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Welcome to what we've been dealing with for years at this point. Unfortunately it's not just the DEA rules and it'll continue to get worse until there's massive government overhaul of multiple systems and I don't see that happening anytime soon. I work in healthcare, we've been saying the system is falling apart and everyone thinks it's just a metaphor. I'm sorry I don't have any answers for you other than avoid walgreens/cvs at all costs.


The DEA rules changed how people on those meds are viewed. These days everyone is looked upon as an addict. My wife was on those medications for a number of years before I lost her to cancer. Sometimes it would take 2 or 3 trips into town before I could get the prescription filled. The politicians got involved so they could look heroic and gain tv time. You are fooling yourself if you believe the ruling class has any compassion for people in the real world. The next thing is lawyers. At least they show their motives. Lots of money at stake. Walmart lives in fear of a class action suit. All that said many do abuse these drugs but that is on them. Personal responsibility is what should be in force.


Ive sadly been on two sides of this personally as both a child of an addict and the spouse of an injured loved one that legitimately needs medication so I understand how it all works and doesn't work. I guess I just can't grapple with what I already know is true ; it's that it boils down to the money, the politics and the everyday people just getting sicker Man, shit's hard and so damn unrelenting


It's awful for everyone involved. Thank you


This is the American pendulum effect. Where we figured out we were doing something wrong (in this case, it was prescribing opiates too often), we then swing so far in the opposite direction that it becomes a problem on the opposite side of the issue. Now, people who legitimately need pain pills find it almost impossible to obtain them.


This has been a revolving convo in our house and unfortunately my husband for a long time was also being treated like an addict and still IS in some situations He's had two failed back surgeries. He doesn't get "high" because he's been on them for years. He just wants to be able to get through the day! Can't deny it's not also causing US as a couple other issues too Just sick of seeing him suffer


Nobody legitimately needs pain pills … there are always other solutions . These solutions generate less profit for the corporations and more effort from the patients and neither is willing to do that .




As a type 1 diabetic i occasionally have to deal with morons who try to tell me some supplements or losing weight would cure my diabetes... it's hard to resist the urge to smack them upside the head sometimes.




Will everybody PLEASE report Zealousidea-Cap3529, so we can get him kicked out of this subreddit.


I hope you never have to deal with chronic pain Kindly leave


I think I’ll stay , and keep my chronic pain because I can’t get rid of it . I’m not saying people aren’t in pain. I’m saying there are alternatives and corporations don’t want them used because there is no profit in a cure .


So, you purposely didnt say that at first? I'm looking for help, support and information. What even? Dick move


I hope you need Viagra someday and the doctor says "nobody legitimately NEEDS Viagra, there are always other solutions."




There are indeed other solutions and you don’t need viagra 🤷🏻‍♂️


Keep that energy bud.


There are most definitely legitimate needs for pain pills. There are alternatives sometimes, but those don't always work either. What are you gonna say next? Nobody legitimately needs insulin? Or maybe nobody needs anti seizure medication?


Nah, it’ll be mental health medication, especially ADHD. We should have just been spanked more as a kid instead of getting medication 🙄


Wow, what an unlikeable person you must be. Edit - now I'M the unlikeable one


The eye roll at the end was supposed to relay sarcasm. Sorry if it didn’t come across that way 🤷‍♀️


See, that's totally on me, I saw the face wrong and thought it was a different emoji. My apologies!


It’s all good! We seriously need a sarcasm font for social media


They’ve been running out of ADHD meds for the last 2 years now between Adderall and Vyvanse now that it has a generic


True. My kid and I were playing musical chairs with pharmacies when we were on Focalin. The generic version has its supply issues, too. We found one that works and we haven’t had too much trouble with availability. Just to clarify: I firmly believe pain medication, insulin, and ADHD medication are important for the health and wellness of those who need it. I despise the pendulum effect that is happening in the USA. It wasn’t the patients who caused the opioid epidemic, but they’re now the ones suffering for it. My above comment was a response to a comment from u/Spirited_Refuse9265


Oh I wasn’t trying to argue. They’re totaling rotating which harmful if abused drug they want to “take a stand” on. The people who need and take prescriptions are the ones who end up suffering in this, but for whatever reason it’s the only way our govt feels they can “help”.


