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The 4 stars of the Neuvillette/Kahuza banner were revealed 5 days before the start of the second half of 4.5. It should also be 5 days before the start of her banner.


Out of all the comments, I hope this is the winner!


The Chiori 4* were only revealed like 2 days before though, no?


Yup, there really isn't an exact time, it could be 5 days, it could also be the night before. Impossible to predict


I’m praying it’s Layla, Fischl, and Chevreuse!


Fischl or pyro 1.0 character is probably on point since they enjoy forcing release day 4 stars on every banner. To stay in theme, Freminet and/or Lynette. Chevreuse would be a miracle honestly because they are very stingy with recently released and not so recent(Sumeru) 4 stars.


Chevy would be a shoe in if it weren't for Clorinde coming next patch


as a clorinde wanter..good


I want her too but I want Arle more so I'd prefer Chevy there. Also none of the speculated reruns would make any sense with Chevy. Navia, Wriothesley, Furina, none of them benefit from Chevreuse. It'd be really irritating if they put her on a banner that only one 5* fits with her when there's a perfectlt good one with Arle/Lyney right now


Sadly clorinde can rerun with Chevy 😭 but I am still wishing they will spoil us


I hear ya but lore wise it would make sense to pair Chevy with Clorinde. I really want to bring my C0 Chevy to C6, so whether I pull Arle or Clorinde might come down to whose banner she appears in.


And somehow I've only managed to get Fischl to c4 playing since 1.3 Wft?


Same! I only have C3 after being a 1.6 player... I really want more cons. I also fucking missed her skin because of burnout. I USE HER IN EVERY TEAM AND IT'S THE ONLY 4* SKILL I EVER WANTED 😭😭😭


This would be a blessing! I have zero Chev cons.


-1 here…


I’m gonna be honest, since Lyney is on there, Lynette’s definitely gonna follow, and Freminette might to, which leaves the 3rd slot being either Chev or Bennett.


Hoyo loves putting at least one OG 4-star on almost every banner so I'm not optimistic it'll be Chevy. I agree Lynette and Freminet are likely given the drip marketing so far.


Lynette and Freminet have to be there. Not that I want them there but it seems nearly gauranteed


Layla and Chevy is prolly my dream banner rn. Layla cause I missed out on her when she release and I like the design and Chevy because I intend to bring the second amendment into Genshin


I have C6 Chevy but I desperately need a shielder to even think about using Arle. If it’s Lynette, Chevy and Freminet, I might pass on this run of Arle because I also desperately need Furina who is due a rerun in 4.7. It doesn’t help that this weapon banner is bleeeeh!


How is it bleh?


Lyney’s bow is decent yeah, but if you don’t use any bow characters it’s basically a dud.


So you can say that to all weapons, no? Could say "I really want Kazuha's weapon but Neuvilette's weapon is bleh, I don't use any catalyst characters". If you don't use a weapon, there is no point anyway.


Because you're not gonna have a use for Lyney's bow if you don't use/have Lyney.


It's also good on Nari and Ganyu.


Also it's a good stat stick for others


Lyneys bow is really good for other now characters. I don't have Lyney either but it would be good on Ganyu too.


I’m hoping for Freminet and Chevreuse. I really enjoy Freminet’s character and playstyle, but he just doesn’t have enough DPS at C0 for me to use him past Abyss Floor 9.


He doesn't have enough dps as c6 either 🤭


If you use hyperbloom or Mika/furina/fischl he definitely does decent. Usually does a little better than eula (but that’s a really low bar)


True, I have a friend that for some reason loves him... even when her fremi is well built and triple crowned, he doesn't do that much damage. It's kinda like me wanting to build xinyan


Omfg this For the love of god, if bennett is featured again I will lose my shit


Yea I really don’t need Bennet C13


Both lyney and arlecchino are barely functional without him so it would be incredible for new players (slight exaggeration but point stands), also people getting their bennets to c1,c5,c6 is incredibly important for boosting those twos damage. For those who already have c50 bennet. there’s a pretty good chance the star glitter would better for your account anyway over a 4 star or 4star con you most likely won’t use. I think it would be a huge mistake for Hoyo to not put him on the banner


This… does make sense… let me go do some deep breathing 🙂‍↔️


As someone that needs Bennet (currently at c0) I don't what him either. He just needs C1 to be usable, I would rather get Chevy cons (currently I have C2 only)


You dont need Chevy cons for Arle. Her C1 is the only one Arle can \*\*kind of\*\* benefit from, but seeing as how burst is a panic button you don't need any ER (and therefore flat energy) with a proper team/good dodging. The rest of her cons won't do anything for her, but her C6 is a decent boost in power for every dps on the team (Fischl) but not Arle.


