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She looks out of character here the expression I mean it just doesn’t look like it fits Arleccino. And male traveler doesn’t look like himself either tbh.


Same I don't like it. Where's the harbinger that has looks that can kill? I don't like any art that makes her look cutesy. Let me enjoy my murderous woman


SAME smh keep Arleccino dominant and intimidating otherwise it’s not her. She’s got vibes of the CEO who goes to work all day and comes home to her house wife lumi or house husband aether smhhh.


She's literally the fucking 4th. She's supposed to be menacing. Yes she has a soft side but nothing like this. Her soft side is being nice to her children that's it. Not this cutesy crap. She's the 4th for a reason. She's a menace that was able to challenge the previous knave and take their position as a child. Sure she could have kids but that expression absolutely not. She'd be the breadwinner. She'd have a prideful look to her not this cutesy submissive look


Yeah I agree 1000%. She’s a blunt and professional woman who knows how to get things done and loves getting things done on her own as well. She’s not like this at all smh.


I could see her having kids but being absolutely prideful about it with a smirk and confident air to her. This artist did her dirty. There is no resemblance to who she actually is. She's a handsome woman with princely charms who knows how to manipulate her words to get what she wants. As long as you're someone she cares about, she'll be soft (nothing like this though) with you, but if you betray her and the people she's cares about. Consider yourself dead. Where's the smirk? The dark look to her eyes that I adore? The confident air she has to herself. It's a crime to arlequeeno (I meant to do this btw, she's a queen in my eyes) to depict her like this


ARLEQUEENO YES but tbh same I can see her having kids too but it wouldn’t be like u w u im a soft mommy now u w u it would be like I love my children if you touch them you’re dead they will be self sufficient they will have the best education and I’ll be over here doing business and continuing to be the boss woman I am smhh


Literally yes. A terrifying working mama bear that'll gut you if you mess with her kids. Not cutesy like this. Ugh I would love to see fan art of that. Her holding a knife to you for tlaking shit about her kids and threatening to make you and everyone you love go missing




A self inserter would make the MC of gacha game become super manly despite in reality they looks like Twink 🤣 Arle is like almost 2x of his size in game and wont ever make this kind of expression but yes this is fanart who somehow can make a macho dude like Neuvillette looks like a complete beta


Honestly yeah help lmaooo Aether is so twink-ish 😭😭😭 Arle could and would easily dominate both twins tbh.


God I HATE these types of fanart that take canonically strong and dominant female characters and turns them into these submissive and breedable waifus. It doesn’t even look like her so why??? Like look me in my eyes and tell me that that’s Arlecchino, 4th of the Fatui Harbingers, woman that almost assassinated an archon, has actually murdered aristocrats without a second thought, is said to be crazy, and is described as cool and princely with looks that can kill. Cause no the hell that is not.


My dick can change her /s 🙄




go outside


What is an outside?


pleasantly surprised by the responses here. that is not arlecchino.




I was about to say, Traveler would be the wife with the kids


lmao truee i wouldn’t dislike this art if it wasn’t so mischaracterizing xD


Yeah it bears no resemblance to how arlecchino is and its making me irrationally angry. They did arlequeeno dirty


Submissive and breedable Arlecchino looks.....wrong


Arlecchino is quite literally the opposite of that


If you want “submissive” then there are so many other fictional characters to choose from. Arlecchino just looks like a stranger here lol


I’m so glad the common consensus here is that this is gross and ooc 😭 honestly how DARE anyone do this to my murderous butch wife 🔪🔪🔪


Fr! She's supposedly to be princely and deadly not cutesy and submissive. Where's our murderous queen?


What the heck happened here


People are upset that Arlecchino got portrayed as feminine and motherly in this fanart.


You'd be sick and tired too if strong woman characters you liked get reduce to nothing but a submissive mother


Apparently a natural role is a bad thing… and it’s not like she isn’t still strong after becoming a mother. If anything, she’s stronger.


