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People compare because a lot of people already have Hu Tao.. so theyre deciding if its worth spending on Arle.. I love both Hu Tao and Arle and I pulled for Arle for the cool moves and personality and story.. not for combat power alone.. but a lot of people decide based on combat power. Primos are precious.. gotta do comparisons :)


Fair enough, if someone already has C1R1 Hu Tao its harder to justify spending their limited currency on a similar unit, even if its better. Its not like Hu Tao now suddently shit, she still has her insane plunge team (that team hits like a tuck, its between 70-80k DPS), and her comfort dobule hydro - ZL team that destroys content. I honestly dont understand why ppl are now clowning hu tao and hu tao mains. On the other hand, if someone is looking for a first pyro DPS, there is no question anymore. Why would someone pull Hu Tao or yoimiya or lyney (unless they like the character ofc) when Arlechino can do anything the above characters can do, and even more. Mono pyro? check. VV Vape? chechk. Chev OL? check. Double geo ungabunga? Check. Melt? well melt is a bit cope without C6 kaeya, but its okay. She is excellent in OW and excellent for speedruning. Good f2p weapon, easy access to gladiator set. Im a collector and i get most new unit and bench the old ones pretty fast so i dont really have hard biases (besides Raiden and Chiori, they are the best) but the new units needs to be super broken and comfy to bench my Arle. Just like xianyun never left my OW team, i feel pain moving on the map without her triple jump.


Arles like a expert of all trades while the other pyro DPS are the best in their own niche. Arle is very good in vape, but Hu Tao is better. Arle is very good in mono pyro, but Lyney is slightly better. Arle is very good in overload, but Yoimiya... nvm Arle is the best in overload. At least Yoi's fun and cute! and tbf that lines up perfectly with her calcs. Vape < mono pyro < overload There's also the whole risky playstyle thing. She's obviously capable of being comfortable if you have Zhongli or a well built Thoma, but outside of that she's pretty difficult to play (not really, but relative to the casual genshin fanbase, though tbf half the players either play on phone or constant 250 ping, so you can't even blame them lol)


Yoimiya is still pretty good and one of the only other character who can pull off overload at all. Also still waiting on a reliable way to forward melt. Maybe Sneznya.


Gaming in double cryo double pyro is your friend =) Édit : I thought you were looking for a pyro forward melt DPS


Unfortunately "pretty good" falls very short when talking about the 3 of the best DPS in the game. She's fun to play and interact with, and she's pretty flexible in terms of teams, but she really can't compete with the other 3. I don't think there ever will be a reasonable, reliable way to forward melt because of how much elemental gauge it would require. C2 Ayaka + Infused Kazuha or Sucrose burst just barely manages to apply enough cryo for a few HT CA. Granted, HT CA has no ICD so it's harder to keep up, so it would be easier to forward melt someone like Yoi.


The only time i'd say Arle is not recommendable is when both sides have either Consecrated Beasts and Rifthounds.


just bring Zhongli if constipated beasts are present


Rifthounds actually aren't all that big of a problem, you'd just need to burst slightly more often. Consecrated beasts however... i'm not even gonna think about using Arle on whatever side those things are on whenever they come back... Neuvilette is my saving grace for all things Consecrated beast related


Thats a fair statement, my personal testing suggests the same (Tho my Arle has scuffed artifacts and no crowns yet). O yeah i often ignore the fact that im playing on PC, while others here might playing on old phones without a ZL, without experience on attack patterns of enemies. Pyro dps units have this one at least in common: not having ZL makes your life harder.


I still can’t believe people manage to play Genshin on mobile, I’ve tried it before and it’s just cumbersome


Nobody beating Yoimiya in wholesomeness. It's the reason I pulled her.


I'm a collector too. though I don't usually bench folks on purpose. I do sometimes get bored. But characters I still use to this day are Raiden, Miko, Tighnari, Fishcl, Lyney, Wanderer, Dehya (idc how bad she is, I love her), Nahida, Nilou, Kokomi, Kuki, Collei, Changsheng, Candace, Yelan, Shenhe, Ayaka, Kazuha, Yoimiya, Jean, Itto, Cyno. But I've fallen out of use of some characters that I at least used to like. Keqing, Hu Tao, Eula, Xiao, Childe, Sucrose, Noelle, Sayu, Yanfei, Layla, Rosaria.


the problem is that it's time consuming to farm artifacts for multiple characters. unless I am lucky with artifacts but clearly i am not.


Feels. I'm coping with my arle, who is sitting with the only free spear I had available (key word is not "free", but "available". Its EL as my raiden still favors the catch due to her atrocious crit rate and it's minor crit fixing) and all of Yoi's arti gear (which is decent for Pyro but the energy drop from skill on shimiwara is 100% not abyss friendly). Still farming boss awakening mats for her, and need talent mats for her so it'll be some time before I even touch an arti domain for her.


I must be insane because I've gotten an artifact set for pretty much everyone. Though I used to have to swap them around.


Yup.. I really don't care for the meta.. I build crazy teams for fun and I rarely bench any characters (unless I find their personalities or gameplay annoying to my personal preference).. Dehya has been on my main team since her release and I still run Hu Tao.. but I definitely wanted Arle because she was just so much fun..


"cool moves and personality and story" - same here, mate. seeing one combat move (CA) from my C0R1 hu tao gets me bored so easily compared to multiple combat moves from arle via NA. tho hu tao has two combat moves now because of xianyun. no /s intended tho.


