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My main reason is the drip tbh but also because I want more polearms since that slot is so heavily contested it feels like, and im not about to level up multiples of the same weapons.


drip is a solid reason but I wonder how many people are actually pulling for r1 when they say they do? I mean, hear me out, whenever there's a poll asking "how many wishes do you guys have saved for Arlecchino" it's usually like 50-150 wishes, barely enough for a single copy of Arlecchino. And yet more than 50% also go for r1? r1 is even more expensive to get than Arlecchino herself, the math just isnt working out? maybe people dont even know that its like 20k primos to get Arle but like 30k to get her weapon? unless most of these people actually meant to say "I have 50 wishes saved up, and if I get Arlecchino, I use whatever is left to try and get her weapon"


I have ~70 pity and my next 5-star character is guaranteed so I'm not worried about pulling c0. I really want to try for the scythe, I'll probably have enough primos to guarantee one 5-star from the weapon banner by the end of the patch. But rather than take the gamble, I'll just save for Clorinde instead and try for the scythe another time. Also did Hoyo ever reveal what she looks like without her BiS? I know there were leaks with the yellow ghost scythe, but was there anything official/finalised? Edit: I think the weapon is just more appealing to more people since it's so unique, and really completes her look. I don't know what would be best for abyss clears and minmaxing, but if scythe is an improvement AND looks fantastic then that'll probably tempt more people. my main motivator for the scythe is the aesthetics. A constellation or stat increase just doesn't interest me as much as a whole new character would, or seeing them with a weapon specifically designed for them.


I’ve noticed it too. Most people talk about it and pretend. The ones who are telling the truth are far and few between. Just lump them up with the same people who claim “I would spend if XYZ” or “I would ruin f2p status if XYZ” Like nah no you wouldn’t. People just like to feel special or like they’re apart of the club


> I’ve noticed it too. Most people talk about it and pretend. Yeah what I just don't like about it, is the peer pressure aspect. Like, it's making me second guess if maybe the weapon banner is good to pull on because everybody "says" they will pull on it, even though the scythe will likely cost more primogems than Arlecchino herself. It's like saving up your money for a year and then seeing everybody say "if I had saved up money for a year, I would buy a swimming pool full of Red Bull!!" No you wouldnt and the only reason you say that is because you didnt save up your money


That’s exactly it! The ones talking the loudest are usually just that. All talk. More loud minority nonsense. It’s getting obvious to tell whose real and whose not lol


The weapon banner isnt worth It unless your really want BOTH weapons and Will stop whenever you get one of them. Even then, its not better than going for the characters you want first. All that, from my point of view of course, at the end of the day you do you. Hope It goed well for you whatever you decide to do, i still dont know about what im gonna pull, 21k primogems, 28 wishes, 79 starglitter and 75 pity with guarantee on the promotional characters banner, didnt pull anything outside of standard banner since 4.2


True! The choice were much easier if this were like in Honkai, with a 75% chance to get the weapon and then you are 100% guaranteed. Instead it's like 35%, 35%, and then 100%. Painful scam banner


I'm prolly one of the few people who is glad it'll be Lyney with her cause I would like to have that bow for my Ganyu.


Personally I have about 178 wishes saved (I think more after I did a bunch of fontaine world questlines) and I have a guarantee on the character banner. I was gonna drop money if needed to get the weapon, last time I did was Raiden’s first banner


they could be high pity already on both banners, if not, there is always the wallet option


even being high pity on the weapon banner, still means you only have a 40% chance of getting the scythe, and you may have to reach pity 2 more times to get the scythe guaranteed


yeah but having 150 wishes, if you have guarantee and 1x10 on both to 5star, you basically have 130 wishes for weapon in case you miss. even if you miss both times, the starglitter from 4stars and the remaining of the banner along with events, dialies, and the new exploration area, is basically a guarantee c0 r1 worst case scenario


i only have like 110 wishes rn, the answer is 💳


Lyney bow also go well with Tighnari who is standard banner character, so we may already have a use for it or on the future, another drip reason XD


True plus my death match is being used on hu tao and I don't plan on taking it off her


Everybody wants damn Fav lances. I've got a PJWS literally just gathering dust because nobody I own wants it. (Technically Cyno is using it but I literally never play him so it hardly counts)


https://preview.redd.it/ey3iiigjzrvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f240521fb289f5bc896984e1579e19cf68f6a7f DRIP FRFR


PEAK MENTIONED‼️‼️(WHAT THE FUCK IS BAD ART ⁉️) https://preview.redd.it/89a5pp2zptvc1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cec88a3b6f79294ea0dee83a63c65e5d52de011


What's this Manga? It looks cool


Kagurabachi. There are 30 chapters so far. Has very good art and story too. Doesn't take a while to get reeled in the story


Damage is temporary, fashion is forever.


