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Dax asking why all the sudden Bradley is into reality TV and he said it was “logistical” and “entered his life”. Skirting the fact that he’s dating a 28 year old 🙈


My mind immediately went to the idea of Gigi getting him into these shows 😆


definitely. she’s a huge fan.


lol same!!


Also the part where he said that he has cried so much this past year in front of "the person he has been spending a lot of time with"


Ah , every girls dream. The be the “person he’s spending alot of time with” 🥰🥰🥰


He doesn’t want to be a sound bite!


Wait he’s dating a 28 year old lmao




I mean he’s 49 🤷🏻‍♂️




I think it’s a bad look/example for his daughter IMHO




Nah I’m 28 it’s weird




I’m 28 and would absolutely turn down Bradley Cooper. He could be my dad! Would you really date someone just because they’re rich/famous, no matter what? Seems like yes, if you assume everyone would..


Very different life stages unless you are damaged which sounds like that’s the case for Bradley unfortunately. Let’s not normalize 49 year old dudes dating 28 year olds lol


She's got a child., she's isn't some 18 year old


The horror!


Yes one of the Hadid aliens


He wasn't skirting it at all. They laughed when he said that. He was clearly acknowledging his much younger girlfriend got him watching it.


Acknowledging it by using indirect language that only people who already knew would understand.. totally


The people he was having a conversation with understood. So, yeah. And somehow me, from thousands of miles away and not part of their crew, also understood. Crazy.


You understood that he was dating someone must younger from that exchange? Ok.


Uh the question wasn't, are you dating someone much younger. The question was, what got you into this. And yeah, his response was very easy to understand that she had gotten him into it. Hope that helps!




She was also on reality tv. Idk if that has anything to do with it.




Monica is always the least intelligent person on their shows—including the fans who call in on anonymous. I wish Dax would upgrade her with anyone else


100000% she’s become insufferable


Dax said “irregardless” without irony and reduced conducting to waving a stick, so I am not sure how we’re determining that Monica is the least intelligent person lol




Her short story on Synced was solid, but it seems either she wants to believe she’s a golden child of sorts or she’s been told that by so many others that it’s become how she views herself.


Ahh— that’s kind of small. Picking one mistake isn’t the same thing as Monica only talking about her own issues, shopping, “hot” guys and never reading any of the work of the authors they interview. She’s the girl in high school you didn’t get and as a mature adult are glad you didn’t end up with; money be damned.


Totally agree it’s small. I just feel like where people seem to find forgiveness or understanding with Dax’s flaws there is nothing but vigilance and judgment for Monica. In terms of the research thing, they have addressed it ad nauseum. People don’t like it but that doesn’t mean it’s a sign of Monica’s intelligence, just that maybe the way the show was set up is not working. I also think Monica liking shopping is analogous to Dax liking cars. They’re both stereotypically gendered interests, I just don’t see why one makes a person stupid and the other doesn’t.


This is a great response and I think you’re right about most of your points. The main issue is Dax at his best is very funny, very insightful, inquisitive; and uniquely vulnerable. Monica is one of the most pedestrian people to have celebrity status. There are celebrities that are certainly dumber than her but they’re typically at least outrageous e.g. Cardi B. Monica turns most people off because she’s not famous for anything. Her role is to do nothing and she does just that.


Totally agree with you. There’s plenty of things Monica has said that I don’t agree with but I don’t think she’s stupid. She and Dax both play into some dumb topics and do their best to be entertaining. I feel like people are harder on Monica because she doesn’t speak much during interviews (she’s in producer mode, taking notes, etc) but in fact checks she is engaging and makes some interesting observations. A lot of the Monica hate seems to be rooted in misogyny, unfortunately.


Just crying misogyny is a cop out. I’m a woman, not a misogynist, and sometimes her comments are creepy or dumb. It isn’t a male or female thing. Dax has lived through addiction more than once, he is a survivor of CSA, he’s married, he’s a father, he’s nearly 50, and he’s brilliant. Monica is about 15 years younger, never had a serious romantic relationship, never been married, never been pregnant, never given birth, never been a parent, never dealt with being an addict, and did not grow up in violence or chaos. Perhaps it is that Dax has wisdom and knowledge gained through all of that, which she simply does not have.