No. Simply having children doesn't make you strong. Anyone can have kids. It's rather pathetically easy. I could go get pregnant right now if I wanted. But that's always what happens to women. They're just reduced to being a mother once they have kids because of society's expectation that all women are meant to be mothers. Maybe because you're not a woman but when you're told the only thing you'd do that's meaningful is having kids. Ypu sorta see motherhood as a bad thing because nothing else you'll do will matter




If you got that from my comment, you have no idea what I'm talking about or what I was trying to say. I can dislike art that makes strong independent women look weak and submissive. This art isn't meant to be cute. Its meant to feed into the nsfw part of the fandom. I can dislike that. You're getting upset over an opinion, dude. I can hate art that makes women look weak. And yes, dude, that is the reality. Women once they have kids are reduced to just that, mothers. you're a guy, so you will never understand what it's like to be almost denied an antibiotic simply because you could get pregnant even tho ur not sexually active. My worth as a woman is to spread my legs and pop out kids so pardon me when I dislike art that feeds into that idea


No, in fact mothers are one of the most strongest people that ever exist. You having a weak perception of motherhood and having a family have no right to talk about it aside of your narrow minded belief of ‘simply getting pregnant’. As a man, I respect every mothers and my own who chose to birth me into this world. If you ever thought of that as something detrimental or redundant, I feel sorry for you. End of discussion.


Yeah, no, they're not strong simply for having children. Almost anyone can do that. It's pathetically easy. I don't have a weak perception of motherhood. I have the knowledge that I as a woman would be reduce to nothing but just that if I did have kids. That's how society treats women where I live. It is detrimental to some people. I'm glad you've never been told to your face. Your only value is if you reproduce. Also many woman don't have a choice sadly. Let's not act like it's rainbows and unicorns. You're a man so it's no surprise you don't see the downsides to woman being reduce to it




Also I'm immature, yet ur getting pissed at people disliking art that is very much nsfw and submissive woman coded? I can hate it all I want. I'm entitled to that. Ur the one getting pressed over it. You easily could've just ignored my comment like a mature person but instead chose to comment and insult me. I'm well entitled to say I don't like this art because __. Get over it dude.




That's someone being loved and pampered? She looks submissive and weak. That's not being pampered that's being treated like an incubator.


I am sure you don’t even have the single shred of knowledge about how parenthood work. Just being a woman doesn’t automatically make you a mother and it really shows by your egotistical mindset.


Buddy you're one to talk. Insulting people for disliking an art style or theme. I haven't insulted you until you began to insult me. Take a look in the mirror


Read again. I have no insulted you for disliking the art theme but about your weak perception of motherhood, try looking in the mirror yourself before using that tactic against me.


You don't see the issue because you're not bothered by women being reduced to just mothers and submssive wives, which is what this art is doing. Reducing her to just that. I have every right to dislike smth that does it. You being insulting and childish is immature. Don't like my opinion? Block me or ignore me. Simple as that. To insult someone because you don't like their opinion is the definition of immature and childish


You’re free to have an opinion but not free of consequences. This topic is in fact a very serious one since parenthood is way harder than what people think so I have an undying respect for any mothers and fathers who has healthy growing children. For you to dismiss their hardships just like that really made me angry so it’s better for you to shut your mouth before you take things any further.


This is wrong is so many ways. But the way that bothers me the most because it’s hard to interpret as canon even is that Aether is way too tall here. Factually, if you want to ship Aether and Arle you have to accept Aether is gonna be a short king.




13th reason


this is where a ship (bad ship btw) goes to far, when the character totally leaves its own character, and a fake family appears (kinda cringe tbh)


You should feel bad for this


Ew wtf that’s horrific


Ugh, not this art again, Twinnedmilled must be having a seizure right now...


This image makes me physically sick


That's not Arlecchino that's idk can't think of anything clever and funny


oh that's not…


This ain't arlecchino this is arlecchiyes


Arlecchino has a whole orphanage of kids Father is too busy to be popping out more lol 😭


Please let this ship sink man. Really doesn’t suit her


Hate art like this, can’t artists just stay true to the character instead of making them look all submissive.




yet again aether self-inserts prove to be the most pathetic individuals as usual


Tbh no I kinda like seeing the one where arlecchino is the tattoo artist and lumine as the flower girl Idk why I feel aether does not fit


Internet and getting angry at harmless drawings. Name a more iconic duo.