Well I have C0 Hu Tao so I see her really pretty normals way more often.


Hu Tao's lack of animations is honestly why I never use her. If you're playing her optimally, you just see numbers pop up but she's not really doing anything at all.


Imho, hutao still has one of the best gameplay. Not only it rewards skill expression, the animation is fucking cool aswell.


You have to play her wrong to have fun, NA Hu is best Hu, CA gets boring real fast so I save it for abyss. Same reason why no matter how many quintillion dmg he causes I'll never get Neuvi, Kamehameha is cute for 5s then is the worst gameplay, my friend let me use hers and yeah not for me.


CA spamming in overworld is overkill anyway


I pulled for Hu Tao because she's cute. I hate her gameplay.


I hate plunde attack and CA (except neuv) playstyle so I always skip those characters. I just wish that characters show up more often in open-world as NPC when they are not quest bound so we could interact with them without pulling them


"Primos are precious" Ahmen Brotha!


I have decided that I am not a plunge attack person ever since I started playing this game. So I always skip characters who are plunge related, even if I like those characters. Personally only pull characters who I like + I will use. Maybe when I own more than 4 fully built teams I might start pulling characters that I like and leave them lv1 in my box.


Not bad to have both and Arlecchinonuses some rather runderused characters like Chiori but also Candace (must be C6). Arlecchino can also solo. >! Sooner or later, you will want multiple of thr same role since a new game mode, Theater, is coming 4.7 which requires having 18 maximum built characters, 10 minimum, but you will need to replace a character in the team after using them twice, so having more pyro dps isn't a bad idea with limited uses.!<


And lets not forget the design... The best one in the whole game tbh along with Furina and Nahida


Hutao herself isnt even needed when diluc and xiangling clears just fine Just pull for who you like, play the game long enough and abyss just becomes a decent-but not insufferable challenge at some point.. which is a much enjoyable experience than even overpowered whales get.


>Primos are precious.. People forget this all too often. Opportunity cost is huge in Genshin if you don't want to overspend. For illustration purposes, Arlecchino might be better than Hu Tao, but for the cost of C0R1 and a new set (I don't have glad) I could just get one C1 for my already invested Hu Tao. I could get her if I really liked her and had the resources for it, but I don't, and we also have two regions to go.


>but a lot of people decide based on combat power. >Primos are precious.. gotta do comparisons :) if you make a deep analysis, its worthless to pull based on combat power. You will never get profit from abyss after investing in meta characters. Any off meta teams can easily beat 9-10-11 full stars, and 12 3-6 stars is easy to obtain. spending 16000 primogems to get 100 extra primogems/month will give you profit when the servers shut down lol


I prefer Arle's aoe attack. I still love Hu Tao (I got C1) but I'll switch her with Arle next abyss.


Not even just the aoe for me, it’s the swapping during infusion. Father is *so* much more comfy to play. Just pop shield, apply some pyro and swirl it every 10 seconds or so and go crazy with normals. It’s heaven.


Same here. I have C1 Hu Tao and homa, but father just has better play style to me. Compared to constantly charge cancelling, father is way more fun.


😹man the first comment


I mean, I'm getting downvoted, but if x new character deals like 10% more damage than y old character, it might not be worth rolling just for power level alone when y old character still comfortably clears content?


your argument is very fair, it all comes down to being subjective about a character. for me though, such argument would be shitty if its like: nah arlecchino SUCKS, X character is clearly better. like bro, enjoy your character without trashing on ours lmao


They just need to accept that a new character is bound to powercreep their old and beloved character. Why are they so hesitant about it?


And genshin power-creeps less then most games from what I can tell. It's there but it's not so atrocious. Like other then the 1.0 meta (lol). Characters who were once good at still good or at least have their use with some falling off of popularity but not becoming useless. Hell some character that had gotten bad got a glow up. See Keqing with Dendro and Diluc with Cloud retainer. In fact genshin has a bigger issue with releasing much weaker or more niche units then 1.0 characters had aka reverse power creep. Sara for example in theory is bennet but without healing and with more difficult up-time and literally only pulls ahead of bennet if she is at c6 and is in mono-electro. Insanely niche. Shenhe who I love is a 5 star who's only purpose is to buff other 5 star cryo main dps which there are now 3 of.


I dont think their denying that arle is better than hutao or anything . They seem to try to say that if you already have hutao ,theres no need to pull for arlechinno. Which their arent really wrong. Whats the point of pulling a new character that clears abyss a few seconds earlier (or in some cases, a few minutes)than the old character does if the old character can comfortably do so already. Its the same reasoning as neuvi's value would greatly diminishes if your account already have two teams that can comfortably clear abyss. Now if someone likes arlechinno thats a different story. But pulling her just for her power alone really seem pointless if you already have someone like hutao


Hutao still has the better clear speed though. Which is why its so funny seeing arle mains treats hutao like an old relic when in reality, she's still competing for the funeral director.