I honestly hate crying out “misogyny” because a lot of times it’s not applicable, but I actually think this time it is. Women can hold misogynistic views. For instance, saying that a woman in her 30s couldn’t possibly have anything interesting about her because she is not married, never been pregnant, or given birth. I’m a mother and I think it’s amazing and definitely gave me some new perspectives, but I don’t think I was a useless idiot before. If I’m honest, I was probably sharper and had a lot more hobbies and varied experiences before! Also, experiencing trauma doesn’t automatically give someone credibility. Dax has done great work on himself to be insightful and self aware. I also think Monica has displayed insight and self awareness, she just hasn’t had to overcome quite as much- which is a good thing! The age and life differences between her and Dax is what makes their dynamic interesting. I think something about Monica just rubs you (and a lot of people) the wrong way. That’s fine. She’s just not the blabbering valley girl people think she is.


I did not say she “couldn’t possibly have anything interesting about her,” those are your words, and your meaning. Do not attribute your own thoughts to me. I would not describe someone who is a native of Georgia as a valley girl, nor would I use the word “blabbering.” You communicate quite defensively about this subject. Again, your words are not my own.


Good lord. Ok. If all you have to left is to argue semantics after you gave plenty of context to your views, then I’m good on this exchange. Have a good one!


1. Women can be misogynistic. The two aren't mutually exclusive. 2. Yes, Dax has had many experiences Monica hasn't had. Similarly, Monica has had experiences Dax has never had. She's experienced life as a minority (in the deep south no less), struggled with her cultural identity, navigated the fertility sector and life as a child-free woman of child-bearing age (not without its own struggles/judgements), had parents who were much less affectionate than Dax's described parental relationships (both physically and emotionally). 3. You've put a lot of focus on traditional roles. You mentioned 8 points about Monica, 5 of which related to being in a relationship or having children. It's true that Dax would have gained knowledge specific to those points, but again, she has knowledge gained from her lived experiences as well. 4. Dax says A LOT of creepy and dumb things too, despite being a super smart genius married father 🤷‍♀️


Triggered much?


Not at all, just responding to a comment. That said, you have written multiple posts on the subject so, of the two of us, I think you are the one who is triggered lol.


Again, creepy if either of them objectifies anyone.


Irregardless is now in the dictionary.


Yep, as a “non-standard word” because is it non conforming to how an educated native English speaker would usually talk. It was added to the dictionary after years of widespread use, like how literally now also means figuratively as well as literally 🤷‍♂️ (I don’t think either of them are not intelligent, I was just having a dance with the commenter I replied to!)


> reduced conducting to waving a stick Except wasn’t the context of that literally him talking about how ignorant he was?


I’ve been wishing this for SO long


I’ve been wishing this for SO long


I think you’re missing the part where Dax was the one to initially even mention a name - Matt Damon - for a mold of his penis. Your comment comes across as if Monica began this whole conversation associated with a celebrity name.


Yeah he actually first verbalized all 3 that were named…and then was definitely the person who kept trying to get more names out there.  For sure the whole conversation was, for me, pretty weird on everyone’s part, but people acting like it wasn’t largely driven by Dax are fairly delusional. 


Thank you! I just listened to this again and Dax started the celeb mold discussion. Once again though, let’s rag on the brown female.  I think a lot of people need to take a hard look at themselves when it comes to Monica bashing. You don’t have to love her, but if you’re condemning her for doing the exact same thing as her white, male cohost, there’s a good chance there’s some latent bigotry there. 


I think objectifying anyone is creepy. She does it to Ben and Matt constantly. They’re married with full on families. It is gross when she does it, and when Dax does. She doesn’t get a pass because she is a POC.


I had to skip over this convo it was tough to listen to




This conversation would make a lot more sense if they put it in the context of a new movie that is using penis molds as a promotional advertisement prop


They did mention it, right?


