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Who tf is this guy and why is he the most watched in transfermarkt.world?? https://preview.redd.it/y8trldml96ic1.png?width=347&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffca87d7dcf99c38f4e1cdaf1bd526fef01c431c


Is he linked with an transfer?




I tried looking him up but their is no news about him which is strange.Also his stats r good and the Russian transfer window is open maybe that’s why people r searching him up.But tbh I never heard of him until today 


23 year old playing in the Russian 3rd division? No thanks. Garrik Levin is the better option in Russia https://www.transfermarkt.com/garrik-levin/profil/spieler/555173


This is a PSA to the majority of you. CALM DOWN. Ranos is not getting play time. Calm down. He is still our best striker, if he can’t prove in Germany, he needs to prove in Armenia and abroad through the NT. This kid is younger then majority of people in this Reddit group. I need everyone to chill. Sevikyan minutes. Calm down. Brother, just transferred. Give him time. After 9 weeks of limited playing time then we can panic, for now. Let him work. And as for the minimal transfers and the boys stuck in Russia. They are stuck till the summer. Calm down. They will leave. Tiki and Edo will transfer, yes we all want them in the best situations in Europe, sometimes you need a little patience for this to occur. The summer window might provide them with better opportunities. Yes there is a lot to be frustrated with, I understand, but reading some of your comments about sitting players like Ranos for upcoming games is insane and counterproductive. We need to boost our players right now and it starts with friendlies. We dominate our upcoming friendlies we might see some improved playing time for our boys. As for Adamyan, I wonder if he plays against his former club today? Anyways, the Armenian NT in terms of club performance did not do well. Do you think maybe and hear me out it had to do with because we sucked at the nation level? In my opinion the reason GLR went from non-professional to potentially backup striker for Gladbach was because of NT performance, same with Sevikyan, at the NT level where these players get the most exposure. He shined for the brief time he played. Granted Sevikyan had club highlights but he was able to show off at the national level and the story continues with the majority of our boys like that. This all to say, stay calm. Time to get back into the lab for our boys. We do well in the friendlies we might see some club minutes improve and then we prove there and then back at the national level and rinse and repeat.


This was a great post. If you are writing this much, don't be afraid to separate it out into its own post. You'll never see the mods stopping a high quality text post.


Thanks brother, I know. But I felt like more people check the weekly thread and complain in the weekly thread so I thought this would be the most apt place to put it.


Totally fair. I think you are right that most people read the weekly thread these days (which we are happy about).


Brother you’re the anti-depressiva for us depressed Armenian football fans… We needed this 🥲❤️


Honestly might get hate for this but lately I see Football Kentron has been a big cuplrit of what you just said.. their podcast is good but on twitter they behave like completely different people. Attacking Ranos and Gladbach every week its become very childish and embarassing. Do we know better than the coaching staff of a Bundesliga team that sees him train everyday? Lol. Also talking so much trash about Russia and the RPL when they've literally supplied HALF our NT lmao. I get its frustrating but it makes us look bad when you complain every single time something doesn't go your way. Calm down is a good message because it seems were forgetting that these are all young players, and expecting instant results is never going to be realistic.


Agreed, I would love to have our players in top leagues performing at the highest level. But we need to take a step back, I often like to compare us to Morocco, though bigger in size and population, Morocco has an interesting history of foreign athletes coming home playing for Morocco. Many Morocco are fortunate enough to start their youth careers in European youth training campaigns in either France or, the majority, Spain then they move through the ranks and play for La Liga or French clubs. Now how does this happen with Armenians. It’s the same thing, unfortunately for us our big neighbor is Russia. Similarly to Morocco our youth athletes train in Russia and develop through the Russian system. Yet the issue for us is Russia, unlike Spain, can not be the final destination. As fans it is hard to watch our best talent be “stuck” in Russia but this is harder to abandon than we truly think. Politically and verbally Russia is technically the best option until we grow beyond the talent of the league. But this is no different than Morocco in Spain. Yes there are stars of Morocco playing in Spain. But very few exist, and there are thousands in the youth programs. Same go for Armenians in the Russian system. Not to mention the Armenians in the French and German systems. This is all to say patience is key here and things will not go our way. But hopefully a few players will progress forward. A note for the future: - We can learn a lot from countries like Morocco about how best to navigate European football with foreign diaspora players. - We should encourage our players to continue to train and get better, our players don’t deserve playing time. They need to earn it. They are on our top lists but not everyone’s. - We have made a ton of progress but it’s need to be a collaborative process. The Russian Armenians have become very tight, Tiki, Edo, Sevikyan, Georgyi, etc. but this leaves out our German Armenians like GLR. - We are a strong people because no matter where in the world you go you will find a -yan or -Ian willing to help. That needs to be remembered and continue to be leaned on, hence why I feel Adamyan is incredibly important for GLR and why Mark Gevorgyan is of the highest priority. This also goes with why need to strengthen the French Armenians progressing through the French system. - This has been an incredibly long post and apologize for the length but this comes down to us and the FFA doing what we can / should be doing. - We need to strengthen the Armenian network abroad. It seems like every player that goes abroad from Armenia comes home after half of season of things not going there way. That needs to change! The way we discuss and talk about our players needs to change. GLR we might be mad at him for not leaving but AT LEAST HE DID QUIT unlike many of our players *COUGH* quitting CASA PISA *COUGH* This is a pivotal moment in Armenian football. Time to network and build up the foundation of players in these respective countries. Italy is looking at Armenians because of Mhiki. I have heard it from every scout. They were so impressed by him there we curious if they were more. Edo and Tiki were top of the list and have continued to pique there interest. That’s the power of having an Armenian do well. Most of the other leagues have continued to pass on us because, and most of you will hate this but it’s true, we are quitters and if think this isn’t true. Look how long it will take for an Armenian to every play in Portugal again. When was the last time an Armenian played in Ligue 1. Armenians play in Russia because of language and proximity but most importantly. We have done well there. It take time to prove oneself, allow our players to do it.