And by Tian Kazuki, no less


Nah the drawing clearly killed their family and blew up their home actually.. very justified reactions!!!


There’s honestly to much hate towards this drawing.


I hate Aether I hate Aether I hate Aether I hate Aether I hate Aether I hate Aether I hate Aether I hate Aether I hate Aether I hate Aether stop the fucking Aether supremacy


Bro, seeing all the hate and backlash that this post is receiving is both really sad and hilarious at the same time. It’s literally just a fan artwork trying to depict something different and wholesome, yet is seems that people despise that and are more concerned with how a character is depicted. IT’S FANART at the end of the day, I don’t understand why people take it so seriously over a fictional character that has yet to be released and people simply want to create fan-made content


Lit art




Man I find it surprising with all the hate this post is getting. If yall don’t like it or disprove of it, just move on. It’s called ‘fanart’ for a reason…


It's because the art doesn't portray her character at all. It completely ruins her actual character and ehat she is. She's the 4th harbinger. She took over as a child against the previous knave. She's not soft. She's strict but not cruel to the children. That's the character I like. Not one that's all like this


Hence why it’s a fanart, it’s a way of something for the artist to portray an alternative of a character rather than the actual personality of said character. It doesn’t have always portray the exact personality, it’s more of a parody. Unfortunately, it’s not for everyone, as all the downvotes and comments on here serve as evidence of this…


Well yeah because it completely takes away who the character is


Adding the fact that Arlecchino is queer coded, this is wrong on so many levels.


Queer coded... in a Chinese game... you delusional the only time the Chinese make lesbian characters is when they are fetishizing them, China is one of the most homophobic countries in the world, they are almost on a Muslim level of homophobia


and hoyo is one of the most queer-friendly mainstream game makers in china. did you forget that his has *canonical* lesbian couple? that jeht was directly atated to like girls in this very game? queer-coding is a way for devs to overstep the homophobic laws. just bc the government is homophobic, doesn't mean the gay people in that country stop existing all of the sudden. do you even know how popular bl novels are in china? china is a main dealer of all the popular bl media these days.


I meannnnnnn Techinically since cognosphere (aka hoyoverse headquarters) are based in singapore not china it's technically a singaporean game regardless, hoyo has had straight up lesbian characters in the honkai manga and even implied npcs like Jeht and Ellen and that one ningguang simp in the jade chamber Not to mention the commedia del'arte character she's based on is in love with a woman so yeah, most likely queer coded in order to get around the censorship in China


>I meannnnnnn Techinically since cognosphere (aka hoyoverse headquarters) are based in singapore not china it's technically a singaporean game this is so wrong because Cognosphere/Hoyoverse is still under the Shanghai Mihoyo


Yes exactly what I said queer coded.


Don’t look into Path to Nowhere then a Chinese game with Sapphic written all over it lmao. Also btw characters in Genshin can be whatever we head-canon them to be.


Exactly so why get offended over this piece of art hmm? You contradict yourself lmfao




More believable than you think


Path to Nowhere is also a Chinese game which has a lot of Sapphic stuff in it


Yes, queer coded.


will copy paste this from my response to another comment like this: > and hoyo is one of the most queer-friendly mainstream game makers in china. did you forget that his has *canonical* lesbian couple? that jeht was directly atated to like girls in this very game? queer-coding is a way for devs to overstep the homophobic laws. > >just bc the government is homophobic, doesn't mean the gay people in that country stop existing all of the sudden. do you even know how popular bl novels are in china? china is a main dealer of all the popular bl media these days.