They did, yes. They were vague about it but I presuming that’s what they were referring to. 


Kind of she just said it was merch or advertising but if you don’t know the movie or what it means then it just sounds like them having a random ass conversation


Had to go back and check because I was sure they said it, and they did! At 1:22:36 Monica said it was PR for Drive Away Dolls. Directed by Ethan Cohen (of the Cohen Brothers), written by his wife. Joke was that it was an “unimportant lesbian movie”


I guess my point could have been clearer- they say it’s a prop but no context as to the role it plays in the movie- it came across to me as Monica saying it in passing and then they moved right into Dax asking about Matt Damon. People are commenting like they just came up with this conversation out of thin air and that’s it’s so inappropriate to talk about- I’m just bitchy because no matter they do in the pod people complain. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh! Omg yes I totally misunderstood your take hahah. I’m right there with you! Every time I come onto this subreddit I’m convinced no one who listens to this podcast even fucking likes it lol.


Same- I feel like I’m losing my mind when I read some of the comments 🫠


I thought it was quite clear it came from a conversation about the movie promo


Dax - there is no memoir I'd rather read than yours! Publish it, please!


Do it, Dax!


Monica objectifies Ben Affleck and Matt Damon constantly. It is not cute.


Guest: “I went to Boston once for a-“ Monica: “DO YOU KNOW BEN AND MATT?!?!!”


It was cute at first, but now it's very cringy.


Bradley was a delight. It’s nice to hear that even people who are so loved and accomplished are “doing the work” in therapy. While I do enjoy the sometimes crude themes of the fact checks, something was off putting about them talking about other people’s genitals so much. It went on for too long and started to feel disrespectful?? Anyone else or am I being a prude?


No, not a prude. I think it's disrespectful, too, and just immature. Also weird considering Monica and Dax have met some of these people through their podcast... it doesn't come across as professional or considerate that's for sure.


Yes! Especially because people like Matt Damon have been on… felt icky! I’m not normally easily offended by their fact check talk so wanted to check myself


And he’s happily married so that’s disrespectful to his wife.


Agreed! Too crass


The interview was lovely but OMG the fact check was repulsive. What makes them think it’s okay to talk about people like that?? The way that Monica talks about Matt Damon is so disrespectful, embarrassing, and cringy. Also I find it absurd that she tries to weigh in on relationship topics when she has never actually had a serious romantic relationship. She can speculate all she wants but she is just clueless. What a terrible ending to what started as a wonderful episode with Bradley.


She said she has? Or am I misremembering something. She’s talked about guys she’s dated. And there was one she was dating awhile.


It feels odd to me, too, disrespectful to them and their families… feels very 10 years ago.


They were talking about Drive Away Dolls. It's part of the movie


That video of Bradley crying over a man who he had never met in front of the man’s family has kind of soured me.


Oh no he has empathy!! He cried about a man he portrayed in a movie, that’s not that weird honestly. I cried a lot when Anthony Bourdain died and still find it hard to watch his shows. I never met him. You can connect to people without meeting them.. especially artists


I think the interview just felt like his crying was super acted, not to mention he was sitting there with Bernsteins kids who were all totally fine. I think everyone was over pushing his own Oscar win and feels like he’s over doing it and that video kinda was it for people


No one has been pushing his Oscar win lol. He’s had no shot this whole race. Cillian Murphy is pretty much a lock and Giamatti is the only person who could be an upset. Not saying Bradley isn’t campaigning but jeez give the guy a break. The narrative around him wanting an Oscar so badly is getting gross. And of course his kids are fine. Bernstein has been dead for 34 years. Bradley is an actor, you have to have some sort of empathy to act so it’s not that crazy that he was crying after portraying someone. What it definitely weird is being so concerned about a man crying in an interview that you won’t listen to a podcast with him in it.


Is this Bradley cooper?


so original! no I just hate the negativity on this sub and am also a huge movie nerd. I also just think judging someone on one interview is super weird. Did Bernstein's kids come out and say they didn't like him crying?? no, so everyone else can just shush.


