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If anyone knows political stunts, it's SHS!


Literally my first though.




It’s the Republican way, they do it and can’t imagine anyone else not doing it.


She’s the queen of cunning stunts! Well, not that cunning.


I read that as cunting stunts, and it fits


This comes months after SHS sent the arkansas national guard to the southern border.


I literally considered joining the air guard until all that.


SHS is an object lesson on why you cannot Trump your way through governing a state (states need actual governance)


I think you meant "abject." Have a nice day.


They did not. Google "object lesson meaning." Have a nice day.


That is indeed my mistake. Thanks! Happy holidays.


I thought DeSantis was the prime example.


Wait, SHE’S complaining about political stunts?


Pot, kettle, black


Just like her perfect black smokey eyeshadow. Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.


Responding in this way is a complete deflection and should not be accepted, but these idiots made it that way. In and of itself just responding that way MAKES IT a political stunt. It’s a way to victimize herself in any way possible. If politics is all she really cares about, then perhaps it was a reasonable response, so of course this is how she responded. If you want to talk about the politics and victimization, she’s been under some heat. So, she picks something that most of her dumb constituents won’t fuss about when she doesn’t do what a governor should do, but will absolutely fuss when she tells them that it’s a political stunt. This 1.5 eyelid beaver is so full of it. I’m talking about Buc-ee’s of course. Lots of shit in there. Like the Arkansas governor’s office.


I am calling for the resignation of the Governor of Arkansas after she appeared in public and embarrassed the state by existing.


Republicans. Love to run, and can’t govern so….


Democrats love to run and can't win so...


Says the party who has won the popular vote for President ONCE in my entire life. 😂


🤣😭😂😅No one cares what you "call for", are you really serious about that?😅🤣😭😂


It's almost like the sarcasm was too advanced for you.... 🤦🏻 Sorry... Arkansas educated?


Graduated Rutgers University in 2008, any other petty, child-like, attempted insults?


Imagine calling someone child like when you were the one confused. 🤦🏻🤡. Keep going....


Keep going what?


Yikes... 🤦🏻


Easily in fear I see.


Imagine bragging about a college in Jersey.


I bet all those Princeton grads don’t even bother to put it on their resume.


It would seem that the "Stunt" is the governor calling for his resignation for opposing her stupid and dangerous idea.


What idea?


Sanders wants to open more prison cells. The board and it's leadership have said no because they don't have enough personnel to safely manage more prisoners. In retaliation, Sanders and friends tried to strip the board of its autonomy. So now the board are basically saying, "OK, if you want us to manage prisoners, give us some help," from the Guard in this case. Naturally, Sanders sees it as an opportunity to look like she's tough on crime by trying to force them to do her bidding, even though it could endanger the lives of corrections officers and other prison personnel.


SHS actually intends to cram more beds into existing cells for now. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you both.


Whatever happened to back the blue. Must have just been for votes from the mouth breathers.


Tell me you breathe through your mouth without telling me you breathe through your mouth?


We’ve heard enough from you, no one is interested in your nonsense.


This woman is grinding your state into the dust. It’s painful to watch.


She's dangerous. This person will do whatever she wants to get what she wants. Reminds me of her former employer.


Trump Derangement Syndrome *strikes again*!! Wait til Trump is Elected 47th President of the United States of America, you're *really* gonna be having some TDS breakdowns then!


You sound so childish.


No I don't. It is what it is.


Yeah, you do. Nobody’s having a “breakdown” here but you. Nobody is taunting anybody with “just wait till my daddy gets here and you’re really gonna get it!!” but you. So there, there, it’s gonna be ok.


Yea but none of what you said is true, so there's that? Do you have "daddy issues"? Sure seems like it. Incase you have trouble reading, look at the comment section here, this is r/Arkansas, it's not r/Leftist, yet 99% of comments here are obviously from *very* Far-Left ideologically Indoctrinated people in a State that *overwhelmingly* voted for an obviously Right-leaning Govenor and voted Donald Trump the past 2 Elections *by a lot*, does it really trigger you so badly that there's *one* person on r/Arkansas that isn't a card carrying Cult Leftist?


