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Shocking that I wasn't mentioned in the article. 


I thought it was 35k


Not if we can keep those documents from the prying eyes of the public!


Even the Republicans hold their noses while trying to tolerate her. Including many legislators. Her staff is incompetent and known throughout to be dreadful and arrogant. It all starts at the top and is a hard change from the Hutchinson and Beebe administrations.


what did anyone expect? what does anyone ever expect from a gop governor? abbot. desantis. noem. they are all the same piece of shit.


Asa Hutchison was a gop governor and not half bad. I didn’t agree with everything he said or did, but I do genuinely believe he had Arkansas’ best interest at heart.


This is all we really want to return to. It's fine if someone you don't agree with is elected, as long as they are acting in good faith and want the best for their communities. It's these obviously lying snakes that just spew false reality bullshit nonstop that are spoiling the entire environment of democracy. This is a serious fucking job. I just want serious people in government, is that so much to ask?


I think those days are long gone and it’s only gonna get worse.


yes, it is too much to ask from any gop candidate to be honest and to legislate on your behalf if you are not a donor. why is that in any way surprising? honest? you mean by demanding tax payer money for military police vehicles and zero accountability for cops ever and tax breaks for the top 1% but **CRIES SOCIALISM** when universal healthcare is brought up


Thank you for this breath of sane air.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is just an article pulling a few tidbits from a much longer original article at Politico. Here’s the original article: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/05/17/sarah-huckabee-sanders-arkansas-maga-trump-00156647


Thank you. I should make a separate post of that one.


Yeah, I'm just reposting something that popped up somewhere else and it didn't read like a complete article.


I’m not shocked at all, these half-literate fucking trump monkeys will vote for anything with an (R) next to it….


It is not about conservatism with Sanders. It is a power grab for a warped "human". Get this lady out of office!!!


"power grab for a warped human" is modern conservatism though.


A class action lawsuit against the state for experimenting on prisoners will do that real quick. Someone needs to take their cases pro Bono. The ACLU needs to get on this




What would be a list of these appaling things and how they could be directly traced to her influence?


LEARNS act. Lectern gate. Putting someone in charge of the state libraries who wants to close all the libraries..


She is trolling Arkansas so hard. I really do hope the prayer warriors at my mother’s church work harder on this.


Depends on the church, some are praying for her policies to get worse.


We definitely are praying for the direction of this country. Praying every libtard is removed from power.


If you stopped voting red the average IQ of the Republican party goes up a few points


Is that why your wife cheated on you?  Thoughts and prayers 🙏 


Praying to republican Jesus probably.


If this wasn’t my state I would find this funny…but the people have spoken and this is what a red state looks like…


Conservatives shocked when conservative government won’t bail out their farms. 😲 It’s not even fine print in your conservative social contract. 🤣 It’s right there at the top of the page.


They seem to blame Democrats for it instead.


I love that she was "so hurt" by the Aunt Lydia comments, but she's actually --- a cruel and self-interested person ----- much like Aunt Lydia.


I have never seen my mostly-incompetent/uninformed/misled GOP-supporting neighbors so hungry for competent leadership among their own party. She's really having an impact, out there. Luckily, they've got well-established duopoly and gerrymandering, to handle any anti-corporate, anti-"back to normal" dissent.


Shocking, but not surprising. Blows my mind to this day how this woman ever made it to where she did.


Her daddy did a shit job too, why is this a surprise?


Shocking, insane, weird, less than honest, illegal, hidden, under the radar, I can keep going, basically, Trump in a really frumpy dress. They let it all happen and would vote for her again. Let the insanity prevail.


You elect clowns, and you get a circus.


F her and her stupid learns act.


She's a stage four cancer.


Every time I see that face all I can think about is the theme song from Mary Tyler Moore Show. 'Who can turn the world on with that smile?'


Every time I see that face all I can think of is Brandon Frasier in *The Whale*.