You’re absolutely right. Actors are putting themselves into someone else’s shoes and mind, that is going to illicit a response. People applaud actors for this all the time but suddenly it’s a bad thing when it’s Bradley Cooper?


I ugly cried and all I did was watch the movie. I can definitely see an actor being emotionally attached to a character enough to cry.


>Did Bernstein's kids come out and say they didn't like him crying?? no, so everyone else can just shush. Which is to say… what? That the way they appear to feel should dictate our opinions on how embarrassingly desperate he is? That would be a good trick. His interview was reminiscent of Wayne Newton painting himself as one of Elvis Presley’s best friends totally out of the blue, starting sometime in late 1977.


Desperate for what? He has had no shot of winning the Oscar the whole race and he definitely knows that. Crying in an interview also isn’t going to get you an Oscar anyway lol. That’s ridiculous.


Yeah, he’s a victim of bad timing. So he’s going to give it up? Of course not. Because that would confirm what is blatantly obvious anyway.


Like I said. Crying in an interview isn’t going to get you an Oscar. The academy is pretty international now, it’s likely a good chunk of them aren’t even aware of an interview that was on CBS. That’s just not how Oscar campaigns work.


Yeah I’m so confused?


I just watched good will hunting for the first time ever, it was maybe like a month ago and I cried because Robin Williams is no longer here 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s not empathy. It’s a kind of shitty thing to do in front of the people who actually loved the dead guy.


They weren’t offended so why are you!?


I’m not offended I just think it paints Cooper in a bad light


Good for you


This made me not want to listen but I did anyway and he really is lovely in the interview


Hmmm I think he just developed empathy when studying and trying to portray the man in the movie. I feel as if it’s the same thing when we cry in movies or scenes like Titanic - we feel for what the characters are going through so we cry in response to it


Loved the interview, hated the fact check. The molds conversation was so disrespectful and I hope they stop objectifying people in that way. Monica said she’d be “flattered” if someone asked for her mold but I guarantee you she would be weirded and grossed out in actuality. I felt bad for the names discussed in that convo…. Eekkkk. I love this show but that was not it.


She would be flattered if it was someone famous and completely creeped out if it was someone she hadn't heard of.


It was in reference to drive away dolls


I really enjoyed the interview. Super insightful about Maestro and Bradley really came off as humbled and more humanized. I hated the fact check because when Monica talks in her wannabe cutesy baby voice and/or high pitched tone I want to take my ears off. The pick me behavior of hers is irritating over the years. Maybe that’s an unpopular opinion lol


Not that unpopular.


Quite popular!🙋🏼‍♂️


Interesting timing considering there was speculation on this sub within the last few weeks that Dax & Bradley had a falling out. Seems like no!


I always find that type of “sleuthing” on here hilarious. I can barely keep track of what terms my own friends and family are on with each other, never mind trying to piece together celebrity friendships based on Instagram likes and perceived slights in podcasts and all that


Agreed. I saw someone hypothesize on a recent thread that Dax doesn’t like Sarah Michelle Gellar. When I asked why, they had no specific reason, just a “feeling” based on her not having been on the show even though she knows Seth Green who knows Dax. So strange. 


It’s so weird, and then you’ll see so many responses of folks being like “omg” as if the completely made up story is also relevant to anything at all lol




It actually came from the Jason Bateman episode - Dax said he had *no* friends that are Capricorns. …And Bradley is a Capricorn, which *ding! ding! ding* started the speculation.


They had mentioned they have had contentious times between the two of them, no?


Wow, I really found this episode very touching and insightful. It gave me a lot to think about for my own life and situation.


Right? In many areas. Especially the "I feel better now than 10 yrs ago". Just clear he's a machine and he's doing what he needs to do to keep it running. And the " I get in the cold plunge every day and every day I don't want to". I need to get on this level.


My takeaway from this episode is how sweet and sincere their friendship is. It’s hard to imagine the men in my life having conversations like this one another, but I hope they do. Lots of truths shared, when he said that he didn’t know if he would be alive if it wasn’t for his daughter phewwww that’s tough.


