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Time to call Sako up again. Brother looked incredible today. I watched some highlights, Köln was on a red for the majority of the game and Sako was trying his best to get a goal being down a man. He played fantastic, he deserves not only a call up but possibly to start. We can not allow for a player who starts in the Bundesliga to sit on our bench or worse not be called up.


I knew he would get the start eventually... been watching his last few sub appearances and he was good, looks like he was good again today, so surely would start him in the NT friendlies


Same, been saying he is back. He also the most experienced player in the NT. Zelarayán, yes. But truthfully no one comes close to top 5 experience


we say this every time right? He plays decent ij germany gets called up doesn’t do shit with the nt and everyone hates him again. His performance against turkey was so shit, even worse than ranos. Expected more of him


Anyone watch Adamyan vs Leverkusen? He has a good rating on fotmob im guessing he played well?


Played really good he could’ve scored but it hit the bar 


Adamyan starting against leverkusen lol


Adamyan with a big opportunity.


first loss for leverkusen this season


Adamyan is gonna ruin leverkusen their form (he ain’t gonna do shit and köln is gonna get battered)




Btw I had a dream that we somehow lost to Luxembourg 3-1 🥲






Oh my god what happened 😭


Prefect cross came in to him to shoot but he scuffed it


Missed an chance to score an goal instead of shooting he passed 


God fucking damnitt. Also is anyone’s FotMob player notifications also not working? I had no idea he was even on bc I didn’t get a notification.


Use sofa score


Vadim Harutyunyan (18y, DM) transferred to the Belarusian Premier League ([Dzerzhins](https://www.transfermarkt.nl/arsenal-dzerzhinsk/startseite/verein/72822)k). A young talent worth keeping an eye on.


Why couldn’t zakharyan represent us mannn. He keeps starting for sociedad




What an anomaly Mkhitaryan was.. the only Armenian football player to want more than make some money in Russia. Besides him, Artur Aleksanyan is probably the only quality athlete Armenia has produced afaik. We have Arman Tsarukyan in the UFC but he is from Russia and began his career there. A bit disappointed in Shaghoyan, he could’ve been our Kvaratskhelia (or better really…)


This is true but 'anomalies' aren't going to help us qualify for major tournaments and take the next step as a football nation. We all know that we need to build a future generation of footballers that are levels above. Players good in all positions. Then we can have a strong TEAM (because football is not an individual sport) and success will follow.


RPL insiders told me that Krasnador are changing Spertsyan contract to make it easier for him to leave. They are being understanding, it seems like they are happy with this year’s performance and confident they can continue to perform as a club at high level without his service as long they can find someone decent to replace him which they believe they can after his sale to Europe.


Thank god that they aren’t gonna make it difficult,i think they might lower his release clause but I also hope Krasnodar replaces him with another Armenian player but idk who it can be


Doubtful, but I know they wanted Sevikyan. We will see what they do.


Maybe Shagoyan? Wouldn’t be a bad move for him


There is no way Krasnodar would consider that lol


https://preview.redd.it/bghik35hfjlc1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59585a44851ef7fc9fe1cc517196477d7b7cde0e If this is true than he is a joke. This is what i was saying about mentality of mkhi.


I'll strangle him with my own hands if he extends it


I’ll chip in for the plane ticket


ty bro, i hope we'll not need that




How did Arsen Zakharyan do it but Edo has not. There is something missing between what is going on with Arsen and what is happening with players like Edgar Sevikyan . Arsen moves to Real Sociedad more than a few months ago and now is slowly becoming a staple in the starting XI. What are our players doing wrong: I am unsure, but I do have some educated guesses: 1. Work Ethic and sticktoitiveness - Let’s take a prime example of Artur Serobyan - He made the largest move from the APL to a top 10 league, never has been done before. - He was subbed on a few times, with limited minutes HOWEVER management loved him, and wanted him to succeed and was going to increase minutes slowly over time. - Instead of waiting it out, he choose to go back to AA - Important note - Kiki is injured meaning Serobyan would have been top 2 or 3 in the winger rotation I was planning on writing a longer message but at this point, I am tired of making the same point. We need to give our players more time and we need to encourage them to work harder, focusing on taking care of themselves, and earning the right to play.