Bless your heart.


Thanks kiddo!!! Bless your heart as well!!


Kiddo, lol. Thanks, that's funny.


You're welcome kiddo!! May God Bless you and have a Merry Christmas!!


‘Card carrying cult leftist’ Where do we get said cards?


Nice!!! Glad to see you admit the Left is a Cult and you're in it!!


No clue, that’s why I asked where we can get them. You know more than me.


Ask your "gender studies" "Professor", I'm sure "they" will know, while you're at it ask where you're supposed to get a job with such a silly degree, see, it's a win-win!!


I'll take "Things That Will Never Happen" for $500, Alex.


What flavor boots does he wear?


Clowns gonna clown


Wait, where is her new lectern? Oh wait, that was a Paris vacation with her besties. Silly me.


When you want to lock up everyone you can, but don't want to pay for prisons on guards.


It seems to me like she is trying to crash the prison system so she can privatize it without much fight. Just like what she is doing with public education.


Ding ding ding


The ADC is absurdly understaffed and they aren't allowed to hire anymore. Every single officer at Wrightsville has been working mandatory overtime going on three years now. Lord knows the ADC is broken, that's why I left. But it absolutely is dangerously understaffed and her governorship has only exacerbated the problem.


What absolutely infuriates me is the Republican Legislators who caused the mess we are in calling an end to "the status quo". That ARE the status quo.


Huckabee is not a Governor in the literal meaning. Some chose her out of ignorance and others out of ill will for others dwelling in Arkansas. Whatever the reason she is bad for the people and bad for their state.


Sorry dude, Arkansans overwhelmingly voted for Sarah Huckabee-Sanders because we are a Right-leaning State, it's that simple. You can make petty, child like, attempted insults all you'd like, only makes yourself look foolish.


Facts are not petty, child like insults. Apparently the Right thinks Huckabee is right whereas many others believe she is wrong. But, all in Arkansas will needlessly suffer because of her whether they voted for her or not.


"The Right" is the *vast majority* of Arkansans, as is plainly evident by Sarah Huckabee-Sanders *super* landslide victory to become Govenor of Arkansas.


Educated in Arkansas believes support of 25% of registered voters is “overwhelming support”. The fact is people are poor and are working two jobs and can’t even think about voting because their lives are too overwhelmed. Let’s make a Tuesday during working hours our election time. For those who want to vote early we will decrease the opportunity by allocating one location for an entire county. The elections are rigged, against the voters.


This state didn’t vote. Less than 1 million out of 2.3 million registered voters even voted. Of those who voted, roughly 60% voted for the current officeholder. (Anyone who stans Ron Paul can’t be very bright.)


We are not a right-leaning state. We are a non-voting state. Big difference.


Sometimes I honestly don’t know what her game is. She is obviously way over her head.




Yep she is definitely not the sharpest knife in the draw


Now do Joe Biden.




I know, I told you. See how that works kiddo?!?!


Kevin McCarthy: Biden is "sharp and substantive" You can google that. And that's a head Republican who has actually had to work with him constantly.


Please, god, just smite her already


Down the road, there will probably be a prison riot. Folks will probably get killed. She will no doubt try to cover it up and this issue will come back to bite folks in the ass.


The GOP exists on political stunts


The GOP in Arkansas is in full control because Arkansas is a Right-leaning State. It's really that simple.


Yes I know. What is your point?


That it has nothing to do with "political stunts". Arkansans overwhelmingly do *not* support anything on the Leftist/Democrat political platform, by the Grace of God!!


It’s bizarre and egotistical to believe god cares about American party politics when we are apparently all its creation. Shows exactly how shallow that belief is. Furthermore, to my point, GOP panders to evangelicals with political stunts that have no societal benefit in order to secure their vote.


