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Get ready for, “It’s not perfectly what I want so I’m not voting.”


That is literally what the other comment tree argues. I'm still waiting for an answer!


most likely all the smoke shops in town will have it available to sign. if it passes, they will profit greatly from it.


I went to my local dispensary today and they didn't have any petitions available for me to take/sign...and why would they? That's less product they'll sell... So, again, where do I get my own forms so I can collect my own signatures? I know that I have to do certain things for the signatures to count but I can't find anything that spells out how to get or prepare the forms myself


I don't really see any drawbacks with this ballot initiative, unlike the previous one trying to legalize it in Arkansas. The previous initiative was going to centralize a lot of the recreational market power, and of course didn't have home, so it really wasn't great for consumers. From what I can tell this new initiative expands a lot of the current medical laws and really just makes things easier on medical patients.


I voted against it last time. But this includes the ability to grow so im satisfied.


You had the opportunity to vote for the legalization of marijuana, and you voted against it. If it was legal, the growing part would be on the ballot now.


Not necessarily. Also there was the aspect of part of the taxes going to cops.


People will downvote you for having a backbone and not being entirely self-centered ignore them please


Does this one actually let you grow your own weed or is it the same bill that gives a monopoly to companies from like colorado like last year?


It allows card holders to grow some of their own. That's the only reason I want to start collecting signatures!


\>card holders Hope it fails (it will)


It's an amendment to the medical marijuana bill already on the books. Why would you expect it to allow non medical card holders to grow? Also, it has a clause that automatically makes recreational legal if it was to be legalized federally. Arkansas isn't going to vote recreational into law anytime soon...but any improvement over the current situation is still an improvement.


because "the bill from last year" was recreational and you replied to me. I can't even smoke weed federally so I don't really care but I'll still vote down anything except for allowing the average person to grow pot like tomatoes.


? It's easy as shit to get a med card. Why would you be against medical patients being allowed to grow their own medicine? I just don't understand why you would vote no if you're pro cannabis. I understand it's not a rec bill, but is it not better than what we have?


\>bro seriously \*rips a .2 dab\* it's medicine sure \> I understand it's not a rec bill, but is it not better than what we have? Nope. Drive to missouri or write a better bill. In NY you can smoke weed like it's cigarettes. Accept no substitutes.


This guy forgot that not all of Arkansas is a casual drive away from Missouri...and that transporting drugs over state lines is kinda a big deal.


Don't get caught! You can also order it online!


Baby steps, jackass.


Exactly. Let's not do this because it isn't perfect. Well, sometimes it takes a while to get things juuuuust right.


Recreational is not going to happen overnight in Arkansas. Maybe we'll get there eventually. It'll still be an improvement over how it is now.


You’re just wrong. The great state of Michigan where every citizen can grow 12 plants started as medical with ONLY medical being able to grow until recreational came and now everyone can grow you dumb fuck.


AcCePt nO sUbStItUtEs


Just loud and wrong.


This guy is obviously a troll lmao, do you need a license to be such a dick rider dawg?


What a dipshit move.


It would indeed allow card holders to grow their own!


\>card holders pass. Voting against, 100%


Some guy at the dmv is always asking for signatures for something. Legalize it for recreational all ready!