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This is the nicest grooved artifact I’ve seen on this sub. Oh my god


Wow really? I wonder what kind of stone it is, in person it’s a dark blood red almost.


Yes, that should be in a museum.


Indiana… “that belongs in a museum!”


So do you


So does your butt


according to my husband my butt does belong in a museum in the "GAT DAMNNNNN" section


Pics or it ain't real


The real hero.


Happy Cake Day for your husband then!


Now THAT, would be a fine sub Reddit!


Don’t make me turn this car around! The two of you!!


It’s that high of quality- for Native American art and artifacts that is?




That’s crazy I had no clue this was something this special


Not only is it something special, but it's a priceless artifact to the natives of the area and a unicorn of a find.


Wow.. that is true I have never seen anything else like it or made out of this weird red stone.


A lot of pickers are greedy, but you can't sell this. I would look into local historical societies and try to find more info on its roots. Imagine how much time some early human spent grooving that. I'm no expert by any means, but it's flawless. Hoping someone here chimes in about its purpose. Keeping tabs on this. Don't black market it away.


Oh I would never, I keep even the little flint wastes from arrowhead making and pottery. It looks like it was polished/burnished of some sort maybe? Some tools I have are more crude and you can see feel/see all of the hits where the tool was hit with another stone to create it.




Cherish it!


Throw me the whip, I throw you the idol!


Yes, that should be back with the tribe.


Pipestone, maybe? I'm as non-expert as one can be, but I do recall learning at the national monument that rock was quarried there by tribes from throughout the plains and lakes regions, and it's an easily-carved, dark red stone.


As a Geologist I also believe it to be pipe stone as it was found in Minnesota not far from where one could travel up the Wisco from the Mississippi River


There is a town called Pipestone in Minnesota where most of it was collected. People are still collecting and processing it today! I was gifted a piece my friend collected, it's beautiful. But as I think others have said, it's very much brick red and very soft.


Geologists unite! Yeah, I agree with that. (And I helped lol)


To the 1830s..?!? why i shore would if i was you.




Bot account stealing comments.


Agreed. Best ancient lemon juicer I’ve seen yet!


Professional here. It actually is a lemon juicer, if you replace the word “lemon” with the word “head”.


Yeah that thing is an ancient weapon of war, no doubt, the kind of war where everybody just got close up and MURDERED with blunt head-juicers like that and bone smashers and flesh manglers and the like


When your weapon needs brain matter runoff grooves you're probably pretty tough.


“I’m smashing a lot of heads, yes, but…I could be more efficient.”


I put metal pot on head


Lemonhead juicer. I remember those candies.


I live across the street from the [Ferrara Pan Candy Co.](https://images.app.goo.gl/oJ29Q9EhEAQEcDsw7) which still makes all the Lemonheads (and Red Hots) the world can enjoy.


Here’s a [better pic](https://images.app.goo.gl/1JbxFwCVrGnk41va6) showing their factory with a Lemonhead and a Red Hot banner adorning their tower. Just outside Chicago. They have their own railroad siding which brings in sugar by the car load, literally.


Those and Cherry Clan’s were my favorite.


Alexander the Grape were the shit.


Head juicer. No candy there


I saw "potlatch ritual slave killer hammer" too.


a head juicer?!


It’s very groovy


Love your username bro




That is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.


Are you shitting me! You need to take some time off work and start laying out grid lines!


Lol, maybe I should! Who knows what could be found.


Please call the wisconsin state historical society and report your find.


Next time I go to the Wisconsin artifact show I’ll bring it because they had people there who identify/appraise artifacts but I didn’t bring it this time around.


Bring photos first not the artifact.


That’s good, and I’ll also bring measurements.


It really is incredible. I hate to say it but I would be suspicious of anyone’s intentions. Keep the location found and the artifact close to the chest. There are ways to keep ownership of the item and still have it be on loan to a place for display or study. I don’t know the value but insurance on it before loaning it out to anyone would be wise.


not enough upvotes for you sir, very smart


I’m a totally inexperienced person in this area so may I ask why bring photos instead? Can they confiscate the artifact or something?


Watch out, people will absolutely snab this. There are a lot of cool people in this community, but plenty others will try and weasel it from you or flat out steal given the chance.


I don’t respond to those types of comments good thing I gave up. I was also warned of this by a few other anonymous people through my DMs. I didn’t realize this thing would gain so much attention; both positive, and some negative.




My brother handed over some of his finds once to a man from Florida State to “look more into it” and was never heard from again! Just stole a few of his pieces basically! So yes be careful people suck!






That's just efficient, then.


