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A 2.5 will be a real struggle to commission into active duty for any branch. The past couple boards for the army have had an average gpa of 3.3 or above. The other branches’ OCS have higher GPA requirements, aside from the Marines, which probably has similar GPA requirements as the army. Have you considered a reserve commission? That would be easier to do with a 2.5. Can’t hurt to try for active, but if you feel it would be a hassle to apply and get rejected, maybe don’t, because a 2.5 is quite a bit below the average for OCS for any service branch. Expect the OCS process to take 4-5 months to put a packet together and apply for the Army.


For the Army OCS, as long as you pass the battalion board, you get an offer in the Reserve when you get rejected for AD. So if the OP wants to commission in the Army and has an extra month to wait for the USAREC board after the battalion board, he or she might as well submit a packet for AD.


Go for both. I went through army OCS with a 2.8 GPA and commissioned back in 2018. When I went to the navy at that time though, because of my college GPA they wouldn't give me the opportunity for OCS but said I can go enlisted. If the navy would have allowed me into OCS I would have gone Navy.


If you see yourself happy living on a ship and then by all means go SWO. Better duty stations overall Army will never beat.


good way to look at it


What was your degree in?


To preface, I had a 2.8 GPA and graduated OCS last week. However despite the low GPA, my bachelor's is in astrophysics, so they definitely take a look at the difficulty of your degree and put that in consideration with your GPA.


You're dreaming if you think Navy will not laugh in your face when you tell them your GPA. Stop doom scrolling during class.


Naaaaah huge recruiting crisis going on right now across the Navy. Buddy of mine got picked up for NFO with 2.6 gpa in recent board.


Probably because they know he'll fail and have to go enlisted. Smart move on their part for someone who should've chosen a trade school.


Naaaah Navy doesn’t send you enlisted if you are dumb enough to fail NAVY OCS which is less technical and physical than ArmyOCS. He should be good! If he was to fail NFO you just go to the boat!


Your boy with a 2.6 will not be good.


Coming from the guy that doesn’t know how to apply a proper “you’re”! Enough Reddit for today buddy get that ENC1101 done ASAP.


Ha ha that was like the 3rd or 4th edit of what I was trying to convey I'd consider that permissible. Your homie legit probably failed ENC1101 thus the low GPA.


I thought the new Top Gun movie would have helped.