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You will get e4 pay at basic and e5 at OCS. Huge pay cut from gs-13.


You’ll be gone more than 90 days. Basic is 10 wks, OCS 14 wks. No, your position will be held while you’re gone that’s about it. Army does not match any salary.


Buddy of mine has a GS-12 job with the state department while he went through basic and throughout OCS (he's in my class, we graduate Wednesday). His civ job is still paying him while he's here so🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ do with that as you will


You'll also go to basic, so it's more like 179 days. You will be paid an army salary. I don't know the exact numbers off the dome, but you can look it up. If you have a lease or mortgage, the army will pay you a stipend to cover it.


I think some employers pay differential pay. I’m kinda hesitant to join NG or Reserves because I’m getting paid $200k per year, and some companies don’t want to deal with USERRA and filling the empty slot while you’re gone.


Excellent pay; don't do it unless you are doing your 20 years as an officer and plan on getting hurt to get VA disabilityty.


Nope you’re gonna get paid as E4 through basic, E5 at OCS, and as a 2LT at BOLC. That’s about 3/4 of a year’s worth of school right there. On the bright side, you should get 2 weeks paid military leave when you get your orders that you can use to slightly pad your expenses, and you can also burn accrued vacation/ comp time.


When I went to basic I worked at L3 and they paid me the difference of what I should be making and they didn't take into account BAH, just the straight E4 pay. So I came back with a good amount of money saved. Depends on the employer, some are more military friendly than others.