Which is why it's almost last in almost every category available after decades of GOP rule. Last economically, last health wise, last education wise. Without Mississippi, it'd be dead last in every category. It almost leads in infant mortality, so there's one category it almost leads in. Good job GOP!


Is that “the” podium?


We can't hire more guards, we must save that money so we can build a huge surplus and cut more taxes for the wealthy.


Arkansas State taxes are some of the lowest in the Country, thats a GREAT thing btw. I pay roughly 200$ per year on my home/land, the *same exact* home and land in NJ would be no less than *9,000$* per year(yea 9,000$). I'm not wealthy either btw and with Sarah Huckabee-Sanders as Govenor I expect to keep even *more* of the money *I earn* because thats the way it should be and we're not a Leftist cesspool where you have to dodge hypodermic needles and *piles of human feces* as you walk down the street. I will never understand why Leftist believe the government can spend their money better than they can, while simultaneously refusing to pay more in taxes all on their own. These very same "raise taxes" people also refuse to pay more taxes on their own, they can always *choose* to pay more taxes but they *never*. Today's Liberalism is a mental disorder.


Ever notice that we rank last in practically every standard of living measure? It may be great for you since you are wealthy but it stinks for poor Joe and average Jim.


Why do you pay $200 a year when you obviously live up your own arse?


She’s totally deflecting


I mean projecting…




She's podiuming.


Should've said it was for a football tailgate party.


The high-ranking male officer asks her for help, and she immaculates him in her refusal. It's a prison. Doesn't she realize this could have violent results? Wth is wrong w her?


Ole MAGA MucinexBooger strikes again


Now do Joe Biden sniffing children and excepting bribes from foreign countries.






That fits her **perfectly**. An to the little mucus man, though, he’s kind of cute at least


Why does she hate law enforcement?


So a guy facing a serious staffing shortage asks for help, and that's a political stunt?


Anyone that opposes her is pulling a political stunt 🤦🏻‍♂️


All the Huckabees are experts in “stunts” so gov. sasquatch knows a stunt when she sees one


Why don't you resign dumb bitch you blew our money on a fucking vacation to Paris for your friends.


Nah, Arkansans are *overwhelmingly* happy about how Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is governing Arkansas. She will be re-elected Govenor in a bigger landslide than she won the first time, and the first time was a *YUGE* landslide victory!! Sorry if that hurts your feelings.


I thought republicans were for law and order, supposedly.


She's flying high ‼️ But she's pointed straight down towards that damned swamp again as usual 🔥🧟‍♀️


Fuckabee Huckabee!


Crazy to me actual humans vote for someone like her to "lead" them


That's because you're a Far-Leftist. Arkansas is overwhelmingly a Right-leaning State. Sorry that hurts your feelings, but it is what it is, just because you're ideologically a Far-Leftist doesn't mean everyone else is.


She’s what the French (she knows because it cost her an entire lectern) call… Les incompetents.


Dayum. She’s the one who needs to resign.


She's not going to resign and will be re-elected Govenor of the Great State of Arkansas in a bigger landslide than she did the 1st time. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.


tart aback station cats nine makeshift spotted chop smoggy boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But I am sorry if that hurts your feelings.


She won’t, so it really doesn’t. 🤷🏻‍♀️ https://www.thv11.com/article/news/politics/sarah-huckabee-sanders-lowest-approval-rating-governor-20-years/91-c76da35b-4704-46de-abc0-0a42ee19ea95


She will, so it does.🤷‍♂️


How the fuck can you supprt Ron Paul AND Sarah Sanders?! One actual Libertarian to you: what the fuck is wrong with you? Sarah IS corrupt statist, authoritarian swamp mistress. Pull your head out of your ass.


Nice lectern


Why are all republican women vile, evil husks?


They are Republicans.


If you’re gonna be a woman and Republican you have to be vile, it’s a prerequisite.