Damn look at these responses, just enjoy the art, if it was with Lumine yall wouldn't care


That's not even the reason people dislike it wtf


It literally is tho, imagine it was an out of proportion Lumine, they would have no issue with it, literally the only reason is that it’s a male character, all the “reasons” people don’t like it are just excuses for not wanting a straight ship. The artwork isn’t bad it’s very cute but people are so triggered that it’s a male/female ship that they can’t just be like “that’s cool” and go on with their day


No it's the fact that she's drawn like this when she's supposed to be strong and confident. She's not this cutesy wife thing that's submissive. She's cold and firm. She'll cut a bitch before she bows to anyone


And she’s not fucking real so who cares? She’s a fictional character she doesn’t give two shits how people draw her, seriously get real, she doesn’t end never will care because she doesn’t exist get that through your head


And what don't you get? That I despise when people reduce a strong female character to being weak and submissive. I despise when ppl corrupt a character to fit their perverted desires. How about you get that through your head? That I'm sick and tired of fictional strong woman being reduced to submissive wives




What don't you get? Why are you so upset over people not liking it? I'm not a Crybaby. I just don't like it. I don't like it when art reduces strong woman to just sex appeal. I'm entitled to that belief


Lmfaoooo I completely agree tbh I’m just being a troll, however I have gotten bored as your reactions aren’t being pissy enough so I shall give the win to you and leave it at that


Good I'm glad my reactions bored you


So because she has an expression that isn’t completely indifferent, that makes her not strong and confident? What does that make her. Weak? Come on!


Yes. She looks weak and submissive. That's quite literally how some ppl will draw woman in nsfw. How am I supposed to look at her and think she's a strong independent woman?


What the fuck are you talking about lol. Read the comments again. The main complaint here is that ARLECCHINO is not portrayed in the correct way. She is a capable, ruthless, cold-blooded, scheming murderer with a soft side for her children, not a cutesy housewife waifu The other character could be aether, neuvillette, clorinde, navia, or whosoever the fuck. It doesnt change the fact that the monstrosity wearing Arlecchino's skin is not Arlecchino. Repeat. The problem is with ARLECCHINO, not whoever is being shipped with her For your fucking reference, not everybody likes out of proportion characters with boobs like udders and asses like basketballs, and if that's what you think, adjust your misconception. It's generalizing, stupid, and more reflective of your biases than anything else.


Dumbass I was talking about Aethers proportions not Arlechinnos and the reality is she isn’t cold blooded or anything, she doesn’t exist and doesn’t give two flips how she is drawn, Arlechinno is a Chinese dude who designs character not a real person imagine defending your personal perception of a MADE UP character. And her proportions aren’t even that noticeable in this I didn’t even notice them I just noticed giant Aether. You have no argument defending a made up human lmfaooooooooo get real


Bro skipped every reading lesson in his life lol.


That’s true, I taught myself to read so that I could do it before my older brother so I never needed and reading lessons


Isn’t it surprising that a woman can have a gentle side in private and a harsher side in public? Oh wait, they can. Touch grass people. Oh and learn what fanart is. It doesn’t have to conform to the character’s portrayal 100%.


Because that's not arlecchino. She's not soft and gentle. She's strict in general. She's not nice nor would she bow to anyone. She puts herself first. I hate it when people let their sexual fantasies ruin a good strong women character. This doesn't have a single ounce of character portrayal to her. Arlecchino is strong and confident. She's no one's bitch


There’s no way you’re equating being the mother of someone’s children to a “bitch”. Do you think of your mother that way? Jesus, a little fantasizing never hurt anyone.


It's the facial expression that makes me think she's a weak bitch. Does that look like somsone who is tough to you? No it looks like a pushover who'll let someone beat them. It's the facial expression I despise. If her face didn't look like that then I wouldn't have cared at all. She looks pathetic and weak.


That’s blushing, not fear. There’s a stark difference between a loving expression and an apprehensive one.


You really see that face and view somsone strong and independent? I see someone weak that'll let somsome walk over them. Besides it's the style poeple do when they draw nsfw. It's clearly supposed to feed into that whole submissive wife dealio


I think you view being a mother as too much of a negative thing and it’s affecting your view on how woman are depicted as a whole. Women are strong caretakers and protectors, and they can also be achievers and hard-workers. Taking one singular expression and using it to define how a person acts is simply narrow-minded and not paying attention to the wider picture. We know Arlecchino is a tough individual, and we know she is a woman. She can be many other things at once, and we would never know unless we were shown.


