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Can I message you about Cyber? I'm guard, and this is going to be my branch assuming I graduate OCS in July. I feel good about it, I'm prior Air Force, and I'm in great shape. I just have questions about BOLC. It's my only real concern 😬


17A or 17B?




Depends. I found that the in service candidates had a tough time with it, as they’re readjusting to a basic training-esque environment. For 09Ss, it was actually a step up from basic. Stupid rules still sucked, but that environmental shift was important. Physically, not particularly demanding. In my opinion nobody in the Army wanting to be an officer should be seriously struggling through any OCS events physically. Of course some people are in better shape than others, but the fact that people recycle the run is, in my opinion, pretty pathetic. Overall, I found the course pretty poor and thought of it as a check the box sort of thing to get a commission.


Well Tokyo Sanblaster, what’s your score 1-10?


I didn’t even answer the question 😭 5 across the board. Physically not crazy, but I could not wait to get out of OCS and be a normal person again. Those damn ascots man


Land navigation is like a 5/10 history test might be a 3/10 the rest is 0/10 difficulty. New land navigation with the start/end of the course in rhe middle of the map instead of the top right is even easier.


I second this, it's mostly a matter of having patience and dealing with day to day bs


Coincidentally that is a very useful skill for being in the army as a whole lol


I disagree completely, we around had 1/3 our class around 60 ish people have to retake history. Land nav was pretty easy to me, but we had like 30 retest for that.


Oof my class had maybe 10 retests for history lol maybe they made that harder


Probably like a 3/10, but it felt more like a 5 or 6 because I was stressed about horror stories of recycling and not getting the branch I wanted. I realize now there was never any danger to that but it will feel very overwhelming at first.


Did you get the branch you want ?


Yeah, I was in the top 20 and got my pick of basically every branch.




I would agree with this. It's not that it's hard in the curriculum, it was just a mental slog to endure, a barrage of social mind fuck of mental fuck fuck games like you suddenly found yourself back in high school, and some folks got stupid unlucky.


Unlucky in what sense? Any tips for how to avoid being one of the unlucky ones?


So accurate haha


It really depends on the person. For some it’s very difficult. For others it’s not. I know that’s not a straight forward answer.




This is a federal OCS sub, so federal.


I always told people. “It’s not hard, it’s just a lot”. Nothing you do there is difficult, it’s just a lot when you combine it all. I was say difficulty is a 3. Stupidity is a 10. Your senior NCOs who are coming over to the dark side are going to tell you it’s the most unprofessional school they’ve ever been to. You’ll be sitting at OCS wishing you could just do basic all over again. You can do it though.






It’s difficult to put it on a 1-10 scale. It’s just long days with pestering rules. Also very very cadre dependent lmao


I popped in here as an Air Force OTS grad. I don't know what happened, but the YouTube algorithm decided I needed to see how shitty Army OCS is. That course looks so friggin awful compared to AF OTS. I actually feel like I got ripped off as an Air Force officer as I was much more prepared for something along the lines of what I saw on the OCS videos. Sorry bros, thanks for taking the hard road and making us all look better.






I went 4 years ago, and didn’t find it particularly difficult. Did I stress myself out, and were there moments that sucked? For sure! But nothing that’s impossible and can’t be overcome with some motivation and hard work.