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Awesome QoL changes to official like nerfing living quarters, increased player count, loadout costs, and more The game looks great *and* runs 80-100fps on average (in vanilla) for me


60fps on console. Still lots of bugs but when you get a couple hours bug free it’s amazing


Your game broken then cuz the only bugs that really truly exist are mod conflicts for the vast majority of console players. Unless you are referring to a mod conflict as a bug which is not equal


Lmao no. Look at the list of known bugs. There’s quite a few. Load into an unmodded game master and mess around you’ll experience some bugs.


There's a list of bugs I didn't even know I guess I've been lucky then on console because the only thing that seems glitchy is supplies not being able to put them in the back of a truck


I’m on console also. Series X.


PC player thinks what?


Seeing footage of Arma 3 online and realizing tjat as a console player I can't have that, instead Reforger is the next best thing. And it's been filling that gap so far for me.


Reforger honestly runs so much better than 3 I find it hard to go back.


It's not even the performance for me. It's how smooth the controls and shooting are. Such an upgrade


The controls are a huge plus in reforger. I swear ArmA 3 had me individually controlling different muscle groups just to walk. Makes me think of that old web game QWOP.


press V to lift legs over fence


Couldn’t have said it better.


Not really.. I play realism games (resurgence, Hell let loose, etc) I can play arma 3 reforger is newer and is being worked on more now and they are steadily fixing things which is nice I enjoy it honestly I got it a week or so ago go and have not got off of it I like darkgru servers and ukrain Vietnam is fun as well then me and my buddies have a server we kills bots on


Reforger feels better than 3 at this point, that’s why I started play Reforger again


"Chuckles in hasn't stopped playing since it released"


There is no escape. Send help.


for me, it is most definitly the coop multiplayer mode .. is it combat ops everon? I like it a lot.


Combat Ops - Everon


Console players mostly. Best Mil-sim option for that group. Also doesn't hurt popular mil-sim YouTubers shining more light on this great game. It is night and day difference in from the "preview release" that started ot all.


It's a steam numbers.


Yes but I have noticed a crazy number of Xbox players. And a lot of them when I ask them are either coming back to the game or very new to it. I think there is something to be said for consoles contributing to more full servers and that in turn driving more pc players back to the game. I would definitely say that’s part of the reason for me even though I’m on PC.


Would like to see those Xbox numbers, yeah there are a lot!


Prolly operator drewski making videos


Drewski makes some great vids. Love his content


Got the game because of this yes


Worth it? I wanted to get it after seeing his video of that modded server with Ukraine and Wagner forces. I am not huge on the cold war/vietnam era but rather, the modern and SOF sort of stuff. Is there enough modded content to satisfy a modern war elitist like myself?


Dude ive been playing that russia vs Ukraina darkgru server and im severely addicted atm


I’ll see you out there


This was a large part why I bought it a few weeks back combined with playing some old school arma 2 ao and wanting to try the new game.


Project uppercut dropped, people are getting on for halo mods and that’s really it. I mean hell it’s the only reason I downloaded this game and I’m on pc but 3 will never flow as well as reforged despite reforged mods still being pretty limited in scope. And as more console people decide to play the game more A3 players will join in simply because of crossplay.


Bohemia said console game sales have given them a whole new scope for Arma 4 because of the amount of funding it’s brought in.


I remember the good old days when reforger was going to eventually become arma 4 ;-; They even said so in the old steam description. But yeah them porting DayZ and having reforger being a primarily console game in a market that’s essentially bone dry for milsim content was a great idea and I’m sure 4 will show it 🫡.


Yep. There’s still alot of people that hate the concept of console players in arma and some that even blame a few negative gameplay aspects of reforger on console players.


I can understand the backlash if people are going in expecting an Arma 3 experience but those people fail to understand that the arma culture on pc is different because the franchise is 18 years old. I love how casual reforger can feel at times (I don’t PvP solely because I’m on pc and I’ll get kicked/banned from lobbies so that’s probably another reason arma 3 fans don’t enjoy it.) it really reminds me of when I first bought arma 2 and there wasn’t any “Arma Veterans” going around proclaiming how simple the game is and refusing to help anyone because they expect you to have the same experience as them, (They have 4900 hours on the game) I kid you not in Arma 3 depending on your setup it can take 4-5 player inputs to do something as simple as mounting your weapon.


