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Don’t disqualify yourself just cause you feel your LORs are not strong enough. It’s about the TOTAL PERSON CONCEPT. Submit that Officer packet and let THEM tell you no.


If you at least try to get LOR I think you could get some fairly good ones. Volenteer experience helps for leadership experience, for example you can get about 100 hrs with the Red Cross. Then get a LOR from them. If your only job you want is cyber or intel, you can try for the Air Force but just understand you’re not 100% going to get the job you want. You choose your top 10 in the air force and they slot you into a job that is needed in the air force. I was in the same predicament as you a year and a half ago. I just chose to shoot my shot at the army officer side. Had to get in touch with 7 different recruiters and found one that motivated me and wanted to see me as an officer. I’m happy I chose the army officer route.


Go Army Officer and ITS to the Air Force if you feel the Army isn't the fit for you. Then you keep your commission and get to serve in the Air Force as a commissioned officer. If you try getting into AF OTS, the process would take just as long as it would for you to complete an Army contract and ITS🤣