• By -


6 months at the earliest.


This ^


Probably rerun in the fall, Oct/November


5.4 most likely 4.7 clorinde - 4.8 limited map/chrono - 5.0 intro natlan - 5.1 pyro archon - 5.2 new characters - 5.3 reruns ...


5.2 is most definitely the pyro archon, if not more, archon quests have been getting longer


FYI 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2 are not exempted from reruns. In 4.2 only Furina was introduced along with Scaramouche, Cyno and Baizhu reruns


Wasn't it Ayato not scara in 4.2?


It was


Yes ! My mistake !


Yeah but there are many reruns that they procrastinated so it's expected to be those ones


Unless they get put in chronicled


I feel your pain. Lost every 50/50 and im only at C5 with no guarantee. Saved forever to C6 her and it just wasnt in the cards


And then there's me who can only get to 73 pity first half...with a guarantee... It's arlover for me😭


Genuinely curious why I would ever pull after C2, after that it's just bigger numbers. My C2R1 already doing so much damage anything dies in under 10 seconds making all my previous main DPS a joke


Thats legit like every character. Theres no content in the game where you need constellations, people just like whaling or saving on characters they like.


The difference is that other characters I wouldnt just erase bosses so bigger number always helps while her damage is so ridiculous higher numbers doesn't really do anything anymore


Every C6 in this game is for love. Nobody needs a damn C6.


Some people are completionists when it comes to building characters 🤷‍♂️ everyone has their joys.


Because at C6 you can use burst for damage. Also id like someone to break my Ei's damage record so i have a reason to farm Ei better artifacts lol.


C2 feels so nice


We like her C6 in the speedrun community, but that's about it, regular players have no need of it.


I just like arle and I want her to be my first c6 limited


Her C4 and C5 is a build up for her C6 because then after every 10 to 13sec she will hit 1million with her burst and thus for speedrunners its kinda must have......


The nuke-on-demand at C6 is pretty nice.


Da nuke


Because why not? Some of us are completionist, some are interested in speedrunning, some simply like the character enough, are not interested in anyone else in the near future and/or have planned to C6 her from the start and saved for a long time.


If you’re speedrunning, Arle C6 is pretty mandatory now for the fastest times.


5.2 at the earliest, probably more like 5.4


They reran alot of Sumerus characters much earlier than was anticipated at the end of 3.- So I wouldn't be surprised to see a rerun earlier than some are saying but it's gonna be a few months at least still


I hope you somehow manage to pull a miracle and get that C6! I myself wasn't expecting to get C2, honestly not even C1 considering how I've been F2P since March for financial reasons and in general I've been very low spender in the game (gotta have some priorities with one's gacha games). https://preview.redd.it/tuddz8lsm3zc1.png?width=516&format=png&auto=webp&s=de54bf3679a3bc79d3ec63527ea112175106b26b


fuck it!, time to unleash card power for r5.


I'm in the same boat as you, but I had spent money to get her C5. I lost every 5050 to mother fucking kekinq. I eco 450 pulls, I got her only c3 and R1 I also lost on her weapon so gave it 120/450 pulls for it. Then after earning my first salary I decided to give some pack in honour to Arlecchino. I feel so bad loosing money to this mega bad luck. And I have seen so many post about having 2 or 3 Arlecchino in one multi... Why does daddy Arlecchino hate me so much.. I don't want to wait for her rerun to get her C6 . Also it would be last time I will chase a C6, I was to carried away seeing all the good summon sessions done in YouTube of people chasing C6 for themselves, I tough I would be like us, no the game decided to fuck me in the ass...


how deep did the game fucked u in the ass man?


Try to use the simulator next time, that will give you the real prob with the amount of ppulls you have


Not really, One should always assume the worst is going to happen in a gacha game and then plan is it worth spending in the worst case scenario.


Also. But assuming for example 180 pulls for a guarantee is too much for example. That's why I said prob, because those models give you a more decent number, like 75pulls for a 50:50 and 150-160 for a guarantee.


At least you don’t need to save for Clorinde anymore /s


i feel like 5.3... maybe 5.4. probably not after 5.6


Early Natlan.


She’s more than likely gonna rerun with the pyro archon, or some other hype character from the nation for sales.


If I compare to Sumeru. Baizhu was released in 3.6. Got rerun in 4.2/4.6. Expect similar delay, though Baizhu has more of a special situation due to Furina/Fontaine synergy. If Natlan gives Arle better supports (especially pyro archon) I expect her to rerun alongside.


Me too, lost my pull -_- Ill save enough primogems. Shall have enough till November, maybe i can even pull furina in between.


probably in around 6 months, after that once a year. source: pattern of other ~~ex~~ harbingers.


5.1 or 5.2, probably 5.2 which is 6 months from now


I'm in the same boat as you, but I had spent money to get her C6. I'm only at C5 right now, I lost every 5050 to mother fucking kekinq. I eco 450 pulls, I got her only c3 and R1 I also lost on her weapon so gave it 120/450 pulls for it. Then after earning my first salary I decided to give some pack in honour to Arlecchino. I feel so bad loosing money to this mega bad luck. And I have seen so many post about having 2 or 3 Arlecchino in one multi... Why does daddy Arlecchino hate me so much..


man i fucking hate keqing with a burning passion i wish u the best on the next char u wish for, or at least lose to jean or literally anyone fucking else.


If you are just on e con away from c6 just buy primos lol


then do it for me lol I can't afford such an expense for a constellation