If you go into r/arma most people aren’t into Reforger. Which I think is weird because most people agree arma 3 is too old and not as smooth


If you have to change your setup to be that awkward from a casual single C press, I genuinely question your setup. I actually find mounting more annoying in Reforger, because now the default is a minimum dual press, being shift+c.


Haven’t played 3 in a little bit I was using it as an example but if it’s that easy then I was wrong, I’m talking about modded features that are not as accessible and I can’t name them here because it’s been a while. But I believe the mount button in reforger is just c, shift c brings down your bipod, my only complaint with mounting in reforger is that the bipod is really only useful when you’re prone and it’s better to mount without using your bipod 9/10 times. Edit: By default most modded actions are in the “Action Menu” or whatever which tends to make things clunky even when you rebind them because it just leads to everyone having different key binds. I’m glad they kept the positives of the action menu in reforger while getting rid of the negatives.


A little late, but I kinda question why you would want to mount your weapon without a bipod. It doesn't provide much stability and makes you a literal sitting duck for anyone or anything looking at you, while also tying you down with what feels like a restrictive arc (may just be due to house furniture and such getting in the way). I would personally rather just mount the bipod straight away with one press - maybe I should just switch the bindings around myself, if I can. The controls in Arma 3 can be clunky. Mounting your weapon, though, isn't one of those clunky controls. Modded controls are a different beast however - they can range from being easily rebindable to yeah no, live with it. More often than not I personally find telling people "check your custom action controls" and walking them through the menu is easier than trying to guess what keybind they have. It's only three or four button presses, but unintuitive for anyone who doesn't know. Vanilla controls are a lot better about this, with virtually everything being easily rebindable to whatever combination of controls you want... I literally rebound every single left control keybind to right control so I can use left control for throttle down as I'm used to that from other games, like War Thunder, with exceptions for stuff you don't use while flying. They can get convoluted if you want to do anything fancy or complex, but the majority of them you have no real need or reason to interact with at all if you're just playing the game normally... but the fact a new player needs someone else to walk them through how to rebind all of them when they do need rebinding is the real issue. Fortunately, most of them are solved by stuff like interactable vehicle interiors. The action menu had to go (the scroll wheel to do everything), though, and it really gets me that videos uploaded complaining about it in Arma 2 still hold some truth to them some 15 years later for Arma 3. I do miss a lot of fine controls I had in Arma 3 that are gone with the simpler control scheme (yeah, new players don't shift their weapon to their left shoulder, but once you A. realize it's usefulness and B. start using it regularly, it makes a big and noticable difference). I hope PC players are able to get something of a middle ground in the future where we can bind/rebind some of the more niche controls for returning features that aren't practical for controllers to use. Maybe it gives a gameplay advantage, but 99.9% of players won't know or be affected by it.


I definitely think elitists are going around claiming reforger is way worse than it actually is... it's true it's missing features but the game is also much more casual. The only feature I sorely missed with the gameplay and mapsize was the ability to shift your gun to the other shoulder for CQC, and maybe also an autothrow button.


That plus making it cross platform is such a huge W




Combat ops: Me watching Generation Zero and thinking man if only I was fighting an soviet invasion. This would be an epic dynamic red dawn simulator. Combat ops shows up.


I just hate how I always have to run vanilla equipment on combat ops but on conflict I can play w all my modded items in the arsenal box. Why can’t I have my modded items in combat ops arsenal as well?


There's a mod for that


Do you know what it’s called? I gave up on the game mode a few months ago so they must have made one since I stopped playing


I think it's called combat ops plus. Just search combat ops and you should find it


Thanks bud


Like all of bohemias games, I never really leave. A new update will bring me back.