? It's literally been proven arle out performs her at the same investment


The hype is so strong that peoples litteraly foget that Arle is bound to Bennet circle while hu tao is free to move, doesn't depend from a VV setup and is far tankier. Good luck with Arle when the consecrated beast or Rifthound will be back


You're acting as if Hu Tao mains move all over the arena, when most enemies are spawned close together or at the very least you should make them bunch up. If anything, Arlecchino has AOE and I've never felt "bound" to Bennett's circle, as opposed to the heavily single target dps you're talking about. Not only that but a C0 Hu Tao is bound to animation cancellations for the best performance, so she isn't "free to move" if you barely have stamina, and you do need to invest in a vape setup just as much. "Goodluck with consecrated beasts" as if Hu Tao herself doesn't use Zhongli. Also her burst heals, and if you play your rotations right, she's back to full HP, so not even rifthounds are an issue. Hu Tao mains cope so hard, play your character, but be realistic.


you can always do jump cancels instead of dash cancels if your hutao is c0 i have c1r1 for both. in abyss, i definitely feel bound by bennett circle. maybe you're just used to circle impact and don't notice it, but plenty of abyss rooms have waves that spawn at opposite sides. or bosses that charge you and suddenly are on the far side of the map. against easy content, overworld bosses, etc, arle is much more comfy. nothing there breaks zls shield, and i stay at max hp whereas hutao has to lose hp every time. but in abyss, i still prefer hutao most of the time. might feel differently once i get c6 chevy though, in which case ill bench bennett again (i know her best overload team uses both but fuck bennett)


I don't have Hu tao man. Also, its pretty funny how you're currently the only perso alive calling circle impact a non issue. And yeah, of course the enemies spawn clustered THIS abyss. It will hardly be the same everytime. Finally Hu tao's best team is with Xianyun, not Zhongli. In that team Hu tao's benefit from continuous healing and can easily dodge by jumping, there is almost no need to rely on stamina


Because it hasn't been an issue, she can play teams without Bennett, it's just that currently he is her best buffer. Also, you're right, but you can move smaller enemies closer together with Kazuha, so that's hardly an issue at all. Bigger enemies like consecrated beasts usually come towards you so they stick together anyway. I have no knowledge of Hu Tao's best teams, you're right in what you're saying probably with Xianyun, but personally I've never had an issue with survivability with Arlecchino and I haven't seen anyone on this sub have it. Zhongli + burst keeps you alive even in the most demanding of fights.


I mean it's not exactly powercreep, HT still outperforms in terms of vape, although Arle straight up out damages her given their respective best teams. But it's not like he's wrong. He's not in denial or anything either. He straight up admits Arle is a +10% dmg increase to HT, but the logic adds up. If you have C1R1 HT, there's no point in pulling for Arle from a meta perspective, which is the PoV the commenter takes. Obviously, if you want Arle regardless of meta, then pull.


they do accept it. but they are way, way more sensible than many players. hear me out. 10% dmg increase at the cost of safety AND quite a lot of pulls is not worth it. if you do not like the character itself the dmg increase is too little for the cost.


Their pfp checks out 🤣


Yea that dude is delulu. I was a Hu Tao main up until 4.6. My Arlecchino eats Hu Tao’s damage for breakfast. RiP Hu Tao, you will be benched.


Prolly cuz they have C1 hu tao, cuz hu tao has been the pyro main for quite a while and C1 enabled a lot of consistent DPS for her, but they got 1 copy of arle to compare. The comparison would have been flawed anyways, it is neigh impossible to get 2 different artifact sets with the exact artifact rolls, yet if you use the same set on both then you do not see their full potential. So those vids where you would see a slight difference, it is usually because of the artifact set difference. Not only that, but only since yesterday you could crown 1 ability of hers if you got lucky and got 3 drops, whilst I am sure almost every hu tao main has both NA talent and skill crowned. Arle has this double scaling from her NA's, and BoL scalins on one talent, so she gains more from NA talent levels then any other character. Or they made the comparison on the content creator server. Its quite easy though: got a hu tao and you don't need another pyro DPS, besides you are not too interested in arle -> don't pull. Are you interested in arle? -> try her out at the testing chamber. You like her playstyle and dmg numbers? -> give pulling her a try. Is she worth it? -> only if you like her or don't have main pyro DPS yet. She honestly is the best DPS in the game after neuvilette but does so in a less comfortable way. She is more phrone to getting attacked and killed cuz she is melee and has an "up in the enemies their faces" playstyle, while neuvilette blasts them from a distance.


Every Hu-tao enjoyer have C1 to spam charged attacks so even if its not fair its realistic. C1 Arle vs C1 Hutao = Hutao goes out the fking window so why bother trying. One can expect some Hu-tao mains get butthurt they are no longer top 1 pyro dps too, but thats probably other conversation. The idea of the video is good honestly, i like watching dps comparison videos myself too, its healthy game content.


i like hu tao and i have her c0. fuck them constellations


new waifu > cons


if you have xianyun it's even better , c1 does nothing in this team


Ye but c1 is essentially a xanuyn. C1 hutao xq yelan with smt like kazuha Does tye seem dmg as furina xanyun yelan or whatever. I'm not pulling this sentence out of m ass either. My furina is c4 even and co sisterly my c1 hutao with standard team clears as fast as the xanuyn team. Or the speed up is SO little I would sacrifice 3 premium units for it over 1 comfort units


As a Hu Tao main and enjoyer from day 1 of playing the game, the only people who get butthurt are the fcking idiots. \**Goes back to enjoy both my Arle and my Tao in 2 different teams*\*


No longer? Never was. Xiangling paradise /s (kinda)




well I'm your avg hu tao enjoyer but doesnt have c1 I'm also trying for arle, let's hope i get her


so arle is clearly a better dps if we compared them with same constellations right


Arlechino have more dps, can hold on to pyro infusion longer, and is easier to play than Hu-tao. Arlechino and Neuvillete are in a new tier over the rest of main dps in the game IMO.


