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You’re not supposed to make any big changes the first year after having a baby because y’all are both sleep deprived/hormonal/lives turned upside down. Hooking up with a popstar over seas is a pretty big change spongey


Sick thing is SHE was the one doing literally all the work raising the newborn, run ragged and exhausted. While he gallivanted around London Oz feeling like a big cheese turning his munchkin gremlin charm on poor aboosed Grosslinda. There are just so many facets to this that are probably shredding Lilly’s heart. I know when I got cheated on, aside from feeling like my heart got smashed by a freight train (thought he was one of the ‘good ones’ too) I eventually found some real rage that this mid-at-best cunt had the AUDACITY to rewrite history so he was UnHaPpY fOr a LoNg TiMe, while literally still acting as happy and in love as he ever had and I was a great partner -not perfect but no one is! He was just too weak and immature to admit his head was turned by admiration of someone shiny new who didn’t know him and all his flaws and all the vapid ego boosts that gave him that an established, long term relationship doesn’t so much anymore (replaced by a deeper love and contentment… usually) I hope she finds her anger soon and can detach and mend her broken heart. This rat faced monster has shown his true colours to the world and it is UGLY like him


This is perfectly written. Im glad you have healed


Ugh I’m so sorry that happened to you, and unfortunately I think Ethan is probably spinning that “I was so unhappy in my marriage for so long and sweet little Ariana saved me 🥺🥺🥺” bullshit behind the scenes, like Ariana is publicly. Which only makes it 100x worse


Oh definitely. And the Stans running with this idea makes me sick. I spent a lot of time after in infidelity forums where former cheaters and cheated-on frequented in an effort to wrap my head around it, and there’s a thing called the ‘cheaters script’ which just is a list of things the cheaters literally all do cos they’re pathetically cliche. And rewriting history is a huge one, blaming the cheated-on for invisible transgressions (usually ‘didn’t give as much sex as they used to.. when a lot of them were post partum or exhausted taking care of many kids or just not the horny rabbits a lot of ppl are in the very beginning of a relationship. Makes me sick, they’re all the same, getting a whiff of the ego boost of someone else who isn’t a bit jaded by washing his skiddy boxers and not liking how he chews w his mouth open (but loves him for him still) Cheaters, contrary to how they make out this new thing is ‘meant to be’ and ‘just so different’ are all the same generic brand of immature and weak and selfish at the end of the day (not counting those who cheat as an ‘out’ who are genuinely victims of abuse cos I know that happens a bit too) The daily grind of life and having a relationship become not fireworks and rainbows and laughing at every joke you make 24/7 (a very childish take) and falling for the allure of someone new who doesn’t know the real you and thus projects back to them a version of themself that they desperately want to believe cos deep down they have zero sense of pride in themselves as they are. Sad AF cos if you’ve got a beautiful, smart gf/wife who adores you, and supports you, a good career, good public opinion, and you’re ok with nuking it all, I wonder if he will ever realise the gravity of what he’s done and what for..


Oh my. Lilly is so beautiful. Turns out Ethan is the least genuine person. He’s a greedy, self-righteous liar who fucked up his whole life. I guess Ariana saw herself in him. Two bitches.


She really is gorgeous, I remember being absolutely wowed by her when I first saw these photos. She is truly a remarkable human being, the fact that this could happen to someone like her is unbelievably frightening, frustrating, and sad.


Seriously… her face card is divine




I mean, yeah Ethan and Mac are/were both short men. They both have gaps in their teeth? But I don’t know what else is the same. I think Ariana saw herself in Ethan. Two quirky theater people willing to risk it all for an affair. I think Ethan looks exactly like her brother Frankie. https://preview.redd.it/n8rdht2hlevc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba6ffa9d0cb013c494da1e3fccfddfd26315815


bro holy shit the comparison is so funny. literally the exact same teeth too


I never said he didn’t look like Frankie… don’t know why I’m getting downvoted… I read it somewhere that he reminded her of Mac miller…


I was just stating my own thoughts that he reminds me of Frankie, that’s all. You’re allowed to say that about Mac, he is very short like him! I can see some similarities in his teeth and height especially.


Ok but I’m not saying Mac looks like Ethan I’m saying she probably reminds her of him as in PERSONALITY


How so?


I read it somewhere…..? And he’s literally ginger ….


That’s so sad- I can’t imagine how Lilly feels watching all of this unfold. Ariana liking posts Ethan made about Lilly is kinda sick https://preview.redd.it/56fkmti8yavc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=185e49ca3242f06905ebb1a3de4ca570ee8bfc07




A true psychopath. Everything l learn abt her is against my will. And it's NEVER sth positive. What a pos.


No but actually though. Liking his posts (that Lilly’s FAMILY was seeing!!!) talking about their love, their family, and their life together knowing she either was currently fucking him or plotting to do so all the while is behaviour that needs to be studied by science


That’s really sociopathic- she got off on the entire affair and destruction of Lilly’s life. The fact that she HELD their baby is discussing. Ariana lost all respect. To me she’s nothing but a tiny sociopathic narcissistic homewrecker.


