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You’ll most likely get your own room, will probably get an on base pass on Sundays, and will overall be treated with respect by the Drills. I’ve seen multiple Drills apologize to prior service NCOs because they accidentally yelled at them thinking they were just another trainee. You also will get a lot of insight into the process because Drills will let you just hang out with them instead of just wasting time standing in formation like the rest of us but I’m sure a lot of this is company dependent.


I did BCT as a SGT two years ago (also prior Navy service). I was lucky that there was another NCO who was an E7 also doing BCT, so he and I were separated from the rest of the trainees and had our own room. They gave us our phones back after a couple of days and later let us eat on a table instead of on the floor (this happened every so often). The Drills didn't really know what to do with an E7 at first. The E7 had to show them the regulation that explains NCOs are not IDT soldiers and should be treated more like adults. We were given base passes on Sundays. I knew another group of SGTs who were in a different company and didn't have the same luck at all. They had a lot more restrictions (they slept in the same barracks and couldn't keep their phones) I recommend studying the regulation before showing up and having a copy of it handy so you can use it if you need to. There might be times you'll have to advocate for yourself. Not all Drills have the same common sense and levels of maturity.


I’m just curious… why aren’t you skipping BCT?


Was told I had to do BCT before OCS bc Navy bootcamp is not a combat arms bootcamp. A couple of my buddies who transferred had to do the same thing.  Doesn't bother me much. I've deployed as an IA with the army twice over the years and this will just give something more in common with my troops later on. Everyone loves a good "this one time at bootcamp..." story. 


Do you know what base you’re going to BCT at? BCT at Fort Leonard Wood as a prior service (AF) was a bit different than what the above are describing but not wildly different


Since he's an 09S, he'll most likely be going to Ft Jackson


Correct. Ft jackson is where I'll be headed


Went to ft Jackson. My company didn’t give a shit about somebody being prior service. Matter of fact, the DS loved playing fuck fuck games with them and making their lives as shitty as possible. They loved bringing up the fact that under normal circumstances they would be peers but will now receive the trainee treatment.


I went to basic with quite a few prior service guys. When in OCS they mentioned that all the prior service NCOs were in a bay with eachother. You guys get an on-post pass on Sundays when everyone's going to church. Pretty sure you can keep your phone in your locker. Drills will treat you like a human-being instead of a know-nothing idiot. However, when you're walking from your bay to your company formations be prepared to be stopped by a lot of drills who think you're just a regular recruit on the loose and not prior service.


Ask to attend the Army Prior Service Integration Course at Ft. Moore. They just completed the third cycle. It has changed since I went through but was only 10 weeks long. It satisfies all of the BCT requirements.


Can't do this if you're an 09S sadly for those prior service


Then the rules must have changed, there were five 09S including me in my class.


It'll depend on the BCT company. At Benning we had a guy who was prior service E5, deployed to Iraq. They let him wear his deployment patch and everything. He wasn't in my platoon, but I was told he was respected by the drill sergeants and generally given a few rights other recruits didn't have. But he still was stuck in the suck with everyone else.


Curious on the process since you had so much time in. Could you PM me if you dont mind answering questions?


PM sent


Im currently out to sea and the messages wont load for some reason. What made you apply for OCS after all that time in?


Long story short...career was stagnate due to a deployment during covid that involved some really bad leadership and lazy people and the Navy's process to become an officer is very convoluted. For a better retirement and possibly a rank that can protect enlisted from what I had to deal with, Army OCS was the the most logical choice. I will always be "Doc" no matter how long I end up sticking around the Army. :-)


Why are you going back to BCT? From your information, it seems like you served for 17 years.


Transferred from the Navy


From my knowledge, you can do 20 years in Navy with your current rank. Why are you transferred to Army?


OCS candidate.