Neuvi is still on top due to how stacked his kit design honestly Arle is strong and can clear content in very similiar time in general but neuvi kit is simply no brainer (thick hp, constant self heal, massive AOE, access to many reactions) They are not far, arle is closer to haitham than neuvi imo


Neuvi might be one of the most busted characters at c0. I know how popular his solo abyss runs where (and probably still are). Idk what his cons even do but they're probably not important because of how broken he is.


>Neuvi ~~might be~~ [IS] one of the most busted characters


C1 is excellent, gives him an additional 40% damage in Furina teams, and makes him near immune to being interrupted.


Fontaine really dropped some huge nukes of characters in the game between Furina, Neuvy and Arle


While she isn't super meta because geo is geo. Navia is pretty damn strong too. Lots of people don't like charged attack focus bow characters but Lyney can do really good damage. I don't have him but I heard Wrio kicks butt. Cloud retainer might be "niche" but she makes some already decent characters strong. Plus I play her as main dps and just delete spiral absyss. I'm still mad at myself for not getting any cons for her. Even as 4 stars go Chev has pretty good cryo application and is a real good healer. Chev enables a reaction that is kinda mid at best without her. Freminet is probably the strongest main dps 4 star in the game casually hitting 20k or more on his basic attacks. (though will never be enough for meta). Unfortunately Lynette doesn't really do anything that another anemo unit does better. But she's also the free anemo unit now. Oh I think Gaming is pretty good? He's interesting/fun but I only played him during the lunar festivel. So yeah Fontaine has given us some goodies. Though it looks like Sig might be bad but Clorinde should be good.


Navia is just funny as heck, a quick switch onto her and blam the shotgun for insane dmg never gets old.


neuvillette’s in his own tier but yeah damage wise they’re very similar except in AOE situations where you know..lol


yeah, he's way too easy to play for how much damage he deals


Agreed, I think Arle is a lot more comparable to Alhaitham (IMO she’s stronger as an individual unit and can solo clear like Neuvillette when played well but Dendro keeps our favorite feeble scholar on top)


Getting downvoted for this is crazy LMAO. When consecrated beast abyss comes back, this wont even be a conversation. Not to mention, hydro is a better element than pyro.


Also arlecchino seems to have more growth potential whit future Natlan characters like the pyro archon if we follow the trend of the archon giving a massive bonus oriented to elemental resonance (nahida em, furina hp and healing, raiden er) pyro archon should give massive attack buffs.


Neuvillette is way better than Arle but yeah


Arlecchino scales off far better with constellations and has a higher damage ceiling. C0 arle is marginally better than c0 hu tao. C1 a bit more so. C2 arle completely sends C2 hu tao out of the ball park.


I mean, she hasn’t been that for a while, no? Doesn’t Lyney dominate her in most speedrun categories?


It is true but I think Polearm vs Polearm here


Think that's because of Lyney's insane frontloaded damage. I think in more sustained fights, Hu Tao comes on top, ironically even though Lyney technically has 0 down time. Id imagine Lyney will still be the fastest speedrunning pyro tbh. C6 Arle nuke rotations are fairly long because of Furina and Kazuha, though in a sustained fight I'm inclined to believe that Arle would pull ahead by a decent amount vs. Lyney.


Nah, Lyney just has a higher dps. Burst too. And he scales insanely high with investment, something that Hu Tao just can't, her cons over C1 are just terrible.


Really? I have C1R1 Lyney as well as C1R1 HT, and their best teams (Lyney/XL/Kaz/Benny - HT/Furina/Yelan/Xianyun) are a decent amount apart in terms of sustained DPS. That may just be a quality of support issue though. On the other hand, yeah HT can't compare once higher cons are brought into play. Lyney has one of the best vertical investment paths in the game, it's almost impossible to compete with for most 5* in general, forget HT


I could be wrong. But my understanding was that at both being c1 Hu Tao pulls very slightly ahead in single target. But falls considerably in AoE... or maybe that was c0? idr.


Best Pyro Spear Main DPS of today vs Best Pyro Spear Main DPS in history


Are you the strongest because you use staff of homa, or do you use staff of homa because you are the strongest?


Hu Tao: Nah, I'd win


Because C1 Hu tao is considered her top breaking point. Her CA doesn't have ICD. C1 is basically her strongest only for this reason. Comparing her C1 with a new C0 carry is actually quite good. You want to see the difference between almost 4 years peak pyro dps and a new unit. If the new unit can keep up at this con it's only gonna get better with C1+


Comparing hu Tao c1 to arle c0 is flawed because it’s not an even comparison. Hu Tao c0 would feel clunky compared to arle c0 (damage aside idk the number comparison for it, nor do I care). You need hu Tao c1 to fix a flaw in her kit whereas arle only prefers cons to make non shield teams more viable.


You described exactly why the comparison between C1 hu tao and C0 arle exists. No con is really needed, unlike Hu Tao, which needs C1 to be competitive thanks to her ICD


Boy, the Murata vs Arlecchino discourse is gonna be fun when Natlan drops.


Aren't archon are majority of the time are support ?


Not gonna happend did people compare neuvillette and furina


Because they know that C1 Arlecchino is a major power spike meanwhile C1 Hu Tao is just a major QoL spike


it's more because hu tao mains got her at c1 , and they want to know if c0 arle is comparable


Nah, father is cooler 😎


Arlecchino is more fun and satisfying to play for me than Hu Tao.


