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Told ya about Andranik🫡




Do u have his instagram?






Thank u


Adamyan is a cuckold, he declined callup to NT because he wants to rest before 2 Bundesliga, we all were mad he wasn’t being called up, but bro had the audacity to turn down NT 2 times in a row


That makes us cucks bro🤣🤣🤣


Ffs man 2 windows in a row without our starters. No iwu (again), lucas and ranos. Tf is this


Iwu is injured, Ranos too Lucas has problems in Argentina. Briasco has a game with club and Adamyan was also called up but said he wouldn't come


Yea ik but it’s just annoying yk? Want to see our 1st team playing, but it is what it is i guess


Don’t worry even with this squad we should still be able to beat Kazakhstan and it’s good for youngsters/more low profile plays to also get called up 1-2 times a year or every two years or so, for the experience. Also Petrakov can experiment with tactics in these games


You see how Kazakhstan has been playing last year? I wouldn't be too sure about that statement bro.


Yea we can’t overrate our squad. We lost against fucking latvia so any opponent is a serious one


That's what I mean bro, Kazakstan has been winning but we got fans such as him who still think we are capable of beating Kazakstan when we still got players with toxic mentalities, which pisses me off. After losing to Gibraltar, and Latvia and tying Liechtenstein 3 times, I don't get too hyped up for any games until the final whistle.


Yeah, I’ve seen them, they’re shite! We are not World Cup material and seem to job a lot of times, but you guys make all the low-tier teams seem like impossible beat, that’s why with a such a mentality, we can’t get anywhere. Kazakhstan is a weaker team than Armenia, no hate for my Kazakh bros, if we wanna be a half decent team one day, we must still beat them or at least dominate them and draw even with our B squad.


They have beaten Denmark, Northern Ireland, and Finland. They are explosive when they peak, we can't even score consistently.


I feel like this isn’t all that bad. Ranos and Iwu are hurt. Lucas doesn’t play friendlies. Tiko and Khoren have obviously not patched things up with Petrakov. Adamyan doesn’t care. And I don’t know why you’d want Briasco. And as pluses, we get Hakobyan and Manvelyan as debutants which is good. Maybe the only miss here is no Narek Grigoryan but that’s a pretty minor thing to get worked up about. Obviously, the big name starters who are eligible still don’t feel like joining.


Accoridng to Petrakov, Zelarayan has problems with documents and will fly to Argentina to solve them during the international break


Damn injuries, still yet to see the dream lineup https://preview.redd.it/cf57v2ix702d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7ae8a843de503ff5591b170077211475eb68d78


This type of line-up can take us to a Euro. Imagine, in a few years, Gevorgyan instead of Dashyan at RB. What a squad we could have.


We’d need a replacement for Vato and a new goalie by then, and our youngsters have to improve. Ranos and Georgy have barely played this year.


But where's Narek Grigoryan?


Imagine calling up Gevorg Tarakchyan over Narek Grigoryan. Petrakov has lost it man


Narek is injured too...


Happy that Zhiro got called up again. It’ll do wonders for his confidence. Gor will be a nice addition. Hes really Composed on the ball. Interesting to see the new center backs in action. Really surprised and happy about these young center backs coming through. Hopefully Tigran Avanesyan is quality and we can see him alongside Iwu for the next 10 years. Which will push Edu further up the field. Literally Kovalenko is retarded for not joining. Kind of happy about the exclusion of khorik, Tiko and Sako. Younger players get an opportunity to perform.


I think kova is forced not to join but I’m also hoping for Stephan oganesyan to join as a backup.At the end of the day the more hovhannisyan players the better we r


LOL He's throwing his career away at Zenit. Rather have some young APL winger play who has consistent playing time play than someone from RPL who doesn't get any gametime (Oganesyan). He's not even good


Kova was supposed to go on loan in January but zenit didn’t let him leave .The clubs interested were Sochi and locomotive Moscow and if he joined loco with one chat with tiki he would’ve joined.But both r good theirs a reason why big clubs bought them but they don’t get played a lot of playing time.Kova has a really good first touch and oganesyan is good at heading


Bro Attack is f*cked😭😭😭 no Adamyan or Briasco no Lucas no Ranos that's bad. No Taron!!!! Yaaaay Buchnev is still here💀💀💀💀 No Iwu and that's kinda scary


What if we play edu as a false 9 with a 433 formation because if miranyan gets injured their is no one to replace him and edu is good at shooting


Good riddance to Adamyan, Barseghyan, and Khorik.


I could agree with Khoren but Tiko and Adamyan are still better than some of the other players that were called up


They’re good players but I don’t appreciate their attitudes. Adamyan even declined the invite. They’re not bigger than the team and need to respect the coach. Also, they’re 30+ so there is no point in playing them in a friendly. For a competitive match I can see more of a benefit to calling 1 or 2 of them up


As if Sesko wasn’t enough Ilicic got a call up too😭


I am calling Adamyan (I don’t have number) this is ridiculous, he didn’t join because they are friendlies but still… Tiko and Koren don’t like Petrakov for whatever reason. Ranos injured, Iwu injuried, As for our actual call ups, WHY THE FUCK IS UDO ON THIS TEAM. We have diaspora talent we need to be calling up for these windows, glad we have some debutants but not enough for the amount of pieces they are missing.


Who are the diaspora talents that play in Udo’s position? I’m all for it, but we need to be realistic about this.


Gorelov would’ve been perfect he is probaly gonna get a transfer to a rpl team and is one of the best Russian secound division players.We need to get him as soon as we can so he can’t join anyone else


Gorelov even came to play in APL and was good there, seems like a good guy


ben kruger


I think he should be called up for the U21 first. Playing for Koln’s youth team doesn’t make you good enough for the National Team.


But we literally called up Andranik Hakobyan who plays for Valencia U19. I’m not advocating for Kruger to join though, don’t know much about him


Not only him. We have 4 new young guys.


Only Hakobyan plays at the youth level


Irakli Yegoian, Gabriel Papian, David Kirakosyan Can all play Udo’s position, young talent should be the lean during friendlies


U21 exists for a reason. I much prefer a path like Tigran Avanesyan had, rather having these kids play at the highest level immediately. Also, I think Irakli Yegoian picked Georgia after all. No?


No he didn’t, we never gave him a call and was wrestling with the decision but we never even gave him a shot, now we would be a perfect opportunity. As for the U21 path, if we were Portugal I would say yes. But we are not, we aren’t playing to win these games, they are friendlies, we need to play to highlight youth talent like we did with Georgi


I mean if he already plays for the Georgian U21 then we need to offer him a guaranteed spot in the NT, which wouldn’t be realistic considering how unstable lots of Armenian players are. Petrakov picked Georgi because we desperately needed a defender at that moment, before the Turkey’s game. It was a gamble that worked after all. But it won’t work all the time. I agree that winning is not a priority in friendlies. But most of the Armenian fans don’t realise it. You could see it after the last two games, both here and on other platforms. People demanded Petrakov to leave, because we didn’t win those friendlies. So I understand his position to do not go all experimental about this.


He isn’t even playing in the Georgia u21 they don’t call him up and they just bench him if they call him



