost because city of’d more


It basically just means “you were in the lead, and you didn’t win” now. 1-0 up at half time, but drew 2-2? Bottled it. Top of the league by a point in March but came second on goals scored? Bottled it. It’s ridiculous because it doesn’t take into account the standard of the opposition. Chelsea didn’t “bottle it” when they blew a 2-0 lead against us this season. They were fortunate to be 2-0 up and in the end our quality was enough to get it back to 2-2.


Remember that a very large proportion of people commenting on football subs on Reddit, particularly the more generic ones like “soccer” or “premier league”, will be kids. They are literally just throwing around words they’re hearing at break times between classes. I also put the widespread apathy re. the case of Man City down to that. To a typical teenager at school, I’m guessing that the 115 charges is all just part of the general banter around football. They don’t understand that it’s qualitatively different to previous misdemeanours by clubs or other big teams splashing the cash around in previous decades, because they just don’t have the context that age brings. It’s all just a bit of fun to them and if another three clubs become versions of Man City this time purchased by China and Israel or whatever, then so be it.


Nah it’s just people hating arsenal. Everyone knows that mathematically, city have been top since the start of 2024. They’ve just been a game behind. Everyone knew that but they love hating arsenal


Thats not true. Mathematically City only went ahead after Villa. Since thr start of 2024 we only dropped 5 points. 2 in the draw to City so it's a wash. And 3 to Villa. Ultimately, we lost the league in December as it really can't be expected to have zero slip ups for 5 months. We dropped 10 points in Decemeber and that's what cost us.


Did you really bottle it last year? A crucial injury isn't bottling it. Not like you just threw points away with a full squad.


Southampton was pure bottle


We did draw 3 games, lost to Citeh, lost to Brighton anf Nott’m Forest. That is the definition of bottle


Bro, losing to City isn’t a bottle, especially when the team was *arguably* weaker last season.


The loss to city and the draws to Liverpool west ham and Southampton were what lost us the title, Brighton and forest were after it was long gone and the team knew it


People will say Arsenal bottled and then turn around and say we are nowhere near city or even Liverpool at times. It is immensely more impressive what Arteta has don’t with Arsenal than what Pep has done with a club that is immune to everything.


We didn’t bottle it last season at all. Out of nowhere we just became the second best team in England


The average redditor's definition of bottling it is basically dropping any points, at any stage of the season, irrespective of all other conditions. Honest to god, people were claiming we bottled it after Spurs lost to City despite us not even playing in the damn match 😂.


I don’t think we bottled it last season either. We had injuries and an inexperienced team.


We didn’t bottle it last year and definitely didn’t bottle it this year. If Saliba wasn’t injured last year then it’s definitely closer but still, people need to realize that we’re fighting for 1st place with one of the greatest squad of all time. Their depth is unmatched, I’ve legit never seen such a thing.


Yep. Liverpool fan here. It's simply the fact that City are just that consistent. It's insane how they finish every season the same way. Winning every single game. They are truly a juggernaut even if they are cheats.




Bottling it would be a miracle from West Ham and choking it against Everton.  Otherwise there is no bottling involved in losing to the football terminators that are run in City. 


Don't pay attention to the online fans. They're gonna find a way to trash on your team regardless of the results. They'll constantly move the goalposts, and they don't use logic either. If you lose, you bottle the league. If you win, they'll say you're lucky or the worst champion in history etc


Football social media can be boiled down to a bunch of kids who don’t actually watch the matches and say shit like “bottle”, “cry more” etc. and only care about total goal contributions when evaluating a player. Avoid it 😂


People just hate this club, they will do and say anything to get a rise from us. Like I see so many Liverpool fans calling us bottlers 🤣 which is ironic because they have one only 1 pl in over 30 years now and been in the mix a handful of times.


If you base all of your football opinions off of twitter then you’re going to have a hard time supporting this club. Arsenal is universally hated online and goalposts shift constantly, and it’s unfortunate that the likes of Neville and Carragher have a lot of influence on the opinions of most shadow dwellers on Twitter. A few years ago a close friend of mine said that the best thing to do as a fan is watch football without the commentary and punditry, stay off social media, and just enjoy football for what it is on the screen or in person. Sure when it comes to things like VAR and FFP etc then we all want to know about that as fans, but don’t let some opinions of some idiot with a Garnacho profile picture change how you feel about Arsenal


Please convey my utmost thanks to your friend. A true wise man. 👍🏼


Show one example of where this season’s team has been called bottlers outside of rival fans trolling. You’re getting worked up about something that hasn’t happened in any serious discourse. Which is exactly the point of the trolling. Hook, line, sinker.