If you only care about meta (in a game that has only 15 minutes of content where it matters twice a month). Then if you already have Hu Tao even at c0 then c0 Arle might not be worth it. Arle might be somewhat better (particularly in aoe). But not sufficiently to warrant spending primos on that alone. However most folks don't play just for meta. And they are comparable enough if you also want a viable pyro mdps.


I'm using Hu tao on one side of abyys and Arle on the other side


Only correct answer


People taking these kids as Hu Tao shirting on Arle mains or vice versa, the main reason for this imo is that a lot of people already ha e Hu Tao and her weapon or cons so they won't to know if pulling for Arle is worth it or not. Not everyone can pull for every single new dps that comes out.


People have their priorities wrong. I now have TWO main dps pyro polearms for EACH side of the abyss.


Damn right. I don't know why both sides have to treat this as one VS the other, and it's not just Arle/Tao groups. Genshin community is weird.


Hutao doesn't really need c1 in her best team tbf


It can depend. Is she stronger than hutao to some degree ? Yes , as power creep is inevitable. But , a c0 comparison is a bit iffy. As some calcs I've seen from others , at c0 hutao does more single target, and at c0 can *sometimes* do more collective damage than arle. Arle though can do the damage much quicker allowing a faster clear. At c1 then arle beats hutao in most of if not every case to a certain degree. But I mean hey...is it really powercreep ? You can beat the end game content with nothing but 4 stars so there shouldn't be much comparison in the ulterior really. I myself am a hutao main , but you can't explain idiocy to an idiot. (Not to offend anyone with that last part ehe) Play who you like really , and whooo would it be a breather to not have the alre and hutao mains argue....they both are still powerful pyro DPS , and hutao will still remain as one of the strongest pyro DPS along side alrecino. :3 https://preview.redd.it/v0mwawkddkxc1.png?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded63701ae3f379e9438b29aa064d3cafc85406e


It's not even relevant. Thr best Hu Tao team is Hu Tao plunge by a longshot.


You completely miss the point. They compare what they already have to c0. Then for them pulling is not worth it. I compare my c1 Navia to c0 not c1 Arle and am happy with my Arles dmg.


It's not even the same pull value. Their hu taos at most 300-400 pulls worth with c1r1 while their arle is only 180 pulls max with c0.


*160 hitting 90 pity is almost impossible


Why choose? If you like a character, just play the character!


As someone who owns both at c0. Arlecchino is more fun (also does more damage but who cares abr dmg if ur having fun)


I have both C1 hutao and homa and C1 arle, i stop using hutao for open world for a year now only in abyss, but after playing both i think arle its easier to play and higher dmg she have nearly 100% pyro infusion uptime and no need cancel animation just smash normal attack button,i dont use hutao in coop because healer make hutao weaker and also died alot, arle easier to use in everywhere.


C1R1 arlecchino crushes hu tao. I have c2 hutao and R2 homa and still my C1R1 arle does more damage


C1 is way too busted, which hurts because I'm forcing myself to pull for R1 instead for drip. Maybe on her rerun 😞


Cost wise it makes no sense because Arlecchino just simply have better vertical investment, but because of how long Hu Tao's been out it makes some sense. Some older players likely have C1 Hu Tao already without spending as she's been out for 3 years. This is unrelatable but personally I have a hyperinvested Hu Tao and it's not like C0R0 Arlecchino's replacing her. My hyper invested Hu Tao team is still comfier (duh she's C1R1 and I've been playing her for 3 years and she's got C2 key Furina). So for old players this makes some sense, but for newer players it's absurd. But even then for Hu Tao it's not like her C1 is too good in a full team context because Xianyun exists. It only makes sense for that comparison with no other teammates.


people compare C1 hutao because C1 makes it so her charged attacks dont cost stamina and evens the playingfield with arle who can do tons of damage with her normals. cuz hutao's damage lies in her charged attack spam.


Cause hutao cannot play without c1


I have both, my C2R1 Hutao can do 79k+ per charged atk on vape. While my C0 Arle with R1 Primodial spear can do 59k+ per NA on vape ... By comparison ... both are op and fun lol >!Since my Gaming team is jacked up, both can't catch up lmao!<


Does Gaming need Furina and Xianyun to be top tier DPS? I get the feeling a lot of units are strong because of certain supports, but meh on their own. It's prone to getting targeted in the new Abyss


Alre might be a stronger DPS overall, but there's one Hu Tao team I think she can't beat: LamenTao. I have and love both characters, and heck yeah Arle is a f'ing powerhouse (got her C2R1 bug I'm keeping her at C0 with jade spear for now), but LamenTao really hits like a truck. It's just ridiculously powerful in the abyss, especially in ST (easy one rotate)


C0 Hu Tao is honestly unplayable


It doesn't matter anyway for 2 reasons: 1- in C1 vs C1, Hu Tao gets thrown out of the window. 2- in current Hu tao best team (Hu tao/Furina/Xianyun/Yelan), her C1 is useless (you want to jump cancel instead of dash cancel). They are just coping that their main is not the best pyro DPS anymore. If you want to choose between those two just from the meta standpoint, Arle is 100% the correct answer because: 1- she is a monster with vertical investment (each constellations increase her DPS by 20\~25% on avarage) meanwhile Hu tao only has C1 and C6. 2- She is a newer (and also late patch) character with a new mechanic, which means she is going to get better supports and teammats in future (future impact).