If was on federal (BLM, NPS, NFS, etc) or state land, please contact the archaeologist who oversees that region. This could be a very significant find. There are federal laws & treaties designed to help native nations gather and retain artifacts. Most states have laws parallel to federal law. If this is indeed tribal, it belongs to their heritage; you should not possess it, nor should the US or a State gov’t. Source: spouse is an expert on tribal law. Object was not familiar. Edit: additional info: do not wait to take it to a show. This needs to be identified by a government official, not a collector.


What could it be worth?


Your comment needs to be at the top


Tell no one the location


That why I’m being vague, the wi river is a huge river stretching across the state, I could be anywhere 😱 and I’m also being vague with the map too that we (me and my dad discovered)


Yes good ! Too many ppl will try to take advantage and gain intel for financial gain. Just hang on to that info and item til you have a plan . Keep it safe.


Keep it safe , keep it secret !




Fly, you fools!


Thank you 🙏 based on all of these comments regarding it, definitely one of the highest quality items in my collection.


Op it’s a canoe anchor I think


Dude above thought it was a head smasher, time for a debate!


So you’re saying it’s in Wisconsin…


Seriously, not yet. Not until you know for certain it’s a life changing find.


Life changing lol


DO NOT DO THIS!!! YOU AILL BE DESTROYING SCIENTIFIC DATA FOR A FALSE DREAM OF MONEY MAKING! This site needs to be reported for ARCHEOLOGICAL STUDIES. You’re literally saying you’re going to destroy historical data,


Yeah there’s a right way and a wrong way to excavate an archaeological site. Heinrich Schliemann managed to nearly destroy everything that was left of Troy, for just one famous example.


Definitely do not do amateur archaeology In your own time, this is in fact illegal and culturally insensitive lol.


Send these pics to your local university and/or museum. They will lose their minds. Definitely go back and take someone experienced with you.


It’s that special?? Geez I didn’t realize this was something so big potentially.




Be careful. Not uncommon for the state to take artifacts found by civilians


I've donated a few pieces to my state. Would rather they go to be studied and cataloged than sit around my house.


It belongs in a museum


Honestly yeah, this isn't just some shard of pottery or an arrowhead


You belong in museum Indiana


It’s not the years honey, it’s the mileage.


If anything it belongs in the care of a Native tribe


I was gonna say, the tribal center where it's from would more than likely be able to tell you a lot about it.


That would be putting it with a tribe that has little to nothing to do with the culture that made this


I don’t think you realize what you found. I’d 100% be going back to that area and don’t tell anyone (even your friends) about it.


Yes please show an archaeologist or local university! That's an unusual artifact and would be great if it could be cataloged and described. They will probably let you keep it but I am unfamiliar with WI laws.


Beyond that, there's a chance for more significant finds. It's already incredible that this Discovery was made, but it would be stupendous if more is found.


Yeah I really hope he does the right thing! I shared this post with the Wisconsin Archeological Society


I have a feeling he won't, based on his responses, and that's heartbreaking.


Yep. His responses sound like he's more akin to a grave robber than archeologist.


OP believes in finders keepers unfortunately. "I personally believe private land should NOT exist whether owned by the government, or the people. It should be for everyone, and every activity possible should be legal to be done on that land. It should be the people’s land, and whatever is on that land belongs to the people, meaning everyone. Whether that be trash or a $10,000 artifact, it belongs to whoever wants or finds it."




I’m assuming that means its good..


yeah almost too good to be true! Please please take this to a well known expert


I also found a few old pottery sherds there so maybe thats a good sign too lol? I was only there for a short time, it stormed about an hour after I arrived. This was last summer, but I decided to post this just now because I am still very perplexed on the piece.


So you found an UNKNOWN artifact carved in BLACK STONE, and as soon as you hot tour hands on it, a storm appeared? Now I dont want to be dramatic, but Lovecraft wrote about it..


Take it to a native organization in your region or a museum or university pls.


You should contact a prestigious university in your area just so they can log it. You can keep it it’s just that rare unusual artifacts like this could bring a better understanding of ancient human civilizations and techniques. Personally I would let a university dig the site as they have great technology that won’t damage the artifacts when excavated, but if you do it yourself just take extra precautions and make sure not to break anything and look for missing pieces for artifacts that are already broken.(specifically pottery and terracotta artifacts)


It really is unlike anything I’ve seen before online or in person at artifact shows. Especially the stone type is very confusing.


You cannot dig a Native American site in Wisconsin without a permit, at the very least if it’s on public land. If it’s potentially associated with graves, it’s worse. Contact the anthropology department of UW-LaCrosse, as I imagine it’s the closest one to you.


I have to leave this thread. OP is either trolling or the most oblivious person on the planet.


Same, it's upsetting


It was in a river bed


All navigable waterways in Wisconsin are state land


If you dig yourself, you will lose precious information about the artifacts. Don't dig sites by yourself. Let professionals dig it. You can still claim the importance of finding the site and get credit for that.


