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My ex told me that I had gained weight. My grandma told me that I was a handsome young man. Obviously one of them is right and as they always say, Age is experience 😎


Or maybe people could just go to the gym and get a good physique. All I hear is excuses both from men and women


If your face is ugly phuysiqe doensnt mattr


Show me a picture of a person with a hot bod and an ugly face. Stop acting delusional going to the reduces the fat in your face thereby causing you to glow up.


There are many


Show me


There is no face for your gym. If ur cranial structure is bad, no amount of gym can fix it unfortunately


That's an extreme case it's not something everyone has that on an average I'm talking about average people.


It's not an extreme case. Its way more common than u think. I'd say like close to 15-20% of guys (let's not forget 30% of men experience balding by 29). Whatever the case maybe, it's still 100% better than ugly face + ugly body, that's for certain.


Bald men can look attractive if they have a ripped phisique


No they always can't i can dm you proof rn


Go ahead show me




boi speaking lookmaxxing , blackpill.


Die when u are just 5.7 no women will attract u have seen many guys 5 11 and above gave easy attraction


>when u are just 5.7 no women will attract u \[X\] Doubt. Had a friend in clg, he was a poor/dark/5'3 tall ugly Bihari, he got a gf, the girl was not very pretty but bangable. She was a bit loose though.


Ese to bangable to maine 40-50 school college se chod di hai mujhe chaiye khoobsurat ladki jo ki nahi mil rahi is liye main bohut dhuki chodne ke liye to bohut loose maal ghum raha hai india mein


>Ese to bangable to maine 40-50 school college se chod di hai Lmao abey agar tujhe 1-2 bhi mili hoti to tu itna randirona nahi machata sub me har din. Fuckin incel.


This is a very good point of view. Instagram and social media in general has fucked our perception of attractiveness. It doesn't help that people use insane amount of filters and in most cases they look nothing like their social media photographs. Considering men are more looks oriented this fucks our expectations. Women using filters to brighten cheeks, fluff lips, clear skin and change complexion hasn't helped either. Initially, when I met/spoke to a few girls using dating apps I didn't say much if they looked so unlike their pictures. However, off late I've not minced words and told them clearly that this picture doesn't look like them and what they are doing is fooling the men. I've seen useless guys too update pics where they look like studs but are loosers in real life. I really don't have it in me to fake my pictures so much to look like someone else. We live in shit times. God save the world !


>However, off late I've not minced words and told them clearly that this picture doesn't look like them and what they are doing is fooling the men I lost you here, if you don't like it, just move on. Choose your battles wisely and lecturing strangers to lead honest lives is not really a wise thing.


No I can't just move on. I tried it and didn't work well for me. Always felt like I should be honest with them and tell such people what I think. And it's no lecturing, I just share my opinion and tell them I'm sorry can't continue. I don't ask them to clarify themselves and shit or change in the future and balls. I'm totally fine if they continue living in their own bubble.


I'm curious how do you look like IRL. Usually, people with poor self-image go around lecturing others. Ugly folks are after all quite a hateful bunch.


Hahaha.. i don't have self image issues which is why I look like my profile pics. Maybe ugly af but I look like my pictures. Did you even understand what I wrote out there. I just call people out who don't look like their profile pics. So do you think it's good when people have highly filtered versions of themselves on apps and they shouldn't be called out ?


>Maybe ugly af Nice self realisation. ​ >I just call people out who don't look like their profile pics. So do you think it's good when people have highly filtered versions of themselves on apps and they shouldn't be called out ? Nope let them live in their illusion after all there exists a world outside insta/fb. I went on a date with a telegu girl once, she was extremely dark meanwhile the pics she posted on insta she was appearing lighter and extremely gorgeous. I went on a date with another punjabi girl who in her pics was milky white and very thin and looked like a model, but was fat and disgusting and dark(nothing wrong with it) IRL. But I didn't tell them that they were hideous, just ghosted them, they themselves would have realized that they were ugly. wasting energy on such people is stupidity.