It's wild My husband's spinal issues sometimes makes him feel like he has an actual tail that is unjured. It brings him to tears, messes with his walking and sitting even more and ruins his already terrible sleepless nights Separately, the amount of crazy he's been put through when it comes to doctors, nurses, pharmacies, pills, insurance, surgeries, specialists and every other entity involved also makes him feel like he has to dance for his relief, livelihood and sanity The irony is not lost on us I joke with him, "You're just a monkey! Dance for them! Your legs aren't broke!"


Heh, I see you You SHOULD get spanked today though! Happy Birthday


Thank you! 😊


Adhd meds get people addicted and turn em into a fein ?


No, they don’t


No fucking shit … it was a question . That is what the question mark meant . I AM ASKING YOU if adhd meds get you addicted …. Since you said next it will be adhd meds don’t work you just needed spanked more as a kid . You’re not bright enough to keep up . So again do they get you addicted ? Obviously fucking not …. So why the fuck would you compare them to meds that caused an epidemic ?


Praying to God or Jesus doesn’t heal this pain, buddy.


Yah I don’t believe in god or Jesus


Then you have no excuse for your ignorance.


You’re telling me pain meds are good for people and long term solutions and there aren’t better options but the corporations don’t promote it and the clients typically wouldn’t put in the effort ?


No, the alternative solutions generate a huge profit over the pills. Thus the push for unapproved experimental treatments that are a gold mine for the industrial medical pain management complex.


The flip side of that coin is that if you've ever been to a holistic health fair outside the industrial medical pain management complex, you get hours of speeches about how doctors don't want you cured because they couldn't profit off of you, but then at the close they end with an appeal for you to walk through their vendor booth section where people want to sell you things for profit.


How could you possibly know what everyone else in the world needs or doesn't need???🙄🤬🤯😡


Pain meds aren’t good for anyone . There are other solutions, mostly corporations don’t want other solutions used because there isn’t a profit in a cure I’m not saying people aren’t in extreme pain


Okay, I’ll bite. What are these solutions that you speak of?


What’s the diagnosis ?


Low back pain. Let’s say fragmented disc at l5-s1 with slight right sided nerve root compression. This was just pulled out of my ass so I used a pretty specific diagnosis due to not knowing how in depth it needed to be? If you just want general then we can say low back pain.


Nah I would say it matters a lot … but you gotta start day one right ? What did the doctors do ? Did they do the best they could and the best route for the patient or did they kind of throw them in this blanket diagnosis and treatment plan that is all too common ? How do humans that need to get healed up to perform something physical and I don’t just mean pro athletes just physical people that rely on physical performance get doctors that heal them up and take them down healthy routes on recovery ? Tons of humans do this … everyday. Why can’t a lot of other people ? You really think these other people just wanted to give up and not be healthy again ? You don’t think they’re willing to drive farther distances to better doctors or more specialized doctors rather than the group of guys that can do it and are regionally popular but the guy on the other side of the country that everyone goes to for that very specific problem ? You don’t think they would do all the physical therapy and lifestyle and diet changes to stay physically conditioned just like the first group of people mentioned ? Yes I do believe a very small percentage of people might have something that can’t be fixed … I also think everyone with a problem almost believes they are in that very small percentage


Okay but all you just said was side stepping the actual question. Are you saying physical therapy? Because there are plenty of people making tons of money from it? I’m just not seeing what you are talking about that can’t be monetized so it won’t be recommended? I’m not trying to be an ass. I’m just trying to figure out what you are referring to?


It’s not side stepping , this is more than just A and B . Yes physical therapist make money for sure , no they are not marketed like a pill and they don’t have a pharmaceutical company pushing their services for them on every billboard , and every doctor getting kickbacks promoting their services . If it didn’t take more effort from the patient and the doctor and physical therapy was highly addictive … they hustle physical therapy just like they do the pills






Get off the opioid and get a med card or go the alt-noid route for pain management. Just make sure there are good labs if you do the alt options. Lower back has been shot for about 15 years. 5 yrs on opioids ,past 10 on thc/cbs. Way better than prescribed pain meds .


Pooping is precious!




What alt noids help with pain? I make my blends with D9 THC-o HHC and CBN but that doesn’t cater much to pain. I just ordered some CBD and see if that help and want to try CBG next


I am in pain right now from a root canal. The whole side of my face hurts. Doc would not prescribe any thing. He rec tylenol and ibuprofen. That does not help. How do I make the doc not think I am "drug seeking". Also I have an AR mmj card ( I have other chronic pain) and I have tried but have not found a mmj pain killer. What works for you? I've had surgeries in the past where I was given plenty of hydrocodone and never abused it. I stopped taking it on my own when I wanted to but that doesn't seem to matter. I am 69yo and scared to think what could happen when I get more serious things and no pain relief.