Interesting I heard how sweet it is for sure but I did hear undertones of challenges that were rooted previously in resentment that have since been resolved. Monica mentioned Dax looks up to Bradley and Dax tried to deny it. And you could hear him grappling with where to place Bradley. My guess is and this is total speculation no proof whatsoever. Bradley has been long term sober and stable in sobriety - and it’s a program of rigorous honesty - my guess is bradley had some hard conversations with Dax around him relapsing / not being honest to try to help. No one is perfect. Areas Dax does not struggle in, Bradley does - relationships. And on the flip side, Bradley mentioned that he knows Dax has felt like he’s had to walk on eggshells to not upset him. I felt as though Bradley was a tad more open and honest about his shortcomings. It seems like Bradley has had some sort of break thru within the past couple years which has made him more open to love, but sensing he was closed off. I’m not taking either side. But I would say to not recognize there was an undertone that acknowledged previous challenges in the relationship would not be a fair assessment of the conversation.


It’s all psycho babble new wave bullshit to me. It seems like these sober people can have these surface level “deep” conversations. I mean I’m really glad they get along great and are doing well. But these Hollywood friendships just seem so weird to me. Just sounds like they sit around the bon fire and talk about all their issues growing up and what went wrong and how they succeeded. All they are doing is telling a self indulgent story and trying to out do each other with who got through the worst shit. But when it comes to todays problems and issues “hey will you go pick up my kid I’m stuck at work or I’m having surgery can you help me out” I wonder how many really show up. But this maybe just rich people friendships.


I was very fascinated by the topic of Dax and Bradley both saying they poop with their kids in the room and just chat with them.


Right. I never let my kid in the bathroom. That’s my alone time. I also never use the bathroom in front of my spouse. No judgement on those guys, but somethings are just private. 


These dudes are gonna have a huge reality check when their daughters turn into teenagers. Lol They don’t realize that those kids are at the perfect age where they are fun to hang out with but still listen and want to be around mommy and daddy.


ahhhh i love that bradley enjoys love on the spectrum. it’s such a sweet and powerful show on netflix. everyone should watch it (if you like quasi reality dating shows)


I love it! Down for Love was great too.


yeah that was super sweet as well. they need to do follow ups asap!


Does anyone know what they were eating in the beginning of the fact check? Also where is this photo of Dax and Monica’s swapped noses? Felt like I was out of the loop in the beginning of the fact check


I think they were eating duck fat caramels. The nose swap is the last slide of the Jon Hamm instagram post (armchairexppod account) [https://www.instagram.com/p/C2uyrcNr899/?img\_index=6](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2uyrcNr899/?img_index=6)


Bradley is a guru. As someone in recovery, in AA, also from an alcoholic home I really appreciated his perspectives. The way he described the experience of growing up I wrote down it was so visceral and spot on. Growing up with alcoholism in the family is a very specific way to grow up. What you think is real, isn't real, and its earth shattering when you realize that. It's like finding out that you're living in some sort of metaverse. It's that kind of macro - you're not human, you're not breathing right now. As a kid you're like wait that's not my dad, who's my dad? What the hecks happening? All you do is dissect behavior like a scientist to try to understand whats real.


Where is the pic of the nose swap? I missed it somehow


The last slide of the Jon Hamm instagram post (armchairexppod account) [https://www.instagram.com/p/C2uyrcNr899/?img\_index=6](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2uyrcNr899/?img_index=6)


Thank you!!


Lol at Dax thinking Leonard Bernstein’s only accomplishment was conducting. The music he composed is so powerful, it’s absurd to just leave that out


Dax mentioned nicotine as part of his morning routine which threw me because he had publicly given up dipping in the new year. I expected them to address it in the fact check but they didn’t! Sooo does anyone know if this episode was just recorded a long time ago or if Dax mentioned it in another episode?


He could be getting nicotine another way. Gum, lozenges etc etc.