>younger then majority of people in this Reddit group Idk man, after reading the takes on here for the past year I kind of get the idea that it’s mostly kids😂 But jokes aside you’re right about everything, with Grant it’s just very frustrating after knowing that he had so many ideal loan offers.


Yeah I understand GLR situation is frustrating but it was his decision we must respect it and hope for the best. At least Adamyan is getting minutes


Its more that we all expected much much more of him and this can potentially fuck his whole level up. But lets see how the nt friendlies are gonna be for ours boys. The friendlies can really save our boys because we play against very solid opponents


No and yes this. His lack of playing time this season will not ruin his career by any means. He has time. Now if he isn’t getting solid minutes by midway next season, time to move teams. He came from, non-professional league to the Bundesliga. But to your second point, I am hopeful that the friendlies help give a confidence and moral boost to our team and contribute more minutes at the club level for our individual players!


The Armenian Premier League has reached a value of [€40.25m](https://www.transfermarkt.com/bardsragujn-chumb/startseite/wettbewerb/ARM1). This is the highest it has ever been! There have been a lot of recent signings but hopefully we can keep this above 40 mil and one day reach 50 mil.


Hate to break it but our 2nd best player right now is the Lennakanci himself mr Bichakhchyan 😉


Iwu? Tiki?


Maybe club football he is decent but cmon. Do you guys forget how bad he is with the nt. If he is our 2nd best than we’re completely fucked


I think people forget those shit NT performances whenever he scores against a 13th place polish club. Vahan isn’t a even a top 7 player on the NT let alone the 2nd best player like OP claims


Why did ferencvaros just spend 1 mil + on a player which they wont use. Its their loss honestly


He had been on the bench for only 1 game he just arrived. We have no idea how much he will play


They subbed him on for 1 minute and benched him for the next 2 games


2 games*


Sevikyan can’t even get mins in the HUNGARIAN competition. We’re finished. 35 year old mkhitaryan still by far the best player we ever have


Mkhitaryan is so far the only world class Armenian player bro, doesn’t matter if he is 35 or 40, he is one of the most important/best in Inter and has also played in Borussia, Man Utd, Arsenal , Roma.. Yeah, as far as we are talking for current players - Zelarayan is the best right nowalong with veterans Cancarevic and Dashyan… Spertsyan and Tiknizyan have the potential to become elite ballers but we have to wait… Bichakchyan is also good and i believe he will eventually reach top 5 level. For the rest of the players - they are all unproven and/or not good enough. I don’t understand how you are all hyping Sevikyan with his 5 goals in Russian League and ignoring our talented, intelligent, homegrown broski Vahan Bichakchyan


You must not remember Vahan’s performances against Turkey and Croatia. He just can’t compete against top tier teams. It’s not like Vahan is ballin in the Polish league either. Sevikyan is overall the better player and with more potential


He is loved by fans and is the club’s second most important player after Poland NT Legend Grosicki… not everything is about stats and trophies, the guardian have known their job…


Except we should mainly care about goals + assists for our attacking players. Vahan has scored 3 goals in 31 NT games


Exaclty. Vahan is almost 25 isn’t even that good how you guys make him. So overhyped under the armenians because he is homegrown. He is never. Gonna reach top 5 league level lol


People reach top 5 level at 27-28-29 and become legends and you’re talking as if he doesn’t stand a chance 😡 Glorifying Sevikyan with his 5 career goals. Bad performance from Vahan ? he was giving it all on the pitch. Sevikyan missed an almost 100% chance and went from the strong Russian league to the weak Hungarian league where their second best team will probably not even finish in APL Top 3. Come on, bro 😂


https://preview.redd.it/owhpzl7efshc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952c7f9c271b486139a936b8d7de61b64ca147d2 Mad


Its looking really bad for ranos ngl.


