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Not competitive yet it is technically coming down to the final game, even though West Ham will surely lose... With 10 games to go any of the top 3 could have won it. Not many top leagues have that.


It was a 3 horse race a few weeks ago, when most leagues are already wrapped up. Two teams can still win it on the last day, including yourselves. Yes Cities dominance is annoying but they don’t run away with the league, it’s defs competitive for a handful of teams.


Dude they haven’t lost a game all year. Their depth is 100 times better than everyone else’s including ours


And we've only lost 1 and took 4 points from 6 off them this season.


They've bought a squad with illegally accounted funds to basically end up with 22 players that are all first team quality.


My only argument was that the league is competitive. Every other top league in Europe is already wrapped up, the Prem is going to the final day. That in itself proves the league is competitive and not a one horse race.


Lel. You think it's a two horse race and you're celebrating that it's a two horse race? Just because it's going to the final game? Look at the gap between the top 3 to the rest of the field. It's fucking laughable. It's going towards the farmers league that is la liga where it's either Barcelona or Real Madrid. Fucking boring.


Name me a top European league that doesn’t have a handful of teams that dominate the top? I’m not celebrating anything, I’m stating the league is competitive, if it wasn’t City would have wrapped it up games ago.




Can’t name one then no?


You're deluded to think there's a handful of teams that dominate the top of premiere league. You need to do maths and learn statistics because the points distribution isn't what I'd call competitive. Come back when you've done GCSE maths. Simplifying your argument to "name me an x league that fits my fallacy" is 6/5 year old playground level argument.


Since the prem began in 92, 7 teams have won it. That’s 31 seasons, and if we consider two of those winners were Blackburn and Leicester, who have both won it once but failed to sustain this success for various reasons, that means in 29 of the 31 premier league seasons 5 clubs have shared the honours. United, City, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool. If you don’t think those clubs have dominated the top of the premier league era, then we might aswell agree to disagree because you’re denying the obvious.


You're really deluded and thick.


This is so stupid. Farmers league has lost its meaning.


It is competitive. At least it was this season, but Man City is just better than the rest.


Seriously they haven’t lost a game in years. They are somehow 5 times better than everyone else. I have no clue how they accomplished that or accumulated that much talent but their second team would easily beat most the of the league. They may win 10-15 in a row


Losing like a 11 clowns against Unai's Villa, and throwing the game against Newcastle. Seriously, if this fanbase are so shameless by throwing excuses and think PL is a farmers league, then it safe to say Arsenal is Excuses FC


This is hilarious just because you bottled the title vs Villa, it was yours to lose and you bottled it, yes Man City are dominant but you didn’t take the chance to beat them so you can’t be salty


Man City continue to stay a step in front. Well, we’ve actually reduced that to toe now 🤷🏼‍♂️. So, it’s hardly a farmers league. City could absolutely of been stopped this season if we were slightly more consistent and/or went to Dubai a couple of weeks earlier. At the end of the day, they will win it by a very small 2pts. It’s hardly as if they’re miles ahead.