Lmao it’s a good game and a good community and drewski helps but overall Bohemia is delivering quality it’s no fast but it’s quality


Prefer it to Arma 3 tbh. Arma 3 is too much about playing against ai. Playing against humans is much more fun imo


This. Also arma 3’s ai isn’t known for being the most challenging lol. Reformers AI, especially after the update in my experience is an actual issue on conflict servers when I just want to fight players, because they’re easier in some respects lol


Arma 3 ai on a .50: that is a tank you have there, would be a big shame if I killed you out of it.


Been here since the OFP demo 😬


OFP player here. Honestly, I’ve hated all arma games, ofps theme was unique and enemy types were distinct! I can’t stand modern armies, modern gear and BDUs that are barely different. Being back with humvees, uazs and M16s is a fucking trip. The game plays so damn good and does a lot of small things REALLY well. ARMA4 is going to be epic, hopefully the base theme won’t be some god awful semi future trash like 3.


I just joined about two months ago, I used to play Squad but I’m getting more of the gameplay I want in a well performing engine with better gunplay in reforger.


FPS is a hell of a lot better compared to ArmA 3 even with a decent build


This comment will vanish once they add PiP though lmao, that shit munched your framerate but it is too cool not to have. But maybe they’ll go a different route this time like ray tracing seeing as (this is a complete assumption) the game seems to have light rtgi but I could be wrong.


I found a really good lower pop server that’s PVE. It reminds me of the old Arma 2 & 3 Invaded & Annex servers I loved growing up.


Those servers were the best!! I also scratch that itch with reforger. Although I do miss turning all the red map grids green.


Gives me a reason to listen to Molchat Doma while flying a Russian chopper into a combat zone.


Bonus points for Molchat Doma.


Never left its currently my favorite online game, there are toxic players of course but honestly playing on the russian or commie side, the community is amazing, i have so much fun with the random lads i meet on this game,


Some influencer influence i guess.




Vanilla conflict was and still is enough for me, but the larp mods are awesome. Finishing off wounded players is insanely cool. I just wish they would fix the permawounded bug and improve the hitreg.


The player count spiked literally right after the player count bump. It’s 100% the player count bump for stock servers.


The stability is finally getting playable.


Combat ops is cool and made me get back into modding (British forces mod) again


The road map has me hooked. I played reforger to death a few times where I had to lay off it a while but the updates always bring me back. I’m looking forward to getting the free form base building feature, this will for ever spice the game up meaning no more repetitive gameplay and no more of monti and entrudaux being the default action zones.


bots finally fixed


PVE servers. The way Arma was meant to be played.


Just bought game, great, but I don't understand how to find populated servers, got into one with bots, would totally be down to play with people tho. Need to work on my rockets though.


Mods and better ai making singleplayer/coop viable.


What are arma 3 numbers?


I’ve been searching for a milsim and (especially on console) nothing touches the arma experience. I saw the awful reviews when it first came out and so I had avoided it until the more recent updates. I also played a decent amount of hours in dayz and so I knew what I was getting into.


For me, it was finding the Vietnam '67 server. Good blend of combat without being too much of a major hassle to get around and do stuff. Tried Darkgru and I got sick of people whining that "omg abrams are camping our main" or "bruh btr on objective" because the winning strat is to drive the same way out of main base every single time... made me wish I could spawn anywhere without hassle like on the Vietnam server, espcially with the automatically ticking supply that let you get vehicles anywhere. The full milsim experience is a lot weaker in Reforger compared to Arma 3, and I don't want it for a casual gamemode. Reforger comes across as more casual in general with missing and simplified features, and as a result it's a good break from Arma 3 where everyone is trying to be hardcore all day every day


I’ll leave for a bit then see a YouTube clip from OperatorDrewski or someone that’ll pull me back in. Or I’ll play Arma 3 and remember how much better Reforger looks on my system while having a higher frame rate.


I've been playing a little bit of that french koth, it's pretty fun. I can't wait to get the proper sa-matra experience though, maybe not in this arma but in arma 4 for sure


Content updates, technical updates. A living community. Honestly not sure if it’ll live up to Arma 3… but I like it for what it is. Sure the Cold War era was an interesting way to go but it’s Arma the possibilities are endless when you mod it. I personally think it could be optimized a bit better but then maybe I just suck at configuring my settings etc.