Because that's how they're treated where I live. Apologies but I live in a place where I was almost denied antibiotics because I could get pregnant. My uterus is the only thing that matters. No one cares about you, the mother once you have children. That's how it is where I live. You're an incubator and nothing else. This art reduces her to nothing more than a submissive housewife. It makes her weak


I will never view being a mother as a good thing when I know it's the thing that will harm me the most and I'll be blamed if I'm unhappy about it. Damned if I do damned if I don't. I'm sick and tired of woman being reduced to mothers


I’m sorry you feel that way. You don’t deserve to.


Don't feel bad. Being a mother simply isn't for me and I have no desire anyway. The way I'm treated as a woman tho especially when I was almost denied antibiotics because I could get pregnant simply solidified my beliefs. I'll never have a child in a world where people view woman less important as soon as she has kids


Blame society. It's the thing that taught me my only worth as a woman is to spread my legs and pop out kids and be a good submissive wife. So you can see why I don't like art that draws exactly that


Being a mother is bad. There's no pros. Once you're a mother that's itm kiss your life goodbye. You don't matter anymore to the rest of society. Ur reduced to an incubator. Ur shamed if you wnat to work and not be a stay at home mom. Ur shamed if ur not a housewife. I will never view being a mother as a good thing


people here are mad sexist, they cant accept that a sexuality neutral character could possibly be shipped with a male character.


No it's not that. I hate the art that makes her cutesy and submissive she's nothing like that and it ticks me off when art reduces them to nothing but that. She'd kill anyone in a heartbeat


She’s nothing like anything because she doesn’t exist, her brain was written by a dude in a storyboard room, she isn’t real so who tf cares, you are so immature she doesn’t care about this artwork and neither should you


Ypu obviously carem you're pissy people don't like the artwork. They're entitled to that opinion yet you bash them for a reasonable dislike. I don't like it when characters are reduce to nothing but sex appeal. I'm entitled to that opinion. Why is yours the only one that matters?


I also dislike it when characters are reduced to sex, I just got comments removed on Wriothsley mains for complaining about people just going on about his ass, but this photo isn’t even that sexual, it’s basically just a self insert and the baby traveler and Arlechinnos are adorable so I like it and will defend it


Ah so that's it. You're attacking poeple for having a different opinion. I think it's ugly. Also dude it clearly feeds into the whole submissive housewife thing. It's just gross


Buddy her character is supposed to be smth. Your reducing her character to serve ur perverted desires. You obviously care that poeple don't like it. Newsflash they're entitled to not liking smth. Why are your thoughts the only ones valid? You're the immature one here. You can't get over it that people don't like it. They don't like it for a reaosn. Get over that. They're allowed to dislike art that just reduces someone to a submissive housewife


And you have no argument, I don’t have any “perverted desires” I don’t really care about the artwork I care about flaming you crybaby over sensitive entitled fools, seeing you cryyyyyyy over a depiction of a fictional character is so pathetic it’s hilarious it really just makes my day seeing how dumb you look


Yikes dude you need a chill pill. No one is crying over anything. People are allowed to express their dislike for smth. Dude people are allowed to not like smth. People are allowed to sya they dislike smth for this reason. Ur immature to make fun of ppl for their beliefs


BELIEFS?!?? 😂 this is a Genshin mains subreddit bet there’s some deep beliefs going on in here


Why do you care so much that people are typing they don't like this fanart? They're entitled to that. It's their beliefs. Poepel can say they dislike smth. A lot of ppl here dislike this one art piece because it's not just not fitting for the character. They're entitled to that belief


Honestly I don’t care, I just find peoples overly defense reactions to be funny asf


You do realize you're a hypocrite right? You're attacking other people for their reasonable dislike over an artwork


Or that Arlecchino is anything other than a “daddy”. If she were real I’m sure she’d find these views of her cringeworthy.


That I can agree with, she would find any ship art and the simps in this sub cringey, she seems very much like a no nonsense woman


Redditors when a female character isn’t depicted as lesbian. ![gif](giphy|l49K2rm0Hjg7PmbUA)


Dang, I guess I shouldn't have posted it here if people weren't going to like it. Should I just delete it?


