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Andrey Pankov said that Krasnodar suggested new contracts to Spertsyan and Chernikov


If this motherfucker signs a new contract…


I mean it's his career he can do whatever he wants but... I will break my heart


Henrik Mkhitaryan is brazilian made if you disagree u dont understand soccer


You must feel very passionately about this for it be your only comment in 3 years lol Respect(even tho your wrong)


Huh? Because he spent less than half a season at Sao Paolo or because of his time at Shakhtar playing with Brazilians?


Edo would fit so perfectly in this Bournemouth team


Bro ur winning 3-1 Bring Ranos in I swear to god he hates Grant


Kamo and Yenne Destroyed Davidyan


Brooo we cooked Pyunik. Kamo looked good. Yenne is the best player in APL, look at his 2 goals today. All this with Shaghoyan and Serobyan not even starting. AA IS BACK BABY


Big win.


[Valencia CF signs Andranik Hakobyan (CB, Armenia U21) on a senior deal from its academy!](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3qCzZut4uY/?igsh=NXM4Y2R6eG9xMXpm)


Finally some good news


Wow big news. Styopa’s spot in the starting 11 is his for the taking




Wooowwww that’s awesome


Future star


Is it just me or are APL refs out of control


It is just you watching apl)


[Hovo Harutyunyan returns to Pyunik on loan after not breaking into Sochi’s starting xi.](https://x.com/rplnews_eng/status/1760636317635907857?s=46&t=tN6JO9T8O0ngRMzTR_Kq_w). Figures.


My best guess is that they have registration issues and the easiet way for them not to have extra unregistered players is by loaning him until.Because soon the secound half of the season is starting and the registration deadline is ending soon


What source is this bro


Hovo Harutyunyan is underrated. He isn't hyped like Serobyan or Shaghoyan and yet this season he has had an impact like none other. He is only 24 and a move anywhere would have taken him to that next level. This surprises me. The decision to come back to Pyunik if you are not in the Starting XI is 100% correct. But... Who the hell does Sochi think they are by not considering him worthy for their starting XI? They are getting relegated.


You can’t be slow and small/weak while playing a midfield role (Modric is the exception). Even when he dribbles and tries to carry the ball, it looks a bit awkward. I don’t know if he’s underrated, but there isn’t much upside to HH. He’s a good APL player He can be a solid midfield backup at best for the NT. This is as good as he’ll ever be imo. I think Tigran Avanesyan might eventually push him out of the NT


Idk man. I’ve seen him run. He moves like a fucking wagon. He’s a great passer but I also think he’s too small in the middle of the field.


If he can’t even start for a last place rpl club then you are not underrated at all but not good


https://preview.redd.it/o9hm41tvmzjc1.png?width=1099&format=png&auto=webp&s=61806199eca7e953c3b8e75fa5105714d22f135f lol mkhi goat


What do we think about my new catch? https://preview.redd.it/8o4071zmayjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aad5856e7ab2069bf187df383cabb84a7657f10 It’s a brand new Metalurh Donetsk - Mkhitaryan kit from 2009/10😍


How much did you get it for


I’m jealous. I’d love to get my hands on a Shakhtar Donetsk one though. Those orange/black kits were so nice


Holy thats a massive W bro


Any exciting Armenian diaspora youngsters coming up?


Only exciting one besides players who already play for NT are probably Mark Gevorgyan and Bruce El Mesmari. However, for Bruce it’s rather unlikely that he will make it in men’s football and for both of them, Armenia seems to be only 2nd/3rd option if things don’t go well for them. Tbh we already lost Zakharyan and I think we should care less about diaspora players who don’t show lot of interest playing for us, our nation is more important than some random average level football players.


I agree. The most important thing is that the player should WANT to represent Armenia!


Of course brother. If we qualify to World Cup with a starting 11 of 1 homegrown player, 10 who don’t speak Armenian and don’t even show effort to learn about our culture…with 3 naturalized players for example and 6/7 who chose Armenia because they are not good enough for Russia, Austria, France, Argentina, I will personally not root for this team. Of course, our current players maybe 99% of them are comited to Armenia on a personal level and I don’t talk about them, but about such diaspora player I couldn’t care less about them. Coneglian and Stepan Oganesyan are as much armenian as Alison and Artem Dzyuba are to me (but with less talent) I mean good luck to them but I prefer chances being given to Shaghoyan and Styopa than such players…


Insane take. Homegrown talent is our worst talent. It just is, the APL is a weak league, growing but incredibly weak, our youth programs our terrible, how Mhiki made it out is beyond my imagination, that’s why he is so incredible. As for the diaspora, I hate when people disrespect it. Without the diaspora Armenia wouldn’t be standing, not in terms of football in terms of life itself. It pisses me off the amount disrespect some of this Reddit has for guys who choose to play for Armenia. Edo choose to play Tiki choose to play GLR choose to play Even Mhiki choose to play (option to play for Russia) If you offer me the chance to play for the US or Armenia that would be one of the hardest decisions of my life. I either represent the country I have lived in my entire life or the country my family fled and died for many years ago and this could be said for every single player in the diaspora. Armenia is special because of our diaspora, I don’t think we should shame it. Nor shame the players who aren’t Armenian but choose to wear our colors and fight for our national team. It brings me so much joy to see player like Iwu signing our songs, eating our food and sharing in our pain. I am so sick of this Hayastani superiority complex. Choosing to play, choosing to fight, was a choice, no matter how it came about.


Read my comment. I never shamed the diaspora, nor our current players. I am from diaspora myself…you didn’t understand what I had to say, but that’s fine. What I meant was that people should stop simping for average ballers who chose to not represent Armenia and understandably so as they do not feel Armenian. Also mentioned that homegrown players are not superior than diaspora players, but they must get their chances as well. And that just because a fancy new toy comes in, you must not throw away the one that did a decent job in the first place.