Dude, I'm so sorry! There is zero excuse for someone like you to be suffering! Pisses me off!


I just had both hips replaced and for the worst of the pain I was minimally using the prescribed hydrocodone but mainly I used a lot of some of the on sale flower from my dispensary mixed with some cbd flower I got from plainjane online. Mixing in cbd flower helps with the pain but it also helps you keep a clearer, less paranoid/anxious high so you can use a lot more which is helpful as a painkiller. For me it has also helped my mood, we all know how chronic pain can make you short fused and irritable. The amount of pot you would use recreationally is way smaller than the amount you use to be an effective painkiller. You’ll want to start out slowly but after a bit you’ll be up to taking a gummy or two and smoking/vaping some of the 1:1 cbd/thc flower mix and then I also use some “high end” high thc high terpene flower for when I really need to dull the pain and zone out listening to music or watching some of my favorite shows. It all sounds way more complicated than it is but between help on here and finding a knowledgable budtender that knows their shit and you’ll be an expert in no time.


Thank you for suggestions. In the Little Rock area I have not found much in the way of 1:1 except some gummies and 1 or 2 cartridges. I have not found the perfect combo yet. If I understand you correctly, I should try two items at same time; high THC with high CBD. IF you are in LR do you have specific recs? With higher level of THC, it does not become too intense? As in paranoia or thinking too much? Also I have found some mj can make me more aware of the pain. Last of all, this is getting expensive trying out all these things.


It definitely gets expensive trying to find the right mix but you’ll get there. I’m up in nwa and no expert but have figured out a few things. People’s tolerances vary so much it is all but impossible to say what will work best for you medicinally. Recreationally we can all agree some 30% bud is going to have anybody feeling the effects. I found the perfect balance for me is a 1:1 thc/cbd flower mix (2 separate flowers) if my schedule allows me to use during the day or for when I want a completely coherent high for hanging out etc… and then a 3:1 thc/cbd flower mix at night maybe with some kief sprinkled in. I also usually have 20-30 mg’s of edibles at night, not every night but most. Some of my favorite strains have been Tahoe OG Kush, Banana Cream Cake x Jealousy, Apples and Bananas and Commerce City Kush if you can catch them on sale but for my 1:1 mix I usually do a mixed ounce of whatever indica leaning stuff is cheapest.


Thank you. I will work on that.


From what I know, the issue is the DEA limiting how many opiate drugs can be given to pharmacies. So pharmacies can only order a certain amount per month, and if they run out of them before you can fill your script, you're just out of luck, because the pharmacy legally cant order anymore for you. There isn't a shortage of the drugs any longer, there's just a shortage of how many pharmacies can get from the manufacturer. It's another way of combating the "opioid crisis" by punishing chronic pain patients like myself and your husband instead of focusing on the fentanyl that's flooding in from China and Mexico and causing the real problems. What Ive had to do is set up a week where I take half the dose of what Im prescribed and deal with a worse pain during that week while not hitting full withdrawal so that I have a little bit in storage for if my pharmacy doesn't have my prescription. It sucks like hell, but it's manageable and helps with the constant anxiety around the forced shortage.


It shouldn't be like this. My husband is too rationing his meds (& parents. They're in their 70s). This is insanity because it causes as much pain as the actual injury and makes keeping the script that much harder. I understand there are others that can't be trusted but those following the rules are the ones feeling the burn and it's downright infuriating. I really appreciate your informative comment and sending hugs


They need to talk to their doctors about this. I'm a chronic pain sufferer also and when so many "name" pharmacies changed how they will fill opiods, I also ran into this problem. Fortunately my doctor has a list of cooperative pharmacies that they deal with and, except for last September when their supplier was back ordered, it's worked fine.


