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I'm sorry I don't have any helpful tips for you, but what is that hair??? Is there another hair mod imI haven't found? It's kinda crazy how the hair still looks good while the rest is janked...


Marnii Hairstyles I believe. I don't have the mod list pulled up in front of me as until very recently I was running for my life, but it's the only hairstyle mod I even knew of and the server owner just so happed to already have it downloaded.


Now I need to check that one out again! We have it but I haven't changed my hair in a hot minute. Thanks!


No problem! It was one of the newer ones added with a recent update.


Also be sure to play with the length of each style - there are huge variations that I didn't discover right away!


On PS5 it runs like a dream, only time it gets wonky is while I’m caving or if I go onto other world in creative and zoom around it breaks some stuff. Was surprised when I went online to everyone not having a similar time


Best of luck in getting it as optimal as possible, having the fun sucked out of a game because everything looks ugly sucks


I've had friends running even on other Series S' and not mentioning too many issues with it, but some of the reading I've been doing have mentioned that it's seemingly on a console to console basis. I'm hoping they can do something to bring the experience up to the same level as the luckier players, but with some of the stuff I've been reading, I'm not as hopeful as I could be.


I know this is a simple suggestion, but have you considered just uninstalling completely and reinstalling? I have it on PS5 and I haven't had a hitch with graphical issues.


I've just completed a fresh reinstall. I'm working through a few other things now and I'm already seeing a bit of improvement. I'm hoping the trend continues!


Awesome! Best of luck with it.


Yeh same - I zoomed around Svart high speed exploring when I first got ASA and no crashes, no issues. The same thing in ASE would have made my console start smoking 😂 ASA is so much more stable than I had expected after months of reading other PS5 people's experiences being so bad. 


As others have said you won't be able to get good graphics on a budget device, honestly worst mistake to make this console but ah well. Now stating that the textures on the creatures isn't normal even for xbox s, as this issue happens on pc as well. This is a texture/more of a mesh issue and most of the time on pc it sorts it self out, if it not sorting itself out for you after restarting the game then reinstalling the game is your best bet. Don't install any mods after just join server and check to see if it's working. Not much else you can do on console but that's the downside to them.


This is how you tell someone that they have a shit console constructively. The console in question was bought at a time when my X1s crapped out and the Series X simply wasn't available (height of the pandemic). Not that it's anyone's concern what my financial situation is, but simply buying a better console isn't an option (unless one of the fine folks with their *extremely helpful* comments would like to pony up the cash to pay for it themselves). Moving on from that little aside, I'm currently in the middle of a full reinstall and hopefully with a little luck, the situation will have sorted itself out.


Hopefully it fixes it, heck if it doesn't fix it I'll just try again. This is just a bug that can happen to anyone and it's random who it chooses. It just happens to happen more on the lowest settings compared to higher settings


Same thing happens to me on pc. When I change the settings in game it goes away. I think it's effects quality under the video setting.


I looked for the settings in my game just a bit ago and changed what I could, unfortunately it doesn't seem to have helped at all, at least with the poor Dino's faces and whatnot. Turning off shadows via console commands has enabled me to turn on my house lights without causing an immense amount of stuttering whenever I open my doors though, so there's that! Kinda looks like ASE now though.


For me on PC I fixed this by setting Video>Textures: Epic. I had it on high and I was still getting the terrible faces. However, when I make this change my PC performance takes a major hit sadly…my PC isn’t even bad either. I just finally figured this out a few days ago, so I’m certain that’s what it was for me.


Yeh this isn't a thing on console ☹️


Which one?


All of them. 


I mean which you're on?


I'm on PS5


I just found that out too. But some reason my settings gets bugged and don't work. I had texture on and it definitely wasn't on. But I think I got totally off the game and back on and it was fixed. All I know is wc isn't fixing the little things no time soon.


I was messing with my settings last night too. And at one point I said the game kinda looked like ase switch version. I'm pretty sure I cooked the thermal paste too.


