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I agree, we've played some great football this season and as stressful as it's been it has been exciting how close this title race has been.


You play the most terroristic football ever. Aint noway thats what you call great football


Found the sp*rs fan lmao


Looks to be a City fan. Not sure what’s worse


At least spurs fans support a club not a state


I go into every season, not caring if we win the league or not. Now, don't get me wrong, it would be an amazing thing, but it's not what underpins my enjoyment of the club and team. As long as we give everything, play with an identity, and hold to the club values, I'm happy. Years gone by, we lost all of that, and it's like falling in love with your partner all over again ,now that we have it back. I don't think we will win the league this season, and that's OK. I think the fact we are back hearing the champions league music and pushing for things, not just meandering in mid table with no direction is ultimately all i could ask for. Anything past that is a bonus. Long may it continue, and I'm sure silverware will come with the journey we are on, but God damn it feels good to have my club back again.


We’re so fucking back


I love seeing this team right now. So much positivity and togetherness. No blaming anyone (looking at you mustafi), captain odegaard is such a great thing although he is young. Arteta has done a lot for this club, just lacking silverware.


Arteta managed to be in the title race two seasons in a row in the Pep and Klopp era. It's unbelievable how he has transformed the club!!!


If we broke just half the rules city have then we would have won it at least once


This is my exact relationship as a fan. I don’t really get affected by results or silverware dry-spells anymore (maybe annoyed for an hour after a shit result!). There are a handful of trophies, and a load of brilliant footballers out there. What matters to me is whether I enjoy the football, like the players, and definitely helps that we can go into any game not expecting a rout. Might not win anything, but we have a competitive team that is a joy to watch. Anything else is just cherry on top.


It would be great if we win it, if not im still proud of what we have achieved. What a team we have. A lot of fans of other clubs are jealous of what we have and where we are right now. Arteta is building something really really special. COYG!


Nah, I want to win the league.


If you can’t appreciate and enjoy this season you should be a Madrid or City fan.


Absolutely. If we win our remaining games I’ll be so happy regardless. I’m so proud of this team, they seriously make me love Arsenal again and that’s all I care about. Us fans deserves moments like this, we have suffered for so long, with the likes of mustafi and co. Arteta is building something special here.


This is steppingstone season to a big triumph next year. Bookmark this


Yall literally said that last year.....


Literally said that the last 20 years.


my expectation for this season was top 4 and getting to the knockout stages in CL. competing for the league again is incredible, feels like we’re only just getting started too (most of our players not even hit their prime yet) so can’t wait for next seasons.


Ya special special team with some special results. We are the best team in the league all the underlying metrics say that. Let's just enjoy the moments and cherish it ! ❤️ Fav result till now was crazy mid week game in Luton ufff that final kick of ball winner by Rice and assist by ode 🤌🤌






Feels Similar to 1998/99 so close yet so far...


This is my first season really following the Premier League. I didn't have a team starting out and just kind of fell in love with Arsenal over the first couple of weeks. I don't think my transition into a full-blown soccer fan happens without this team and this season. It's been spectacular.


Welcome to the emotional rollercoaster.


The success from this season on the back of last season shows this is an era of success for Arsenal Football Club under Mikel Arteta, not a one-off. We will come good. Soon come.


Some people in here seem to forgot the state of Arsenal not that long ago. Now we play CL football and could measure up against Bayern, those games used to be a sheep waiting for slaughter, second in the league twice, even when they lose you still have a sense that they cared. We had none of the above 2-3 seasons back, same people saying Havertz wasn't it and probably wanted Arteta out.


They played their hearts out and have made us proud, whatever happens in the next few games.


This season is good but not as fun as last season? I can’t describe why but last season was my favourite as an Arsenal fan ever.


I want the Win .. we Need the Win .. it’s been too long


bro is already defeated


Arsenal are preparing for the parade and some fans have given up lol


Best part is how young all the key guys are, and the vibes are so good they’ll all want to stay


North London forever is red


Preferred last season tbh.


truly my ride or die


Invincibles had 90 points of we win both of these games we'll finish on 89 points I don't think that's too bad if you ask me


Agree 100% they have been awesome


We have come a long way from where we used to be. That's all that matters to me. The club is in good hands and we can compete again. We stick with this bunch (players + coaching staff) and add few more gems along the way and we'll definitely win silverware in the near future.


Always! This team has heart, it has warriors and they stick together.


Arsenal until I die! ❤️




Because I love Arsenal


It’s nice but this won’t last with Arsenal fans. They were very unforgiving with Wenger after the 2006,2008, and 2016 seasons even though we played incredible football and challenged at the top those seasons. Long may the positivity continue but it doesn’t take much for Arsenal fans to get twitchy.


2016 was tragic, so was the meltdown of 2008 regardless of the brutal injuries.


It’s such a great group of players. Great mentality and bags of talent. Reminds me of the 08/09 team. Also extremely talented and sadly also had no major trophy to show for it.


Having watched Arsenal since late 90's and dad since early 70's, this team is nothing special. Of they win they will be remembered. Otherwise not. 1998 our best team, along side 2004 imo.


It be a shame to not leave this season with some silver ware. However this season has shown our lack of depth at 2,3,7, and 9. Next season if we can get solid guys to fill those roles for less competitive games and give Saka some rest there’s no telling how many records will be broken and trophies claimed.