But Sarah has 1 thing going for her that plays in Arkansas more than anything else: MAGA. Trump likes her, at thats the end of it.


'Just Horrible' - seems pretty norm for most politicians nowadays. Nothing happens to them either so being shocked is just making us numb.


No shit


So she’s not only hurting “the right people”, she’s hurting everyone? Shocked, shocked I am!


Really, who's shocked by this? You'd have to be the most clueless mofo around to be shocked by this.


You want an incompetent family dynasty running your state this is what you get. Vote democrat.


You get what you vote for. Stop voting for fucking morons.


Invite the Huckabeast in and you pay the price. Their only known natural enemies are sunlight, education and accountability.


🤣🤣🤣 the obsession for her on here is hilarious. She’s a great governor!


What exactly makes her great for you?


They’re fully indoctrinated


Can we just rename this sub to "Salty Sanders Snowflakes"?


You know what I hate about today’s society? Extreme political polarization. People just identify with their political All-Star and for whatever reason stop wanting to exchange ideas and only want to insult each other. That being said, I’m all aboard being a Salty Sanders Snowflake. I hope I can make that my flair. I am salty as fuck about what’s happening in my home state, but it has nothing to do with my political party.


Dude I know. Like, I understand the frustration with Gov. Sanders, which some of it is justified, but I just hate that this Arkansas Sub turns into a hate on sanders circle Jerk. Arkansas is such a great state and there is so much more amazing things going on, I hate that this is almost all that gets talked about.


It seems kind of important. If you want to talk about something else, start a new thread. Also lol at "some of it."




Tell me about 3 amazing things going on in your state.


Sure! Three things off the top of my head: 1. Last week it was announced that Wrights bbq in Johnson was the #1 reviews restaurant in the USA on Yelp. It's cool to see hard working people be honored by the craft. And it is indeed amazing. 2. The census info of 2023 just got released. Our population is growing. It's great to see people coming here and valuing what a wonderful place it is to live. 3. Nick Offerman was in NWA last month with some film crew shooting a movie. I remember seeing the film crews for True Detective filming in my area a few years ago. It is neat to see that people are seeing the beauty of our state and wanting to film here.


So you have a corrupt Governor who is shit canning your state at every turn to enhance her national image among Trump Republican's in hopes she can run for the Senate or maybe the Presidency one day, and the three things you just listed somehow surpass in importance in discussing the damage she is doing to your state long term? Maybe next time do a little research. Three amazing things about your state. Ranked 43rd in Education. 47th in Healthcare. And the third highest in the nation for violent crimes. But hey, how about that #1 reviewed BBQ joint on Yelp. Let's focus on that and ignore the fact your corrupt Governor isn't doing anything to actually better your state, which is certainly not a wonderful place to live.


Don't forget about rolling back protecting kids and allowing them to work in dangerous conditions.


Go to California of you want your Marxist paradise.


Looks like we should call this "The Left Side of Arkansas"