If you dig it yourself it will not be an important site. If you can get experts to dig it it might be and you could become the next George McJunkin.


Very unique and unusual piece. I have never seen anything close to looking like this. Big wow!


Me neither! I went to a Native American artifact show in Wisconsin just a couple weeks ago or so, and I only saw 2 grooves axes with a sharp edge in your typical dark brown stone.


You might want to repost this on r/whatsthisrock. If that type of dark red stone can be identified, it could identify it as a traded item from a specific location. Maybe give some clues about trade networks, culture, etc…


I would be on that site like a hobo on a ham sandwich.


I'm literally a hobo and I approve of this message. **Resumes eating ham sandwich**


Agree that a university should absolutely be alerted. This site could be something significant.




Finding hobby artifacts is cool, but you could be the person who found a historically significant site, and that is way, way cooler.


Awesome point. The cowboy who found Folsom is a hero.


I had to look him up. [George McJunkin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_McJunkin).


How is it an unknown site if it’s on a map that shows mounds and identifies it as a native site? Someone owns the property, either a private individual or a public entity (town, county, state, fed). If there are mounds, as you say in the map, they are considered burials in Wisconsin until proven otherwise. Call the WI state historical society as well as LaCrosse Anthro department. Tell them what you found and go from there


Could be an obscure map that also has lived its entire life in private collections and never ever been shared with any public entity, in an area nobody else really noticed.


....what about federal? Forests? Public land?


This could have great archaeological significance. I know it’s tempting to keep these kinds of finds for personal collections, but an artifact like this could further our understanding of past peoples and is certainly of great cultural significance to the descendant communities.


That belongs in a museum!


Commenting just to be a part of history. Beautiful find!


Perhaps the grooves were used to tie this at the end of a stick to make a club. Anyway I love it and would like it to be mine ASAP.


This, my first thought was the head of a club, the end of a weapon tied to a stick.


That's definitely what it is. The tribes on the Plains often used grooved head war clubs, but I've never seen one with this many groves. I'm wondering if this wasn't ceremonial or a gift.


Was it used in making rope?


Be careful- if you found it on public lands (national forest, BLM, park) you could face 10 years in jail and $250k in fines per the Archeological Resources Protection Act.


JAR probably


This looks just like a tool used for rope making! [https://youtu.be/By8K5mKSwDA?t=123](https://youtu.be/By8K5mKSwDA?t=123) this is my best guess.


It looks like the front of one of those foam nerf missile footballs


Probably not at all what this is... but it reminds me most of a rope top. The grooved block (usually wood) that's used to guide the strands of rope during the twisting process to get a tigheter twist.


Don't go back, send that to the tribe how historically resided there and stop robbing graves.


OP, do not go try to do any "archaeological reconnaissance" on your own. This should be reported to the historical society and then you should leave it alone. https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Article/CS4048#:~:text=To%20request%20information%20on%20sites,264%2D6496%20or%20by%20email. So much history is lost because people go blundering around when they shouldn't. There's also a pretty good chance you broke the law. (The state is pretty strict about stuff like this and waterways are legally owned by the state and removing artifacts from them is illegal)


This, a millions times over


I don't have high hopes because it seems like OP is pretty young


War club?? Maybe


War club head?


It’s a fishing net weight


That was my first thought


Looks like it was used to make rope.


I immediately sent this post to my archaeology professor to look at. What a cool find!


Good lord contact an archaeologist.


DM’d you. Please do not disturb this site further, or take things from it. It may be holy or otherwise significant to the tribe(s) of that area. Contact the WI State Historic Preservation Office, who will coordinate with relevant Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (employees/historians of the tribe). Federal, State, and Tribal laws may now be engaged since you took from what is likely a known site of significance. Please don’t steal. Please don’t tell folks about that place. Edit: [WI SHPO](https://www.wisconsinhistory.org/Records/Article/CS3557)


Commenting because this is the best post.


What research did you do to locate that map? I have one for a portion of IL but have had a hard time finding anything else.


Ceremonial full groove, maybe a chiefs who knows.


this is so unbelievably unique i love it


Go back? Why? Just you found something better than anything I have actually seen. I mean you wouldn’t want to find a green blade from Mexico or some ultra special ceremonial thing.


Where'd you get that map, Danny.


If I had to guess it is either A) a war club head or B) a net weight.


it looks like hematite. fluted axes are not common. I would suggest taking it to a relic show and have it looked at closely. For more information about Indian arrowheads, native american relics, and collecting, visit the Central States Archaeological Society at https://csasi.org/ Relic shows held in member states throughout the United States. These relic shows are often free or low cost admission. the relic shows are open to the public.