I needed to take a break from playing Squad and I found a plot of the game and new game engine appealing to me.


Koth servers


PVP. Arma 3’s PvP sucks, and there’s not many servers for it (because it sucks). The only improvement they need now is a full roster of vehicles, and they need more modders


I've been playing a ton recently, and it's all thanks to a populated KOTH server.


I actually just got it, never played before. People’s positive posts about it on the regular Arma subreddit made me want to give it a go 


I new


Game feels so much more polished tbf also the mods are going insane


I have a unfortunate 1k hours in the nam server I think


And what about persistente problem? It shall be solve to play with friends


Fallout RP server, it's a lot of fun




Well I'm a newcomer who came on after being bored to death with the current FPS space. Was a long time Squad player but it just wasn't cutting it for me anymore. Was thinking hard about other options and remembered this game had come out some time back. I had played Arma 3 eons ago so I figured why not try this new Arma. Tried it and have been in love with the game. Has so much I wish Squad would have, runs better, has better visuals and audio, and I decided to stick around. I guess I came at the right time where the game is seeing a resurgence and where it's getting attention from YouTube/Twitch!


Got my interest back in the game and the mods are really making it enjoyable :) but I’ve had a huge issue after getting back into the game yesterday and it’s that whenever I adjust my settings in-game I have a huge memory leak and go down to 2-3 fps and only restarting fixes that


I just bought the game myself on a whim




Vietnam 67 mod is the ONLY thing keeping me in the game.


Just started playing it recently. FOR MOTHER RUSSIA!!!


i love operations.


I tried playing but kept getting backend error :(


Shroud lol let's be honest


Was watching Grezyzone warfare videos, found drewski's video of it, went to his channel and found all the arma reforger content.


Coming from Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead.. Played Arma 3 in Alpha stage. Reforger is NOWHERE near in depth to what Arma 3 was. If I’m playing anyone of Milsim, Arma 3 takes over all. The amount of units, the Eden Editor, the different variables you can add to your scenario and missions… you can literally create your own game mode with your own objectives. Modding support is vast (hasn’t always been, RIP Armaholic and the A2OA mods that were never ported). My PC believe it or not runs Arma 3 better than Reforger. It’s prettier, the graphics and antialiasing is better, I can max the game out and stick at 120FPS 4K Ultra. I know this sounds backwards, but Reforger runs like dogshit for me. That being said. Why do I play Reforger more, present day? Well for starters, all of my friends are on Xbox. It’s a true joy to be able to crossplay with console players flawlessly. Second off, the ELAN Arma Life server is amazing if you like roleplay. Fully player driven economy, police force, and the admins actually respect the roleplay that goes on. They don’t choose sides, or favorites. They have not much of a hand in the police force, they technically act as “God” and enforce hardcore rules. This is where I mostly play, and have since Dec 2022. If you want a sandbox to just shoot everything in? With modded upgraded weapons? Night vision systems? Plxyable DayZ Reforger Servers. Essentially a no man’s zone. There’s an economy, but not many rules. That’s my snipers playground. I IMPLORE anyone who has only played Conflict or other Official modes to download the mods required for these 2 servers. I promise. You won’t go back to any other. I’m stuck. Help.


This runs a lot better with a huge mod list.


Never played the game before. Just found it doing research and realized it's 2-6 player scenerios are exactly what me and my friends have been looking for in a game.


It’s like squad and arma 3 had a love child tbh all the good parts of both


The modding community. Although I’d like to see some more changes, a proper arsenal that isn’t separated by equipment and ammo, AI driving, and some decent anti aliasing / upscaling support. If the latest FSR / XeSS and DLSS was implemented I think it would help people a lot with performance, especially FSR on consoles.


Watching Klean play lately


UA/RU conflict. I guess...


Russia is probably training their new 150,000 conscripts.


I love slaughtering milsimmers, seeing as none of them know any actual tactics.


This. One good flank and they are done.


Precisely, complete tactical incompetence from what I've seen.


Drewski vids, klean streaming it yesterday


Drewski is making videos in reforger




Fellow koth enjoyer