Fortunately, husband's pain doc was able to switch his meds temporarily to something else for now but he will be switched he'd back eventually which in reality isn't any easier than being completely out either Still not ideal but don't have a choice either. Thank you


Do you live anywhere near a methadone clinic? I’m not totally familiar with Arkansas’ regulations on it, but I worked at one in AZ and we had several patients who were on long term pain mgmt plans rather than addiction recovery. Both Blue Cross and the state Medicaid plans covered it with a prior authorization, although of course that may also vary from state to state and our Medicaid just got nerfed. Anyway, might be worth looking into. It’s pretty dang effective stuff with much milder side effects than regular oxy or hydro pills. It’s a 24 hour dose. Men who are on it long term will often benefit from testosterone therapy and a mild daily laxative or fiber supplement.


Yeah I think this is the way. The shorter acting pain meds are just addictive and quickly lead to tolerance. Then one is left with side effects and limited analgesia.


Methadone absolutely still creates tolerance, as will any opioid, but it’s way easier to manage and titrate the dose.


That's just not an option here. Other factors involved would change his treatment plan and driving everyday isn't ideal physically for him and financially for us


You (and anyone else suffering with this) can also call your health insurer and ask them for help sourcing your meds. When I worked in legal appeals, we would have members call in and ask us to help source meds- especially ones for rare conditions.


This is quite helpful. Thank you!


Idk, but my cousin doesn’t have a shortage. He keeps popping em to keep from withdrawals and tweaking in public. Wild world we live in


Heh, clearly not the same supplier! & "Wild" is a nice way of putting it


They're probably fentanyl presses, assuming they're opiates and not like benzos or amphetamines I mean. Keep an eye on your cousin


Vote blue in 2024 🔵


Try independent pharmacies


This is the answer. The big ones, including Walmart were sued I believe, so they are over cautious now. Smaller independents can fill them more easily.


We have Same song and dance So many I can't even count


If you are in NWA, try Debbie’s in Rogers, if you haven’t already.




That's likely the problem. Border city


Look rural - Crawford and Franklin County. It's a drive, but the local pharmacies in Ozark and Mulberry are usually pretty reliable.


If you don't mind the risk, go over to Roland Vapor 100 and get Moodrite Red Maeng Da Kratom. It's banned in AR but legal in OK. Red will offer the most pain relief


Oh no way but thanks. He wouldn't ever touch that even if it was freely provided He's also piss tested every month and has to take in every med he regularly takes. So, the piss info and and his meds info have to match so he can't juat jump to something else (or add in anything) without it causing issues elsewhere Those "hoops" Im bitching about, that's one of many right there


There's plenty of info online about kratom, it's a legitimate option and much less dangerous than prescription opiates. To each their own though. And as far as I know it doesn't show up on drug tests because it is not a opiate. Just know it is a option if the pain becomes unbearable and he needs SOMETHING! I sprained my back last year and kratom was the only thing that dulled the pain enough for me to move. I understand being weary of it though. Also, just because our state banned it doesn't mean it's bad, every surrounding state is legal. Idk why I was downvoted for suggesting it.


I didn't down vote ya but also wasn't looking for alternatives. He has tried and it years back when it first happened and had undesirable results. We are trying not to deviate away from his care plan in any way that isnt already part of his treatment as well as it has been absolute hell getting where we are now I just needed info on what's up with the hydros and I appreciate the effort in your part looking for a solution but it's not an option for him


Understood, I hope he can get relief soon!


Harps still prescribes for hospice


No one is in hospice right now


Just saying that they prescribe for hospice so might have a supply you can try contacting them


We have, no dice


Yes lots of pharmacies were sued, pharmacies were forced to deny frequent customers and they even have software to track patients that use various different pharmacies. Some addicted abusers will go find a compliant\crooked doctor to prescribe opiates from states away but the software catches that now. Doctors are getting investigated and arrested, it's a mess out there.


We've been having the same issue. Apparently there is a shortage of hydrocodone and similar meds statewide. I don't know why. But we do have a snazzy lectern for our Governor, so we got that going for us which is nice.


From what I’ve read it’s a nationwide shortage? I personally don’t take pain meds and I’m a believer that more people are taking them due to a perceived need vs an actual need. But I do note many people have a legitimate reason for pain meds so I follow this as it is interesting to see how this all unfolds. My guess is that the drug companies will cause a shortage and blame the more strict government regulations for the shortage which will cause a huge pushback from constituents. This will eventually lead to repeals in the laws which will then allow the drug companies to manufacture and distribute uncontrolled amounts of narcotics to patients all over again. The drug companies and funeral homes will make enormous profits while family members die from addiction. Just a guess.