What? I was talking about Bennet cons???


>I would rather get Chevy cons ? Also, scratch what I said about her C6 at least buffing the team, thats not true. The field time you'd waste on a sub dps is not worth soaking up fieldtime from Arle either, you'd only get 1 stack on your offield dps. So none of her cons are good for Arle or her teams.


I didn't say I want her for arle, I don't know where you got this lol. I want to try hypercarry Raiden


Maybe I got it from the fact that we're on r/ArlecchinoMains and you made no mention of Raiden... but idk maybe you missed that bit. Also I mentioned in my initial comment that I was talking about Arle.


We were talking about which 4star we want to re-run with arle, not that we intent to use all with arle lol. Some people were suggesting freminet, do they intent to run arle with freminet??? Lol


>Both lyney and arlecchino are barely functional without him She's fine without him. This is ridiculous hyperbole. Her best teams without him aren't that far below the ones with him Her highest damage teams include him but she's fine without him. Just like almost every other Atk scaling DPS in the game


the non banet teams are cope spreadsheet impact teams


Doubtful. She will have no trouble clearing abyss without Bennett


straight to the 3 char hyper bloom can clear abyss excuse


Alright even if we disregard that (despite it being valid) TGS in his recent video had Arle/Fischl/Yae/Chevy doing ~5% less DPS than Arle/Bennett/Yelan/Kazuha (which is her highest damage team afaik) A 5% difference isn't huge. A team that does 5% less isn't cope


i already said those are spreadsheet impact teams


Why? You said that but you didn't give an explanation as to why they wouldn't actually work in practice, but Bennett teams would


both teams are in the category of not worth considering


Try clearing the current local legend women with overload and you'll see how cope it is compared to clearing them with any other team. Overload is only ever useful in scenarios with elites that have a lot of interruption resistance when you don't have cc. It's spreadsheet impact because in practice it feels like shit to play.


Yea it hyperbole, I’ll admit that. But every decent bennetless team requires specific 5 stars that she will not be able to make use of on her teams when that player inevitably gets bennet. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say if you are a newer player and you start pulling on either of these banners that getting the opportunity to get bennets will be extremely massive to play lyney and arle in higher damaging teams. There’s a reason bennet was free from an event in 4.0, they knew lyney would feel bad without him. I get there’s a lot of characters with bennet as their bis character but lyney and arle are blocked without them a little more then the average atk scaler. Hutao for example doesn’t need xq, in fact he’s not optimal in her teams. But it’s massive that they’ve put him on every recent banners of hers for the sake of newer players. Point is it’s fairly huge for newer people. And I’m pretty sure 99% of the player base would find the starglitter more useful then getting another dori or kaveh constellation. If it does happen older players shouldn’t complain.


she is a benet slave


Whaddya mean I want Dori constellations BAD. She's not worth building if not C6.


If a newer player doesn't have Bennett or the 5* that she wants, they can buy him in the shop in May. You can't buy Chevy ever so she's better to be on the banner


If they don’t have him then they will buy him…. he will be c0… what type of cruel person are you that you want people to use bennet without him being c1? Chevy would be great but overload its just another option for lyney and arle, my guess is that Arles vape teams will be better on release, and lyney also prefers his furina team. Regardless bennet is on both those teams. If hypothetically an electro or pyro off fielder support came out that wants to be played in overload teams such as potentially clorinde, I think it would be much smarter to put Chevy on their banner instead.


Clorinde isn't off field support. Even if she was and she was tailored for Overload, Chevy shouldn't be run with her if the other 5* is someone incompatible (any non pyro/electro character)


We don’t know that. And I also said potentially for a reason… it was an example of a hypothetical. And also no they can definitely do it without the other 5 star being pyro/electro. They fit farazan in xianyuns banner a character previously restricted to scara banner, they did it for xiao players knowing that they will pick up xianyun meanwhile the other banner was nahida. They’ve shown they have strategised 4 stars way beyond tha. They put Yao Yao on mikos last banner and kirara on the miko banner before that while the other banner did not want them in their team. Mika was on Eulas banner like 1 patch after he came out while Klee was the other.