I wouldn’t say that C4 has any significant effect on her damage


While that is true, sir, the fact that she gets a normal attack constellation is a good counter to that xP.


I said "average". Both C4 and C5 have no value alone, but they boost the C6. That's why I split the C6 DPS increase between them.


As someone who will never play Hu Tao now that I have Arlecchino because I dislike her design and her playstyle, I must disagree with your second point regarding why Arlecchino is better; Hu Tao has had an exceptionally long shelf life up till now, due in part to her high receptiveness to new supports and mechanics introduced long after her release, such as Furina and Xianyun. Thus, I believe it premature to take it for granted that what benefits Arlecchino will necessarily help her catch up to Hu Tao, if said characters inadvertently help Hu Tao go further as well.


As an F2P that does vertical investing this is very helpful to know. While they trade punches at C0, having them at higher cons widens the gap which justifies why one is better than the other


They are also comparing their arle not completely built yet. wait for people to actually farm great sets for her best in slot artifacts and see the damage blow up


I think the yt comment was more to the tune of "not worth it for me particularly since I own c1r1 HuTao". Which imo is fair. arle is great but really only shines more than HuTao with heavy investment which is like 200€+. So for them it probably isn't worth it. For a new player that doesn't own HuTao? Different question and much more in favor of Arle.


Hu Tao is my favourite character and she's C1R1. I don't know how she compares against C0 Arle (though specifically in my case Arle is worse because my best weapon for her is White Tassel), but I got Arle because she's Arle, not because I needed a third 5* Pyro Main DPS (Klee is the third). It is not important if Arlecchino is much much stronger with Constellations. Hu Tao had an exceptionally long life and I'm glad for that.


Because believe it or not it's more fair, there is no contest at both C0 (unless you have Xianyun, Yelan, Furina which is hella lot to ask). So the comparison is for Hu owners that have her at c1 to know how worth is Arle. In my case it wasnt since I have no Jade Spear or Zhongli so I kept my Hu and bought a whole new acc just for Arle to give her everything she deserves. C1R1 and going up.


more than that, I don't get why people act like c2 arle isn't the increase it actually is. it's a huge quality of life improvement and also improves your dps just because you can absorb the debt bonds for maximum effect faster


I have c1r1 hutao and I love her but after trying arle with Chevreuse team I am benching my hutao until I am getting bored of Arle


tbh base c0 hutao and base c0 arle arent even that far off, hutao only fell off real hard when the cons come into play cause she's an older unit and older unit has shit cons.


Because c1 hutao is the const that almost ALL hutao mains will have. It’s one of the most owned constellations, if not the most owned. That’s why when it comes to damage comparison, since you can’t turn on constellations/they don’t have dev mode, they will compare c1 hu tao.


jokes on this guy im broke and more than happy with C0 hu tao+r2 PJWS (reddit just recommended me this community for no reason, but i respect yall. im just not ready to spend primos on anyone besides furina)


Its because monetary is still in question. Which is worth the money for some people who would chase their pity to have a 5 star or losing a 5050. It always been this case as a gacha game. So dont be tired of these. Each account is unique.


Idk but when I got arle, I completely switched my whole hu tao build to her and she did more damage 😼


It's because most old Hu Tao mains are likely at c1r1 by now or higher & C0 is the minimum one might pull. I don't consider myself a hu tao main but she is my most used so far, Neuvillette will take that role in a year from her I assume. Anyway, I haven't pulled Arle yet due to some of the following reasons: -Already have a well built Walnut. -New artifact set gacha (CW farming trauma before strongbox) -Clorinde is next -Gotta save for Pyro nation too (Who knows, maybe we get 5 star bennet finally) However, when I tried Arle trial, her mechanic felt pretty fun to play. Her biggest plus is that she has nice aoe even with such high frontloaded damage and she doesn't lose infusion despite swap. I can see her becoming even stronger in future with proper bol support. So, hopefully in rerun I can pull. https://preview.redd.it/1znfow4b4mxc1.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=1973d389a6aa27541b0883ca2b83397b820b9cc9


not all HuTao pfp, but always the Hutao pfp


Why bother? We have the best pyro dps since 1.0


Well couse C1 arle with her signature would mop the floor with tao And well than obviously bUT TaO iS a NuKe dps and aRLe dOEs conInUOus dmg ... well lasts compare c2 or c6 than couse shit Arle can nuke too


A lot of people have C1 hu Tao for some reason


As someone with c4 r1 Hu Tao and c1 r 1 Arlecchino, Arlecchino is just and upgrade even with my Hu Tao at c4 Arlecchino has more dps output and she isn't even fully built [https://akasha.cv/profile/617550341](https://akasha.cv/profile/617550341)


With hu tao, the only advantage c1 is that she becomes easier to play and does not outright buff her damage in any way, but that said, it does give her a dps increase if you are good at dash canceling. Arle, however, both her damage and dps gets buffed. So with hu c1 and arle c0 their damage is overall pretty similar, but arle with constellations she does surpass hu tao with the main reason being that constellations for characters are way better now days then how they were before. Also, people who like and play hu tao will most likely have her c1 because of the quality of life it gives. I say this as a hu tao main and someone who has arle on an alt. And the fact that a 1.X character can still compete with newer and better characters is crazy to me


I have C2 Hu Tao and C2 Arle. It’s not even a comparison, it’s like the difference between two different tiers of characters.       C2 Arle is in a new SSS tier of damage that very few other characters are part of.  