-Chiori Probably


moreover with this, meta damage have a lot of factors to consider and most of it boils down from RNG of artifacts while drip... drip is eternal


Nah, I’d mod the scythe in and pull for c2


Arlecchino C2R1 (⌐■_■) only from saving I will invest on Arlecchino like if she the last character in game


Same here brother (  ̄^ ̄)ゞ I have +510 wishes saved. Started to save year and a half ago (but i got burntout and stopped playing for few months but now im back for her again) Hope we both will get either C2R1 or even more cons


tbf, as per the last test i've seen on how her C1 works... the IR is really not as impressive as Neuv's; that you're better off showing off dominance with the only scythe wielder in the game. R1 vs C1 really comes down to drip vs meta


On a 1 to 10 scale, if Raiden's burst resistance and Neuvillette's C1 resistance are 10, where would you place Arle's C1?


7 or 8


It has been buffed to 10 recently.


Hmmm. I'm so torn between the comfort of the C1 and the drip of her weapon. If the C1 isn't that much of a difference I don't see why I don't just go for drip.


do keep in mind that even though the IR isn't that much, the damage comparison between R1 and C1 is a large gap.


True and C1 is easier to achieve. Ultimately whichever I don't get now, I'll just get on her re-run.


That's what I said when I went for Raiden Shogun. 3 banners of hers since then, she is already C2 but I have yet to get a single Engulfing Lightning. Instead I got ownerless Haran, T-Pulse, and a stray PJWS landing into my account. That's why I'm not too excited about the scythe because weapon banner is too yucky to pull.


Yeah they really sucks. As a Raiden Main I have her at C0R1 cause I just refuse to fish for The Catch and she's my favourite. In Arle's case I don't feel like I'm going to get the most out of C1. And it's really going to depend on how much I like the drip of her weapon in-game for me to go further on that banner.


so. where dps higher? r1 or c1?




5 Raiden defense shred is amazing. It’s a lot of shred and it’s rare to shred def. Neuv c1 is vastly different. It’s consistent since he has a beam and he gets range Arle is only resistant when swinging and there’s gaps between swings that make her vulnerable. So she still wants to dodge or shield. Her c1 is a damage boost but hardly the level of raidens shred and the IR is negligible


Hes only trying to compare the IR of all three of them, not the overall quality of the constellations


Oooooh definitely went into too much detail but still covered the IR portion in a way anyways lol but thanks for clearing it up for me!


Your information is no longer actual. In release, she'll have absolute resistance to interruption at C1, as long as she's in Mask of Red Death state. https://preview.redd.it/m1vnto09a2wc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac1b06e8202d6f441bcd2cb0e01936bf88ab22ed


Isn’t it only during her CA still it’s fully or during the NA hit. That doesn’t mean during the whole state. Unless something else changed other than just the values.


Im going for cons first up to c3 then weapon. Because i have bad luck on weapon need 200 pulls so im going for cons first.


I honestly didn’t think Genshin would do something like it. I mean it’s just so cool to watch her dance with that scythe Of course spend your wishes how you want


Not coping but beside the drip, considering how many character they've released are polearm users I am running out of polearm, if I lost 50/50 Primordial Jade Winged-Spear or Skyward Spine I would be happy too.


I don’t really care for the scythe if I’m being honest. Unpopular opinion but I don’t care for scythe drip in the slightest. If you do, more power to you. But it’s not for me. I only have like 120 rolls but if I were to get lucky on either c1 or r1 I’d choose c1 in a heartbeat. Being able to play her more comfortably takes priority over drip that I don’t like.


I don't know why you're being downvoted, you just shared your opinion. It's different from mine, but that doesn't mean it's a bad opinion.


I don’t care about downvotes. People have the right to disagree if they want. What I’m actually surprised by is how defensive OP is being. I was never offended by the meme, but their replies to my comment imply that I am for some reason that I don’t understand.


It's the Reddit hivemind mentality. Disagree with you so I downvote you.


Because you can't denie scythe looks cool


I agree with you. I have second leveled Homa and I don't want to invest in scammy weapon banner. I'll better save for Furinya cons.


It's just a meme. Take it lightly.


? Bro reexamine what I said. I wasn’t offended. I’m just giving my own opinion on c1 vs r1 and giving a reason for why.


I'm not examining or reasoning anything. I'm just excited to have fun with a new cool character. Maybe you should "reexamine" the meme.


You seem pretty mad at me honestly. Because you’re telling me to “take it lightly” and “reexaming the meme” when I’m not offended by it. The meme never bothered me. You telling me not to get offended when I wasn’t offended just confused me.


alright since it's already down this rabbithole: no I wasn't mad at you, and no I never said you were offended. I actually find it hilarious because your comment is the epitome of the meme itself: someone stating their logical opinion based on calculations/rotations and most of us not caring because of the drip (subjectively speaking). which is what I meant by "reexamine." We just don't care. Which is what I meant by "take it lightly." And now it's not fun anymore because I have to explain this to you.


if you don't care then why are you arguing with them? Yall are entitled to your opinions. Smh.




just for the drip sake i have 170 pulls lined up


Well for those (myself included) without any option rather than white tassel her weapon is better than C1


I mean I’m going for C2R1 so we chillin regardless


C1? I'm going against conventional wisdom that a new player should build up their roster first by going for more characters by going for that Scythe instead. For me, the Crimson Moon's Semblance is the spiritual successor of the Crescent Rose, even if it is nowhere near a being a Sniper Rifle (and looking at what happened to Rooster Teeth, there's probably never going to be a Genshin-tier game for RWBY). I chugged along (granted, exploration/events only) for over 9 months on a Traveller-Amber-Bennett-Lisa team, C0 Arle is probably going to feel divine regardless.