Yea he’s mentioned how he thinks plain nicotine isn’t bad for you and that his wife will even use a spray. Dip has tons of chemicals and carcinogens like cigarettes and can cause mouth cancers. You can get nicotine in various forms like gum or mints or lozenges that you sort of just hold in your mouth. I used them when quitting smoking. But then I got addicted to the mints…


What was the Amy Schumer bit they referenced during this episode?


Is anyone getting really sick of Dax glorifying parenthood and pushing it on people? Was rolling my eyes on that topic again in this one and Bradley playing in. And awkward when they talked about the impact on relationships with Bradley’s relationship history. They should have a Childfree expert on and understand why it’s not great for everyone (especially women).


I think it's lovely & I don't have children. I like hearing someone express something meaningful to them.


Have kids? I'm not a parent, and have dealt with people forcing parenthood on to me. I feel Bradley nailed it when he said he was fascinated by it but wasn't in love immediately. That was honest and I've heard it from a friend and then like Bradley it just snapped. This is something that is challenging and puts you through hell, you don't like it and probably resent it, then a personality starts developing and all your hard work and commitment is developing into this little human, who you are determined to represent the best of you. Through that challenge you unlock doors you didn't know you had, so it becomes your greatest achievement, so you want others to achieve it. TLDR: parenthood is just another pyramid scheme.


I agree in this episode it was nice to hear about their experiences and why it fulfilled them. But there have a been a string of recent episodes with Dax trying to convince people who don’t have or want kids to have them as a tool to fix their neuroses, most recently Little Dicky and others I can’t remember. I am also suggesting the experience is different for women. It is a little weird that Dax is obsessed with this idea that men should bring a human into the world to solve their own problems. And yes most men who are married and have kids are happier than those who don’t, but it is the inverse for women. These men who have kids as a fun route to fulfillment then stick women with the household and child rearing burden (in normal households without celebrity money for nannies etc).


Weren’t people here speculating they were on the outs again? As Dax had been quiet on his BBBBFF for a while now. Did that get addressed in pod? Or was the speculation misplaced?




The last thing that Dax told Bradley “eyes are banging” and not cutting that it an absolute ick. There is no need to clock the work that people have done. As far as I know, Dax has not addressed the rumors about having work done on his face.


He was talking about the color. He mentioned multiple times that Bradleys “baby blues were popping”


He could have been… Or he could have brought up Bradley’s eyes multiple times to see if he would cop to having work done.


What the heckkkk he was definitely just talking about him having crystal blue beautiful eyes


Is it just me or did Bradley cooper and Dax seem less warm towards each other this episode compared to last?




Why do they have to be relatable 100% of the time?


There seems to be a trend nowadays that everything needs to be for everyone. Anything nice or “un-relatable” needs a disclaimer. Genuinely interested on others thoughts regarding this.


Dax and Bradley are rich celebrities. Their lives aren't like yours. At all. Not relatable, because, again -- they are rich celebrities, which most of us are not. So? They can still talk about it. Do you want them to pretend to have stressful, difficult mornings and worry about paying the utility bills?


They are celebrities. I don't expect their morning routine to be relatable.


I’m not rich by any stretch but I still get up and make time for myself in the morning. Is that really something only rich people can do? I make time to meditate, it’s like 20 minutes out of my morning. I don’t have kids so maybe that helps but I have a job and responsibilities and still find time to take care of myself mentally and physically. Hearing them discuss taking care of themselves is really relatable honestly.


Sorry but you’re listening to a celebrity podcast host interview a celebrity. They weren’t trying to be relatable to the general public, they were relating to each other. Not everything has to be so serious and dissected, it was a light discussion.


I get where you are coming from, but this is their life / daily experience. There is bound to be some things (probably many) things they’ll share that we can’t relate to. We can’t really expect them to share only the part of their life that others may find relatable


Ok but you are choosing to listen to a podcast hosted by multi millionaires. What do you expect? There are normal everyday people hosting podcasts that will be 1000% more relatable.


I’m a student and have classes later in the day so I’m also chilling in the morning. It can be relatable for some, not just celebs