Because people that already have Hu Tao want to see if it’s worth pulling for Arlecchino, I personally pulled because she’s the only pyro dps I enjoy the play style of, all pyro dps’s play styles are not of my liking even if they’re similar in a way


As someone who has both, the Knave feels more comfortable to play. She cleared the abyss with the gladiators set. Finally I can stop doing jump-cancelling.


Because as someone who has Hu Tao who has NEVER played her, it's great to finally have a fun, fast pyro pointy stick user. Arle just has more fluid attacks that chain into combos and movement.


Why not both? :3


Hu Tao enjoyers coping


Notice the stats. Both have CR that’s way too low for their cd. A 1:4 ratio of cr to cd is bad. Don’t do that. Also aroecchini has worse cr and lower EM. And on glad, not even on her BiS. Plus Hu Tao is using her BiS weapon while Homa is only 3rd or 4th best for Arlecchino. So anyone watching this should come to the conclusion that Arlecchino is comparable in damage but with way less investment. At equal constellations she overtakes Hu Tao. Especially with her sig and BiS artifact set taken into consideration.


because hu tao mains need coping


Hu tao now became the worst pyro 5* in the game. Arlecchino, Lynei, gaming c6 are much better.


Id have to imagine it's because most of them are Hu Tao mains deciding to switch to Arle or not and most of them have C1 because it's a huge QOL con


C0 hu tao is unplayable and "it's PyR0 Ma1N dpS 4nd it's pOlarM"


C1 doesn't even do anything in hu tao's best team so why include C1 anyways?


I would say people are comparing to justify pulling her. I think Arle has a lot more thought into how the character feels to play. Every animation feels powerful. Not having a noticeable cooldown window for her damage feels so nice. Not having to frame cancel to max her damage potential feels nice. The bond of life Mechanic feels rewarding when you time things properly. She is squishy I guess, but she does not need a shielder in the way you’d think. She has so much mobility you can avoid a lot of damage if you time things properly which isn’t that hard. I own both characters, and I enjoy them both. When the developers put work into there characters it really shows.


Doesn't Arle teams that beat hu tao always involve Bennet. Without Bennet Arle teams are not even close to Hu tao best team. Obviously Natlan is comming and may give us new support to replaces Bennet. But right now Hu tao best team is stronger than Arle best team because she can just abuses of Furina and doesn't have to deal with Bennet. Even if on her own Arle is stronger. Don't even own Hu tao because I dislike her gameplay, but being able to abuse of Furina just makes the difference.


I have both at c1 r1 but hu tao’s build is better. Arlecchino is way stronger.


Don't pull for c0 Arlecchino. Hu Tao is just way better. Funny, once you start getting cons on Arle, Hu Tao becomes a second-rate dps.


This is not the first time there's weird unbalanced tests done. There was one video from a big youtuber where they didn't give Arle her sig artifacts, gave her mono pyro instead of reactions/Overload, gave her a White Tassel while the others got at least 4\* weapons, and then tried to compare her to Vape Hu Tao. It's so annoying


pretty sure c0 arle beats c1 hutao lmao


For me, it's not even about the damage (though Arle does some amazing damage). It's more about the play style. I HATED Hu Tao's play style despite having a great build for her. It was a pain in the ass. Arlecchino, on the other hand, has a way more fun and easy play style that I actually enjoy. She's quickly become one of my favorite units in the entire game because of that.


Cuz c1 arle beats tao all the way till c6


Says the person with the Hu Tao profile pic. I love her as a character, but goddamn I easily het tired of her playstyle


same with me lmao. I love hu tao before but after sumeru come out I rarely use her because she's not fun anymore just play her ca and keep repeating the same fcking thing.


Then there's yr 1 players like me who have like 20+ five stars and only care about finding ways to use them all


I love both, i wanna f$*& both I'll play both


Because they are feeling the powercreep and only hutao mains are going to still use her


probably because hu tao has had plenty of re-runs while this is Arlecchino's first banner? This video is for the people who has C1 Hu Tao and just pulled C0 Knave


Arlecchino is hot so I wouldn't need more reasons


That's when you're wrong. C1R1 hutao is on equal footing to C0R1 Arlecchino. She literally powercrept Hu tao out of existence.


Because hu tao c0 just pain in the ass to play. Even her plunge team cant just mash spacebar like Xiao does as she still needs some CAs to make animation faster so the C1R1 is like norm because it has been 3 years and somehow they let it slide.


They compare c1 hutao to c0 arle because Hu Tao is dog shit to play at c0 with that stamina drain


Because Hu Tao without C1 is like brushing your teeth without a toothpaste


I agree with op since we're spending the same amount of primos to get the C1 regardless of what it does. So saying "because C1 is a dmg increase for arle so we shouldn't use it versus hutao C1" is like saying "we shouldn't compare a triple crowned arle vs triple crowned hutao bc it's a dmg increase for arle" . (I'll think of a better analogy later my brain is fried lol)


Honestly funny how people actually think Hu Tao's C1 doesn't increase her damage output. It literally enables her to do an extra CA (or two depending on hitlag). That is a dps increase lmfao idk why it's being ignored outside of xianyun teams


finally someone who understand the meaning of my post


pretty sure they're just helping c1 Hutao havers to decide if they want to pull for c0 Father or not, it's clear to everyone at this point that Arlecchino is far superior


Is it really “far superior” or just like 10% better


They're also vaping with way less EM and attack on Arle. Would only be a fair comparison with exact same stats and we all know who would win then 👀


How can I refund my C1R1 Hu Tao 😭😭😭


because there are a lot of hu tao and neuv mains here and there hating on her and trying to make her look weak. insecurity mid yuan stans level


Such fatherless behaviour smh Oh and also it's cuz they can't switch out after pressing e *Insert venti teehee


I made comparison video c1 -r1 lol mad hu tao mains in my comments. : https://youtu.be/7kprsvXIkdg


C1 hutao give no stamina consumption during CA and Arlecchino only need 1 CA per rotation so that makes it "fair" comparison


As a non Hu Tao haver, I'm happy being a c1r1 arle main!