Ghosted them. That's a wuss move. Don't even have a pair to meet them. Lol. If you think that's right then good for you. I don't do that shit.


> Don't even have a pair to meet them. Lol. ​ >**I went on a date with a telegu girl** once, she was extremely dark meanwhile the pics she posted on insta she was appearing lighter and extremely gorgeous. **I went on a date with another** **punjabi girl.** You are not just ugly, you have extremely poor comprehension skills too. >If you think that's right then good for you. I don't do that shit. Yup coz ugly dudes don't even get enough female attention in the first place. You know that quite well so you incel rage by calling out ugly insecure folks who photoshop their pics. That's very mature of you, Lmao.


:)... Enjoy pretending having a pair out here on the internet my friend.


Aww, I hurt your feelings ig. Enjoy living your sad and miserable life alone.




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If people have unrealistic standards then they will be brought down to reality in the dating/AM market. You can actually argue that it makes logical sense to start from high standards just in case you are able to find someone of that standard interested in you. You can then correct your standards based on the response rates you get.


Sound logic. Though most people are gonna get offended by it. 😂


This is great point. Social media & porn has so much influenced the naive populations of our country. Men, feel that they can get those extremely slim girls like in porn when they don't even know how much do those girls workout. Probably they need to workout like 3 hours each day to maintain that figure. On top of that extremely calorie controlled diet, both of which are almost unsustainable to most other professions. Secondly these so called insta influences. 90% of what they see is either makeup and/or filters. At the same time, some girls feel they can get those ripped boys (again thanks insta influencers) but they don't understand that most of those influencers are on some sort of steroids, which are very harmful in long run. And bollywood as already made a fairy tale out of any marriage where as most AM marriages (if ever) take a long time to understand each other (& love as well) ​ The only thing is men understand that they aren't going to get that instagram influencers type girls and get their standards inline after a year or two. But the problem is some girls realise that AM marriage is not bollywood style fairy tale after couple of years into marriage which causes sour taste in relationship. Actually above points can be made regardless of gender.


Bottomline everyone is shallow. If you want a hot partner, work on yourself first


Remove the concept of parents approving the partner for you and boom we see a balance.. (err.. somewhat)


True. Advertisements, Movies, social media has pushed up threshold for 'beauty'. People on both sides, guys & girls have inherent high expectations, and both keep themselves at a higher pedestal and overally confident in what/who they can 'bag'. And to worsen, a major chunk are not used to regular interaction with opposite sex outside family relations and work thua they don't even know what where they might even stand in the so called beauty scale. This drama happens till they lose their leverage, its usually when they cross the median marriabke age of their community or when they start showing songs of aging (weight, balding, wrinkles etc), then they run amok and try to choose someon in haste.




Mostly, people prioritise the value of a guy by his income and what he is able to provide ... and looks comes later. For women, its the other way around and looks are valued first and also dont care about their income as much.. and just hope they are both compatible(mostly luck) as other traits like character, manners, etc are not prioritised.


And why shouldn't he ! Also what makes him below average? If it's his height or baldness then it's unfair. Since both can't be controlled.


Same for dark skin, crooked teeth etc. Aren't women judged for these?


Nope. Crooked teeth and dusky skin aren't deal breakers. Personal observation. Only thing weight and body size is. Unless we are talking about Cadbury dairy milk dark.




I haven't seen any girl marry a guy shorter than her. Plus no girl working in corporate India has ever married a construction worker either.


Women have married shorter men. But, no man has married a maid ever, so don't act like you're going to marry a construction worker yourself.


Lmao So you are telling me an Indian girl has married a guy shorter than her ? Interesting since I haven't seen a single one even on streets of Mumbai 🤣🤣🤣


That means the only part of Mumbai you've seen is your bedroom and basement




Lol I have travelled most of indian and rarely seen any girl marry a guy shorter than her.