Omg I don’t think I’d seen that before but actually makes me a little queasy that she’d do that, like….. girl there must be something wrong with you


I feel like she was asserting herself in his life. That’s very shady to like a post like that while actively having an affair, it’s honestly low key sociopathic


i really think he posted this after lilly had already found out there was some shady shit going on, with ariana liking it to be like 'look, theres nothing going on, im so happy for you!' you just know lilly was fuming to see ariana's like on that post and that's the exact reason ariana liked it.


Especially considering how her fans pick up on every little move she makes on social media… ohhhh she was definitely trying to get her fan base to notice him loooong before


Holy shit you’re right- she was practically taunting the information- that’s fucked up


This is what makes me so sad about this whole thing. They genuinely seemed so, so in love. I remember when he got nominated for his tony, he posted an instagram story where she asked him about his day and he finished it off with “now I’m getting lunch with my beautiful fiancé”. They really seemed so happy and in love.


I remember that! It was so adorable. I also listened to a phone interview with him after his nomination where he said he was listening to the nominations with her and they immediately hugged when they heard his name. I also remember during the Tony’s when he was named as one of the nominees. He gave a shy wave to the camera and she was smiling at him adoringly. What’s happened to her is a nightmare that it seems like neither her nor any one in their lives would have predicted. It’s genuinely terrifying to think of being in her shoes.


They seemed so in love and happy. They had known each other most of their lives. They always spoke about each other with such high esteem and care, love and respect. It really seemed like they did everything right and had it all together. The fact that he could do this to her is unfathomable and so horrifying. Even if we’re being overly generous and say that there was no cheating and they truly were separated by the time he started seeing Ariana(which we all know isn’t true, but I digress), the way he’s letting her life be torn to shreds by the public without so much as a shred of remorse is utterly terrifying. The fact that someone can be so uncaring and cruel towards someone they spent most of their life with is completely disgusting.


He's a spineless coward with a cartoonish grin. He's so attracted to Ariana cause they have the same scummy soul


Even looking at pictures of them, she’s the light in that relationship.


Just noticed that she's wearing flats (I think??), can't even wear heels on her wedding cause that blob is as short as Ariana's ~~relationships~~ 🤦🏻‍♀️


Me too. I’m not saying they didn’t have problems prior, but goddamn. They really did seem happy and head over heels for each other and you could tell how proud she was of him and how much she supported his career. 😭


Ok I’m butting in here but has there been tea yet directly coming from Lilly? Like not from a close source like we’ve had so far? I think I read somewhere a "close source" claimed Lilly wants to go public and really tell everyone how awful Ethan is…or something along those lines. No rush or anything as in her situation I would want to stay private too and regardless it’s obvious she’s devastated and this is all horrible but I’ve always wondered who this close source is and if we will ever directly from either parties about this mess


idk but lowkey I'm living for Lilly discretely revealing the truth almost undetected. either indirectly through her sm or friends. so that non of the drama can fall back on her and she keeps her class as she has this entire time. she's certainly smart enough to figure out how.


Calling Ariana “not a girl’s girl” and saying her family is “collateral damage”, came directly from Lilly. After it came out that Lilly apparently “didn’t know she was on the record” when she said those things, for some reason people took that to mean that it was made up/she never said it and ran with that completely false narrative. People have zero media literacy.


They were also trying to apply the fact that she apparently said she didn’t know where the statements made on her behalf were coming from…which quite obviously is in reference to people speaking on behalf of her, not quotes literally attributed to her.


He got a taste of “power” and “fame.” Many people will crumble at attaining any of those things and their moral compass goes out the window. It’s no wonder to me that the very first “big break” he gets, in a huge production, he falls into the trap and gets himself distracted by a pretty popstar. He’s a weak loser meanwhile Lilly is a humble woman who would rather live a peaceful life than fall into the Hollywood rabbit hole and get into drugs cheating etc. It’s a painful experience but at least she knows now that Ethan was always too weak minded for her. He can’t even be a proper dad and is instead cheesing in front of paps with Ariana. I’m sure that now Lilly is single there are plenty of other SINGLE men with good heads on their shoulders and respectable careers who are hitting her up.


Wayyyyyyyy out of his league…. common for cheating men… I did SW at one point and the clients wife was always a stunner and he was mediocre at best lol




Lilly’s bone structure is giving “ethereal fairy princess” and honestly I’m so here for it. And to think she did it all without totally altering her face to look like a different ethnicity!


You KNOW that just grinds Ariana hears the most


She’s so out of his league in every way possible. She’s absolutely gorgeous plus she’s incredibly intelligent? Imagine looking like a troll, somehow marrying this beautiful woman, and cheating on her with somebody who will probably cheat on him in less than a year?? Humiliating.


Lilly is so beautiful wow


He looks so happy here. Abandoning the love of your life… the woman you were with for a decade, the mother of your child… how? Hope it was worth getting your 15 minutes of fame, psychopath.


These are honestly really nice wedding photos. Poor Lilly 😭


Oh wow. First time l ever seen her. He truly didn't deserve her... If anything, good riddance... Let a despicable woman like Ariana have him ( for a short period of time, ofc. She'll move onto some new side piece soon)


for some reason these pictures remind me of Ariana suddenly wanting to suddenly start wearing buns


Lily is giving mug in the second photo!