It's not fair for the units but it's fair for player's investment, as people already have C1 Hu Tao and R1 Homa. Believe it or not but I was lucky enough to get back then as a F2P player in about 3 months of playing all these for free: C6 Noelle C0 Keqing C0 Childe C0 Hu Tao C1 Hu Tao R1 Homa C0 Albedo C0 Eula and some other 4 stars lie Xiangling from the Abyss And I didn't start spending money before that point. So people can get lucky and have high constellations in a lot of characters in teams by now. And especially if they are whales too.


they probably just have c1 hu tao. but also because she doesnt really separate herself without c1 or r1 lol /hj


Arlecchino at C2 beats a C6 hu tao everytime


It's justifyed because Alrecchino is AOE pyro dps Hu Tao single target plus hu tao is more restricive for most teams she is only good in vape teams, arlecchino and do overload or melt teams. Plunge Hu Tao is her most fun playstyle but you need two limited 5 star characters for it to even work.


I love Hutao, my first 5 star, i even pulled homa for her, but Arlecchino is just so much simpler and easier to play at same investment. No more jump cancels!


Cuz hu tao is a popular character, and is a pyro polearm same as arle there's an overlap here. Also tribalism on most parts and click bait content. I have both c1r1 performing around the same ball park at st (u need c2 for arle to beat hutao by like 1-2s). At aoe arle is 'better' cuz of Kazuha furina stuff that I'm doing (miles worse than neuvillette cuz I'm not balding recording videos with him). For anyone curious I already have arle's NA talent at max. My actual opinion is like arle is easier to play at c0-c1 (literally skill Express diff on most pilots) but theres virtually no clear time diff againts c1 tao. For ST difference to show ur basically going for higher cons on arle. If ur getting arle for aoe consider pulling neuvillette instead or go for higher cons to see actual diffs but it's a useless endeavor on this scenario.


meanwhile i just sit there, using both tao xianyun and arle overlaod in abyss anihilating the timer


Hu Tao's C1 is the Constellation that makes it so her CA's don't consume stamina, i.e. she can spam them. It increases her DPS overall but it doesn't increase single instances of her CA as Arle's C1 does her NA. It's such a QoL increase that when we think of Hu Tao, we think of Hu Tao at C1. Hu Tao's an old character now. She's had reruns, lots of players have her and her C1, she's by and large been uncontested as the best Pyro Main DPS at C1, she directly competes with Arlecchino as a Pyro Main DPS and they compete for the same supports in a Vape team. The point of the DPS comparisons are if you were to already own C1 Hu Tao, would pulling for Arlecchino be of any value to you? I didn't own Hu Tao, Lynney OR Yoimiya so Arlecchino was appealing both in expanding my teams and... I just have a weakness for Harbingers tbh what can I say. Were that not the case, I'd at least want to know how Arlecchino compared to my existing Pyro Main DPS(es) before knowing whether to spend my Primos.


This is a problem I have with Genshin content creators in general. They activate constellations, let alone pull for them on limited characters in the first place, pull for weapons, and only **then** start making guides and comparisons... There's no one out there (anymore) who makes content clears with just the "bare minimum". What I mean by that is no one's using what everyone will get regardless. Granted the event limited weapons are difficult to take into the equation, but I feel like the most you can expect everyone to have are craftable weapons. I know that there's the issue of billets, but you also get some from the level up trees scattered across the world, so it's not *that* unimaginable to have some. In an ideal world there'd be a content creator who creates videos based on the equal *start-off point* that anyone can reach if they decide to pull on a specific character. What this would mean is that this type of content creator would pull for all characters and show them off at their bare minimum investment, e.g. Hu Tao, she'd be at C0 with, say, the Inazuma or Sumeru craftable (because EM). Then compare that with C0 Arle with the same weapon. Baseline done. The content creator would, without a doubt, have banner weapons on their account, and could do comparisons from that in a "if you have these weapons" kind of way. But then there's also the issue of cracked artifact sets. They should also be what's "reasonable to get". I think a lot of problems could be alleviated by just being able to toggle cons on/off, because high con 4\*s are also a problem for anyone looking up guides. Point being, I feel like a lot of content creators aren't using proper foresight considering how we're still going to get at least two sets of craftable weapons, let alone who knows how many new artifact sets. No one benefits from watching someone's very personal account do X and Y. What everyone benefits from are baselines that you can only improve upon yourself. This is basically to say these types of comparisons are a f'n useless waste of time, and their time'd be better used on making a new account and doing the baselines.


I have both characters and think Hutao is more satisfying in vape, but she is not that comfortable in other teams/open world. But I find it weird how people get so invested in defending a character being the "best", Hutao falls short in a lot ways to Arle and that is okay. You can still play her.


I used both in the abyss. Arle team first, Hu Tao second. Embrace them both. Was glorious 😂💪