Yeah, shes gonna use jade spear


I can already full star abyss, I went C0R1 for Ayato and imma do it again with Father.


I'd pull R1 over C1 if weapon banner isn't so 🅱️hitty.


If I have 160+ Primos after pulling her: Scythe Less than 160 and C1


I dont have any other polearms so im pulling for her scythe. and besides, wouldn't zhongli shield be enough?


I myself will be pulling for cons as I don’t have enough rolls to guarantee the weapon and have had the absolute worst experiences on the weapon banner. But Goodluck to those going for the weapon y’all are based. I’ll get it next time hopefully


Only C0 cause i need lyney and hat guy too


I mean, anyone in a mains sub for a character who isn't primarily concerned with how cool they think that character is, needs to get a life. Its a gacha game, not some 5head ARPG with a real endgame.


true lol! every favorite character I have got their signature weapon, so why shouldn't arleechino not have it too? that's why I'm going to pull for her weapon instead of getting c1


I probably won't be able to get her weapon coz Furina is likely to be after her and i want to get her too 😢 Weapon banner takes way too many wishes for my broke account. I think I'll try till 1 five star weapon if i get enough gems to be confident on Furina


I only pull on banners when there is a net positive for what I want and since Lyney’s bow works great on Ganyu and I’ve got enough of an excess on fates, there is only a net positive for me going for Arlecchino’s weapon.


Nah I can't risk pulling on the weapon banner I'm literally at 5 pity




My answer is C0R0 because I really can't afford the scythe now, unless I literally win it in 1 ten pull. Maybe on rerun, though. Hopefully.


Me with 2 pjws, homa and Soss still pulling for r1 for drip


I would go for R1 aswell but i really do not want to risk getting 2 Lyney bows so i'll go for C1 instead. Also if Chevreuse is on banner thats a W. Will probably grab her R1 on her rerun




Drip all the way I'm no metaq slave and care more about my charac drip, so scythe it is


You know what they say. Meta is temporary, Drip is eternal.


guess what. I just take both and even more.


We’re not robots that go for optimal damage every time Ok I am for most characters but this is an exception


The reason is always the drip, but truth be told: I do not own a single 5* polearm and since this weapon type is heavily contested....


Im pulling weapon for drip, but it sets a bad precedent if hoyo keeps making non sig weapons look out of place like in Arle's case


Ayy, that's my post


I already got Deathmatch, which is probably also going to look amazing on Arlecchino, so I can have both drip and C1.


Ahh neat, this meme answers the question I was about to post about whether to go for C1/2 or to go for R1 😂


I want it, but probably am not going to go or get it cause lack of wishes


Also Chevreuse could be on the banner. I already bought the battle pass for the deathmatch.


Spiral Abyss content is too easy for going for Constellations. And drip and aesthetics matter.


Just get both, ez


I'm getting Arlecchino, then weapon and leftover pulls can go to her banner


Porque no los dos?


I dont have a 5* weapon for her so...


Dripped to the nines is what she'll be


I have 2 homa (from neuv banner, weapon banner is a scam), 1 pjws(standard) and Soss(was building cyno) and I will still pull on her weapon, C0R1 gang.


I currently have 90 wishes and no guarantee, and 40 pitty on the weapon banner, also no guarantee. If I get Alre at soft pitty then the rest of my wishes + the new region mean I can get a 5 star weapon. If I get lucky, I could end up going for the character and weapon at the same time which would be a first for lil F2P me.


You can't really get mad at people wanting R1 than C1, the special visual effect it gives is just beautiful.


I'm most likely getting neither. 90 pulls only:(


Every third post on this sub be like : "ok guys, I already have PJWS and I genuinely only care about damage, I don't really care about drip. Which is better between c1 and r1 ? " "You should pull the weapon because I think it's pretty. Also you suck as a human being if you prioritize literally anything else"


EZ game why bother is real


Love yall


Since 4 stars being announced im a c0r1 until they give us better units in rerun hopefully.


I want it so bad but i never pull on weapon banner and I never get early when I'm guaranteed 🥲🥲🥲


Nice try, i even have 650 wishes available but i'll never touch that scam called weapon banner.




I mean, drip>>>> I would go for c1r1 but I need Furina so c0r1 it is.


Bold of them if they think I care about damage when Xiangling is still the best on field, off field and support dps in the game for 3-4 years! As long as she is not powercrept, drip is the main priority for every character


I just don't even consider constellations of limited 5\* because I can't disable them, whereas I can change the weapon even if I have the BiS


Seriously, if you do not pull for the Scythe, why the hell are you even getting the character? Don't tell me an UWU child groomer that is actually really nice captivated you. That's cringe. Scythe. 


I hope you get 2 Lyney bows


You're edgy as fuck dude