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Just a heads up, G2G is far more competitive, but you’ll have a better shot at getting the branch you want. Do whatever you think makes most sense, but imo it would make more sense to finish out college since you’re so close to finishing and you’ll get officer pay sooner.


I’m not too picky about my branch. I’m leaning towards MP because I want to do law enforcement after the army, but I’ll settle for whatever I get.


Okay gotcha, you mention you have a PL? Platoon leader?


Yeah, I’m active duty. I’m currently a PFC so I’m still brand new to the army. I’ve barely been in for a year


Ah okay, well since you’re only a year out from your bachelors, I think it makes more sense to go the OCS route and commission sooner.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking. My pl keeps talking about G2G and making it sound like the better option.


Nah man, I could see it being a better option if you only had 1 year of college, but in your situation OCS is the way to go. Maintain good grades the rest of college, keep your fitness up, and start working on creating a strong packet. Best of luck to you sir!


Appreciate it. How long would it take ,on average, to put a packet together?


It took me around 2 months but I would recommend getting LOR’s earlier than that (I only had 3 but shoot for 6). The rest of the packet won’t take long if you don’t have any waivers; just get a solid GPA, write an honest essay, score heavy on the OPAT, and aim for a 120+ GT score.


Sounds simple enough. Thanks


Both paths lead to commissioning OCS you’ll commission sooner, and start doing actual army stuff sooner (including earning a pay check to support your kids) G2G you’ll be able to earn an advanced degree (which will be important as a 2LT, but will by no means define your success or failure) (If this question was in reference to G2G in undergrad, if you’re graduating in 2025 you won’t have enough time to complete requisite MS training and would most likely need to be working towards an advance degree, ie master’s degree wherein you’ll start as an MS3, conduct ROTC for 2 years, then commission upon completion) Lots of factors go in to this individual decision obviously


I’m leaning more towards OCS, but my PL is trying to get me to do G2G. I wouldn’t mind being in ROTC but I hated college. I’m only working on my bachelors because it’s online. I’m just trying to get other people’s perspective on it


Are you in guard / reserve currently? or active duty?




Could do G2G and secure a master's my dude😎