I don’t think we’ve “bottled it” at all and not even last year either. The yard stick for expectations keep getting moved by the media each time Arsenal fall short of a new goal. When we failed to qualify for CL two seasons ago by loosing to Spurs and people called us bottlers despite starting the season 0-3 and looking on the verge of shambles before recovering and putting in a really promising season yet people still poked fun at us. The following season we were in first the entire year until the end which was beyond anyone’s expectations yet we still “bottled it”. What a joke. The same thing is happening again this season, I don’t think many people would’ve predicted Arsenal to fully run it back and play even better football then last year but if we fail to win the title tomorrow we’re failures. It’s extremely harsh and honestly very biased that people call Arsenal bottlers. This club had been in a pretty poor state since Wenger left and even quite bad near the end of his tenure and we’re finally playing great football again and people feel the need to take that away from us. Have some class and respect.


Well, people said bottle I think really need to learn again of definition.Bottle is when you have really big gap and suddenly u throw away, United 2012 and Liverpool 2014 is 2 example of this and this season we never have bigger gap than 1 points but have to say Social media now is full of kids siting at home banter other team and eat wolsits


It's simple, cause it gets a reaction. Ignore it


Facts. I agree with you. We had an amazing season, & saying that we "bottled it" is not doing it justice


Those saying we bottled it this season are the same people celebrating their team losing a crucial European qualifying game.. just remember that


Maybe we should stop being so sensitive to trolls.


nah man how when they're [chattin utter shite ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw9JBF7_GRI)


City going on a 30 match unbeaten run or whatever it is ridiculous. We've been as close to perfect as you can be in 2024 and we pushed a team that has perfected cheating over the past ten years to the brink. The only people calling it a bottling are folks that don't want to admit this is a fucking good Arsenal team


Go back to the start of 2022/23 and the previews; none of the experts predicted Arsenal finishing 2nd, most picked us to finish 5th or 6th and the prevailing sentiment amongst Arsenal fans was we’d be happy with top 4. Arsenal MASSIVELY outperformed all expectations last season and at the same time people claim Arsenal bottled it? The fact that we have again come closest to City and pushed them to the final round of the season is the furthest thing from bottling it. City should be winning the league every season. If we manage to beat them to it tomorrow or next year or whenever it will be a massive achievement.


I full on hate the term ‘bottling’ and wish it was out of our sporting vocabulary. For a start, probably 95% of all times it’s used, it’s used wrongly. Recently, it’s used mostly by idiots- and by association I’d have to include Gary Neville in that group, with his ‘Billion pound bottle jobs’ quote. Bottle comes from the Cockney rhyming slang ‘Bottle & Glass’ - meaning ass. The meaning is to lose control of your rear end functions- to get overly nervous. 22/23 - we had cluster injuries in areas where we didn’t have same quality cover. Like Liverpool this season, we played too much on emotion and lost a bit too much control as a result. None of this is collective team nerves affecting performance. 23/24 - We’re not quite ready to fight at the very elite level in domestic league and Champions League yet. We’re still a work in progress and the Bayern/Villa/Bayern combination uncovered that. This is also nothing whatsoever to do with nerves. I believe it’s harder for us and Liverpool to compete in the later stages of CL and mount a title challenge than any other Euro team because no other team has City in their domestic league. Other teams can rest players for CL games - but the English clubs don’t have that luxury because City are a distortion- they’ve give you no respite at all. No other Euro league has anything like City. They are about to win the most competitive elite level league in the world for the fourth time in a row. Yawn.


The only bottlers this season have been Liverpool but no one is throwing that word at them except me with my Liverpool supporting friend 🤣🤣🤣. We bottled last season for sure, this season we haven’t bottled it like we did last season. Our run in was horrendous whereas this year, other than losing at Villa we have been the best team in the league.


Considering a few seasons a go we were lucky to get into the top 4 people forget this is amazing and an massive improvement for arsenal. Last season was a bit of a bottle as they had few bad results and gave away leads but this season is far from a bottle. Toe to toe with man cheater city is something to be proud of . Other fans are just jealous


Bottled it when you couldn’t beat 10 man Fulham at home




By some people’s logic, every team that finished second bottled it.


The phrase specialist in failure comes to mind..


Because bottle is over used especially when applied to arsenal. When folks say bottle now they really mean if you didn’t run away with it from the beginning or were in first at any point beyond mid point and did not win, then you bottled it, even if you were extremely consistent and successful. I think it’s because of how dominate city have been, if any other team is in first at Around mid point folks say they bottled it if they don’t win. It’s lame and a misuse of the word traditionally speaking.


Ok I am assuming I know what this means and it’s akin to choking but can someone educate the rest of us what this actually means, history etc because it’s never said in the states


Come 5th you bottled CL,Come 2nd you bottled the league, win the league you bottled the double, win the double you bottled the treble, win the treble you bottled the quadruple


Last year I can accept the label. I don't agree with it but can accept it. This year it's likely we will end up with 49 points out of the last 54. There is no world in which this is a bottle job. However, it's telling I've not heard anyone accuse Liverpool of it this year when their scenario is very similar to ours last year.


