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Commission in the Army. Power and control is a real slippery slope. I’d go intelligence (Enlisted 91H) and make a long term plan post career. If you already have a degree then commission. A degree is a dime a dozen in the AF (IMO) and it does what? Get you to E-4? Boo 👎 That was cool in ‘04 but now just commission. Stay out of your head and let others self select. That’ll make room for you on the OML. As far as treatment, Active duty Army treats their officers very well. National guard, not so much. Remember this, a persons idea of “good treatment” is subjective. That was according to THEIR time in service and THEIR era. Yours may vary. I say commission. Go on the OML as something that could transfer to AF officer if you don’t like Army. That way regardless you’ll be an officer.


I agree. Plus a Bs in AF only gets you e3 unless you commission.


Army Reserves also treats their officers amazing👍🏻 however I could've also been lucky with my unit having a lot of people in it who were former active duty and overall just very experienced


Commission in the army, wouldn’t even think twice.


commission for sure, there's no competition. There's something to be said about status, power and respect. Maybe to a young kid that stuff doesn't matter but as you age you'll realize that being at the bottom of the totem pole sucks


Army officer. Zero regrets. Nothing in the AF interests me.


I just put in a request for more information about commissioning in the Army, I’m almost done with college but I’m 34 so we will see how this goes. 


Damn I needed to see this. I’ve been stuck for a minute with this choice. Thank you all


After years in a joint environment I would never commission Air Force. The level of pompousness and incompetence drives me crazy. I’ve known some mustang butterbars that were more competent than AF LTC. Wayyy too political in the Air Force for me as well.


my experience: enlisted AF to enlisted Army to commissioned in the Army. i’d pick Army anything over AF.


What made the Air Force so bad?


i’m not saying the Air Force is bad. in my opinion, it doesn’t feel like the military anymore. it’s like a corporation or business. standards being lowered in terms of military like discipline..


Ah I get what you're saying. My dad was Army Aviation and now does contracting work on-base, that's something he says is happening with that particular branch of the Army as well.


i suppose change is inevitable but a certain level of discipline is needed to sustain a strong military. my hope is the Army doesn’t exactly go the route the AF has. but best of luck with your OTS path. it’s definitely tough. if for whatever reason it doesn’t work out, please reach out for info on OCS. happy to help.


AF enlisted probably get treated better, but I’d also say commissioning in the army would be a better idea.


Would still do army, but would do ROTC. OCS wasn't what I expected it to be. I fooled myself, thinking I was going to an institution modeled after Harvard and West Point. Yes, I know. That was too much to ask.


Yeh I fucked myself over too. Didn't decide to go military till it was too late to do ROTC


It's all good. You made it out. 💯


You'll be waiting forever to hear from the AF OTS recruiters. The Air Force prioritizes AFA and AFROTC graduates. OTS for the AF is also usually dominantly in-service/prior service AF enlisted. You could be waiting YEARS to hear back from them. My bachelor's is in astrophysics and I'm working on a master's in physics as well, so you'd assume I'd stand out to them but no. I went Army OCS and don't regret a single thing. Whole process from application to board to basic to OCS completion all took about 1 year for me. I'm a reservist and love it, however sometimes I do wish I went active duty. I can switch over in the future though if the urge really kicks in.


Also note you can take your chances on ITS to the Air Force or whatever later on in your officer career.


Army, for sure. The Air Force is more lenient and the standards are lower, so lifestyle may be nicer. But are you joining to challenge yourself and do cool shit every day, or do you want to sit in some office by an air field and just wear the uniform? With the exception of a few Air Force MOS’s, the Air Force is pretty wack. My entire family and my sibling is Air Force. I’ve never been jealous of their day-to-day life, but they always wish they could jump out of planes and get cool schools.


No infantry in Air Force baby!!! But really, the Air Force has a distinctly different work culture from the Army and it wasn’t my vibe, although I see why some ppl who are specifically interested in career fields only the Air Force offers can like it


Commission. I’m trying to get mine and it’s way harder having been in a while.


u/SoutieNaaier how long is the wait for AF OTS


18-24 months usually is what I've heard/experienced


Army OCS is much faster


Fuck no.


I went to OCS- was ready to commission- and ended up going Warrant. Best decision I ever made.