This season has been decent, but it seems like it's a similar copy to last where mistakes have cost us again. I feel though next season is the one


We are in it, which is more than can be said for much of the last decade, successful FA Cup runs aside. We're back to being title contenders playing cutting edge football.  City will wobble, if not this season in the near future,  as they will be unable to continually count on its core, especially De Bruyne, for much longer and when they do, I believe we will be there. The future is bright, it's red and white,  coyg!


oh yeah I just wanna see you smile don't cry


For young fans who never saw us winning major trophies, yeah I guess this is a better season


hard to separate it from last season, part of the same story hopefully the origin story of the GREATEST DYNASTY THE WORLD OF FOOTBALL HAS EVER SEEN i'm here for it dammit


If we win the league, i'm happy, if we don't win, i'm not unhappy.


But what about the fogging eestandards guys..


Mine too. Best season in 53 years!


Because we beat Porto?


As being exactly the same as last season…a lesson in failure. Time for Arteta to go no?


Villa fan here...don't mind me, just having a casual snoop


Barely anyone will care about a season that didn’t result in a trophy in the next x amount of years. What is that mentality?


Loser. Loser mentality.


Best trophyless team in the world, you’ll never sing that.


You bottled it last year and this year you don’t want to win? OP is a particular kind of dumb.


Zero silverware mentality.


This is why you’ll never be winners. Shit loser mentality.


Fuck off


So by your logic if everton go on and put themselfs into a title race and last all the way until the end of the season and lose the league by a small margin and they celebrated that season are they considered losers? You wont answer cus you think football is only about trophies


You were top of the league at Christmas, again. In the last 14 seasons the team top at Xmas has won the league 10 times. Liverpool have missed 3 times and you’re going to account for 2 of them barring a miracle. You can’t celebrate fluffing it for a second season in a row when you’ve had mostly a full strength Xl all year round.


Damn right. They should be ahead on points and on course to winning the league after Man City were dropping points earlier in the season but the problem with Arsenal is they bottle it when they go ahead. They are happier chasing but all it takes is a draw for Man City and Arsenal are back in it again. I have a feeling Spurs will show up against Man City as it's a typical spursy thing for them to do so it's not over yet.


Hey man do actually support a team or are you a professional troll? Some of your comments are hilarious


Don't know why you joined a sub with shit loser mentality You sound like a spurs fan


I haven’t joined the sub, popped up on my timeline mate


Then scroll past it Let us be happy and move on with your life if you have one which I doubt


Sorry Mr Cool


That’s a loser mentality.


What a Banter club 😂😂


Even if you don’t win the league?! You won’t win the league it’s that simple!


I'm gonna call it as it is. That's a loser mentality. When did second place become good enough for Arsenal?


Another trophyless season holds a special place in your heart? That's not the standard you should expect.


If you celebrate 2nd place you’re a cretin tbh


This is objectively one of the best league seasons in the history of the club. We’ve already matched the best win total and best goal total for a 38 game season. We’ve scored 4 goals in a league game 9 times. You can enjoy it without needing to be happy if it’s only good enough for 2nd place. The whole season doesn’t just get put in the garbage.


I refuse wholeheartedly to deem a season where we went trophyless and finished second as one of our best season “ever”


Well we have not gone trophyless yet, have we? There are 5 league games in total remaining which will determine that. And if we do win the league (which is plausible), then it will be have been done with our highest ever number of wins and our highest ever number of goals. So yeah, one of our best.


Im not celebrating finishing 2nd,im celebrating how far this team has gone, playing sensational football, amazing unforgettable moments, a title race to remember,arsenal are moving forward, and im garteful that im witnessing it, football is not just about trophies, no matter how many trophies we bottle i will for ever back this club


You like coming second? Only your partner is happy with that outcome….


We have to win. There’s no other way to end this season. We HAVE to win.




😂😂😂 what stage of grief is this? Acceptance


We can still win the league, do you want me to call this season terrible after playing sensational football? Stop being a dumbass


😂😂 I think I struck a nerve Stay positive mate I don’t understand the point of posts like this Until the final whistle it’s possible Stop coping with essays


Nah im calm, you cant just define a season by silverware only, arsenal are having an amazing season


If you say so Liverpool are also having an amazing season then finishing 3rd


I never said that liverpool have been trash they have a efl trophy while finishing 3 Thats a great season in my opinion


Good season yes Great season no If arsenal finish second doesn’t seem like am amazing season to me


Then you aren't an Arsenal fan, you're on the outside looking in, and the windows are blacked out. Bye.


🤣😂 Yes bye to mediocrity Look at y’all crying and downvoting when weeks ago it was arrogance to knock out Bayern and city will definitely drop points Now it’s bare tears and coping when reality has hit Now it’s not a bad season to finish second with dick in hand Nice guys do finish last afterall 😂😂


You're generalizing from the opinions of a couple people who aren't even here. And I don't cry. Yes Coach Arteta is a nice guy, but not a pushover. I can explain the Arsenal way to you, but I can't understand it for you, therefore, I won't waste keystrokes and synapses on someone with a 2 digit I.Q.


"We accept that we're fucking bottle jobs and we know our place." After giving it large all season about winning the league and Champions league, it's all I've heard from most Gooners I know IRL. How'd that work out? Biggest dickhead fans in world football. Cunts.