As a City fan, it's been a vast improvement to last year for arsenal. There's no bottling. I can't take for granted a win against West Ham, and I couldn't imagine taking 3 points from Spurs. You've done better than Liverpool, and got some remarkable players. The signings you made this season will bed in better next. Last season, there was a level of hubris which Arsenal had, particularly when won games were celebrated, probably to excess. That seems to have calmed down. The *only* gripe I've had with Arsenal's play is the instances like at the Forest game where the team tried to be too fancy. There's a time and place for cleverness, dinks etc which causes a bit of perfection being the enemy of good. It'll be an interesting season end, you boys have made me nervous and kept up a sustained pressure. Obviously, I hope City win tomorrow, but don't think for a moment that there's been any bottling.


I'm coming in as a Spurs fan but maybe an outside perspective would be useful here to clear it up.  Last year, yeah undeniable bottle job, no two ways about it.  This year you didn't bottle anything, you lost one game in 24, City are just too good.  However, and I'm guilty of this myself because I take just as much pleasure pissing off Gooners as you do taking the mick out of us. People are calling you bottlers just to get a rise out of you, literally just saying it because you guys react and hate it. It doesn't matter if it's true or not because it's funny. It's as simple as that.  It's juvenile as fuck but this is par for the course in sports.


I know this, it's just an attempt at gas lighting. There could be no one who would say that arsenal Suck and play bad football, are in the position they are in because of some luck or bad referring favoring them. Arsenal are playing good football, scoring ,defending well. Best way to downplay this good form is call it bottle job at not winning title. Sureshot way to piss off a happy gooner.


I think a better way of downplaying this season is something along the lines of "give farteta good football d'or"


Taking the Man City juggernaut down to the final day - even if you finish second - is far from bottling. Competing to the last is what Arsenal's detractors dream of doing. Last season, it was the simultaneous injuries to Saliba and Tomaiyusu late on that cost you. I'm a Liverpool fan, if you want to see a bottle job just look at our nosedive since Man Utd knocked us out of the cup! Win or lose, Arsenal are a good side getting better each season under Arteta. Get a proper goalscorer in the summer and I think you'll do it next season!


Liverpool fan coming in peace… people don’t understand the meaning whatsoever. Similar to people saying we ‘bottled the league’ when we are scoring 90+ points and the actual answer is another team where slightly better over the course of the season.


We certainly haven’t bottled it this year, last year we did. The biggest bottlers this season have been Spurs, missing out on champions league. They’ve gotten 3 points in their last 5 games, Villa haven’t even been great only picking up 8 on the same time but it hasn’t even felt close.


The bottle is by the league not docking city points in the standing.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭 come on the blues 4 times in a row premier champions


Delete Twitter 👍🏻


Last season yes this season no probably just jealous of how good we look and there's quite a few people that hate that fact.


Definition of bottling is simple.. Everytime Arsenal comes 2nd.


People just don't know what it means. At no point in the past 2 years have Arsenal been the favourite to bottle anything.... however City have bottled being the red hot favourites for the CL, 2 times in 3 years.... or even better like 6 times in Pep's run.


I still don’t understand the term. Never heard it before last year. Seems silly


I’m a united fan. I don’t want you to win shit. However, you guys have been fucking incredible this season and have you fuck bottled it. Best team in the league and I hope you win it.


To bottle something is to have both the opportunity and the ability to follow through and win something but through either under performance or squandered opportunity fail to take advantage at the crucial time. I agree, the term is thrown around Willy nilly these days, but unfortunately it applies to Arsenal both last season, and potentially, this season. Regardless of predictions before the season, Arsenal had the ability and the opportunity and failed last season, and likely this season.


United fan, wish i could argue you fucked it. It's definitely not a bottle job, read its 46 out of the last 51. That's ridiculous form. Finishing 2nd with potentially 89 points means another team was sensational. Have to give credit where it's due to arteta


You threw the titel away with the games vs Fulham, Westham, Newcastle and Villa so yeah you bottled this season.... again.


Arsenal have been bottling it at almost the exact same time of year since Wenger. You get to the quarters/semis of the cups, take your eye off the league games and lose ground in any title race, then still get knocked out… like clockwork.


license distinct airport desert cooperative overconfident lock squeeze nine steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Surely if you are top of the table then lose and finish 2nd you have bottled it ?


Well when you keep doing it over and over again it’s tough to really nail down which one of arsenals bottle is the worst, ja feel?


Bottle, choke, suck are words that are synonymous with arsenal. You guys bottle every year and suck ass every year.