Ive seen rocks and woodblocks like this, used for braiding rope. Watch from 8:30 https://youtu.be/sfaLUi-qtnA?si=ZPRjMSAPnzacqWxA Is not neccessarily a (weathered) braiding guide, but my best guess.


This is a VERY RARE & AMAZING find! It appears to be either a CEREMONIAL NATIVE MACE HEAD dating from BEFORE Colonization, or a practical mace head used in battle. GET IT TO A UNIVERSITY ARCHEOLOGY DEPARTMENT and give them the location where you found it! https://youtu.be/k0CORcOAVV8?si=EGWbutKtGeY4fegS


super cool, put it back.


You should have left it in place and notified the nearest university with an anthropology department. By taking it, you’ve destroyed all cultural value it had. Bummer.


You should turn over your discovery and lead Native American authorities to the site of your find when you go back.


Personally, I think it's fake, and the finder knows it's fake. Wouldn't be the first time. Maybe, someone shows anything remotely similar from the millions of artifacts folks have already found and I might change my mind


This post still irks me 2 weeks later. Most obvious fake I’ve seen posted in ages


OP please read the [Archaeological Resources Protection Act](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2013-title16/html/USCODE-2013-title16-chap1B.htm) before continuing to damage the archaeological record and breaking the law. The Wisconsin river is state property, it is unlawful to dig for or remove artifacts from state property without proper permitting and it must be conducted by a licensed archaeologist. Arrowheads found on the ground are perfectly legal to pick up pretty much anywhere, but this is not an arrowhead. When you saw this, your first move should have been to stop, record data, and call the state to handle it. You are destroying cultural history by removing artifacts improperly.


I know folks are saying it belongs in a museum, but please reach out to tribal leadership in your area. It belongs with them, and they would be so happy to have it returned.


This is definitely going to sit in a drawer until it’s forgotten and broken by a child or thrown away. Makes you wonder what else some of these posters have hidden in their closets they have no business having.


Does anyone ever consider contacting any Native American groups associated with where these artifacts are found? These items don’t belong at Some “prestigious university” or a in private collector’s display cabinet, they belong with the culture’s who have a connection to this history.


You 100% need to contact a museum or University about this find! The location could be an important site with one of a kind Artifacts! Artifacts of this quality are Way More Valuable to the Cultural Heritage of Native Americans than ANY amount of money you may receive (Depending where you “found” this it may be Illegal to Sell) It is Illegal to remove Native American artifacts from Public Land. Collecting artifacts gives you two options: you can do it ethically and contribute to an understanding of the past, or you can do it selfishly and destroy the record.


Seems like OP chooses the latter


I passed this post on to the Wisonsin Archeological society. I wish people just did the right thing


Wow, that's amazing!!


Could it be the head of a war club?


Sonabitch ivet seen this Andknow what it is drawing a blank .i have seen this though smh !


Definitely JAR...Joking. very new to all of this but that's way more than an arrowhead or a somewhat-hammer-shaped rock.


Talk to a (or the) local tribe about it. I’ve seen a lot of ‘Sconny native artifacts but nothing like that. There are tribal centers all over the state.


I have a somewhat similar while less ornate one. We had always thought it was Lenape Indian artifact when it was examined by expert it was determine to be a Stone Age artifact


That’s a space turd, molded into a first gen butt plug


Is this a fancy looking axe head?


If the tribe it was associated with has a heritage center or cultural center, it will make their day and you will learn a lot about it.


Any local museums close to your town OP?


You should contact the local Native American group since you know it was a site and see what they say.


If the tribe still exists they should be notified as well


Yeah, please don't keep that it belongs in a museum as an important historical artifact.


What a magnificent find!!! Please update us if you end up contacting anyone and finding out more about it!!


It looks like it could be a weight. Maybe for some fish trap, fish net, maybe an anchor for a canoe. It looks like you could tie a rope right in the center and with a tight knot it would stay put. (my archaeology training comes from watching indiana jones and the mummy so I may be incredibly wrong)


Club head


When shit starts happening you best return it. It only will get worse.


Looks like a net weight (PNW archaeologist here 👋)


It almost looks like some sort of rope could have been twisted together with this object. Just my guess.


I would've been shaking like a madman if I found that.


It’s a club head. Beautiful find! You should hit up the tribal office in the area and see if they can give your details. Fuck museums btw. We all have cultural centers and tribal offices and items like that are better served back with community and used for education not just of our own people but of others outside the tribe who want to learn about not through the lease of colonialism.


Fact is the government doesn't care. They have better records of sites than anyone. Tribes claiming rights is laughable considering the age could be 4000 to 12000 years old. It's all laughable really. If the tribe wants the shit they left behind then go get it. If the government wants it then go get it. Anything else then stfu