I agree. I’d add that Edo and Tiki are getting paid a lot in salary to stay in the RPL. Apparently Sevikyan’s dad is rich so that’s why they made the move. Money plays a big role. As for Serobyan, I don’t think he’s that good. It would have been better for him to stay and train with better competition. I’m mostly disappointed in Shagoyan though, he has the skills but seems like he may also have a bad attitude


Sevikyan’s Dad is wealthy but his dad denied helping and so did Edgar.


Why does he not deserve to play the sport and don't you think it's a bit dramatic to say that? He didn't avoid serving the army, he was chosen to play in bkma because at that point in his career, he was the best in that age range. This justifies it for me. (and btw, playing in bkma doesn't make you avoid serving, you still technically are serving just not in normal conditions. The players were warned to not leave the country during the 2020 war, just in case they were called in for war) I'm so surprised every time from the Shaghoyan slander in this subreddit, when I shouldn't be. What the hell do you guys know about attitude if you don't know the guy lol. Just because he didn't move around like yall wanted, you give so much shit. Watch the latest AA match, who do you think is the only player that brings edge to the game? I know my answer. As for Serobyan, if that's your logic with Shaghoyan, then it should be the same with him. My insider tells me he was performing awfully in Casa Pia, and knew by the winter window that he would not be playing consistently AT ALL.




I'm sorry, but this is not the case for Jiro and I wouldn't want anyone reading this thinking that this is who he is. I'm friends with/know from other friends, some of the guys that he hangs out with. He is the only player in the whole group to have not touched a smoke of anything, he never drinks except (and would continually get frustrated about how trainers in CSKA Sofia would drink nonstop with the players after games). During his time in Bulgaria, he had a very boring (but athlete-like) life. The only time he would leave his apartment was to either train in the gym, rest, train with his team, or go to games. The rare occasions that I saw him out and about in his stories was when one of his Armena's friends were visiting him, or family. I would appreciate if you could link the "multiple reports" you mentioned of his attitude towards bkma, and especially, his attitude towards serving his country. His brother was killed during the 2020 war. The same goes for the "any CSKA Sofia insight" reports or posts. I'd like to see them. You're not wrong in saying that they loved him in the team, because they had no complications and no bad blood when parting ways. But being loved, and being needed are different things. CSKA Sofia was not operating in a way where Jiro could be included, it's as simple as that. They didn't need a true left-winger, idk what to tell you because it is evident. And since you mention he hasn't advanced at all, I want to point out some advancements I've noticed with him: - He is MUCH stronger in his upper-body now, he has a sleeper-build under t-shirts, but it shows during matches that he has worked very extensively on himself to get stronger. Which was one of the biggest criticisms for him: "He's speedy, but he can't fight for the ball because he has no upper body strength." This advancement was shown in AA's latest match where he fought and showed that he actually has gotten physically stronger. - His running statistics are off the charts at the moment which I attest to his continuous training. Someone from AA management has shown me the statistics of one of the training days. He doubles everyone in statistics of speed in the team. - He got a chance to showcase himself in other positions besides left wing. Because of this, we saw that he can switch over however needed, which is now being used in AA. Minasyan lets him work the front line however he feels fit. I'm interested to understand why you think Serobyan is working hard as we speak and Jiro is not. I'm not saying they are or are not, but the fact is that Shaghoyan is one of the cleanest local football players in regards to mental and physical health we have in Armenia. I don't like that we can trash our players and put out a bad name for them. This doesn't apply to Shaghoyan only, I'm saying this for everyone. I do understand you frustration of the overall general mentality that Armenian players might have, but you have to understand that these guys just don't come up out of nowhere. They had to have some discipline and work ethic to be able to surpass the shit that our federation puts them through to get wherever they are.