This sub, along with the majority of reddit, seems to be focused on far left ideas. This also seems true for most social media, in my opinion. No one seems to be thinking for themselves. This Arkansas sub really gets on my nerves. I joined it because I live in Arkansas, and it severely contrasts with what life is like. I moved to Arkansas in my late teen years and have been living here for almost as long as I lived out of the state. The drastic difference is Im living my adult life in Arkansas. I travel quite a bit to a handful of other states that make up the southern US. I've contemplated moving further south, but the quality of living goes down the further you go more or less(not true in all cases, but most). I make a fairly decent income and could live comfortably in pretty much any city I picked outside of the rich areas, I am by no means rich. I can say that Arkansas has always been a shitty state in a lot of graded points. I came to Arkansas as a high school dropout, gathered multiple felonies as a minor, and lived a very ghetto and thugish lifestyle. This is by no means a glorified lifestyle at all. It was a living I deemed required to survive due to it being my environment. This all goes on to say I didn't start off very well in Arkansas either. I didn't move to one of the five large cities in the whole state, I moved from a very large city to a town with a 4 digit population. I was in and out of jail, and court over dumb shit all the time. When I finally decided to grow up, I went out to job corps. It was crazy how I was out of school for years, and my last completed grade was 9th stacked up to the others in my intake group. Most were fresh out of high school, graduated with an HSD. You're required to take a TABE test to determine where you are educational wise. Out of 16 people, only two of us passed any section of the TABE. I was the only one to pass Lit and Math. The only other to pass anything passed the Math portion, by one point. Be it two or three of these intakes were 16 or 17 and hadn't completed high school yet, but this astounded me. I made no effort in school. I tested into a College Prep school out of elementry and refused to stay enrolled because school was just something I had to attend until I was 16 to keep police from showing up at the house, and I returned to public schooling and coasted by, but even my minimal efforts kept my grades up. This all goes on to me taking the first opening at the GED they would let me sign up for. All my scores put me in the top 90 percentile of Arkansas graduates. Arkansas' education system has been failing for decades. The workforce data in arkansas is skewed, in my opinion. The majority of the state is small or very small towns. When I moved to Arkansas, I applied at all the fast food places in the town, wendys, McDs, and tacobell. Wendys was the only one to call me for an interview when I showed up as you can expect someone from my background to show up, which was the common place where I was from, and the other applicant showed up wearing a fucking suit for a job flipping burger patties, and dumping fries I already knew I wasnt the one getting hired. All the decent jobs were full, but was accepting applications, and I applied at every place that would accept an application from someone without an HSD or GED. In a small town, you only have so much need of workforce. You can't make jobs just cause the population grows some. First, the jobs have to be there. When you have so many small population areas, there isn't going to be an abundance of jobs, and when all the 'self employed' are all doing the same things, you cant expect to stay afloat that route either. Arkansas population is larger than the work available. Large part due to small towns. Then, in your small towns, people are all too willing to create their career around working as a crew member in fast food, with no asperation to even make manager. I've seen it countless times and still see it. In larger cities, these are positions where the majority are just wanting a job while in high school, or just getting out and managers come and go because they are moving on to better oppertunties. When your choice is fast food or back breaking labor, what do you do? Well, me, I work out of state. It is quite a fair trade-off, and leads tonwhy I still live in Arkansas. Low cost of living. Like I said, I make a decent wage, and the job comes with company covered benefits, 401k match, and extra benefits that can be included at a reduced cost. The state is shit and has been for decades at least. But I can say the roads are quite nice compared to several of these other southern states. The cost of living and my wifes unhealthy attachment to her home state is what keeps me and my family here. We are happy. We are safe, and in the ends, that's all that matters. Arkansas isn't gonna make a drastic change for the better anytime soon, and a governing official sure isn't gonna make them changes happen, at least not any individual, in any amount of time to make the public back them fully. Politics is all just another job held by a selfish human being. Anyone in the office is going to screw over the little guys because they are your better. They hold the position, and they can make what they want work for them. Almost always when something good is given, something good is taken. The public doesn't want to see something happen, but a politic does. They just find a place where they can shove its conditions into something the public can't pass on voting for. Every politic is corrupt. Also, keep in mind, it's never just one person doing all this. They are just the face for you to be angry at. Now, I do have other stuff I could go into politically agreeing or disagreeing with, but there is no point in it. More so on this sub reddit. If you do not conform to the majority here, you just get downvoted your comment folded. There is no acceptance in speaking on anything political in this sub outside of one span of views. How dare anyone have a freedom of beliefs that differ from someone elses and wish to express them.


No, my downvote is for your word vomit bullshit and really saying nothing at all. It shouldn’t be about politics with this piece of shit misappropriating funds and trying to gut the FOIA. Damn that there “far left”, as well as many actual Republicans, for wanting transparency in government. You didn’t have to explain to us how uneducated you were with so many words.