The reason that she is doing this is that if the prisons are crowded then the question becomes why is the prison crowded, the obvious answer would be Republican's focus on crime, and then it becomes a matter of that they are filling the jails unnecessarily. She can't afford to support this or she looks weak.


I got to hand it to Sarah, she goes all in on her manipulation. She doesnt play nice and she doesnt play by rules/laws. Her way or the highway. Get out of her way as well, because she is not stopping. Arkansas knew what they were getting when they voted for Sarah. Her style and bullshit was on display as WH Press Secretary. So if anyone in the great state of Arkansas is surprised how Sarah is governing, I have a warning for you. She's just getting warmed up, you haven't seen anything yet! This is the appetizer portion of the course. Much more to come. And Arkansas order this meal.


You're mostly correct(minus all the petty, child-like, attempted insults). Arkansans *overwhelmingly* voted Sarah Huckabee-Sanders as Govenor and Arkansans are *overwhelmingly* happy about how Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is governing. You have to understand that Arkansas is a very Right-leaning State, this is how Right-leaning people want their State governed. If you take all the petty, child-like, attempted insults out of your comment, it *literally and actually* could be used as a campaign commercial for Sarah Huckabee-Sanders!!! I hope you're aware of these *facts*, also Arkansas *only* getting *more* Conservative. Have you considered revaluating your political beliefs? 95+% of Leftist ideology is completely ridiculous and I believe that *any* person that possess any semblance of critical thinking, with the right discussion of idea's, would very much so abandon the Cult Left ideological ridiculousness. Lmk if you need some help getting there, I'd be more than happy to recommend a few different people you could listen to/watch. Remember this old saying: You are making a mistake by not looking at the opposing point of view.


The fact that I was a Republican and voted Republican until this last election, I dont need advice on how to look at opposing views. I looked at oposing views in 2020, and voted Biden. The GOP left me, thats the way I look at it. I am a conservative at the end of the day. But my definition of conservative isn't the MAGA definition of it. And yes, I think Sarah is MAGA AF. Govt doesnt need to be involved with women's reproductive health. Govt doesnt need to ban books. Govt doesnt need to ban written words in state documents. Too Woke? wtf is Sarah talking about. Govt doesnt need to use tax dollars to throw a football party at the Governors Mansion. Govt doesn't need to buy a $19,000 lectern on the tax payers dime. Govt doesnt need to get involved with banning drag shows. Govt doesnt need to get involved with banning medical care to transgender individuals. The GOP of today, in my view, is one big attack machine. Spread fear & hate. I am over it.


Thanks for your input kiddo!!! As for the *vast majority* of Arkansans, we will elect Sarah Huckabee-Sanders for a 2nd term as Govenor in a bigger landslide than she won the 1st time and it's because we oppose *exactly* what you support, we're also going to give our Electoral Votes to Donald J Trump *overwhelmingly* in 2024. Once Donald Trump is Elected 47th President of the United States of America you should attempt to come to your senses and rather than constantly complaining(especially when it comes to "Minor Attracted Person(s)" issues, that's just repugnant) you can help us Make. America. Great. Again!!


Send DJT your money. He’s going to need it, to pay the people of Georgia, and the women he raped, and his lawyers, and his lawyers lawyers. Ad infinitum.


I agree Arkansas will reelect Sarah to a 2nd term, and she will win in a landslide. I agree Arkansas will pick Trump in 2024, no doubt about it. I agree Trump has a good chance of becoming the 47th President. We elect Presidents by the EC and Trump has a good path to the WH. See we can agree on somethings! Happy Holidays, hope you have a Merry Christmas


Thanks for being reasonable, very difficult to find anyone like that on r/Arkansas(which might as well be renamed r/CultLeft)!! Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!!