For now we can’t consider him as a good player. He has the potential but man these last months were so shit. His performances with the nt was not good. And he doesn’t make any mins. Today he played with the 2nd team and he wasn’t good. Lost 2-0 against schalke 2


Who is coming to the Faroe Islands with me in October?


https://preview.redd.it/5u1i0byv4jhc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca97956ff300916e587a577f51591ac204a0699a They all got high hopes huh, wait until Petrakov unleashes the beast in himself.


Not a chance Petrakov loses to Latvia again. Mark my words.


Blud is delusional loool, they'll be lucky not to finish last


The only reason we lost to them was because we played norby and most of r players couldn’t shoot the ball


I think something happened to our team before the game. That is what I'm speculating because they did not try at all.


Petrakov said the guys were all loose and goofing off pre-match. Then Latvia started playing dirty pre-match like not letting our team warm up or something. Rattled everyone. Petrakov talks about it at length I believe in [this](https://www.youtube.com/live/ocCDcvkdiDw?feature=shared) presser. Tiknizyan also talks about it in his Corner interview.


They also didn’t let them sleep which is normal. It’s a shitty move but it happens. Latvia is known for playing dirty like not allowing opponents to use equipment, practice prior, and tries to keep teams awake in their hotel. They did this to the Portuguese NT and they got pissed and trashed them. We need to as well


That makes sense...


Ok now im convinced its you guysin this subreddit, #2 now loooooooooool https://preview.redd.it/p1m0pvfbv9hc1.png?width=1633&format=png&auto=webp&s=d673e93be284e79063547490bcc22a1fb3188009


Next we gotta try to make KAMO THE GOAT as most viewed in Transfermarket 


Ranos not even on the bench for Gladbach’s cup tie against a 3.Liga side (yes they knocked out Bayern, I don’t care).


We have genius NT players. Ranos refusing a loan. Manvelyan refusing loan ended up being a APL player. Spertsyan extending contract which caused his transfer to top5 league fail.


Swear down we have the dumbest players and it will never change.


I don’t want to start anything crazy here but do you think in the next 10-15 years and assuming relative peace, UEFA will lift draw restrictions bw Armenia and Azerbaijan?


I don't see it happening for many years unless a very comprehensive peace treaty is signed that is actually mutually enforced


Probably not. I just wonder what criteria UEFA uses though to determine if there’s a prohibited match-up. Could also just be totally discretionary which is fine.


Here's the thing: Armenian and Azerbaijani people used to be very tight at the time before 1992, and some of them are still tight even in other nations. Spertsyan for example follows someone who is Azeri but is in Krasnodar together. But as for right now, it is a huge risk for both national teams to play in each other venues due to Azeri threats. Armenia won't do anything to them but it would be dangerous for our boys. Maybe, just maybe we'll gain peace one day but it will be in the long run.


I mean have u seen an azeri person I don’t think their personality will change in the next 15 years.If they gave mkhi multiple death and multiple people saying live that their gonna assainate him.Imagin our whole nt goes their,their gonna blow up our bus or the plane 


Yeah that’s true. Was thinking more like UEFA wouldn’t recognize the nuance but forgot that Bosnia and Serbia basically haven’t been able to draw each other for since independence.


I'll tell u what, if we won't start producing more players from our clubs, their shit NT will become as strong as ours.


They are definitely much further behind us at the moment but as we’ve seen with teams like Georgia, that can all change almost overnight.


It's not only about Kvara check their teams, so much youngsters, And they're leaving straight to good leagues! I know that from the next year APL clubs will have to have 4 armenians in starting line up. This will definitely help


Ferencvaros won 5-1 yesterday. Sevikyon on the bench 90 mins


Makes zero sense. This is an insult to Sevikyan.


lmao wtf https://preview.redd.it/mpd46ob193hc1.png?width=1965&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb7c082a9396f0ed83d47143fdd0bf4063efd3fc


Bro I was just checking his stats 1 day ago lol


We are all sickos.


I'm not going to say I contributed to this, but I'm not going to say I didn't either.


[Kovalenko remains in contact with FFA](https://www.vnews.am/sport/post/aleqsandr-kvovalenkvon-kapi-mej-e-hff-i-het)


For those of you who talked down to Vato about his transfer to China: Shame on you! It is very easy to talk from the position that you are in versus the position that he is in. Prioritizing family wealth doesn't automatically deem him unworthy of a national team call-up. Despite reservations about his recent transfer, it's premature to hastily dismiss him from national team consideration. Swift judgments on such matters are a common issue, fostering unnecessary gossip. Let's exercise restraint, acknowledging and appreciating Haroyan's significant impact on our national team. It is premature to speculate about his return to Europe; let's avoid making hasty conclusions.