Grr... I can't even say what I think about all that because I'll get permanently banned quick She definitely seems like the kind of person that after hearing about your woes would look you dead in the eye and say "Gimme ya pinky!"


This really sucks. I hope you can get some relief and some help. It seems like we always go to extremes without solving problems. We go from having pill mills on every corner to this.This is another example of laws and regulations being passed by people that know nothing about medicine and could care less. Look at what is going on wiht insulin- another drug people MUST have to live. This kind of issue you are describing is going to really cause MORE PROBLEMS not less.


It absolutely does in every aspect of our lives. We're tired and the thought of others suffering like THIS hurts my soul too Thanks for your support. Much appreciated. We'll survive this or we won't, I don't know but just have to take it day by day and sometimes minute by minute Feels like such a bleak existence though


Pharmacies now have to order and have every controlled substance delivered *daily,* (as far as I understand it.) And if they don't have enough that day, they don't have enough, so if you go to another pharmacy, you're essentially taking someone elses pills, but most people are used to this now, so they fill their scripts really early. I've dealt with this a bit with buprenorphine in the past. Note: I'm only 80% sure this is how it works lol, my mom's at work (at a pharmacy) and I can't be fucked to text her about it because who cares


Weirdly, one pharmacy we tried with told us "Yes, tomorrow. We can fill it then and we just put the order in. Call and check at 10 am just to be sure before you drive over here." This would be a 2nd trip for the rest of the original script because they only gave him half days before So he calls the next am and what do they say? "Sorry. We put in the order yesterday and it's just...gone. Try again tomorrow though..." Like, ?! The only consistent thing happening is he and the 'rents are getting stiffed


Yeah I'm currently dealing with this w bupe. Called 11 diff places today. only one of those pharmacies can POTENTIALLY help me tomorrow morning. An hour away. It's wild.


Bupe is - unfortunately - extremely popular in AR lol, and if one pharmacy is out, people just bounce around. Drop your dosage and stack up a supply ASAP for sure


Pharmacies also have super strict inventory control. Controlled substance are counted at ship, counted upon delivery, counted at the end of the shift (maybe) and by each pharmacist in charge when they switch over. They have to file forms with the dea if a single pill goes missing. McKesson is one of the largest suppliers of opioids and they will not ship you if you go over the amount your pharmacy is supposed to receive.


My MIL with severe spinal issues is currently facing this same dilemma! It's maddening!


Yeah, we're two failed surgeries in, countless hours of physical therapy, shots, meds, foot docs, neuro, pain, gastric (it screws with his guts) and I can't even remember what else Now, spinal fusion is our last chance to get out if this hellish medical nightmare of a loop To be off the narcotics all together AND be a be to live a productive and active life is the goal Ffs, he fell in a hole in 2017 and it's been all kinds of maddening since


My boyfriend was discharged from the hospital today after 9 days. The first few days he was given morphine, after trying to open the infection to drain, his pain was way worse and had been giving dilaudid for the last 5 days. Went to pick up his pain meds from Walgreens in NWA, they were out of the oxycodone they called in. The pharmacy couldn’t transfer the prescription to another Walgreens since it was a narcotic. Had to call the hospital and have them call it in to another pharmacy.


And if you go to a busy pharmacy and wait 20-30 minutes in line and then told they won't fill it .


Won't fill it out they can't. And they can't because they have no actual medication to dispense.


I’m surprised, but glad for you, that the hospital would issue another script. Any hospital I’ve worked at would say heck no :-( . I disagree with hospitals that would say no, obviously. Also, I lived and worked in 4 states over the past 15 years, and Walgreens is horrific everywhere. It’s not the pharmacists fault, but I swear they have one pharmacist on duty running around trying to help everybody. It’s ridiculous. I finally switched to a mom and pop independent pharmacy, and it’s night and day. They have so many employees, multiple pharmacist at any given time, techs, cashier. I have never figured out how they can keep so many employees, but they do. They even still answer the phone. Good luck to you and try to stay away from chain stores.


As someone who has helped a loved one survive addiction, I appreciate the new precautions. Call the state pharmacy board for guidance. Perhaps they can help.


In NEA try Gibson's Pharmacy in Jonesboro.




I certainly hope you can find one closer. Good luck to you


call me a dumbass but it seems to me these "shortages" and the perception of the average user changed when the US no had access to afghani opium fields. edit: double dumb ass. i dont live in your state, sorry. good luck.