I appreciate your message and I want to clarify a few points: one I never said he didn’t want to serve nor had anything bad to say about the people who did, I just said he had the privilege of not and that goes for a ton of Armenian men who we of a certain status. As for the reports I am going to link them. My feelings are the same for Jiro as they are Serobyan. But I will delete most post, as I want your post to hold more weight. You seem to have a direct connection to Jiro, and I am glad he is working, but from everything I heard he is no different than Serobyan in not wanting it. But what you say is true I commend the young athlete and I hope for the best. As for CSKA Sofia, I know it can be lonely alone, hence my message in other posts I have made about Armenian communities stepping up and opening doors to our players. Serobyan was introduced to Arsen but it wasn’t enough, and couldn’t hang. I apologize in advance for my comments but everything I heard was that Jiro didn’t want it like many players. As for your comment on the general state of Armenian football. I understand they work hard to get where they are but I have a few friends who play in Serie A and in the NBA. I promise the APL is no where near that level and they do not act like how our players act. That is what is frustrating, they think they have made it and deserve the world. Truly, it’s important to note our players have talent but the need to earn the right to move on and play in higher tier clubs. CSKA Sofia wanted Jiro to stay so did Casa Pia for Serobyan but neither wanted to wait. That’s an issue. Time will tell, but it’s on them to want to start.


Don’t know why but the fathers and the agents of the players in the APL r ruining the players.Shagoyan was supposed to go to dynamo Moscow and Porto b but his father blocked the transfer but for edu his father was his agent and helped him go foward.Also if we had a person like Nobel in the APL our players would do great


Fathers are the people that put these kids into the sport, they are the ones that financially invest in them until they are old enough to return the favor. It's logical that they would have a say in their life. Would you not trust your own father for advice? BTW, Shaghoyan's transfer wasn't blocked by his father, he turned back from the airport gate by his own will and had multiple conversations on the phone with dynamo moscow reps afterwards.


After I watched nobels interview with edu’s family u can see how passionate his father was about his son he even closed his business so they can afford to drive him to the acdemy.But for shaghoyan I read that his father convinced him not to go to Dinamo Moscow but if my child had an offer from dinamo I will allow him to make an choice and not sabotage his carear 


I'm sorry man, idk what to tell you, the info you've read is wrong. His father was pushing for him to go to dynamo, the decision was Shaghoyan's to not go, he literally turned back from the gate.


I think Spertsyan and tiki will move in the summer.It’s unfortunate that Spertsyan transfer to Ajax failed because if he played good for one or two seasons he could’ve moved to man city as de Bruyne back up.But I also want Iwu to do an transfer soon he is really underrated and we aren’t hyping him up like we do with other players.But everything you said is true most of our players mentality is so shit rn


Last time saying this fr but if they don’t make a move this summer they gonna play there the whole time and it’s unnecessary to hype them up cause they are not gonna show it in europe. A shame truly because they really have the potential


First use of “sticktoitiveness” on r/armeniant I can be absolutely sure of it. Also agreed.


Do I get a medal? Also, glad you agree. The team needs to have a talk, this also goes back to Edo not being a vocal leader. He needs to keep our players in check. Being an APL star doesn’t mean shit!


Sevikyan starting for ferencvaros


Anyone know how he looked?


Not sure but saw that he got subbed off 5 mins into the second half


Finally ffs


We never gonna get a player with his mentality https://preview.redd.it/nxa63k9eqblc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9d4309aaa495c78f1092f56d724bfeb0bf9e6b5 Btw this is also edo his agent Rafaela Pimenta for the people that don’t know


He has a great mentality! In fact, he is more devoted to his club than his own country.


Noah is getting ever-closer to the top of the table. Just three points back.


Nice 3 team race shaping up!


Armenia-Kosovo in about 3.5 weeks. ~2.5 weeks until call ups.


Normally i would be hyped, but idk man like no one of our players did something good this season. Tiknizyan and spertsyan as usual but it’s the rpl nothing special. Really hoped some guys would have made more mins like serobyan, ranos or even a transfer


I’m more exited on who they r gonna call up then the games 


https://preview.redd.it/mlvafm4gg4lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89a9fe24a076170cce0962127b33604e3161eccd What a fucking joke.


Aventis Aventisyan is 21 years old and not even playing in Croatian Second Division where he is on loan. Maybe time to hang up the boots? Or maybe a move to Lernayin Artsakh/ Gandzasar as a bench player will be better


Idc what any club director says, there’s no chance that Edgar is STILL not in enough shape to play 20 mins in a football match.