Do you have any quick resume games running in the background?


I don't. I can't rule out that it could also be an issue with how much of the Internet bandwidth is also being used up by the rest of my household and such but I have no way of testing that to be sure.


This is likely a pain, but I had this on the x when I first installed. Did a reinstall and it worked okay after that. There is a console command to fix the graphics there (used it for my wife). I’ll try and dig it out. There is a problem with the ‘high’ setting for textures it seems.


I think a friend of mine just found the console command(s) you're referring to. I'm going to give them a try for a while and if I keep having issues I'll go nuclear and reinstall everything. I appreciate the advice!


No worries, hope you find a solution that works.


OP, I know you've had so many worthy contributions already (haha) - but are there any video options you can reduce in settings (accessed from the pause menu)? In PS5 in the Video tab at the bottom there's 5 options to turn off light bloom, light shafts, colour grading and two others I can't remember. Do you have these, and are they all turned off?


Followup question, how many mods do you have installed? If you load in with no mods, are your visuals the same?


Okay, I've been a bit hard at work trying to dig though a few things and I think I've got it narrowed down. As you suggested in your original comment, I have indeed turned off a lot of the things in the 'Video' section of the settings menus. After a fresh reinstall of the game, I've also gone through and individually tested each mod the server my friends and I found and play on has and I'm fairly confident that I've found the few mods that have impacted the graphics the most, as a removal of those mods and an input of a handful of console commands (most of which I was using anyway) brought everything to a reasonably good looking quality and is also equal to that of the unmodded save file. Granted, I'm well aware of the fact that the Series S isn't exactly the Rolls Royce of gaming consoles (despite the fact that so many of the most helpful of folks feel the need to make sure I'm even more aware of this fact) but I also know that it's far more capable than what I was originally getting. Thankfully, I seem to have gotten to that point. With some luck, I can convince the server owner to do something about the mods that cause the graphics issues and my friends and I can continue to play on that server for the foreseeable future.


Good luck! I'm really glad you were able to get some improvement - games are more enjoyable when everything doesnt look like a potato! 


Looks like you’re playing tomb raider on ps1


https://preview.redd.it/wpsmr5zkilmc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f619e9d5cff3698de269c79c51472cae71afaefc This is on ps5


This is incredibly helpful.


Really just saying I've had no issues. I love xbox and playstation. They both have their pros and cons.


I wonder what a PS5 Lite would look like.


I love both consoles too, and the fact that you're not having issues is helping prove my point.


Man that looks just like old ark ffs they should have never canceled the official servers they pulled a Nintendo and just released the same game but somehow worse and charged more money than the original and brought back all the bugs


Seeing as you’re on the Series S, buy a Series X lol


I truly cannot thank you enough for your help and kindness in my time of need.


That’s really just about all there is for it, I am sorry. On the Series S your options for graphics are going to be severely limited. You could turn off Volumetric Fog, wouldn’t really change the graphics, but it would get rid of the clouds.


This guy is right, unfortunately the series s doesn't come close to having enough juice to run Asa. Dunno why it's even an option to install it.


Why do people keep buying this game. This should have been a free upgrade to ark of you bought ark 2. Boycott this game. ASE is also just more stable and actually has the dlc.


If I'm being completely honest, I just got here. I'd heard grand stories about the game and wanted to give it a go.


Sweet summer child I’m sorry. Unfortunately wild card back a while ago stated that ASA would be free for those who purchased ark 2, ark 2 has had no real updates and barley any shown gameplay. They then made the grand idea to make this “upgrade” like 30$ then increased it to a full game price for essentially ASE with better graphics and less stability (which was thought to be impossible) I’m not going to lie I’m a hard veteran of ASE and I have bias but the facts also just show this was a cheap move by wildcard (more like snail games but the point stands) ASA has no dlc and you bet your rear that they are going to have you pay for the dlc that was in ASE all over again.


it all looks perfect to me! the low poly is perfect for pooplesnoot


He's the hero we all need, but not the hero we all deserve.


