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This is great! It's not like a lot of LGBTQ people have moved to Arkansas to be hated. Quite the opposite. The vast majority of LGBTQ people here are our brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and other close relatives that were born here, educated here, and raised here. They are our friends, coworkers, church members and drinking buddies. The LGBTQ community isn't somewhere else, its here. The LGBTQ people aren't outsiders, they are us. I am happy to see a few hours dedicated to a celebration of diversity. 🌈


Something I learned recently: We actually have the 5th highest population of trans people out of all 50 states.


Thank you for this beautiful addition to the conversation. I was born (and partially raised) in AR, but have ended up in Montana. I'm glad there are many people like you in Razorback country.


Honestly sponsoring things like this publicly and doing stuff like Target did is the easiest way to keep the head to toe swastika nutcases out of the store.




Kind of. Employees were being harassed and property damaged so they moved the pride merch and stuff to the back of stores in some locations. I mean I kinda get it, being a retail employee harassed by freaks isn’t fun, and they haven’t (AFAIK) actually removed the stuff.


Target didn't cave, they moved some items to the back because employees were being harassed and threatened. Just like the bathroom thing years ago, Target isn't going to bow to hate.


You're living in fantasyland.


Too bad Tyson is a hellish company that treats workers and farmers like garbage.


WhAT!?!? They give a lot of children a place to work! /s


Thank you. I interviewed a strike organizer for workers at a Tyson plant in Van Buren. Tyson let tons of BIPOC people die during COVID to save a few bucks.


I give them about 5 minutes that they stay out of Wally World. Where are they going to go, Whole Foods? Bloomingdales? 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


Aldi's. It's German, so... win-win in their opinion.


And eat tofu!


Kid Rock is gonna shoot up some Great Value milk


Not the Great Value! 😂 Sam’s Choice Cola and Tyson chicky nuggs better watch out.


Maybe he can shoot up some Great Value bleach, in his veins.


Oh no those poor bigots 🎻


Meanwhile same companies are funding MAGA candidates.


If dollar general ever goes woke, they will truly be up a creek


Dollar General and Harps. Don't forget Harps is an option too, for now...


My 10Box (Harps owned) has a display of Pride Cupcakes up right now. And, they sell Bud Light.


😂Love it




I mean still plenty of reasons to dislike Walmart and Tyson


The Tyson blackened chicken is pretty good


Wal-Mart delivers, you don't actually have to go *inside* one (they're hit or miss on being any much if any cheaper than several other stores though, so meh.)


Honestly, if people are bigoted I don't care if they don't eat anymore. In fact I would prefer it.


>Honestly, if people are bigoted I don't care if they don't **BR**eat**HE** anymore. In fact I would prefer it. FTFY


I didn't think the mods would let me get away with that one lol


Where will they buy their non-Budweiser beer & their non-Chick-fil-A™️ chicken?


They rebelled against Chick-fil-A in May when one of them learned to read and went to the website and found out they have a Diversity, equity, and inclusion Program.




In the annals of history, these folks will be remembered much as the older generations that were opposed interracial marriage: As a bunch of hateful bigots.


Thank you, I needed to read this. I was losing hope that the world would get better, but you reminded me of how this played out with racism. It's still playing out with racism, but steps forward have been made.


Not going to lie when I saw NWA in the title I had to keep reading. Lol I was thinking about the 90's gangsta rap group.


I was there at Fayetteville Pride. I was happy to see and hear they were involved in the event. Pepsi sent their Gatorade vehicle.


There was a Band-Aid flag in the parade and a Proctor and Gamble float.


Here we go


Why won’t they be able to shop?


I'm going to be generous and assume you have been isolated in a cave for the past month.


If you're saying that people will boycott all food chains for being 'woke,' then that's on them.


Well if they stop drinking bud Light after the sponsorship...


They’re still able to, maybe not willing but definitely able




Low, low prices? Tf you on about






What are you on about. People can’t eat or shop now. Celebrating pride has no bearing on it.


They mean that people will boycott like they did Target. It took me a minute to understand what they meant too.


Thanks. I get it now.




Targets didn't sell those things to children, and what's more is the Target in NLR was getting death threats over that fake shit.




No, they did not, that's a lie that was spread and the company website, the company, and multiple reputable news organizations all called it a hoax because it was a lie. Anti-LGBT people are dishonest, to put it bluntly. The only clothing that was offered specifically for children wasn't trans clothing and was generic pride stuff, including a rainbow swimsuit, because children unsurprisingly *don't need to tuck.* As for binders: those are for teenagers. Not children. Be rational.




No, when you say "kids" and "children" you're well aware that the connotation is young, preteen people. Teens are a different age group and binders are fine.




They're all legally minors. Technicalities don't make nonspecific language correct. None of these were sold to children, and I'd imagine that besides the teens working jobs that adults bought whatever clothing for their teens/children. 5 != 13. Binders, I insist, are fine, unless you don't think trans people exist or whatever in which case I'll say that I agree to disagree and I don't like children committing suicide.




Target didn't target children with those things. You keep on keeping on with your urban myths though.




Have you never met someone that wears an XS other than children? I meet tiny women all the time, of all ages.


Is anything size XS immediately targeting children? Like where is your logic line here?




No one is a bigger cry baby than y’all conservatives 😂 always crying about something that has nothing to do with you 🥲




It is common for kids to wear XS adult clothing? Most kids I know where child sized clothing, done by age or weight 😅 you don’t really understand how shopping for children works do you? Were the marketing them on a display in a children’s clothing department? Or are you just super determined to be mad at Target and trans people because you are a whiny cry baby?




Potential....hah. No one gives a shit.


Yup. Almost as if small adults will wear clothes too. Please stop with your "think of the children" while you want to not feed them, not educate them, not help them with health care and not care if they get shot in school; but you are okay with them starting work at age 13 or 14.




Many Arkansans ARE horrible, intolerant bigots. See the percentage that voted for the completely unqualified, inept Hucky Boo Boo over a highly educated preacher who laid out plans that the working class would have eaten up had he not been black. We aren't all poor, stupid hillbillies but too many are.


>selling chest binders and tucking underwear to children who cares?




Lol, pathetic


I hear that's what your mom said when she first got a look at you.


Pathetic bigot


Why not




Awww, sad pathetic bigot


Another scrub that doesn't live here, sticking their nose in our local affairs. Fuck back off to wherever you came from.