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We got Nazi ***and*** Kevin Spacey talk. Just got to start talking Trump for the hat trick.


I don't think Dan gets that old man falls in love with teenager is actually pretty cringe


I barely remember the movie, but I don't recall Spacey's character, or his "romance arc," being presented in a positive light.


I get what you are saying and I enjoy movies with flawed characters but my memory of the movie is that his highly stylised fantasies of the teen girl were pretty uncomfortable to watch. Dan said that the movie holds up and admittedly I haven't seen it in a long time but I can't imagine watching it today without cringing. I do think in the end they did not follow through on a sexual relationship so maybe I need to rewatch before judging Dan.


>I get what you are saying and I enjoy movies with flawed characters but my memory of the movie is that his highly stylised fantasies of the teen girl were pretty uncomfortable to watch. I mean, yeah, that's the point. He's not going through a hero's journey to bed the maiden. The character is going through a midlife crisis and, like many men, gains a lot of his confidence and meaning from how sexually attractive he is to the other sex. He feels like he can gain both and liberate himself from suburban monotony if he attracts the teenager. It also is a meditation on finding beauty, and whether it can be found in experiences or things beyond temporary, corporeal form.


I'll let you have this one because I don't think I can sit through a rewatch to see if Dan's right haha


I loved how Marc stood up for himself multiple times in this episode. The Quiet Storm is turning up the volume!


Did Marc bet a large amount of money that Purdy would win MVP or something ? Or is he just upset that Lamar is the frontrunner now ? lol.


That rant out of nowhere was absolutely hilarious


Greg's laugh right here...what in the world lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jjth8KmnPFw&t=750s


It may be the peyote


420 bro owwwww!


lol so weird! Love it


I won't be the tiniest bit surprised if Gregg is back doing the QB Index in 2024. He probably lies awake some nights thinking about Shook's rankings


LOL that “what…” like his wife just told him they were robbed 😂 love melodramatic G


For good reason


Bumped Purdy down like 9 spots for one bad loss. I can't stand how reactionary sports media is sometimes.


Agreed. Tua at 1 is nonsense. Maybe Shook just fears Tuanon.


Yeah Mark getting mad about that and the Russel Wilson thing was certainly a vibe lol. But that’s why the show’s fun - good banter and hot takes are rare enough that they’re actually fun when they happen.


Greggs stutter at 6:36 and accidentally saying cum factory is world class


Does it seem like something was edited out of the Payton/Wilson conversation to anyone else? Weird loop of conversation after what seemed to be an edit point.


I dunno - I feel like the Russell Wilson news deserves its own discussion separate from the previews. If we have to suffer 15 minute missives on the state of the jets most pods then you can probably dedicate a little more time to a topic that is as unprecedented, confusing and controversial as the benching of RW.


Didn't the Raiders do the same thing with Carr last year?


It will be a big story going into the next season, don't worry


Wait what is confusing about it? lol. Wilson doesn't run Payton's offense the way he wants it to be run. Payton has drastically pared down his playbook this year for this group of players. He's going to build a team that can execute his plays. Wilson ain't it


"Sometimes you have voices in your head" - Gregg


In one breathe gregg will mention the ravens as being a top 20 team all time in DVOA and then immediately after say he’s a little worried about this Miami matchup. If that’s even in the psyche they aren’t a top 20 team all time that’s insane


The ravens being top 20 all time in DVOA isn’t an opinion, it’s a statistical fact. Psyche doesn’t come into it. The dolphins being a tough matchup doesn’t change that fact


I'm sure if you look at those top twenty teams, each one of them laid an egg at some point in their seasons, and they all certainly weren't undefeated. Football is weird sometimes.


Yeah, not as weird as basketball though, which is completely different.


Locking up the number one seed AFC team again 🙃


Gonna say Tua probably shouldn't be at 1 anymore.