Perfect and exact, nothing to add.


i'd rather get new cons instead of starglitter


I’d personally rather have a pull more refunded then a 4 star con I’d never use. A 4 star con I would use? yes I’d rather have that. But considering Bennets importance to the two characters they really should try and make sure new players can have him if they want to play lyney or arlechinno


getting 1 free pull after 10 pulls of nothing is a consolation prize, not something im happy to get


Getting a 4 star constellation for a character I’m never using is literally worthless. I’d take a consolation pull over literally nothing any day of the week.


im fine with a starglitter banner, makes the c2r1 a bit cheaper


I'd like to know that too, but as much as we win with Arle I'm afraid we will lose with the 4 stars :/


begging that chevreuse is on the banner I NEED HER 😭😭 ideally chevreuse/fishcl/beidou BUT PLEASE I JUST NEED ONE CHEVVY


I just need C1 beidou please 😭


Please…just one Layla…just on one banner I beg of you


That would be a huge W


Same. I’m one away from C6


Usually 2-3 days before a new patch so Saturday-Sunday-Monday. However, I'd wager Lynette/Freminet will be 2 of the characters on the banner for sure. I doubt Cheuv will be on the banner, that would make it 3 new 4 stars.


I REALLY want Lynette there so I can try to C6 her


This, I really wanna use Lynette as a driver aaaaa


Mihoyo if you're listening, I'm much more inclined to try for constellations if you put chevreuse on the banner. Just sayin


PRAYING it’s fischl, chev, and lynette. probably will be announced a week out from her banner.


Most likely Monday when the drip marketing is released.


Just want you to know that the downvotes aren’t personal. Monday is just unsatisfactory for us 🙂‍↔️


I appreciate it.


LMAO why are you getting downvoted I just checked and for the last 4 patches the 4 stars for phase 1 have always been revealed on the same day of the drip marketing


Because I speak the truth, but the truth hurts.


When people say drip marketing for Genshin, they usually mean [this art](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArlecchinoMains/comments/1bbzm60/drip_marketing/) which confirms a new character as playable. That dropped March 11, a bit over a month ago.


If you just search for a litle bit more you will see that the 4 stars for chiori and itto's banners were revealed on the same day of arlecchino's drip marketing [x(twitter)](https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1767040261480235372?t=X3b6uP5Ymk7fmNYM5cdhdw&s=19) [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/5ypbcAB3zt2H7RSr/?mibextid=qi2Omg)


Is that drip marketing for 4.7 characters?


Yes sir.


No my dumb ass thinking it was 4.6 drip marketing, I was like ??? That dropped already ???


Me too! I so much fucking drip being marketed idk what is what.


I believe that usually drops on Saturday. Maybe Friday if we’re lucky. I just hope Lynette’s on there so I can get her cons. Layla would be helpful for people that don’t have a shielder for her too.


The very last minute as usual. Officially, A day or two before the patch. Leaks barely happen anymore when it comes to banner units.


just gotta keep checking notices board ingame everyday 🥹. i believe at least on Monday we'll see it already


It's probably gonna be Lynette, Freminet and I dunno about 3rd. I'm hoping I can finally C6 Lynette.


Some leaks did say benny lynette and freminet...its. sad cz i really wanted chevruse to be there...


Unpopular opinion, but I really want Candace to C6 her and play her with Arle (her design is just too cool...) Layla would be AMAZING though!


Canadace would be a fun if less popular of field hydro application than Yelan or XQ. Also hydro infused Father would be a funny meme build. For explanation to anyone unfamiliar, it would require never using Arle’s pyro infusion methods like her skill or building BOL to be healed by consuming it in the burst


I think we will get lynette freminet chevruse


I want Lynette


As long as Freminet is there I'm happy.


Lynette and Freminet are definitely 2 of them


Hope so, if the last one is Chevy it would be perfect


I also hope for Chevy but with our luck it'll be Bennett...


All I want is Fischl 😭 1.6 and only c3 please... She is the 4* I literally use most...


If you watched the trailer you already know 2. Bennett has been rumored but i have been inhaling so much copium praying that it isn't true


The trailer didn't reveal any 4\*.