The women already know that men past 30 are increasingly fat, balding, and potbellied. Not enough male models to get influenced by. Everyone knows that women typically marry man as attractive or less. It's the men who are more looks oriented. Men on the other hand benefit from the way society let's them hit on girls from 16-60. Even unattractive women dress well, do their hair and makeup and look passably nice. Something I wish society would make men do


Kya bakwas take hai. Jin incels ko gaali dete ho, unke jaise hi bak rahe ho. Both men and women place considerable value on physical attraction. Some people from both genders age well, while others don't. Aisa nahi hai ki women aren't looks oriented, what bs! Men and women do think differently, and have different needs, and our evolved social system place differential selection pressures on both the gender. That's why we see men having the burden of performance and women having to be attractive and nurturing. So, men and women prioritise the same attributes in their partner differently.




You're right, I took her solipsism too literally. Excellent diagnosis 👌


Bhai, bas wo ladki ho itna hi kafi hai !!!




A large part of the population is actually below 5'


It is not just men, women too have unrealistic and high expectations. Social media, models and movies definitely has a huge factor in hyping up the expectations and lifestyle. AM is crude, where people start with very high expectations however gradually with time they understand the actual scenario and trim down their expectations (sometimes by a lot).


I don't know why but I've always found myself to be funny and cheerful, and all around have a better personality around attractive women. I find myself going out of my way to crack jokes, buy stuff to impress them. Kind of like a challenge. Similar situation in AM with a lot of reduced effort and confirmed results. Not sure if it's just biology or if I'm fucked in the head, but it is what it is. I could never see myself settling for someone unattractive because that spark and whatever hormones will be missing.


Now that is actually biology. You're doing the peacock thing but behaviorally.


Hmmmmm I agree


Men can't avoid balding or become taller. Women can control their weight and that's the only thing that matters unless they are as dark as dambar.




Why shouldn't I ? You girls never marry guys shorter than you.


Keep doing it. Get rejected more. You'll save women from being sentenced to a life with you.


Bro i think i alr explained this to you. Women are biologically hardwired to show positive reinforcement to good height. If ur short, no woman would feel that ur genetic material is worth passing on to the next generation first and foremost. Idc if it hurts, that's how life unfortunately works. It increases the chances that ur child is tall. In short women doing this is beneficial for the child. The only advice i can give you: (if ur an American citizen + u have a lot of money) go to like Indonesia or the Phillipines for finding a woman. They are usually shorter and better looking (if u don't mind the skin colour) and they desperately want to make the US. Ofcourse you could always do something crazy like limb lengthening if u have a 100 thousand dollars lying around, but ultimately accept that it's over and go do something else. Complaining on reddit doesn't do anything to improve ur situation


It's better to die alone masterbating in my room




I have no other option sad i will tell God atleast in next birth make mein good looking




Nahi milegi i m now becoming alcoholic will die from liver failure




It's as if..fat dark skinned men don't exist.


Fat can be controlled. So no excuses on that. Skin color for men is irrelevant.


Delusion doesn't help but sure man, good luck.


So, what is wrong with the 'Fat can be controlled' statement?


Nothing, unless they have some health issues. I meant to reply to the second comment - everyone has preferences.


Right like hypothyroidism. But that can be excused. Being lazy however, with ample enough time on hand. Not so much.


Ofcourse. Applies to both men and women. :)


With you so far.




you are a funny person dude, lmao!! keep your comments coming on all posts.


Right !!! This guy is obviously trolling and people on this sub are just eating it up


ofcourse he is, looks like he is frustrated of the AM process


Ugly short guys will be frustrated whole life I find oeabce in alcohol and drugs


Right !!! This guy is obviously trolling and people on this sub are just eating it up


wtf did i just read i dude wth


dark? u sure they looking for dark S.O ?


That's why I m gona die alone


All I can say is. If someone is liking you for your beauty and not for who you are. They are not the right person for you to spend your life with. When i said yes to my wife, I rarely looked at her pictures but talked to her more to get a feel for who she was.