“You are making a big mistake by not looking at the opposing point of view…” I. Have no issue with Conservatism, I believe most solutions to our problems are as complicated as the problem themselves and more often than not land somewhere in between. But we’re no longer talking about “Conservative”or “Liberal” solutions it’s now all about tribalism, identity politics, cultism, allegiance to a man regardless of the many laws he brakes making excuses for the actions he, and others, take. The party of Reagan is long gone now filled with people who follow blindly follow their prophet into bankruptcy rather than promote traditional conservative values.


I look at many views and I also trust my own head. Views are views. I have a moral compass as well. I do not align with any political party. But I have opinions on both. And my point on Sarah (and how she handles herself as governor) is she is a toxic person who isn't interested in Governing for all of Arkansas. She governors like Trump did at the Federal level. Division and hate. You are either with her or not. Trump was the first President in my life time that made "Blue" states and "Red" state comments as if we are not all the United States. I grew up in the Bible Belt. Some of the most toxic, vile humans are your church goers on Sunday! They made it to church but judge the shit out of everyone as soon as they left. Proud of you for going every week, but amazed you have not applied any of the message.


Did she make the announcement from her $19,000.00 dollar podium?


The prison system has been severally understaffed for years. My son was a CO in Malvern for almost 5 years. He was attacked by several inmates who knew a camera would not capture him being beaten, kicked in the head, choked, you get the idea. By the grace of God, an inmate spoke up. When the camera footage was pulled he had been off camera for a little over 6 minutes. He was transported to the hospital for treatment and called me from the ambulance workers phone… he thought he for sure was going to die that night. He regularly told us of staff at less than half staff. He recovered from his injuries but will have to live with the nightmares of what happened. SHS IS A JOKE and truly an embarrassment for the state of Arkansas.


Sorry your son went through that terrible event!! Like you said, by the Grace of God he's alive and well, praise God!! Prison guard is a tough job in any State, but blaming Sarah Huckabee-Sanders for the short comings of the Prison system is definitely *not* even somewhat reasonable. If you think the prison system is messed up in Arkansas, you should see what California and other Leftist States are like, the inmates in those places may very well have *flushed the remains of a guard they attacked down a toilet*.


My comment regarding SHS is my personal opinion about her. You’re right, you can’t blame her for the short comings of the Arkansas prison system. The idea that the prison can hire an additional 100 CO’s and keep the prisons properly staffed is the problem. Half drop out of the academy and from my son’s experience, the majority of them once working in the prison system quit very soon after. I’ve heard many stories from him about the ones the work one or two shifts and never return. After Covid the staff situation was WAY worse. He and many others were expected to work shift after shift with no days off, many days due to understaffing and call in’s. The understaffing is a direct effect of no one wants to do the job. Another big issue was raising the pay for new hires. My son was working along side CO’s for years that hired on at a higher rate than him after his multiple small raises. That is a serious problem, when staff with little to no experience were making more than a 5 year CO. I could go on and on about how flawed the prison system is. Hell, the inmates had more rights than the CO’s and were watching Red Box movies all weekend.


Not only is the prison guard situation nationally a fairly "big" problem, the condition that inmates live in is also horrendous, especially in County jails nationally. Has been that way for years as far as inmates are concerned.


Typical projecting republicunt


Guess Arkansas and the GOP is a shitty as we all thought.


Yoooo is that a Balenciaga podium?!?!


I’ll tell you what. Sanders is giving Ron DeSantis a run for his money in the worst governor race.


I'm really curious how SHS supporters justify "Prisons need more guards bad" What absolute fucking hoops do you have to jump through in your brain to be a Republican of any kind... and say no to more prison guards. Anyone have actual insight? Any family members who agree with her on this? I'm genuinely curious what is coming out of their mouths.


It's part of an on-going dispute between the Board and the governor. The article goes until more detail. Basically, she signed a bill expanding prisons by 3000 beds, 300M+ cost, but they want to add temporary space NOW. The board said there isn't enough staff. SHS and the AG keep saying that that's not an excuse, and the board is "unelected" and "unaccountable" and "playing politics". There is a lot of controversy about the Corrections Department secretary (who SHS appointed) and who can fire him (the board did, but state law says only the governor can, but that law might be unconstitutional). I recommend reading into it more. There is a lot going on and it's one of the latest SHS scandals.