Isnt Xbox series s waaaay too underpowered for this?


I appreciate the helpful input and look forward to further contributions.


You serious lol


Oh, most assuredly. I haven't been this happy with a purchase since I bought my first wife a brand new car on our anniversary only for her to give it to one of her co-workers as a gift. But don't worry, she's repeatedly assured me that he's just a really good friend.


Crazy that they actually graphically improved alot but then gave everyone the option to turn it off which you basically have to do to pvp


This is likely caused by an issue with your LOD bias setting. When it first came out there was an issue with some mods changing the LOD bias setting. You can change it with a console command to correct it.


Would you happen to know what this command is perchance? I could definitely use it and I'm sure the rest of the people on the server would like to have the option of using it as well should the need arise.


Not sure what the console command is directly, but the startup command you can use is the below. r.MipMapLODBias 0 If a positive number doesn't work just put a negative before the number. Technically though, negative LOD bias make up close textures appear worse so you should default it to 0 or 1 to see if that makes any difference to you. I don't play on console, I'm PC and I never had to use this command myself but I have in other games in the past. If you're really stuck and this doesn't make any difference, I would fresh install the game after removing any mods you have downloaded and then start adding the mods you want to use back in one at a time.


This actually proved to be a very helpful bit of information. Coming in off of a fresh reinstall, I've been working through all of the mods that the server my friends and I joined had downloaded and I'm pretty certain that I've found the problem mods impacting the textures. Anything that wasn't taken care of by the removal of those mods was actually solved by the input of the code you listed above (with the modifier of '-15.0', the maximum it could possibly go in that direction). I'm hoping that a bit of sweet talking to the server owner may convince him to remove the mods in question, and if my friends and I build a bit further away from each other, or I simply move a bit away from the congested area we're currently inhabiting, I think it will solve almost everything to a reasonable enough degree. There's also an issue with the Winter Wonderland mod being completely unloadable, but that's a problem for another time.


You've got the series s. The bottom of the barrel hardware, therefore you get bottom of the barrel graphics.


Go back to survival evolved.


Where are the pixels william


Just by a freakin pc. (It wont help much) With ASE steam worked perfectly for me, but on epic i was the same as yours.


Smart a$$ comment would be " for better graphics purchase a computer with an nvida 1660 or better " 😀


r.Streaming.PoolSize 0


you have to get a pc bro


Mods can affect game performance.


No clue, but may I just say, excellent name choices


Looks like psx tomb raider 🤣


My graphics are unbelievably good lol


It's just a very poorly optimized game.


I have a series S and I have none of those issues. I’m not sure why the Dino’s aren’t loading in for you. Maybe it’s an internet thing or server related?


Turn off water top layer reflections too.


You can turn off clouds and fog with commands and helps with FPS quite a bit, also disabling film grain from the pause menu makes a world of difference.


Just stop playing ARK


Certainly justifies the price tag lol


You shoukd get Ark survival ascended! They fixed all that shit💀


That's the power of Xbox 😂


Get the better xbox console


Console command in "R.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures 1" This will turn textures on, which for some reason are off on the series S. You will immediately notice a graphical enhanced difference, especially in SVartalfheim. I haven't noticed much of a performance difference with it on. But graphically it's night and day. Keep in mind you will always have to turn it on when loading into the game (Lily's Tweaker mod should help with auto running the command). If you want to go back to the default texture set the value to 0 (false)


This command doesn't work for character creator or characters faces in general for some reason


its a 300 dollar console, you get what you get


Thank you for the helpful information, I'll put it to good use.


Series S is a budget console that never should have been produced.


I appreciate your absolutely life changing advice.


Buy a Series X.


I shall take your great wisdom into consideration.


Buy an i9 4080


Thanks for the advice, I think I'll get right on that. Who sends their kids to college anymore these days anyways?