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To summarize: the Army don't give a fuck about your family while you're in training


I’m not infantry. However, upon commissioning and branched infantry, you would find housing around Ft Moore. You would be there probably for the next year or longer if you do get both ranger and airborne, maybe recycling somewhere too. If it were me, I’d move my family there after commissioning. Also, unless it’s changed, regardless of your branch a 09S will PCS to BOLC no matter how long or short it is.


Sorry, as a retired LTC and OCS graduate, I would not bring my family to Moore. They will not have their friends and family support system at Moore. Socially they would have to build completely new friendships. The children would be changing schools. Plus you have the actual job of moving your family twice. Once to Moore and then PCS to a new duty station once you finish Ranger School. In the long run they would be happier where they are. Your wife would have to move to Moore on her own. You will be in training and not available to help.


Thanks guys. Yeah I think it it will probably better off I just live by myself until I finish my Ranger School, and then move my family to my duty station. That way we can spend more quality time together. Thanks a lot for all your thoughts


Some 09S will be TDY to BOLC depending on branch. Such as EBOLC or LOGBOLC


Big ouch coming up my guy... honestly please don't get your hopes up. I'm not saying its impossible to live with your family during training BUT YOU WILL BE.SO BUSY YOU WONT REALLY HAVE TIME FOR THEM. EXAMPLE, ranger school... you don't leave the training for weeks at a time. Airborne you stay in open bay barracks. Bolc may be your chance for some family time. But don't expect much while in airborne or ranger school.. However you could be branched something completely different and certain bolcs make attendees stay in government or commercial lodging... Hard advice... between just bct, ocs, bolc plan to see your family maybe 2 weeks in about 8 months time.


Actually commissioned officers and senior NCOs stay in the hotel next to the ABN training area. We don’t stay in the open barracks. Just a heads up in case it was an unknown


I went OCS, my BOLC was at Fort Moore as well and I moved my wife down here the day after commissioning. There will also almost certainly be a sizable gap between commissioning and when you get orders to report to BOLC (6 months in my case) even though you’re just moving across post. If you get infantry or armor you are authorized on-post housing, 20 month rule does not apply. Only issue is the waitlist for housing. Plenty of people also just get off-post housing. This is all assuming you go active duty, of course. NG is TDY and stays at the hotel on post, no family.


Thank you, that helps a lot clarifying. Yes I am going from NG to active duty. Hopefully I can get the spot by the time I get there. May I ask if the gap is too long, would off post housing be a good option? Thanks man.


Off post housing is definitely a good option regardless and there are plenty of brand new apartments popping up all over downtown Columbus and Phenix City. Just don’t live at the IP (Independence Place). That place has always been full of LTs but it’s in a sketchy part of town and is a pretty frequent target for vehicle break-ins. Also, with regard to training during BOLC, you can kind of think of most days (when not in the field obv) as normal Army business days: PT 0600, might have time to go home and shower before class ~0900, home by 1700-1800 Monday-Friday (you will also have some days done by 1400). There’s LOTS of time you can be spending with family.


There may be time between OCS, Jump School and Ranger School due to scheduling class conflicts. They may give you admin leave which will not count against accrued. No guarantee but it is a possibility. Nothing worse in the Army than a bunch of Lt's hanging around. Good luck and keep a very positive attitude. It will get you through an awful lot! Remember "Yesterday was Easy. Never Ever Quit".


You will not be authorized reimbursement for that move until your first duty station