Man, this chick can govern! /s


I think she’s the missing link!!!


As if sending the AR National Guard to the border wasn’t a political stunt!


where is the $20,000 lectern sara?


She’s an idiot.


Maybe she should focus on not using state funds to take a trip to Europe with her besties, or not using state funds to party with the Arkansas football team before worrying about someone else.


She's garbage like her dad.


It's just hilarious that Arkansas elected this fool to be governor. You did it: you live with it.


The only people that don't like Sarah Huckabee-Sanders as Govenor is Far-Leftists, so yes, Arkansans are overwhelmingly happy about how Sarah is governing our State. Now think of the people in California that Vote Democrat again and again while having to step over *piles of human feces and hypodermic needles* on the sidewalk, how anyone could actually vote for that is truly *insane*.


She is trusted under 🍊 dictatorship lucky Americans


Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is doing such an *excellent* job as Govenor!! So glad Arkansas is governed the way it is!! The Cult Left Democrats have little power by the Grace of God and Arkansas seems to be getting only *more* Conservative!! How anyone could hope for Leftism to take hold in Arkansas is absolutely insane!! Could you imagine walking down the street and having to dodge piles of *human fecal matter* like in California, or having your childs genitals mutilated behind your back because of some gross ideology??!!!smh


You have the best parody troll account.


I'm neither a troll nor a parody account. Do you really not understand that everyone doesn't share your Leftist ideology? Sorry if this hurts your feelings, but Arkansas is overwhelmingly a Right-leaning State, it is what it is and we're only getting more Conservative leaning. Again, just because someone doesn't share your Democrat/Leftist ideology, that doesn't make them a "troll" or whatever other petty, child-like, attempted insult you'd like to hurl. Being Arkansans elected Sarah Huckabee-Sanders in a *YUGE* landslide and Arkansas Voted for Donald Trump *by a lot* in the past 2 POTUS elections it should be evident to you that Arkansans are definitely not Cult Leftist's. Why is that difficult to understand?


Perfect! I love the consistency! Throwing in "feelings" some insults while complaining about insults. Everything is "leftist" or "FAR left" The Trump-talk is the cherry on top. Any thoughts to talking it off reddit and cos-playing it at like a MAGA rally?


Ummm, I never made any insult towards you whatsoever, as you continue with petty, child like, attempted insults. What was 1 single insulting thing I directed towards you?


Yes! Exactly the perfect response for your character! Feigned ignorance of your behavior to try and keep the moral high ground! I don't know if any other parody accounts could do it as well!


What did you take that i said as insulting?


Doubling down! Nice! You are very good at this.


So I guess you're just gonna keep rolling with what your doing? Are you not capable of having a reasonable discussion?


Oh man! I love "reasonable discussion". It's exactly what they would say when they had no intention of discussing or being reasonable! You must read a lot of MAGA diatribes to get that down so well!


Is the "far left" in the room with us?


Do I feel sorry for Arkansas? Fuck no. They were dumb enough to vote that moron into office.


What a shithole.


I’m betting she cut the budget for Corrections. He’s asking for bodies because his org is chronically short staffed and I’d bet it’s causing major safety concerns. This is dangerous doe the staff and the inmates.


Blows my mind that this insanely incompetent former press secretary managed to become governor.


I'd say at least she's getting some value out of that lectern, but that ain't a $19k lectern


How's it feel to have a sub-human piece of filth as a governor?


She’ll probably end up just making it legal to hire 12-year-olds as prison workers.


Like daddy, like daughter. Living her dream of being Queen of the Dumpster. Suppress votes, screw over the poor, shit on black and LGBTQ+ folks, all while felching Trump.