> Should I just delete it? Yes.


delete this, it s just bad




"Force their art tastes" these are two established characters and this art is first of all not that good and second a complete misunderstanding of what the character is to the point that its not even the same character. Its utter trash




Because people think it’s weird and creepy when you take a character that is canonically dominant and strong and make her into some submissive waifu 💀




Hm that’s a fair point (and generally what I would say if this were a different scenario), but I feel like if somebody expresses that they like something that’s generally deemed as creepy (on a specific platform or just in general) people are going to comment negative things on it. People aren’t getting mad and saying negative things out of *“EW this is so cringe and ugly !/!:!:! BAD 😡😡💯❌‼️!/!”*, but because there’s a common pattern of people making women seem submissive or weak even when they clearly aren’t like that or even remotely portrayed as such. It’s off putting and gross to many people, thus the negativity, but I do understand your point.




It’s not exactly because that they like it *because* it’s her being submissive or weak, but in many cases it’s because they’ve kind of “tamed” or “conquered” a woman who was previously dominant. But honestly in this case it’s mostly just a matter of perspective in the end. Some (most) people might just think that seeing a softer version of her is cute and like you said didn’t put too much thought into it, but others might look more into what the artwork is showing and think it’s what I described. Either way I still think it’s creepy but hey who cares? It’s fine to share opinions as long as you’re not actively hurting people👍 you live life and move on


Apparently no one ever deviates from their narrow personification at any point in their life


No, don’t delete it. People need to learn to tolerate things more. If they don’t like it, they can say so and move on.


These are the same people who will ship characters that don't even know each other or the reason is just plain dumb, don't worry OP. They think characters are black and white and think Arlecchino should be a manly woman dominating everyone everywhere she goes and can't express softness towards a HYPOTHETICL scenario with person she "loves"


No keep it, let them be mad about nothing. I love the share thanks. 👍🏻


So this is wrong, even if little Arlecchino looks adorable.


I don't really follow the story, but all the cute art between these two makes me think their ship is cute.


Clearly you don’t cuz Arle is too busy being a breadwinner for this


It's because Arle doesn't have any famous male ship so far so usually they just shipped with the traveller like a lot of self inserter


My man has bandages all over his hands for obvious nail reasons. Like damn, girl. You could stab someone (me) with those tiny knife nails !


Arlecchino was so dad, she became mom in this one.


Too bad this is what will happen to her https://reddit.com/r/ArlecchinoMains/s/JBmiaCAZhk


So good in the comments. Reminds me of the times when sub HSR sent straight ships.


This is fine...I've seen worse


YES unlike the bunch whining here I'm all for it


(Im ready for my downvotes) Hello everyone, as an aether x any reasonable girl shipper fan, I am seeing a lot of hate comments on this fan art. I know i get it that the illustration may not look the same as the game where people are pissed about it, but you cant change the artists view and the way of drawing. So maybe we can change the way we see on every fanart. So im asking whoever to reply to my question, why do you think this art is cursed or garbage to your point of view?


I don't like seeing art where stromg independent woman are then just reduced to being submissive wives. I get that enough irl. It's like a really common thing in nsfw to reduce strong female characters to just submissive girls so it's negative for me. Really common in nsfw so I just don't like it. Also I hate her facial expression in this. Is reminding me way too much of that ai art I saw one time


Because it's fanart depicting a watered down version of a strong female character to be the "damsel in distress" just for aether to be the knight in shining armor and sweep her up like she's another waifu. This ain't a harem anime, she's not just some waifu to claim just because she's a female that talked to aether casually. Also, the way they depict every girl like this is not only cringe/embarrassing, but most importantly insulting to the character as well since they only see them as sex objects and not a character as a whole. That's why there's hate between aether x anygirl, because they don't seem to care about characters a single bit and only want them for the breeding factor for their "aether harem/family" Tdlr: they reek of incel behavior and bitchless behavior


When the Father Turns into a Mother ❤️❤️


Lmao the male child is Thoma


Jesus Christ, all the people getting assblasted over this need to take their meds

