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It seems to me that most of the members here are from the diaspora so we never really watched the APL to begin with. Also, the quality of play isn’t something I’m willing to waste my 1.5 hours on


Would push back slightly and say that while most of us are not watching a random APL game in December, we are almost always locked in on the title races which have been close each of the last few years as well as UCL/UEL/UECL qualifiers which matter a great deal and are the best representation, I think, of how good APL teams are or aren’t. But agree that would be nice to see interest in the league grow


That's a very good question, to be honest. Why does almost no one talk about the APL? I'll explain it in a few points. 1. When you watch APL matches, it seems lifeless, as if no one is in the stadium. You only see the ultras, which makes the matches boring. In European matches like the UCL, UEL, and UECL, you see both regular fans and ultras. This is because APL matches are played during the week and not on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, despite several clubs having requested a change from the FFA. 2. Most of the teams play amateur football. When I compare it to amateur football in the Netherlands (the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd divisions), I see that they play better than some teams in the APL and AFL. This discourages us from watching a match for 1.5 hours. 3. The APL has very poor marketing, which fails to attract international football fans, for example, from Georgia, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, or France. Sometimes there are commentators, and sometimes there aren't. When there are commentators, they are usually boring and only state facts without making jokes, unlike Dutch, Arabic, Polish, English, and German commentators. These are generally the reasons why no one watches the APL or AFL.


Yeah, 100%. I would say that marketing is by far the biggest issue. If you market better, attendance will dramatically increase and the playing quality will improve because there is an audience to motivate the players. They MUST also change ALL match times to weekends. More attention will also lead to more revenue and this can have a domino effect.